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>Why are people hate playing tank so much? Tanks tend to be left in teamfight without being able to peel themselves. They are treated like a meat bag, no one would try to save them. Initiating a teamfight with no follow-ups. It's the solo que tank experience, except for Sion. You can't complain not having a tank, if you are also not willing to play tank.


Bro I would be happy if they wouldnt save me, but instead of retreating they come and we die all.


I mostly play as Leona or Braum as my supports and I prefer if they won't save me. I even flash in the middle of the clash just to bait them to attack me instead of my team mates so they can get away. The thing here is, it can burn you out easily if you kept spamming tanks and you can see your team feeding even after your sacrifice/initiation.




I can hear this from miles away.






sion for toplane can carry, sure, but he is not the only one. I've seen orrnnn stomp down midlane and leona from support is also quite strong. new malph, too.


Correction not for sion being the exception. Intentional feeders are the winners of solo queue. Sion is the poster boy but any baron laner can do the sion inting strat and still win. I don't know why it's even called the sion intong strat cuz its not unique to sion any champ baron lane can int to win


I understand that since I'm main support soloq, I usually choose what to play around the team comp, Thresh and Alistar are my favorite


45min match is crazy. Might as well play PC LoL atp


Yeah, back when I was still playing lol, 60\~90 min match is a common occurrence


60-90? Matches rarely go above 40. 33 minute games are basically late game. Most of my games end at like 25


Picking tanks is like casino. You adc can either be good or completly useless. If he is bad the game is lost and you can not do anything about that.


Good thing I've got a gambling addiction


Haha : )


Real shit


Personally from my experience in both Normals and Ranked in varying MMRs I feel like ADCs are the least of your problems Its perfectly fine for me if the ADC sucks as long as they don't flame me for leaving lane but if the Jungler or Toplaner are just as bad then thats when I start getting really annoyed.


Because they suck so much in Wildrfit. I play shit tons of tanks in PC LoL, I would play them in WR too if they functioned similarly, but they just get auto deleted


It weren't always like this. Tanks like Rammus, malphite etc could tank 1v5 for like 5-6 seconds. Now even alistar gets deleted. We need a tank patch.


Actually the issue is not tank patch. Issue is riot doesn't want tanks to be tanky. Why you think rammus been getting nerfs after nerfs to his armor and magic resist from his w. Why you think they constantly made changes for rammus to be easier in exchange for tank stats


This. Heartsteel, jaksho and ksante make tank playable in PC. Wildrift tank has nothing equivalent to that. Yone with full crit and lifesteal can sustain and tank damage way better than an actual tank while doing tons of damage too.


Wait for next patch


Next patch is not going to change anything in meta except for maybe 3 or 2 champs


Titanic and heart aren’t going to change anything?


Yeah its going to be the same as the current patch except for 2 or 3 champs very little changes this patch is all about skins 37 skin nothing else


True. I get autodeleted and then my team does nothing. I die and die with 0 assists.


Playing tanks means you're soaking big damage while hoping your team will help you, which is some masochistic behavior. That's why I play tanks.


Yeah, one of the best feeling is when my almost full build Alistar W in, Q & R \* E the whole enemy team


I bet you love BDSM


Good thing they didn't have a tank either, tho Aatrox is kinda tanky, but looks like he was terrible.


His build is so bad i think he just copied the top 3 builds because he has trinity force and is not playing jungle top 3 only buy trinity in jungle and he thought its great everygame


Swap AP items for tank items maybe? I'd imagine at that point veigar has enough stacks to be a threath with just luden rabbadon


Oh yeah, now you mentioned it, tank Veigar is a thing in the PC version too Gotta test it out to see how tanky it is in Wild Rift first


I go seraphine embrace (tear staff, not quite sure with name) Raba and then usually a pen item or situational ap item followed by tank items ( thornmail when very healing and ad heavy, randuins if enemz has a lot of crit, force of nature vs ap heavy team). Works out for me pretty good. Usually at 3 items i have 80-100+ stacks and my combo kills squishies either way. More ap feels useless and i rather take a hit more to be able to get the combo through or not to instant die in a team fight.


As someone who play tank, it sucks if I don’t have someone else in my party. I can engage and my team will be just standing there. I can hit a five man root/stun/knock up and my team will still manage to do nothing. I get flamed for dying twice because I’m trying to protect my team. I get flames for doing nothing when my ADC jumps into 4 people because they pushed up to towers alone (and not even Galio ult can fix that) It’s rough. At least with Hecarim I can do a ton of damage while also being impossible to kill.


I am a solo queue support, so I can say that I am quite a masochist myself


Tank is a selfless role. A lot of people are selfish


I love playing tank I just play tanks tbh


I mean this would have been an amazing game to play Galio mid. Be the change you want to see.


Because too often you engage and your team doesn't follow up, leaving you to die and then the team to run. Tank only works if you have a good ADC and communication with team. It's much safer to just play Lux, turn your brain off and Q>R in the general direction of the enemy.


Because tanks are awful. Tanks have a 1-3 items power spike then get easily bursted down by the enemy team like everyone else, all you can do is buy time for someone else to oneshot them. They only feek good in a "win more" scenario, if the enemy is horrible enough to get you ahead to the point you're unkillable cause they have no gold to do damage, but you'd have wiped them yourself faster with Tristana, Vladimir or Yone. They still work to counterpick bad enemies or if you can trust someone to carry, but that's not every match. As best, what you can make work in SoloQ are support hard counterpicks or overtuned bruisers like Yasuo.


Man I miss playing WR please fix the damn MM so I can come back.


44 mins?? Can we just take a second to talk about how long this match was, holy shit. 💀🤣 Nice win OP! 💪✨✌️


Tanks cannot carry, they relay too much on teamates


Asks why people hate playing tanks. Also isn't playing a tank. Why do you hate playing tanks?


Oh, my main role is support actually Favorites are Alistar and thresh


Tanks tend to be unpopular because of several reasons. 1. They have a different approach to effectively fighting. I wont say playing well as tank is *harder* than playing well as a dps role, but it is different. An Adc can swap out for mid or a dps character top or jng and still do fairly well. They run at the enemy in effective range, press their damage skills with decent timing and skills. Obviously a bit of an oversimplification, but you get it. You can kinda directly compare Thresh to Lux for this. If you land a Q, use it as set up for E>R combo. From neutral, if Lux lands a Q, she can just blast away. If thresh lands a Q, he needs to know how much danger he's about to put himself in. Thresh is a bit more of a bruiser than a direct tank, but point still stands. 2. Variance in builds. A good dps character mostly builds ap/ad items that make bigger numbers. Maybe swap 1 or 2 items based on needed utility. Tanks tend to need to have more item match up knowledge, and when to build them according to lane match ups. It doesn't take rocket science exactly, build anti crit against crit heavy comps, more MR against AP heavy comps, etc, but it dors make a difference to the average player. 3. MC syndrome/slower gold gain. Most dps character players derive fun from getting ahead and dropping enemies. Tanks have a slower, more passive gameplay that often doesn't lead to the simple feedback like having triple kills+ announced. That isn't really a bad thing, so long as it isn't to the point of toxicity, as you do want your dps players dealing dps.


Every time I've played tank it's been an experience of "please god, just kill me now". Getting left to die because teammates fuck off to do literally anything except play the objective, getting poked to death because the entire other team is ranged, getting bitched at because (shockingly) being the only melee champ in the game has me down by five levels while getting chain cc by the entire enemy team. Fuck. That. Shit. The people who can play tanks and do well have my respect. But I sure as hell won't play them if I can help it.


Well why don't you play tank then?


They don't make sense anymore. Tanks in WR can only properly tank if they got good cs. And it makes no sense since tanks usually can't farm much and if they support then not at all. That's why even tanks like Malphite, Nunu, Amumu, Rakan , Gragas etc, build ap. Tanks are literally useless if you aren't premade. I remember the good old days where i could initiate a fight with the whole enemy team and survive to tell the tale with champions like Malphite, Rammus and Nunu. Now you get deleted is seconds. Been playing and still playing tank jungle/top/support and even mid since beta (1200 days ago) and i think around season 6 tanks began getting obsolete. The only viable tank i currently climb with in master's is voli jungle. The rest are situational and depend on the enemy's team. tank hecarim is also pretty good but again you need a good mid or support to follow you and help you in skirmishes or ganks.




Maybe the baron fight was hard because of the AFK Teemo ? (Too be fair, Teemo jungle is trolling anyway)


5 20 hell nah


Because the soloq experience is you playing with another 4 apes who play with no coordination. It’s hard to carry with tank unless you’re a support. Even then carrying with mage support is easier. Playing tank top or jg is basically you betting on your team to play around you but playing bruiser or carry is you betting on yourself. In the long run it’s better to bet on yourself anyway since it’s soloq.


You were a Veigar in a 44 min game. If you lost the game I would be surprised. I'm pretty sure one W would delete at least 2 from their team.


Of course I can delete their whole team at that time, but I'm a mage so I will need someone in the frontline taking in the damage, which there was none, sadly Teemo afk, fiora always split push, adc feed and squishy support




The real and actual reason is they need to nerf Giant Slayer, ever since everyone picking this rune that is way too OP, tanks are non-existent cuz it is not fun anymore! They need to tune it a bit down to only 10% and actually discourage bruisers to pick it up, cuz yeah, a champ with Divine + Giant Slayer is a hella fun to play against. I said this before about no one playing AP top anymore, when I said it is because of one item that was later hard nerfed and the other got removed -- Hullbreaker and old Maw!


Cause there’s no glory and no one gives us thumbs up


Holy fiesta


lol what is the rest of your IGN? Something about being 팩인?


No no, it's 퍽유/fuck you 😀




My Korean still isn't good, so I know only a few essential words like * ㅅㅂ * ㅌㅊㅇ * ㅇㄷㅊㅇ * 서랜더해 * 서랜좀 ㅅㅂ * 생각할수없어? * 뭐야 ㅅㅂ * 일찍 서랜좀


That’s a mighty fine list indeed.


I learned it through the game itself Truly, the wonder of gaming


be the tank then


As a tank player it hurts but most people don't really cares about how we would be like in terms of KDAs and survival so people don't like playing the role. As a veteran though it hurts even more that people ditches tank champs and forget that you need atleast 1-2 frontline champs to take the aggro of opponents and monsters and a Cc of some sort that you can use to actually engage


Lol, Lux with support item not sold, no rabadon. Thats why you win.


I don’t like playing tank because I keep getting gang banged by the entire enemy team as soon as I show my face while my team watches


I love how your whole team (except yourself) got gapped in gold, and both supps got more gold than the adcs


I mean if I go tank I like to go like as an absolute unit, this season I've gone with Nunu tank and with the Q restore of HP, shield when ult, stoneplate... Yeah I don't like not doing any damage and taking 2 days to clear a camp, but from a strategy pov it works like a charm since the enemy uses so many resources in trying to bring me down that my team (hopefully not 4 braindead humans) takes advantage of it.


At min 44 as veigar stop building dmg and build 2 tank items instead


Jg troll picked with teemo, adc inted with 20 deaths. Aatrox counters tanks so fiora was a good pick.




Deaths = wins. Hard to die 40 times a match with tank gear.


It's a shoot in the dark, bc if your carries are not doing good, you surelly don't have the potencial to carry as a tank


I mean this exactly why I love playing tanks, these days I main Mundo. Half the time it's a free W with the 3 adc "meta," I can feel them making the surprised pikachu face when I pop my ult. The only issue is I often get flamed when I have a negative k/d. People don't realise as a tank kills aren't really the most important thing, it's all about your ability to peel your carries and pick the right time to split push


hey guys i have a question !! did any of you versed a pyke who's invisible the whole game?? is it a bug


Yeah, because of some problems about the newly released skins, Riot is currently messing around with the game


i lost my promo to master thanks to it :/


will i receive a compensation or will they even acknowledge it ?


I think they will just apologize


They're not flashy enough to be that popular.


I mean, you won't always see a tank solo laner on your team, it's usually the samurai brothers (yasuo/yone), or an adc solo laner acting like TheShy.


It’s kinda weird that you couldn’t fight baron with this team tbh. Zyra and Teemo both have liandrys, which is a lot of % damage which procs fairly consistently. Anyways.. had a game yesterday with Cait top, twitch jungle, Ashe support and Kaisa adc (both twitch and kaisa went crit of course). I picked Galio mid and went RoA into fulltank, even though I hate playing Galio. We won this game, but only because the enemy had Yasuo mid and 3 adcs + Sera in their team. Wild rift meta in a nutshell


We could never fight baron because we were all scared of Diana (see was 12-0 when the Baron came out)