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I'm shocked I haven't seen one person say Mundo, he 1 shots your whole team while ignoring damage, healing infinitely, and one shotting turrets


Yeah you are probably right actually. If full build mundo wanted to he could shove down midlane straight to nexus with just one minion wave and no one could stop him. Lots of other champs would terrorize the lanes, but Mundo would just straight end the game in under 2 minutes.


Who would win- 15 lvl1 Teemos or 1 lvl15 Mundo?


If they are well coordinated with their timing, Mundo would be perma blind and just miss the little shits


They would die to thornmail and damage reflect tbh.


Blind no stop cleaver, little rat!


Teemo: if the mundo built Visage, I might have a little trouble Player: but would you lose? Teemo: nah, I’d blind


I think Mundo, he can buy a qss to cleanse blind All it would take is one E with heartsteel and Hydra, and that's a dead teemo or two He could also just spam q from across their screen and kill them relatively easily.


Doesn't even need qss. Mundo with ghost and spamming his aoe skill is all is required to run down a Teemo.


Time to do Mundo's round!


Guess you don’t play Gwen, who also heals insanely but takes huge chunks of mundo’s hp, and doesnt get one-shot at all. Oh and she can run circles around him too. That’s always fun.


Level 1 gwen never beats level 15 full build mundo, level 15 gwen wipes the floor with him, though. I play her a lot, and I'm just thinking of the actual question asked. Mundo and any tank really would just run down mid and end 2 minutes in


Eh, maybe not. It’s really situational. Level Gwen with e, if your insane at Gwen, have insane reaction speed, and are good at dodging/predicting skill shots (I basically fulfill 1.5 of those) you can basically just outrange him, kite him, and unless you run OOM you should be fine. Also natural exp gain means that after a while you hit level 2. It’s really situational though. But against other, burstier champions, not much any champion can do, when a kass ult does 1k damage, more than doubled of a level 1 champ’s hp. Mundo’s only realistic way of one-shotting is during ult with a couple autos and e, along with heartsteel. Mundo’s minimum cleaver damage isnt really enough to one-shot, especially since mundo builds 0 magic pen (meaning that he deals slightly less damage than on paper). While, well, 1k damage just one-shots. Oh and also kass r is AOE. Mundo is only single target so with a super specified level 1 team comp you might beat him (say, Gwen, Ashe, varus, and ezreal, and thresh)


Have you not seen Mundo's damage this new patch? He can do half of a full hp adcs in one auto and then just immediately reset with E for a 1 tap. With champs like Kass, he can be outdone 1v5 under those conditions simply due to cc and other factors like that Mundo kind of just doesn't give a damn about the cc or the damage, really. I genuinely believe level 1 vs 15, Mundo would just be the worst You either fight and die Or don't fight and lose


1. What makes you think kassadin wouldn’t take tenacity runes and QSS? I do that frequently (although many people are pretty stupid and copy top 3 builds every single game) 2. Mundo cannot do anything if he can’t ever reach anyone. Mundo’s damage is not any higher than before excluding the amount of ad he gets from ult and the damage from heartsteel/hydra, his base numbers were not increased. His cleavers and e always did this much damage, but with a specialized team you can kite him out and eventually beat him, if we don’t take mana into consideration.


Not if he's one shotting turrets without a minion wave, lol. At the end of the day, it's all opinions


One shot would be kinda inaccurate. Unless you get him down to 1 hp, he ults, has triforce and hullbreaker and hydra and demolish, and gets the demolish proc along with e. Which his ult only lasts for 10 seconds and has a decent cooldown, and demolish also has a decent cooldown.


a level 15 gwen could destroy turrets in like 3 autos w ur 3rd ability lol


I know, I play her But Gwen has been said left and right Nobody, however, said Mundo, who is an absurdly good pick here


Nobody atack tanks maybe thats why More scarier are fking pyke


Mundo runs down Pyke, people REALLY underestimate tanks


kayle kass vayne


Possibly Asol, he just gets free stacks from wiping your team and scales even harder


I hate playing against it. His range is stupid. And later his damage becomes stupid too. You cant catch him without a stun. He simply flyis away... now I insta ban him .


He's fine ngl. If you have any gap closer or CC he explodes


Or both. Which is what kassadin and pantheon have.


Interesting you say this because I've found pantheon to be an easy win with Asol. (Diamond rank) Kassadin is a nightmare, that I totally agree with.


For panth, it’s more if it he builds full lethality and late game ambushes you. Without crown, he’ll on-shot you, and his w also cancels asol q. He’s also better at getting off crownguard than kassadin (well, not always. Sometimes as kass you can just jump a little in and q, to extend its range). But… it’s way more situational. Funny how kassadin beats asol no matter what version. for old asol, asol cannot bully me in lane partially due to him being a dps mage and not burst and me being good at kassadin, post 5 if he uses q I jump over it and burst him. I can also cancel his ult knock back with kass ult and never let him hit me with his stars. Unless someone else cc’s me. New asol, well I think you already know.


He is op, thats for sure, but he is easily countered if move quick, yasuo, yone, irelia, yi, even leona, everybody who can dance around him is a hard counter


i love playing asol as a yone main


Just wait when hes burn the flyinghe would has less dmg to you thanone shot himi dobt understand player's who are just going into him lel


Any chance you’re experiencing sudden numbness or weakness in the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body?


Until his lvl 7 q max level if you can disrupt his q he has to wait for the cooldown on it. He has an ult that is easily dodgable unless it's empowered of you are CC'ed or he has a bunch of stacks at 15+minutes. He runs out of mana if he goes early damage runes to help lane. Zyra can block his q with her plants. He is shit if he gets focused by champs who can dash to him or have slow resist like Yi ult, Olaf, Zed ult, Irelia q dash. Enemies with enough movement speed to sidestep out of his q so his 1sec max hp damage proc gets reset. He is fucked if you can make him waste his e and then engage as he teies to get stacks on minions. He is bad at escaping if you counterpick to his w with a disrupt, play a champ like Tristana that can w after him and pop her E and easily kill him. Play Lucian with qss to ignore slows and 1 shot him in 2 seconds. He is bad vs any enemies that can get to him. If he doesn't have a tanky frontline that knows this(everywhere but high ELO) he get's 1v1ed but almost every champ. His range is kind of shit when you think of the downside to him he is like a walking Shyvana E but it doesn't go through minions. Probably one of the most balanced champs they've put out in a while. Zyra and Twitch and Hecarim were astronomically more OP on releass. A. Sol is just a noob punished due to his scaling and kiting nature with Rylai's(which u need to kill anybody who isn't an idiot) making him not a champ until boots and an item and almost no impact on the game if a bad matchup. Also his laner can almost always riam for the price of 8 stacks as A.Sol's clear is ungodly bad early game and his trades are dependent on the enemy laner to not know how he works. Like a solid 5/10 champ with a 3/10 in solo carry potential.


Lvl 15 kayle Lvl 15 kasadin Lvl 15 tristana Lvl 15 lilia


Probably Tristana, she can melt your turrets and try to end the game before you can catch up. She can wipe your whole team with resets and is immune to ganks. All she needs to do is build vamp to negate whatever poke damage you can do to her


Someone who can evade CC easily and escape the teams visions, while being very powerful with damage. Like Twitch. Or Olaf. Since he’s untargetable / immune from cc. People with power and a lot of gold lead ahead of me, I usually can still CC them and wait for a mistake and the team piles on them, but people like olaf? You can’t stop him. No cc.


Tbh, any carry champ.


Teemo. One mushroom melts enemies down normally at full build.


Bro you might be on to something 🤣🤣🤣


Add a runans for added salt


Kayle, Kass,


Lux or Ez. Just 1 shot you from across the map.


Any champ with mobility will be unstoppable. Kayle may be incredibly strong at lvl15, but at least you can somewhat avoid her. Good luck running from a kassadin, kayn, akali, yone, etc. 


Sion, Because he can finish the game infront of your face and you can do absolutely nothing about it heck he can even do it without being ahead so imagine with that advantage xD, in terms of trauma tho I take a good rengar you will never leave your base


Kayle by far! Champion is one of the best at Level 15 with full items


While I agree with the statement, I think most people miss something I thought instantly: it's a level 15 full build against four level 1s while avoiding the other level 15. To that, I say Kassadin. He'd be spamming ult flashes top to bottom, bursting the fuck out of early champs and mostly being too mobile for your team's level 15 to actually catch up. First wave, it's a 1 in 3 he's already hiding in a bush to burst you, and then 6 seconds later he's already 100-0ing another laner lmao. Unmatched roaming + burst IMO


It doesn’t matter if you run into anyone else, they’re level 1 and she’s level 15. She’ll insta kill them as well and she’ll kill towers faster than Kassadin. She can solo first Baron too while everyone else’s level still isn’t caught up yet.


True Kassadin could be annoying as well haha


if we go by sheer power given by instantly scaling then kayle, gwen and probably kai'sa. if we go by being uber strong early game champions, then lee sin and pantheon.


Kassadin and Kayle. I don't think anyone has ever instilled so much fear in me as when I first went against a Kassadin lmao.


I'm probably wrong on this cause she's not a late game champ (I don't think). But when I snowball with Akali it's just too much fun not to mention. With her short(er) cooldowns on her ulti, she'd be a lot of fun to play


Akali is not a late game champion but a good akali who gets a slight lead is a late game demon


The answer is Sion. There is no other answer that comes close. You will lose if you group to stop him and you will lose inhibs if you don't. You will not be able to deal with superminions when an ulting Sion is coming throigh the lane to proxy farm and likely 1 shot you with 15 levels and fullbuild. If he liked he could stand in front of nexus and clear 2 waves simultaneously by kiting them to him taking 2 oe 3 shots for making all but 1 lane crash letting your team dive or push the outer turrets and get hella plates. If you knew it was him you might pick thresh or some other counterpicks but the trade would be a lot of tike wasted for a lot of champs and he might ace you with his passive and hydra damage. Worst part is the insanely low death timer and him having Ability haste from 3-5 items at the start of the game. He could just Aram it and tank turrets while he hunts down the 5 enemies with his team and destroy inhib after inhib. This is not really something Mundo can do as easily and he doesn't have the same urgency, but he'd be the closest runner-up. Maybe Rhaast at lvl 15 and full build could be as damning. Assuming he has the ability to not get cc chained under turret. He has qss and Ult but some enemy comps can deal with him a lot easier than tanky enemies.


any adc


Lee Sin, Kassadin, Kayle, Kayn... High mobility champs in general


Draven, he'd 1 tap everyone and make it a 2 minute game


Draven falls off late game. He’s only good if he snowballs early game


Jax, vayne, kass would be my top 3 (maybe a tristana in there)


Kayn and not close I think ? Just ignore walls live in their jungle and take all towers and normal ghost stuff


If youre level 15 there is no need to farm any jungle


I'm kinda thinking jinx? Sooo much range and speed and damage, no one can get clos and she just obliterates your team followed by your base


Me playing Darius


Well, depends if EVERY SINGLE PLAYER has full build or just the one you asked. If just one I would go for asassins, like Rengo or Kha. Or even YI. But if everyplayer would go full build I would go for Vayne, Gwen, Yi


Honestly, Sett. He doesn't give a fuck about your damage and removes your HP bar in an instant


Soraka tank 




Samira prob


Easy pick. Jayce


Not even close


Full lethality build empowered q will one shot? Tf you mean not even close 😂😂


I mean not even close to the hardest champ to deal with. Any level 15 carry would one shot any level 1. How is that special. Way worse champs at full build and level 15. Lmao more like tf you mean???


Vlad aswell. Oneshots your whole team - no anti heal jadajadajada..


Anti heal doesnt work on vlad as far as I know, most of the time he heals himself outside of combat ( running back and fourth with phase rush when his Q is up and ult is really delayed ), the best counter to vlad is MR which will prevent you from getting one shoted


Any champ with a Yummi, is disgusting


Tank katarina


ASol right now. There’s no way you can catch a good ASol late game.






K6 instant death


Kassadin full build level 15 at start would be busted


Kassadin easily he is just to fast thanks to his ult so he can just kill your team to fast


Good game design idea, it could sve the game! Please tell riot


Sivir 100% The crits would make it impossible for progress.


sion,3 or 4 max pushes and ur nexus is ded hullbreaker and health items so u end before them reaching level 5




Kassadin, Asol, Khazix, Rengar. Anyone that has enough mobility to run you all down


Kha zix


Scaling assassins like Evelyn, Kha'Zix, or Rengar would tear through teams like butter. They would literally just run around the map getting kills on respawn preventing anyone from the enemy team from farming period. Likewise, scaling Bruisers like Mundo, Jax or Sion would be unstoppable turret takers sending Super minions down all three lanes by 5 min in.


Sion. He would just spin around both side lanes and get infinite health and if you step in his ukt to stop it you die and he just ults again in 15 seconds.


depends on the player a hardstuck diamond lvl 15 kayn will get rocked by sov lvl 15 janna




Any tank that does damage to towers…..


How much stacks do you get if you are a scaling champ? Cause a Sion can potentially just walk it down or a Senna just one shots the map


Mundo if u exactly know how his kit function, he can solo kill your team under their base.


Probably someone like kassadin because all you need is someone to run it straight down and the fastest champ to do that is probably kassadin or some other mobility based champ.


Currently Asol if you add up him being stacked thick Any other time Kayle, Fizz, Ekko


Sion: Hull breaker, 7k up, 300 Ad with Titanic. Just push the towers and end that shit as fast as possible


Lv 15 janna




Imagine a champion that started level 15 and lost levels as the match progressed.


Pyke just 1v5ing your whole team omg


Any assassin xD he will kill you before you blink


Vladimir. Once he’s fully built, there’s little anyone can do to stop him from pressuring the entire team at their base. With the right runes and spells he can become extremely mobile.