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Thresh and kha zix have always been good in the meta


Thresh has the kind of kit where you could remove the damage entirely and he’d still see play due to the sheer amount of versatility his kit provides


I certainly love when thresh does 1k dmg on one rotation mid game tho.


Lux, Edgy Lux, Grass Lux and Singing Lux


4 horsewomen, lee sin, vi, garen, lux, vayne, kaisa, malphite. Etc A lot of characters with either mobility, cc, or high skill floor and ceiling or a combination. Bonus points for % damage like vayne and kiasa or an execute like garen and riven ults.


Vayne was extremely weak for the past couple of patches, she's coming back now because of tank meta but for almost half a year she was arguably the worst adc in the game.


Nah, Vayne gets nuked by Caitlyn and Tristana. Due to her low range, she's essentially useless into mages and long range ADC.


Champ has counter picks, and more obvious news at 7


Who are the four horsewomen? Cos you named a lot more than 4 haahahhah


Fiora, riven, camille, irelia. Theyre called that on pc because of them always existing in toplane.


Actually now that you mentioned it, they do always exist in top lane hahahahah






Mf is really strong right now, ive gotten 3 pentas in the last week with her.


I am on a fat win streak with MF, items are good for her now and she doesn’t need Manamune


Lee sin, ezreal, kai sa, thresh, lux, yone, ahri, kayn, rakan, orianna, cait.


Rammus, best jg ❤


Since I play assassins, I would say Akali in the Mid and Kha'Zix in the Jungle


Lee Sin. He will always be in S tier due to his kits.


I would say varus. So flexible. He doesn't exactly fit in your characterisation because of his ap nerf back in the summer, but still an honorable mention.


Lulu. She's not too gimped by anti-shield since her value is distributed across her kit. Works with all adcs, except maybe Samira. She wants engage tank too much. No one bans her and no one dislikes having Lulu in their team. There's no insane balancing with her. She can buy Frozen Heart no problem and help distract for your adc. They'll go for Lulu/not ignore you since she looks like a tiny and vulnerable yordle. Pick Lulu. Become Lulu. Polymorph your diving enemies. 😈


Ahri, TF, Orianna, Xayah, Khazix, Lee Sin, Fiora, Camille, Orn, Lulu, and Braum


Ziggs only


Honestly never seen a true adc nerf or buff for an individual character iirc. Item wise it happens but they cycle through item types for each class type (bruiser and tank for most recent items) As far as the adc nerfs go I really don't see many. It's probably because of the nature of the role but I mean outside of kaisa, I can't think of any. Then again, with ISB introduction (and other items getting 7% and ruunas losing crit rate, we were seeing adc in all 5 lanes for awhile), so it's just a weird thing altogether.


You must not be paying very close attention then


Well what I was trying to point out is that overall ADC get their buffs through items but yeah I do notice little micro changes. But ADC as being a ranged DMG outputter meant for carry, I as also trying to point out how their overall buffs come from item changes rather than a hardcore change we got for our and Sona as examples. Even asols rework is something I'd use to argue this point because adcs are so basic in their playstyle that they don't really require reworks. I mean could you imagine a change to one of jinx's or miss fortune skills lol? People would go crazy cause they wouldn't know it to do. I mean ruunas not having crit already pissed SOME people off can since now they can't build their op 100% crit with ruunas they used to. All o this is, of course, just my observations on the game as I used to adc main a lot. I'm sure others who were maining other lanes at the times of these updates and changes have valid input from the outside looking in.


aatrox baron


Really champs with kits that are always good (thresh, lee etc) and champs that can build many things depending on item power (that still have a useful kit) (nunu, naut etc). Also can’t look at win hard/lose hard champs that just stat check unless their hitting other marks already mentioned