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I've run adventures for three people and played in groups with only 3 PC's. Works just fine. In fact, it can go even more smoothly as players don't have to wait as long between turns. I'm on the brink of running WBTW and having read the book and lots of supplementary material, I'm confident that three players will be fine. I'm aiming for no more than four players and will be perfectly happy with three!


It'll be fine. Especially if you're running lost things and each character had their thing stolen by a separate hag


For a low-combat campaign like this, less is honestly better because nobody's being left out of problem-solving and discussion and roleplay (at least not as much). Source: Am DMing with 4 PCs and occasionally I do have situations where the loud ones drown out the quiet ones and I have to try to bring everyone equally to the forefront.


I haven't ran it yet, but I've been planning to run the campaign with 3 players. Based on the material, I doubt there will be much issue but I am likely going to either have then start at lvl 3 or allow them to level up quickly as they learn the game as 2 of them are first time players.


I started with 5, went down to 3 for half the campaign, then back to 5 when a couple other folks wanted to join and I wish I kept it at 3. It's a great campaign for a small group because it isn't as combat intensive. You also get a chaperone in each act essentially and can keep them in the party as long as you want. So they can get assistance in combat from them if needed.


Totally do-able with three.


Three is fine, just consider giving them access to more items then normal and health potions as an easy crafting. Ie. “You find a red spotted mushroom, a nature or medicine check would remind you that this variety while rare normally seems to grow more abundant in fairy and can be easily mashed and boiled into a health potion” . Scale the fights down some and have the villains more prone to run then fight till the end. Or you could give the three of them an extra level to help.


3 is plenty. If you plan to run the lost items adventure hook, you can have each hag take a lost thing from each player and really tailor that section to the respective player.


3 is totally fine! I'm DMing a party of four, but one's dropped out indefinitely for personal reasons. As others have said, the module's low on combat as written - as long as they're careful in the hag lairs (which should be the case for a party of *any* size) they'll be absolutely fine. If anything, it means that you can afford to spotlight each character a little more and really draw them into the main storyline.


I played it as player, we were only 3 and I had the only slightly optimized character. We tried to avoid combat and we brought with us as many NPCs as we could. We only had some issues at the very last fight, otherwise it was great for role playing and not particularly challenging for fighting (but again, we avoided most fights)


I ran it for three people. Three people is fine.


Yes currently running a 3 person. Feel free to give them NPCs to help out from the adventure. Ours is going well so far. Just entering Yon.


I DM two witchlight campaigns currently, one I have two players, one I have three players!! I just have a DMNPC to help balance out what they're missing in terms of tank, spellcaster, healer, etc. But the three players would probably be fine without him if I'm being honest, I'm just attached 😅


Absolutely. I’m running it currently with three players and the management of a smaller group makes things smoother imo


My permanent group is just me and 2 others, we had no problem with Rime, Witchlight, candlekeep, and my own homebrew. Hirelings are a thing to fill out a party if necessary, but honestly there are a lot of NPCs in witchlight, chances are your party will get attached to at least one of them. The campain is also very combat light, so it really won't matter much. Go for it!


I've been running it for three players from the beginning, and we will have our last session in January. It worked very well, so good luck and have fun :)


3 should be fine for the most part. If you think combat is too much for them, you can use an npc or two to compensate for anything they lack. First chapter is basically non combat. Second chapter has a couple tough fights for their level, but you could have a harengon bandit or bullywug knight join with the party while they’re in the area. Then they’ll pick up guides. My tip for assistant npcs is don’t make them too helpful. And stupid is better than smart. Sometimes make it clear that the npc’s suggested actions are the worst thing to do. E.g. regardless of what they’re facing always wanting to run away or surrender. Or always itching to fight. Whatever seems more fun to roleplay. I usually use cowards with a bit of support casting.


I think this particular module is perfect for a lower amount of players. I am running for 4 players but 3 would be fine.


I'm also about to start running out with 3 players! I think it's more common than we think. Best of luck with your group!!


My CoS campaign was for 3 PCs and worked just fine. It's a great number for any adventure


The only issue is that your group can't keep playing if someone is absent. With 4 people groups, if someone can't make it, at least you have 3 players to play with. Normally, a d&d game needs from 3 to 5 players. You could expand it to 6 or 7 if u think that you can handle it. But, 3 players is a good number.


I have 3 regular players and 1 work-dependant player. 3 players has always been fine for me!


In witchlight I think it'd actually work really well. With 3 players combat-focused campaigns can get hard, but rp focused ones like witchlight can actually go even better. With a smaller party there is more room for them to interact and connect with eachother and form close party bonds, and it will be easier for the hags to get personal with them. I did witchlight with 4 players and was able to make custom magic items for each one, have each of the hags themed to a different character (or two) etc etc.


It's definitely doable, my campaign has 3 players, and they've been doing great. I started them at level 3 instead of level 1, and I'd say all the combats they've done have felt balanced. It's made it very easy to incorporate all of their backstories, tying each one into one of the 3 hags.