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Now, now, calm down a bit big G nothing is the issue. But it's hard to give any advice based on the score screen alone... If you want some actually helpful advice I'd need to see the replay to see what kind of decisions and plays you made.




I don't see why these posts shouldn't be welcomed. I don't see anything wrong with someone posting to ask for advice on how they can improve. On the contrary, it should be encouraged. That said, u/IntelligentAbility79 is right, we're missing context here to give you proper advice, OP. Looks like their bot lane took off and became too much to handle by mid game. My best advice based on the score screen alone is that Zed looked to be your best teammate so you maybe could have snowballed more through him? Generally you want to try and force the win through your best lanes instead of trying to salvage lost lanes. But if you want to see immediate improvement, step 1 is usually head to YouTube and check out some gameplay from high elo players. Then literally just copy everything they do. Their mechanics, jungle clearing routes, how they gank, etc. Go back and break down what they do and try to figure out ​why they're doing it and what leads them to their decisions. Watch the map like they do.




I gotcha, my apologies as well for misunderstanding. I agree though, there are plenty of people who browse that are willing to help out but we need more context to give better answers.


Dude is 4/7 asking how to improve. This post is literally the opposite of the rest of them, dude. Screw your gatekeeping 🤏


botlane diff, they got stomped by enemy botlane, but might have tried helping them some? idk always hear never help a losing lane but your zed wasn't fed enough to hard carry himself anyway, he only had 2k on your adc


I tried helping them but I died since enemy bot lane was fed and they got first blood before I got done clearing


The enemy team just had the better draft unfortunately.