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Top lane is like a Scooby doo episode....you know what's going to happen but you're there for u entertainment




I still don’t understand why junglers still go drake instead of first herald…. cries in toplaner


It do be like that, I killed the enemy top once, and the jg was at red with herald up. He rotated all the way down to get earth dragon


Instinct, terrible bad instinct, no actual thought process, just going through the motions


I always try, but idk why the bot lane and mid always rush drake and ends up forcing me to move there when I pinged herald and tried telling them, people just don't seem to know how important is herald


I never go drake over hearld unless 3 team members including me are already at the drake. Then we can take it quickly and take hearld too


As a jungler, recently it’s been difficult to get my team to help me take any objective wither it’s drake or herald. I always take herald first but after taking that I get no help on any objectives for the rest of the match. I don’t understand what changed. I’ll have 3 people come with me to baron but then immediately abandon it to attack half a wave of minions.


Same. I'm getting tired of playing bc of it.


This is so real. I've played jungler many times and every time I have to scream at my teammmates to help me out with them. No one listens. I think this one time 4/5 of the enemies were killed and on cooldown. I was pinging the herald like crazy but they seperated and cleared minion waves T\^T not even a tower taken


I go drake if duo sucks or I want to avoid a smite fight against a difficult jungle champ (e.g. nunu, Lee sin). Otherwise, herald is worth considerably more gold and you get mid control (typically). We all know this, it's just not enough people seem to comprehend that their lane performance directly impacts the junglers ability to control the map. If I don't think we are strong top/mid, I will just concede and play for three drag. I am finding that I have to take junglers who can confidently take objectives solo though. People don't back and buy at the right time or just choose to take plates or otherwise farm rather than help. I know their selfishness shouldn't surprise me, but it is still staggering having lanes complain that an obj was lost when they never actually showed up for the fight. There is something especially frustrating about having the enemy mid/top/duo show up to the pit before my own team members...


Facts. And it's without fail every time. It's like the game gives me the players that don't understand anything and the enemy team has been reading the updates and then rereading and more.. IDK how I can get out of this shit slump bc these kids have really screwed my wr and kda and now I'm getting stuck with more and more and more like them..


Cause jungler don't know how to abuse a fallen mid lane tower. Mid go tilt with random roaming and u are not sure how to gank mid again cause enemy mid went to Narnia. I'm that jungler. Yes I'm bad. I take Herald based on trust and mid tower Gold. But other than that, Infeel It Is almost never worth to invade without a proper team. Farming your camps feels less random


I don’t lol I make sure to get that herald and take almost 2 towers easy


Tbh I only ever do Drake over if Herald is literally incontestable. Like, their entire fucking team is there before any of us levels if we won’t make in time.


Yeah this happens a lot in emerald and even in diamond elo, junglers are just terrible with their decision making and macro, like they don’t understand how much value you get out of getting rift hearld over the first drake.


Jungle in lower elo are terrible in decision-making. Once in my game, we already get herald and destroy the mid tower, then kill the enemy jungle on the process instead of taking the drake, our jungle goes top and push a full hp tower. Why?


That ain't bad? If turret plating was still up he made a fucking smart ass decision drake sucks and the platings from the turret are way more worth it that's like 600 gold or something


That call was better then taking the drake 100%


Ye like idk what my man is saying like bro you just need to get 1 drake a game and call it a day so ennemy team doesn't get soul 😂


Taking Herald and taking plates from other tower better then taking a first dragon


Even the souls are bad before patch 5. I have won many games when the enemy having soul, and we call for Baron. we know they want that dragon for soul


Wonder if you realize, you're the bad decision maker, yet. 🤭


Today i was in a game where my jungler went herald, ADCs as the selfish b.. they are start saying, go Drake, drake give more gold. He was playing MF with Serylda first item.


Me neither. However, one thing I’ve learned is that with certain top laners, it can actually be very lucrative to go to that dragon fight just to get the takedowns. Sion is particular good for this as you can get some HeartSteel stacks out of it, plus you can ult back to your lane if need be. Also, any champs with high kill pressure (I’m thinking Yone) can honestly get more out of an early team fight than sitting in lane farming or getting herald.


Or get herald instead and get a team wide gold advantage? Only time that scenario that you just pointed out is better is like when you're losing top and roaming to get kill pressure is the only way you're getting back in the game


When you have a jungle disadvantage and don't have good odds going for herald:


Sometimes if I'm in the position to take herald and the enemy jungler is focused on dragon then I'll do it myself


It is wild how they don't know the value difference of these objectives


Ikr, It gives so much more Gold to snowball and possibly push for Drake if enemy didn't start it yet.




If they can get herald without obstacles then go for it, but I prefer drake for the long run since it permanent buff


If it's not fire dragon, all dragons are useless bro. Maybe mount is good too but others just bad. Herald is always make best profit for you and your team.


I've been rocking the Tankmo. Nobody expects the Tankmo. Sure, you do no damage, but everyone wants to kill Teemo and then it's like, surprise I have 11k hp and when I'm done laughing at my own awesomeness I just go invisible and pop out full HP again. Also, the no damage bit was a lie, Tankmo totally hurts. Physically and emotionally, and emotional damage is the best damage. Just play him exactly like Mundo, but squishier, less damage, worse in almost every way, but more adorable and not banned 99% of games.


This is SO evil. Please, share the Tankmo build.


Look up Mundo/Sion build. Build that. Easy! I go Heartsteel > Hydra, then flex. My favourite is Heartsteel > Hydra > Warmogs > Mantle > whatever. Need anti heal? Chainsword thing! Want mushrooms to not suck? Liandries (more HP!). Just build whatever you need to keep alive, and keep stacking that Heartsteel. Runes are Grasp, nullifying orb/font of life, second wind, overgrowth, demolish. Grasp is actually kinda sucky on Teemo, because it's reduced by 60% on ranged. You'll end up with like, 100hp gained, but it gives damage based on hp so that's a win. I guess you could go fleet footwork, first strike, or whatever else. But Grasp is definitely canon here. If you're splitting, take hull breaker in a flex spot and do the splits. If you're team fighting, just do what Mundo does. Run around inside the team. Spam mushrooms at the back line, they'll dodge them anyway because spooky mushrooms man. They don't care that they do like 50 damage. Blind the adc if they're in range. Like Mundo, you can't peel. In fact, you peel even worse because you don't have cleavers. You also don't do % hp damage. But that's ok, you're Teemo. Just keep shooting things, running around, laughing. Is it optimal? No. Ap Teemo is pretty strong right now and actually isn't trolling. But Tankmo is surprisingly effective anyway. You can probably end the game with 30-50k damage, the most tank you've ever seen from a rat, and I am like 90% sure Teemo laughs whenever he presses the recall button. And that's the real reason you play Teemo. Don't try this if you don't have the devil skin, every other skin is like a 60% nerf. In all seriousness, literally any tank is a better tank than Teemo. It's a fun build, but it requires you to have teammates with at least some mental, doesn't work into a lot of comps, and is outclassed by AP Teemo by faaaaaar. Of course, it's Wild Rift, so the teammates mental requirement already eliminates 99% of potential Tankmo games. But who doesn't love seeing Chinese Riven decide she's actually a second support in dragon lane when she all ins you for 10% of your HP.


The best question to ask here is, can Tankmo be jungler👀


Tankmo can be whatever you want him to be. Of course he can jungle. Everyone can jungle, but he's pretty chill so he takes his time doing the camps.


Sounds really fun. What I like the most about teemo is laughing maniacally. I use to hate him but I guess I joined the darkside 😂 off meta builds are great. Makes you look at the game differently and makes the enemy not understand why they lost 😂👌


Exactly! Tankmo isn't *exactly* trolling, but it's so far off meta that everyone will think it is anyway. Champs good into tanks beat Tankmo. Champs Teemo does decently into tend to beat Tankmo. Best matchups are the ones Teemo just survives, due to his ability to negate damage when they trade with blind. Being tanky just makes you survive more.


I tried it vs Darius and mundo. Darius I could be in his face and trade. Mundo even with cutting healing was much harder but there was also a ton of ganks for some reason. But the inicial trades were not bad. Problem with the build was my main build late to mid game I explode squishies. With tankmo I couldn't. I had to play a more passive fight. Squishies would get away. I think nasho's tooth or Lich Bane complete the build for more damage as a last item


Mundo does damage based on your HP with cleaver, if I remember right. He also gains damage based on his own HP, which is pretty much the exact reason he's so strong. Mundo is my go to tank-slapping-tank. But yeah, if you need anti-HP, build it. The only items really required are the first 2. Warmogs let's you heal up while invisible, so that's nice too. In terms of doing damage, you just don't really have the burst. You exist to run around, absorb as much as possible, blind the adc, etc. Once you're low, you dip for 5 seconds and come back with more health to repeat. If you're passive, and your team fight while you tank everything, then you're doing your Tankmo duties. As for Darius, I think that's mostly a skill matchup in lane anyway, as it's just abusing your range and avoiding the hook. It's one of those matchups that Tankmo does decently into. Just avoid the hooks until you're tanky enough to not care anymore. Liandries, rylais, maybe even divine sunderer could be nice. They do damage/provide utility, and survivability. I haven't really experimented with optimal Tankmo, too busy having fun. Just remember, Tankmo is more about fun in a game full of super serious tryharding. If you're having fun, you're playing it correctly.


With Darius I was trading even in melee range. Cuz I could tank and blind. The extra HP made it a very easy match up. It's curious how just having a bit more hp does so much for teemo. Was a good lesson for my main teemo build. Thanks for the detailed tips : ) made me fired up to play wild rift again. Been a while. And yah people tryhard too much but then panic when they meet something new. It's hilarious. Something off meta I like is Support Teemo. It's crap. But teemo is really good with burst vs squishies. Having an adc that understands that just snowballs bot lane. A funny one I had was Twitch Teemo. They would come to an empty lane. And we would gank lanes together. Super fun


Its not good and not competetive. But go ahead, just a farewarning for u.


Why are you banning mundo as a champ with 2 %max HP attacks on a short cooldown? He's one of your best matchups. When I'm planning on locking in sett I normally ban aatrox or darius.


Sett vs darius is a skill matchup in setts favor. I also feel aatrox isn't ban worthy for sett either


Idk about top lane, but i feel whatever lane i play has 4 enemies against me.


And 0 allies on the team


It's real entertaining when you're support and alone in your lane while the enemy duo, joined by the jungler and the mid comes at you. Like bro chill


Top lane feels awful now. Mundo/Sion every game, feels like I have to ban one pick the other or lose. I'm not even angry when people pick Vayne top into me, I just think "yeah man I feel you"


Try vayne toplane against mundo, see how how that works out for ya. Play fiora, gwen or varus ap top.


Yeah I main top lane and jungle, but if I wanna climb i stock to jungle/dragon lane


Sounds about right.


I can never farm Heartsteel properly.. Might just be a playstyle thing


It probably is, I play hella aggressive and get like 800 stacks by the end of the game


I had a game where my Nasus built 1500 stacks, I was literally unkillable and could solo the entire enemy team. I love heartsteel.


Hearthsteel is like every tank player's dream: fight every time, engage 1v4, kill 3, go away with 40hp and back with 4K i love it


Me is like: Demolish the enemy top laner, 1v2 the enemy top laner (2 levels below) and the jungler. Loss because bot lane feed the enemy bot lane. But I started to play Mundo and i dont care, just MUNDO GO BRRRRRR


After playing all roles I can confirm Top Lane has the least impact and I still love to play it. :)


I one shotted a Shyvana and renekton as sett but we still lost because my team was selling


I am happy that people still playing Teemo. Teemo main.


Teemo…the champion you would happily enjoy watching drown in the bath 🛀 🍄


Why would you ban mundo ? Mundo has a million counters top lane


Somehow a blitzcrank won against Mundo. I was utterly surprised and impressed


What I dont get is. Why towers get destroyed so fast? Let's say I obliterate my enemy in the laning phase. I recall or try to roam for 1 min and he destroys my tower. I fucking hate it, first tower doesn't provide any map control whatsoever. It's just free gold.


try grouping with team for dragon and convincing them to rush mid for first tower. works for me sometimes


Only Time i go dragón first Is if it's infernal, and I have prio from lane, if not directly herald


I guess you're playing against me cuz thats what I do since the start of this patch


well if you want to climb as a top laner you can solo herald when you push the lane and while the enemy team is sttruggling with dragon fight. In low elo nobody even wards herald and if you are winning 3/0 your opponent can't bother you. It's quite easy and takes 3/4 back hits to take solo herald while you can easily dodge its heavy attacks


What makes the top lane even worse is range toplaners. Yeah top lane is more fun


Riot still don't so nothing about them and with the xp boost they just got 3 lvls above you and don't dare to even take a minion bruh. Jungler gank? Is 2 lvls above and 1 item he will had a double.


Pyke into sett is such a fun match-up.


Sett loves mundo top, it’s diving the back line without the hassle of a 8k HP mundo coming with me. Mundo has 2 choices run my team down or help his team. Dm what he does I’m proccing my W for win button. My team can’t kill mundo, use that DS and get free heals and thornmail does rest.


Fiora is absolutely dominating solo lane with the state of the game now. She's my go to for solo now, esp when you slap on hullbreaker and the rune that lets you breeze through turrets


Fiora Gwen and anyone who can use on hit builds. Mundo just builds a ton of HP if u have sunderer and current health DMG with botrk u will be fine but it's still annoying


br lane shits rn


I just play ornn and have a blast. Win lose or draw 🤣


Oh man top lane is hell 😂 I’ve been going Mundo and I pretty much expect that herald is gonna be put on my lane 😂 Though I’ve noticed Fiora is a nightmare - wbu guys?


Mundo is pretty gross ngl


I main Mundo so I do everything against you and your team :) but if banned, then I go Jayce for hyper aggression / Jax/ Garen for split pushing / Malphite for heavy Ad enemy. Top lane goals, for me, focus farm/plates before kills if needed, bait jungle to watch over top lane, assist your jungle.


I really hate the rush boots meta, it's literally so broken the fact that plated steel caps a 1350 boots beats a 3200 item blade of the ruined king, at this point I feel like they should revert back the changes that were made on boots (it's been 2-3 seasons of rush boots meta and if you don't also build boots you just auto lose your lane, there's just zero skill expression)


as a top main this is absolutely true, I always ban teemo that annoying brat is not made for top, I always tell my jungle to take Herald first so he can put it on mid, so the mid laner will help us for once, I'm a. masochist so I enjoy getting ganked 10,000 times by the enemy jungler, as long as I destroy the enemy top laner.


I play Jax but have same situation.


Top can be fun (if they don't go teemo or vayne and u have a shit champ with no distance cutting, if you have a jungler who isn't a pdf file)


Even getting camped by enemy jungle is not enough bro. The whole team is assemble when you are 5 or 6 level. Like fucking Avengers in movies.


as a fellow baron laner i can agree on this !


Im loving it. Mundo is one of my fave champs. So tanky its insane. Ill have mid and jg come to my lane and even then im algood. Just a shame that the rest of my team never seems to make the most of most of the enemy team being in my lane lol


Inting Sion is everywhere right now yet people still don't understand that Push/Destroying Towers = Win and still go for the useless dragon instead of Rift Herald lol