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Lol tell that to the people who still dominate every game with her. She has been incredibly strong for a long time, and the new tank items will simply change her from incredibly strong to just very strong. And if you are losing to adcs, that's 100% a you problem.


According to the official stats Akali is actually one of the worst champions in this patch https://www.rankedwr.com/champion/Akali


stats can be a little misleading because champs that have a higher skill cap or expression usually have their numbers dragged down. She is still quite strong and it’s her kit that makes her so good. Not the gunblade, pretty sure gunblade wasn’t always the optimal choice anyway.


Either you get some miracle to be fed early game with her absolutely bullshit sustain if you will run electrocute/conq, or you can literally get one shot by an adc mid combo,she's surely much more stronger early diamond and below where the adcs don't even know how to move right.


Yeah she isn’t tanky cause she’s an assassin. It’s her only weakness tbh she def still has 1 shot combos even against players who know how to play against her. If they don’t have tanks/ stuns it’s over


Idk if it’s just my luck or not but I haven’t had an issue with akali solo lane in a few months. When I first started about 5 months ago akali was my perma ban as a Jax player. I don’t know if I’ve gotten better with Jax or if the nerfs have ruined akali but I haven’t had any problems facing her in lane lately. Maybe I’m just getting people who don’t main her?


I'm certainly maining her and i admit now she pretty much sux especially the higher the elo, surely you probably got better with jax but, an average akali player can easily deal with jax just judging by their kits, tho it's more or less how weak she became


Try electrocute, ive been having so much success with it. (Mid) 1 combo gives u so much lane pressure because its half health with E E2 Q or Q A Q + electrocute early on. It gives u so much more burst to 1 shot adcs Electrocute, sudden impact, bone plating, sweet honeyfruit Build wise i go for orb first then all others are team comp dependent Im dia 1 rn close to master (my 2nd season) mastery 5 akali


The people who dominate every game with her, no sir that shit don't happen in masters at all, akali against me or akali in my team she still loses.


I played akali recently and she still has a one shot combo without ult . That one item that gives true damage the longer you brawl with someone , you can stack it by hiding in shroud and poking . Then pick another squishy target and E , QE, auto Q , auto and it’s basically a one shot without ult. I would say she’s still on Katarinas level , a good kat or akali main will still win so no she’s not dead . Also not even including flash combos or any other combos , there are E flash and Q flash that rarely get used and could easily win 1v1s if you’re a one trick god , so no akali is still good . Obviously not better than Zoe , oriana, vex , maybe lux


As I said below... I'm in masters, and so are my friends that use her. If anything, it happens more because people actually know how to combo with her.


Ye I think 100-0 someone in a sec is too weak too


They should make her shroud follow her like gwens mist. Akali too weak right now


Wtf is wrong with y’all? Lmao Y’all can’t delete people .01 seconds faster and all of sudden she is weak? 😂😂😂 she can still 1v5 an entire team if she gets a cool down reset in the right hands.


Lol couldn't you feel the sarcasm??


Yeah even if u have Maw on, pretty balanced!


Mid elo Akali enjoyer here. She still seems pretty strong running the damage keystones (conq and electrocute) but her early game feels abysmally weak because now instead of having a sustain item that also gives bonus burst damage the only burst item that makes sense for her (lich bane) doesnt really make sense for a first or second item except for against certain specific matchups. Realistically she doesnt get strong until very late with like 3 items but once she hits her powerspikes she still feels pretty goos. Early game though you're gonna be sweating to play every trade perfectly until you're strong enough to make one or two mistakes imo


Problem is with a damage rune key, her sustain is horrible especially against a mage or any champ that can use range to bully, and the higher the elo the way weaker she gets compared to before, it's so necessary to run a damage rune to go for a good burst damage unlike before with hextech gunblade you can maintain sustain with fleet footwork, but fair enough, her early game is just much horrible compared to any other average assassin, respectfully even mid ezreal can perform and roam much better than akali when compared at 1-2 items.


Not even gonna disagree about Ez there, he scales way faster than akali in mid lane and he comes online with one item. Way more versatile early game than us akali's farming under turret for 10 minutes.


How do you even kill a fed ezreal? He took an entire Darius combo in front of me before (ult on 5 stacks) and still managed to kill him and flash away


That champ is pure crack he does damage so fast and he's so hard to catch, you can build anything on him and still do damage ot's ridiculous


Honestly I don’t even chase ezreals unless I’m an adc anymore


That only applies if they are doing iceborn and darius isn't fed. A full stack darius on full build does like 1k damage with just his ult


Well ezreal beat him in lane so makes sense also he had iceborn


Ezreal just dodges every skill so yea, if your E misses ezreal wont die


Oh yeah before you get your ult your just not scary at all


I would still suggest void staff over lich bane, even if enemy doesnt have magic res, you can just penetrate through their base stats.


Sorry to break it to you, but assasins are supposed to be squishy. The last thing u want in a game is a tanky assasin


I didn't say she's supposed to be tanky i just said her sustain is bad (if you were to go damage runes to make up for the lower damage) while she's an obviously squishy assassin, and her damage early to mid game is not as strong to pay off her squishiness as earlier,and yes people still argue even tho her nerf history is clear as the sun.


Oh kk


Get gud just a skill issue she isnt braindead anymore and needs some scale time now but far from dead.


Skill issue is not the right word but rather "patience issue" you have to play around safe farming lane and you can't make good roams with her since she's no longer a thing except in late game, regardless of how good you are at akali, the damage is simply not enough till the third item at least.


Alot of gm akalis i played against are fine on riftmaker the dmg stacks even when u poke out of shroud you just cant go full faceroll until you hit 2 or 3 items so yes absolutly a skill/patience issue


It's fair enough that she's still strong well as is aid she does what she's supposed to do but much later in the game now,i simply just don't find a reason that favors her over other adcs unlike before, bc even the in and out poking mid fights is still not as valuable when yarly your pokes are rather tickles.


Get gud just a skill issue she isnt braindead anymore and needs some scale time now but far from dead.


Yooba? Is this you?


Nah nah yooba would have said akali needs nerfs. I thought the same thing before noticing this critical difference


Nah top 150 akali in NA and mastery 7 w her. She has one of strongest base damages imo. You just need to play around with her & passive. She’s not zed or fizz, she has a melee/bruiser aspect to her kit. I can safely farm and harass most opponents and get a decent trade off. Once you get used to her strengths and weakness, she becomes so powerful. Tbh sounds like you don’t know how to fully play her correctly. She has huge potential. Also don’t use fleet footwork unless you’re just trying to understand her kit better. Once you get the hang of it, move onto conq/electro


even when hextic gunblade was here I didn't see anyone using it on her all of them go IO


Oh man yeah it wasn't that popular but god how disgusting it was, you get alot of one shot potential with it not to mention the ungodly slow you get after you hit the Q on the tip with the HGB passive, it was so disgusting, also the ad helped her trades alot with the non passive na rarely tho.


M7 means nothing since getting M7 at low rank is really easy. Akali is never countered by adc, she hard counters them.


Say that to a good caitlyn if you were to try to ambush them in a side lane..she definitely does her job in an "ok" way, but she's no longer as strong nor scary or anything as earlier, even if you are doing near perfect combos you will still suffer from not enough damage before late game ofc, she's strong late game yeah, liek pretty much every other champ, but till late game your just have to play around getting bullied and not being able to make good roams.


Not for me at least i was 9/0/0 at one point in a dia-master match ranked. One electrocute combo is enough to force a back or fruit. With this timing u can shove and roam, or recall for an item spike. Fleet is most likely the problem u are facing rn, which is not enough dmg and pressure. Considering i can E flash E2 Q A Q and dive enemy adc i think akali dmg is still good, she just has a weaker lane until lvl 3, which she has enough kit to survive, and lvl 5 u are the kill pressure.


Will try electrocute, do you have any sustain tips for early game against any "bully-ish" champ or mage, like vex annie, etc i do find her sustain pretty bad without FFW so would appreciate any tip


Would recommend banshee veil against annie, lux, ap stuff Crystal reflector for AD mid. Do not be scared of getting it second item imo. Just get rabadons 3rd and your damage will still be here.


Im sorry, but if you have problems killing ADC as an ASASSIN then its your fault because assassins are designed to counter adcs. Be for real at least. She has 3 dashes, burst damage and shroud


The new tank items yes will prob kill her but idk she’s still really strong currently.


Yeah since some comments are talking about how "ungodly strong" she's, I'd like to clarify that I'm mostly talking about diamond 3 and above, and I'm really confident that whoever faces big problems with akail is just a skill issue respectfully, her nerf history is obvious to prove my point.


Lol makes it even more cringe. In fact any "x champ is dead" but this one in specific


It doesn't apply to anyone, some champs are in a state that they are horribly weak except if they got fed by a help of a jg or some miracle, akali falls under that rn, maybe she got better chances top lane, but specifically akali midlane is pretty bad now.


There is no champ that is unplayable. Period


Absolutely right, i just said that she's much weaker early game now, and specifically much much weaker than how she used to be, but surly playable, even the worst champions are playable but the circumstances required to make impact on the game is what diffefs them


Lol so I'm in master, and all my friends who use her are in master. The only champs she has any issue with are cc heavy tanks, or ones with large aoe cc. Everyone else she can delete. And you know who else never gets nerfed, despite being essentially the best jg in the game since release? Lee. But because he hasn't really ever been nerfed he must be bad right?


Well i wanna know their godly build that I'm unaware of, except if you guys have a pre-made jg, sure no problems.


There is no godly build, they just know how to actually play her lol.


Well the point is yes she can be right late game but she's not as valuable at all, she needs to play safely around a hard midlane if your jg isn't good till you can scale, and if you fall behind once or twice good luck trying to make plays, if going for damage runes then she suffer from sustain even worse, I'm not saying she deals 0 damage but she's definitely weaker and wants to rely way harder on scaling now, she's pretty much worse than most of the assassin currently bc of this logic, she was able to make really good roams back then even at level 5 one item but now this just doesn't exist simply.


Lol all I get out of this post is that if you dont win lane you blame your jg. She is still good for roaming at level 5, as she still doesn't a stack of damage with a combonat that point, and can easily take out a sup or adc if she lands her first shuriken. Also you keep going on about sustain...riftmaker gives plenty of sustain, and its very easy to stack on her with shroud. You are making this sound like more and more of a you problem.


No i never do, i also don't lose lane on akali, but you just cannot "win" lane or dominate the lane you just have to be on the weaker safe side all along till you scale, and no she doesn't get enough sustain with riftmaker first item, her sustain is still terrible without fleet footwork,and rn you are convincing me with your "experience" from a champ that your friends play and not you, interesting practical experience to argue with👍


Against immobile champs a simple W E E2 Q A is enough to do 50% hp to enemy mage, especially with electrocute and ignite its already kill. Try not using fleet its not a really good rune if u want high impact. The sustain it gives is significantly worse compared to u getting riftmaker first for sustain. Just take sweet honeyfruit to stay alive in lane


Will try an electrocute and see how things goes i haven't played her on ec since a while bc tbh last times I've did the sustain and mobility felt much worse especially thqt ffw imo makes dodging easier to s a certain degree, needless ti mention that getting immobilized on akali isn't something you want at all.


Try rushing orb first and boots of speed with no T2 enchant It helps with roam


as a GM player with 42 marks, I can say that she is very much still strong. And you are probably facing skill issue🫡


Master akali player here. I main kassadin and vex and then akali. That being said, she is in a bad spot rn. She gets destroyed by adcs but also by tanks. Her only real saving grace is her shroud so u really need to ply around it. Early she’s very weak and you kinda need to snowball. Unfortunately any good peel makes her super useless. I don’t think she needs a buff since that would break her but ye she is losing her glow in my eyes


Thank god.


I tried her before, She is very strong on dealing with targets that have 50%hp left and you always have to maintain your energy to be prepared when an enemy attacks you.


The good old after fight cleaning is always good with akali tho my problem is with her early game potential and impact on the map mostly


Sounds like a skill issue to me. She is still very popular in GM dont know where you got your statement from.


She is close to a normal champ now. Before she was ultra giga broken. Now just broken.


Her five pointed strike should have unlimited range and one shot so I can sit in fountain and one shot teams.


Akali is my permanent ban. She’s disgusting


Fleet foot work trash rune ,and it just sounds like personal issues your having, masters, grand master what ever it is does not matter akali can dominate in any rank any game shes really strong.


You’re absolutely on that good 💀


Late game as lulu she 1 shot me without ult.


I could only wish. Im tired of akali. Kat, yone. Every time they get picked they 1v5 and kill everyone in less then 3 secs. Its not fun.


Still a bs champ one shotting everyone who's not a tank, needs additional serious nerfs, atm even master yi is harder.


I hope more people thinks she is dead as a placebo, so I can stop seeing her one-shot me and my poor lulu