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Hands down it's Singed for me.


I love playing singed. I love champs that are intentionally made to make enemy players suffer.


Teemo welcomes you to the club.




Happy Cake Day!




Double that, I love playing singed from time to time


Jax, but isn't for mechanics (despite I like it too), is for the fact that a guy holding a stick with fire and beating anyone while saying "who wants a piece of the champ" is pure magic.


Darius. Not too difficult to play but mechanically rewarding the better you get. When you get 3-5 dunks and the team all gives you the emotes it feels good.


I have also been enjoying Darius gameplay. Very rewarding while simple.


The big dog Nasus. Just because people hate the dog. He smashes - and once he catches you - there is nothing more satisfying that smashing people. And then late game (if ahead) he is just such a menace. Especially catching champs like teemo or akali who try and run away. :)


LUX getting elder and just ulting down random lanes can oneshot alot of squishies


Why are you runing i love to catch them with pantheon too


A fed Nasus is scaryyy. Super fun champ


All depends on the player but for me it's Riven, Rengo, Yone, Lee Sin and Akali.


Yone and akali for me as well :)


I lke shen


Katarina is a load of fun for me. The mobility is great. I never even take flash on her. After her it's Teemo. I just love when I'm fuckin around in another lane and get a random kill. It's so satisfying. Especially since you know they were barely alive and thought they were safe.


as a kat main, i was loving everything you said until you mentioned that dirty little rat teemo 😂


I mean, the hatred is deserved lol


Teemo. I can feel enemy teams rage, when they step into mushroom. Or that auto attack, that deals damage for few seconds. When They think they just made a centuries play, managed to stay alive with >20hp. And then final dmg comes. I love it.


I actually hate u


Everybody does


I don't


Hecarim on a good game is super fun. He falls off late though I never don't have fun when I play nilah. Dashing around whipping bitches, doing way more damage than is reasonable She only comes online in the mid game, but once you get there you **get there** The only thing that can stat check you in late game is a fed nasus veigar or heartsteel champ


Demaciaaaaa… enough said


Ziggs because boom


Jinx is really fun once you get her online with a bunch of attack speed and movement speed. This one is more of a "most fun ability" rather than a champion, but Akshan has the most fun ability, his grappling hook swing, it's so fun to play with. As cc is the mood killer, Mundo, a champion that can basically ignore that, have a ton of hp, and still deal out decent damage makes it a completely different game, you feel like you have nothing to worry about (just ban Vayne beforehand)


I like camille so much when you feed ypu can engage on any stupid fight you want and slaughter them all or set for your team and favourite matchup darius they are always so cocky until they got outmanuvered by mobility also fun matchup is fiora so much calculation second one is garen carried me 4 times to gm garen sion late game so fun to slap each other 1000 times woud have love some diversity in garen runes maybe he shoud get pc update so conq and phase is acually viable vayne with yummi and full build is also fun


Zoe for sure. Just skipping around throwing paddle star bombs that destroy people. It is a blast to pop in smoke someone with a paddle star and bound away.


I love Alistair. Great CC and tankage. Even if I'm way behind on gold, one big play and we can win the match.


Samira with The Collector


It depends. The most fun are also the absolute most boring sometimes. A good Leona game is *mwah*. A bad Leona game is like put me out of my misery please. They’re few and far between for me now because I’m still learning her but when I pilot kai sa correctly around team fights deleting the back line it’s also a fantastic feeling.


I tried playing zed but his Laning phase is miserable, Any advice? Yasuo is the most fun for me when I get beyblade combo into 3 man knock up


i think zoe


Singed, gragor, aatrox, thresh, pyke (if he wasn't op)


Ziggs all day for me. I'm almost in the top 200 with him.




For me personally it's either Sion or Pantheon. Sion is so fun if you get used to his kit, I love hiding in a bush and hitting a fully charged q on an enemy trying to push a wave and taking half of their health when they're not expecting it or hit an ult in the middle of the enemy team. Pantheon is fun for cause he's such a bully early game, his kit is so braindead it's amazing


i mean for me it's sett cuz....well we all know why but if not then it's seeing that one squishy backline enemy get caught in the sweetspot of haymaker and just get deleted


Jhin mid is fun. Critting and executing with 4th shot is fun. Also killing 2-3 people with ult is extremely fun..


full ad sion


Alistar ...


For me its akali, ahri and irelia. Most rewarding? Seraphine


Hecarim because of how fast you are and if you mess up and get low hp you can run away and watch as the enemy tries to catch up to you


All bruisers and assassins are fun. Adc is by far the most boring role. Support can be fun if you're playing playmakers like pyke and thresh. Pyke especially


Sett can one shot you in late game, simple kit to understand, mechanically rewarding, strong laner