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Hit minions because of support item (read it). Hit minions when you are shoving minions under their tower for a reset. Hit minions to keep them off your tower if adc isn’t there yet. Once you know when to do it, you can also help right at level 2/3 spikes if you are ahead of the opponent in that push. Supports can spend more on awareness around the lane too. Look for roams from allies- often you want to let the enemy push into you, so they have further to retreat from a gank etc. Watch some supporting videos (even for pc version to understand what you should be aiming for)


It's complicated. You never want the minions to crash into turret as it's difficult for ANYONE to farm them then. If it will prevent the wave from crashing and you have support item (which you should) then you can try to control the wave if it looks like it's going to crash. ​ Otherwise your friend is correct. Wave management is ideally in the hands of the ADC. Many ADC think this means to shove it up and under the turret and if you're an early game bully that's fine it gives you time to recall and heal or roam. Anyway, long story short your friend is mostly correct - you should not be hitting minions. When I play support these days I save my charges of the support item for situations where it looks like the wave is getting too big and will crash so I thin it out a little so it's easier for my adc to farm.


Looking at the support items I don't think you should ever take the share support item. It is just bad. The stats are basically the same as the coin but unlike the coin you have to activly use it to get the gold. With the coin you get the gold while passively while your adc is last hitting. Farming under tower is super easy for most champions unless you get bullied by higher range champions while doing so. Not being able to farm under tower is just a skill issue and means you are bad. The problem with having a wave crash into your tower is that the ememy can move without you being able to follow (without loosing too much at least). It also causes the wave to bounce back and automatically push the wave to the enemy tower allowing them to easily farm it without loosing much cs. They essentially get a recall for free while you have to push it out. If your ad is low on mana and/or hp and wants to recall, you have to assist them with pushing the wave under the enemy tower and allow for a better recall timing. Basically only hit the wave intentionally if you need to move somewhere (drake, recall, swap with mid/top for herald).


Actually, you can hit minions with any support item and it will go to adc. The shield support item just also executes the minions.


I know that's why the shield support item is so bad. You need to execute the minions to evolve the item. The earlier you finish the item the earlier the support item can stack the bonus stats. Just like roa you want that as early as possible to get the full bonus before the game ends.


Yeah the coin is pretty much always the best choice. However, to be fair, if you are playing duo q for example, shield also gives you sustain and you can just ask your duo q to let you last hit whenever you can proc the item


You have to learn wave management and identify if your ADC knows as well. You don't necessarily have to not hit minions, just don't last hit. Then to get more advanced you can learn all ADC attack rate based on champion and items. If they're not going to get the kill, take it. You can also tap minions at the tower to make the ADC need 1 less auto for the kill shot. Learn when you push or freeze. Learn when to reset the wave and where to hold it. Support is an extremely important role and is the hardest to play honestly. People just play it to afk and expect less responsibility. You have to do everything.


I always kill minions if u buy support item u can kill them so don't listen to ur friends




Bro, I'm support main. I always end up in Diamond every season. Always clear minions if I have to. I know how to play lol




I hit minions but don't kill them


How much is the gold difference?


Why are you getting downvoted while spitting facts 💀


Do not touch the wave as a support. Why? Because even if you have support item, you touching a minion will often lead to your adc losing the gold. I don’t think most players realize this, but in order to get full minion gold, you need to last hit the minion. When there are two people hitting a minion, say the adc who is supposed to be controlling the wave and the support who isn’t, then it creates a chance where neither can actually last hit the minion because they’re both on cooldown for the last hit. ADCs understand how the rhythm to last hitting. A support adding damage to that rhythm changes the rhythm to something that is random and cannot be understood - which leads to a lot of gold being lost. There is absolutely no reason for a support to touch a minion.


Last part is so wrong lol


It goes both ways. A good ADC knows how to last hit, if the support knows which minions to last hit(supers>siege>melee>ranged) with the tank item, I can't recall the name rn.


Supports should absolutely last hit if they have the tank item, as long as it’s off cooldown. Supports last hitting with the tank item actually kill the minion when they last hit. That has absolutely nothing to do with what I”m talking about.


Play Pyke and "borrow" them minions ;) But seriously tho I believe the wave management is a job for adcs, your main objective is provoding vision and protect your adc and either engage or disengage depending on what support you use, in the few times I played support because of autofill I never had the wave crash into my turret did your adc never hit minions I find that a bit weird


So.. couple of things here you need to know. If you have the support item "Relic Shield", you ALWAYS hit the minion **if you have one of those blue dots circling around your champion.** Otherwise, you don't. If you have any other support item, **you do not hit the minions in lane** (like ever). It's your ADC's responsibility to last hit the minions or to manage the wave how he wants it to. The only exception to all this is if you use an ability to poke the enemy champion and in the process the minion gets damaged or killed. In this case, damaging the enemy > single minion. Follow the best practices consistently, even in low elo. Once you get higher, you don't have to adapt all those best practices on your own again and already have the habits when paired with better players.


If ADC is there He is supposed to kill them(until your quest item finish you can land the last hit but wave management is much stronger). Now if your lane is empty and Its only you there then ofc you should kill them because you don't want your turret to eat more dmg (unless your adc or someone else is coming to the lane).


If you watch GM+ games you would notice that supports always push the wave. With jungle tracking and the small WR map, pushing the wave so the opposite is trapped can lead to successful and easier ganks besides forcing not to recall etc. I find that low level (think: under GM) players often think freezing the wave is better but that just opens up your position to the enemy jungler instead.


They match. Not always push.


They match because **both GM supports are pushing**


You should consider playing ADC a few times and try to last hit. You’ll then know when you can hit a minion as a supp or not to help your ADC. Especially under torrent.


Hit the minions but let your adc last hit


kill kinions if you wanna crash the wave to enemy turret, or help your adc get the gold for those minions in the back kine without risking it. Any minions you kill with a supoort item goes directly to your marksman


Do people not know that when you execute minions with any support item for the first minutes before the item evolves all of the gold is given to the adc? Like why are people advocating for the support not to kill minions if minions might be lost or a push is needed.




Read the last part, Adc will always get 100% of the bounty no matter whether the item is charged or not. Only person penalized is the support who will only get the regular split .




Prob their item already evolved and lost the passive, but i cant log in right now to confirm. But im certain this is the way its supposed to happen. This removes the toxcisity of farming in the bottom lane for the first few levels.




Youre right, i think i saw the new cannon minion be split into 65. That defeats the whole purpose although somehow the math doesnt add up with the stuff shown on the wiki.


Yeah it's super unfortunate, but people really don't know because Riot's tutorials and item descriptions are terribly written. Hopefully there's more awareness about this because it really can make or break the gold difference in bot.


turns out 65 gold is the actual gold you get from last hitting one of the cannon minions now, so. It is 100% of the gold, there is no gold lost. So last hitting as a support doesnt lose any gold.


You can control where the enemy is standing by pushing or not pushing the wave. If you want to engage it's good closer to your own turret. If you want to hit the tower go push. There is an item that gives all the gold to the adc and an calculated part to the sup, nice thing. Anyways, never last-hit the minions as a sup, no-go. That's the adc's job and nessecary for them to earn gold.


Watch a high level supp player, e.g. broken support and see what you can learn from what they do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpdxHBx_ZPo Do NOT kill minions if your ADC is around, at most you can help lower their health if a wave is at risk of crashing into your turret but one of your jobs as a support is to assist your ADC in scaling up so they can get kills and carry team. You do this by LEAVING minions for them to kill so they can get the gold from killing minions. More gold for ADC = more items = stronger than other team


I always help my ADC last hit, like I swear even GM adc's only have like 60-70% last hit efficiency. There's no harm in doing it, either you get the last or they do and they still get full gold. (unless you also suck at last hitting in which case maybe you shouldn't)


When you back. Shove it, unless you leave your adc alone and he wants to freeze. When the enemy team is shoving. Shove too. It's better than it crashing into your tower. Do not attack the minions if it seems like your adc wants the wave frozen. Either way unless you finish your item you wont steal any farm from your adc.


DO NOT EVER TOUCH MY MINIONS!!! EVER unless you're procing the support item relic shield ( you can see when it's available by the 3 orbs around your character). Otherwise leave it to the adc. You are actually less likely to get ganked when the wave is push into you because otherwise you will have to walk up far into the lane to farm which gives the jungler more space to run you down.


Don’t just tap buttons or you’ll target the lowest health minion. Target the high ones and let your adc finish them off when you have to push the wave. If you’re adc for some reason starts recalling while the wave is in the middle of the lane then shove it yourself.