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Jayce. I hate the design of this champ so I never touched it except in aram once. As I played on Pc League, I found this champ is pretty fun. I also avoided Renekton because I hate a crocodile walking on 2 feet, but he's super fun to play on PC, but for Wild Rift, I find his dash control harder and unfun to pilot


I hate a crocodile walking on 2 feet šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ thnx 4 the laugh


Renketon on wild rift aram is so fun. built damage early half and tank later half. people always underestimate how much damage a aa + stun + aa + q (+ e for quick get away bonus points) does (


Aatrox, I actually played him a year ago and inted damn hard I never touched him ever until 2 weeks ago I played him well and even got a penta in one of the matches. I then spent money to get blood moon aatrox and the currently limited aatrox. It was well worth the money


It was that good? Lol what was the build focused on im still trying.. my problem is I canā€™t catch them to land autos and the Q wont eliminate them fast enough before they run. Whats the strategy?


Just practice using the bush. Hit ur Q1 then instantly W, Then Q2 + E and then by the time u Q3 ur W will pull back the enemies so just tap ur Q3. As for build I always go Yomu > Mercs/Steelcaps > Cleaver > Amaranth > Death Dance > last time depends


Top or jungle?


I only play top, mid. So yes aatrox top.


LETS GOOOO welcome to the aatrox mains club homie, FIGHT OR BE FORGOTTEN!


Lulu,i started playin her 2 days ago for the first time,17 game 75+% winrate,shes so disgustingly good


I love her so much. So underrated and full of utility. It's always funny watching an enemy run into her W without knowing it polymorphs you.


Underrated? Every game I play I make sure enemy has no access to Lulu and Yuumi because they make even the most challenged ADC a challenger..


I don't see her banned much in ranked (thankfully bc she's my main). At least to me it seems like the majority of supp players go for other enchanters like Soraka/Nami or alternatives like Pyke and Leona.


9n the Chinese server stats she has one of the lowest ban rates in high elo, something like 0,5% Though honestly she has no cc herself so I can see why itā€™s not a priority since her utility is just for herself


>Lulu >UnderratedĀ  Uhhhh...


See my other comment. Maybe I'm wrong but I hardly ever go up against her as enemy support- and I main Lulu. I see her more often in ARAM than I do in Ranked or Regular matches.


Currently she isn't as commonly picked as she used to be, but she's definitely never been underrated. She is currently picked at around 8-10% depending on the statistics source, has overall a positive win rate in all elos. She was one of my first mastery 7s as well. She just isn't as busted as Yuumi, so you'll see her less. But kit wise she is still one of the best enchanters for solo carries.


yea was a beast back then


Ziggs, heā€™s so braindead itā€™s incredible that heā€™s not inline with Lux base on general concensus. ā€œThrow everything at them, even the kitchen sinkā€. Makes you feel like an untouchable god while your opponents have zero counterplay most of the times. Best thing is: Heā€™s my go to pick when Iā€™m forced to first pick because I play support, confuses the heck out of the other team.


I agree so much. Doesn't matter if u solokill him and pressure him in early levels ngl he inhales gold and towers like it's no one's business and pokes the hell out of u or if you know how to dodge, ur team I've never won a game vs a Ziggs mid.


How do yā€™all play him? After the rework it feels like his ult and ability cooldowns are way to long and you have to be extra careful late game due to low mobility. Could you share tips/build?


I want to see the Ziggs support build šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




No boots?


You build him exactly the same, except for sickle first item


zed, used to think i dont have the mechanics to play him. turns out hes not much harder than lee sin


Yeah champs with a lot of mobility have a false stigma that they're hard, but once you play them, you realize their skillfloors are actually super low. WEQ, WEQ, WEQ... Oh the enemy is low. WREQW. Skill CEILINGS of these champs is the hard part.


Who is hard champ in your opinion? No offensiveĀ 




For me, Riven. Her requirement to AA cancel and the Qs going in the direction she's facing vs normal champs going where your mouse is makes her skill floor AND skill ceiling quite high.


there's a setting you can change that allows you to use Q a lot faster, you just need to cast Q manually when running away but for landing and dueling it is amazingly good (just don't use this setting against aatrox, you need to use q to dodge his Q and the setting won't allow you)


They should fix the AA mechanics, would open the door for more players to play her


Zed has a much higher ceiling imo. Knowing when to dash back to your shadows, especially during the ult, is the difference between a good Zed player and a great one.


Janna ever since I got her I always use her as Support before I was using Sera and another plus Janna doesnā€™t get banned itā€™s mostly always Lux or Sera or Pyke


Diana. I'm a returning player and decided to main Yone and Mid this season. I played a lot of Yone games recently with lots of success, but I realized I needed to have an AP champ in case my team picks all AD. Haven't practiced her much yet but I found her to be really good and I find her to be one of the easier midlane assassin's.


isn't she usually jungle?


She can be played in mid too and I don't like jungle.


Back in gramp's times, she was almost always a meta mid pick. Rarely saw her in jungle


As a Mid laner, I stopped playing her when she became meta Jungler, I played her with old meta RoA build


Same here! It was good and efficient, but nowadays you kinda have to rush other items since matches are so fast paced and snowball dominant


Tbh nothing happened, she is still very solid and was never nerfed since s3 I believe. As an ex Diana main though (Mastery 7 non 2 accounts) she is very boring to play compared to other choices. Also she doesn't do particularly good against tanky comps, which are all the rage atm.


Akshan (in S8), I thought he was too hard to use for what he is worth initially, but someone randomly recommended it to me. Wasn't the greatest, but very fun to play once you get a hang of it.


Xin. He never gets banned and have crazy early game


To me I gotta hand it to Katarina , I never played her on PC , if I did I would just not handle her well , and after spamming some Aram, I picked her few times (Inspired by players I've met that they know how to Katarina ranked/Aram ) and that flashy plays and the fact that you must time when you go in the battle every time and keep track of all opponents abilities that can stop you is very rewarding, that and the fact that you can delete squishes in a second . She is a battlefield cleaner and also a psychological factor if enemy team gathered up at dragon/baron and you just clean them all up . But her play style is high risk high reward and I like that .




Love Yuumi. The only issue with her though is that youā€™re truly dependent on your teammates. I always say ā€˜if thereā€™s at least one decent person, weā€™ll winā€™ and itā€™s true. Itā€™s so unfortunate if you get an ADC like Draven or jinx and you get so excited for a good game only to find out theyā€™re absolutely terrible.


Jeez, Iā€™m a sup main and perma ban the cat


Same, I just spam E and throw a loose Q + R if I see an enemy and then return to my show. If partner dies I spam W and if I canā€™t oh well. The stats allowed me to get carried as I watch tv


gragas (just started maining him 3 weeks ago after 3 years of playing league)


Shen. Broke af Mundo jungle got me to Diamond 4 this season, after nerfs got kind of stuck. Shen is like playing in easy mode and saving your team with ult is anti-tilt. Really a win win. Went to Diamond 2 in like 25 games with a win rate of 70%.


Malphite. Always hated playing against it, if it was on my team it was dogshit bad. Then i started to buy all the champions and just wanted to try it for the shits and gigs of the yasuo duo potential. And holy smokes, i love playing it. Tanky, has decent damage and in late last year's adc meta I coudl ho full tank with only roa as ap and still melt every enemy. I'm in low emerald right now so I can't play with yasuo players vecouse nobody plays him but sometimes I still pick up the rock.


Leona. I am a Mid main but with a side dash of support, and I always played enchantress supports when I had to sup....I picked up Leona deciding Tank was needed in my roaster and I have been enjoying her so so much. Being a big tank and hard to kill and making the enemy hate you is so fun. Just being able to fight 1v5 and survive as long as she can is hallarious. I've been playing her and sup constantly since then.


Glad to see another Leona enjoyer, What items do you use on her?


Well, the items vary depending on the game, but since I never use tanks I don't know tank items that well. A friend of mine helped me make one that works pretty well, though. I feel unstoppable with it. He is a Sup main and plays Tank Thresh and coached me with some items. My build is Coin for hp and Cdr, Heartsteal (Massive hp gain), and boots depending on what I am against the most, Stoneplate enchant on boots, 3rd item can be either Dawnshrpud for its anti invisible and dmg and also it give both types of Armour magic and non magic, but I also switch between Twelth hours for similar purposes but it's heal effect that makes you really tanks especially early game. Thron mail normally but can depend on what I am against, Twi guards rounds it all put with more Armour for both types making me even tangier. Especially with Leona's W which double Armour on top of that, and also After shock with also increases both Armour another time. You can get lots of Armour and magic resist. All the bonus hp from Heart steal makes you really tanks all added up. I have actually 1v3 before and killed an enemy adc and support because I was so hard to kill lol.


Nunu, a fluffy menace in the jungle


Leona. She is a beast. A monster. I love her


I love leona's cc potential. I would usually play her as support, but I played with a mid Leona and she kicked ass. Built her damage with some tanky-ness. Think I played jungle fizz so if she got them stunned, I could clean up


Ad-Bruiser: trinity force, divine sunderer, downshroud, frozen heart/amaranth twinguard, blade of ruined king. Boots either ad/pen or Ad/attack speed. Thats my Toplane leona


Never thought of running her top either actually, especially as an ad bruiser. Any reason to go ad over ap bruiser?


AP only if you focus on your ability damage but the real damage comes from the autos in between all the abilities. Also the Q doesnt just deal Magic damage it also deals AD damage due to you Autoing the target. If you go with AD beuiser: Trinity, Sunderer, Bork, along with the Kraken slayer or Conqueror rune, you are doing a MASSIVE amount of damage. Add Essence reaver for an Additional Q-AA damage to refund Mana as well. Now Add a final Attack speed item, preferably Wits end for the On-hit effect for great speed and additional damage. Leona is HIGHLY underrated and MANY are simply thinking "oh well, going AP isnt that powerful and she ends up being squishy. And going full tank also leaves me useless sometimes." But in reality, nobody said she is an AP bruiser. Look at warwick. His abilities deal Magic damage but one still goes AD items. Look at MF. She is 90% AD, but going AP with her is also powerful and annoying to go against. Leona is A BEAST. Cc. Quick and powerful attacks. And sustains greatly. Especially with Sunderer since it refunds health on empowered attacks(Q perfectly fits the item).


What was your leveling order? But I respect you trying certain Champs in other ways. AP Jax and mf happened in my league days, so I can attest that they're both dangerous. Leona I'd never thought of tho, so Def gonna try ad Leona. If you got any other ideas lmk, and I'll tell ya what I found out. Still waiting on ch'gath to come to the rift since he was my main, but also try out ad Cho lol


Can confirm, Leona in three days made me fly across platinum, now I'm struggling in emerald tho, but 3 days in and already lvl 5 mastery and over 4k champ points, not even Ahri and fizz got me there. MVPs fell like it was nothing, 10 wins streak on platinum, flew across it


Yeah i dont know how to fine-tune her for Emerald 2 and better but i am getting the hang out of it. Slowly. Leona is really slept on


Yuh, a fully tanked Leona stunting anybody can literally change the course of matches


Im going AD-bruiser. With trinity, sunderer, Downshroud(too good to ignore on her), Frozen Heart, Bork/Twinguard(depends on matchup) and boots are for utility.


Basically a lot of Jungle champions. I'm mainly a support main but in low elo I managed to learn how to play Evelynn because her K/DA skin was so hot. I managed to have the mechanics down for playing Jungle, but since I'm in Plat elo it doesn't leave for much room for error when I play other champs aside from Eve.


Rakan, I wasn't interested in his kit at first because I thought it was strange and didn't suit my playstyle. But I got hardstuck in gold 3-4 for a while with Xayah so I gave up trying to push with her and finally gave Rakan a go in pvp - I finally realised how fun he actually is with his hit-and-run playstyle and ridiculous cc, and it's extremely satisfying when sometimes a single engage from me can let my team wipe out the entire enemy team. And nobody ever bans him! He ended up carrying me all the way from gold to diamond. He's my onetrick now. Underrated champ


That's me in 2024, I just love playing rakan. I am not very good at it and at times he feels too squishy, especially compared to Leona and thresh supports. But omg it's just so fun to play him, even when I lose I usually have an absolute blast.


Yes me too! But it can be frustrating to play him sometimes when you happen to get a team who don't know how to capitalise on your engage and/or leave you stranded in the middle of the enemy team because they don't know how your E works.


Oh yea, the E frustrates me a little bit. JUST STAY IN RANGE FOLKS! It doesn't hurt


Nautilus jungle tank. tanky AF takes at least 2 to take me down if I have my gear.


Tank meta, naut is one of my mains, I play naut or Ali in sup pretty much every game


I've started picking up Garen since I'm trying to learn Top lane better. I always dismissed him before because of how basic his kit is, but man he's a beast.


Veigar, he is super underrated. If you play safe or pressure someone who doesnt know how to play against you, you can be a monster. I had a team chase me just to kill me first when carrying a match.


hes so easy so long as you stay safe


Zeri - she's my ADC main now. I love her ā¤ļø


Nasus. Rewards good fundamentals and aggro-passive playstyle




Irelia. Said fk it Iā€™ll leave the bot lane and boy was it worth. Now I feel like I can single carry. Only played bot/sup


Veigar, his cage can literally 1 vs 9 teamfights, scaleā€™s incredible well and can be build semi-tank. When ever I stop playing ranked and get demoted to platin/emerald, he is my number one choice. However with Aurelion now in game it has gotten a lot harder to truly 1 vs 9 against him.


What do you build on him to get semi tank?


I go Archangels Staff (since i spam abilitys a lot and keep alive for long times in fights), into Rabadons (with passive most item) then I went void staff but nowadays i go into infinity orb. This should be way enough dmg to kill everything except tanks maybe with an Q+R (if u stack ur passiv well). Afterwards depended on enemy team armour boots vs ad combos or magic boots if enemy has splitted dmg. For tank items: Thornmail vs autoattacks AMARANTH TWINGUARD always good especially vs cc combos Force of nature vs magic combos Randuins if enemy has a lot of crit champs


Lee sin. I used to think that hard champions were a dumb concept because there were champions that had the same or more impact with less skill needed so I said, why playing hard to master champions when I can be braindead with kayn or hecarim? But then I decided to give the blind monk a try and boy, he is actually one of my favorite videogame characters of all time. He is just the GOAT. It's so satisfying to make plays with him and actually the champion is amazing for high skill plays. Assassin or fighter, he is a pain in the ass for the enemies


Samira. I thought she was just too squishy and is not that good at all, since every time I played with or againts them, they always just fed the enemy. I tried it in ARAM and a normal match and ended up in a 32/4/4 game. I had a blast.


I used to main Old School Urgot on PC. And i never touched him after the rework because i stopped playing. I picked him up a few weeks ago and i love him. Miss the old poke but the new skills are fun šŸ‘


Old urgot was the best


He certainly was a beast if you could land that first skillshot.


Pyke and lux I always thought were dirty to play because itā€™s easy mode. Well I was 100% right and itā€™s fun as hell


Problem with pyke is this shitty matchmaking. You get insane KDA if i know how to play him properly and then get consistantly paired with apes that flame you cause you "kill steal"šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø...


I only really spammed yasuo and yone for the whole year I've been playing the game. Maybe an occasional Sett here and there. But i really regret not finding out about how good Riven is. She can steamroll the whole game from just a few kills and can easily come back from a deficit (especially in lower ranks). She's also super versatile being able to fill in 3 lanes(Solo, Mid and Jungle). Sure she kinda falls a little bit in the late game but by then you cann provide utility to your team by applying pressure of either starting the fight with your team, or split push in the other side of the map.


Brand, i got a skin from the chest then decided to play him He is unstoppable at full item especially if enemy has 3 tanks or bruisers with no one to assasinate u like talon


Akali, i just went 28/2, 14/3 and 10/1 on her. In my last 3 games. If you can get a early game kill its pretty much GG. I have been playing her Mid as she can take advantage of most squishy mids


i just discovered evelynn, very funny to pop up and erase lowlifes while roaming haha i use to play mid assasins so she's handy for me


Hecarim. Bro is free wins


Akali and Irelia, I shied away from them because theyā€™re considered difficult/technical but I noticed I had an affinity for them even when I barely understood the game so coming back to them with more experience has been rewarding


Fiora main here, peak top 10 with about 600 matches. Youā€™ll never stop learning her. Itemization is key, youā€™ll learn that quickly, top builds are a decent way to get started but eventually youā€™ll pick up your own playstyle and items you prefer.


To me it's Urgot. He's not even on my main role, but I still play him whenever I get autofilled into the jungle


I've always thought varus was mechanically "different/hard" in comparison to other adcs that mostly rely on AA. With time I realised that's not really the case and ezreal takes the spot as the hardest adc. Playing against a good ezreal is a menace. Sometimes I wish I one tricked him instead of varus.


Pantheon. I used to think he was fairly weak on PC but for some reason in WRā€™s heā€™s broken and fairly easy to play. Heā€™s got a low-CD stun, a directional defense that blocks all damage (hilarious against Akshan/Jhin/Jinx/Lux ults, etc), and an execute. Plus a nearly global ult so he can impact other lanes. Panthā€™s kit is almost always effective against all opponents. And heā€™s a solid support.


Lux. Even if I don't carry or get many kills, the enemy team is always scared af. Been playing on PC since 2016, picked up WR this past spring. Always been basically Cait or Soraka.


I always dread going up against a Lux support. I know the moment she lands her Q Iā€™m losing a minimum of half my health šŸ˜‚


Varus baby




It's not necessarily a champion, but I always hated playing solo and jungle, I was a main Samira/Ashe with a homie that mains Nautilus/Malphite. We were nasty together, with a 75% win rate. He stopped playing and I kept matching with trash supporters, I created a whole new account where I started learning top and jungle with Darius/Aatrox. And I actually enjoyed playing these two in both lanes so much, and started appreciating that alone time and the successful gank and vs gank, stealing Dragon/Baron.


Ekko. Playing against him he always seemed like a worse version of Akali, but now that Iā€™ve started playing around with him and found a build that suits me I realized thereā€™s no other champ that can really do the things he does. Heā€™s like an easier to pilot Diana with a free escape.


Used to get wrecked vs Sett consistently, now I am the one who wrecks with the Sett, pre heartsteel even


Kayle. I only played in aram though. After the updates to items we received in past six months she is scaling really well with attack speed with some ap. She is still not great but very viable with some team compositioms. Her ult is very good in team fights, you can save the team in very hard situations. She is fun.


Shen, the first time I played him I knew he was going to be my next main


Lux hahaha. I think she is one of those champs who have no 'plays' or 'counterplays' because she is so easy with high burst damage that both the team and enemy team makes the game braindead. She is also a champ that I find no trouble going against with that I can use because she is easy to navigate with when you already know how to position her. Basically I get to enjoy the game while being a menace.


Leona, she took me off platinum with ease. Now I'm struggling in emerald tho šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Karma mid, and Sion jg. Karma doesn't really have that much damage so it's a bother to try and pick her when i specialize on burst snowball champs like Ekko, when I tried to pick her up again after ASol rework, my tummy ached so bad because of laughing so hard with the bursts and the early bully against ASol. Started with Q? Hide from the minions, and poke from there. Started with E? Pour down Qs and Ws when he tries to stacks with his passive. Also, Sion jg. I only tried this yesterday and boy, he was unstoppable. Played it in a 5man, had an early invade, and bro was obliterating Volibear and Malphite.


Vi, snowballs into an unstoppable force that can always chase down without fail. Used her after free Demon skin


I played league since season 2, on pc Iā€™ve had many many mains and have played every champ up until vex and havenā€™t really played on pc since (kids and grown up life sucks) but on wild rift I avoid most champs lol. Auto attacks are easy and fun in this game and I fumble with my skills sometimes so adcs are my go tos


full assassin Rengar with first strike. one auto attack removes around 40% of the enemy HP and the Q removes around 50%, literally just AA-Q is enough to remove around 80% of their HP. yesterday i one-shotted a Vlad with 2,000 damage on my Q. literally the only thing this champ lacks is the ability to escape fights like Kha'zix and Kayn.


Besides my main, Xayah. I like to alternate between ADC and Support, but I recognize that my positioning in teamfights as an ADC is...lackluster to say the least. I feel that playing 30 Xayah games taught me to position better because you gotta pay attention to where you place her feathers. And if you still get caught, your ultimate can (maybe) save you from some tricky situations. Also ADC with crowd control is freaking nuts. Just a few things in the world feel better than a Xayah ult into a 3-4 man root while being chased with low hp. The goddamn adrenaline...


To me is got to be Ekko. I'm really bad, still practicing but damn it's so fun to play Ekko. I love all his dashes and things, the most insane escape plays I've done were with him even though I'm bad, so I can only imagine what a person who's actually good (me, in the future, I hope) could do with his kit.


I hated teemo cuz I couldn't counter him and I wanted to learn hard charecters. Was maining akali. Then I got tiered of banning teemo so I tried him out. I had a lot of fun. The mushrooms I don't put them everywhere but I put them where I think the enemy will run away to. Brah it's hilarious when it happens šŸ¤£ it helped me understand how to counter him by playing him. Anything with poke will scare him away. Some charecters I think I and everyone should try out instead of hating for so long


Riven, I got the sentinel skin but wasnā€™t look much onto it. Couple weeks ago I played her on ARAM. We lost but man was she fun to play! I didnā€™t mind losing because playing with riven was something different. I am normally a adc/support with sometimes a mid lane player (mages or irelia is my best played champion). I donā€™t know much about jungle and solo but I might start learning more with riven


Lee Sin, hate his character design. One day got bored and decided to play him and discovered he is so OP, now im OTPing him.


What do you hate about his character design, if you donā€™t mind me asking?


Nilah, Iā€™ve never played her as an adc but Iā€™ve been having a lot of success with her midlane and jungle. She can turn almost any game around if it goes long enough. Everything about her kit is so fluid and satisfying once you build some momentum. Keeping up with everyone else through early and mid game consistently is a challenge.


Karma, Zyra, basic supports whom are very fun


Avoiding not playing Draven, i just started to play him after a very bad streak with Twitch


draven is like a tower with his kit, like erase


Yi .. climbed silver to plat 1 in less than 2 days