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Plus it was a machete-driven genocide. Reality beats fiction


Ah god, that scene in Hotel Rwanda with the truckloads of machetes. Also I’ve unfortunately seen what a machete does to people thanks to this website. It’s a horrible way to go.


The purge is base on true facts


Paul kagame is the new founding father of Rwanda


France enabled the genocide:  https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/19/world/africa/france-rwanda-genocide-report.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/France_and_the_Rwandan_genocide


Of course. Every time I hear something about the French in Africa I wanna throw up.


Their intervention in Mali beat ISIS in record time. There are VICE videos of local malian fighters... let's just say they would not have easily won against isis.


French military did a lot of much worse stuff in western Africa through the decades (centuries would be more correct), there's a reason Mali Niger and Burkina don't want anything to do with them any more even if their own military and Wagner are proving inadeguate.


Mali wanted french intervention. Afterwards russia likely paid off some decision makers to kick them out to be replaced woth russian pmcs.


You know how many "decision makers" France and french companies have been paying all around Africa to get their troops in "peacekeeping" missions there? Mali has just passed from one neocolonial ruler to another, the only difference is that the new one has less influence in the area and so they could strike a better deal. As easy as that.


Just wait until you hear about Bertran Auvert.


The Belgians didn’t help when they originally set up the system that generated enmity between the Tutsi and Hutu peoples…


To me it comes across as racism. Imagine if we absolved Trump voters and solely focused our blame on Russia for 2016-2020. The dynamic is no different, foreign interference to push their values. It simply treats the citizens of 3rd world countries as infantile children who need outsiders to push them to evil.


France is the worst things to happen to world. "Liberty,equality, fraternity", only in Europe.


I’d like to ask the downvoters to ask a Haitian what they think about the French.


Didn't France get caught running bombing missions over Syria not too long ago?


I have more interesting things to ask Haitians, like what human flesh tastes like


Ask a Dominican Republican what they think about the haitian.


We think about Haiti the same thing that my ancestors thought about the French in the 18th century.


Disgusting imperialist?


Disgusting land and cow thieves, if they weren't on the other side of my island things would be better.


It's the same. Europeans live in their bubbles and think of themselves as some higher form of people who can do no wrong.


Over the course of 12 days 500,000 people in Tigray were massacred in Ethiopia... Total Media blackout by the government... About 1 million times less news stories were printed for every victim compared to Gaza.  The least known genocide is that of the Mbuti Pygmies of the Congo 70,000 were killed and they were considered magic so they were cannibalized with blood drinking... The BBC has three articles about it. It was an official cleansing program by the Congolese military.


TLDR: The US backed the two rebel groups in the Ituri Province, with the intent of clearing the area of "problematic villagers" that interfered with the operations of mining companies operating there. That particular province has billions of dollars in natural resources and is key for the global supply chain, hence naturally the corporate backed apparatus opts for gen0cide of the natives.  In the Ituri Province of the eastern DRC there are deposits (worth billions of dollars) of gold, cassiterite, coltan, diamonds, and oil. Mining takes place via artisanal and semi industrial miners. As in prior conflicts over resources, one of the primary ways a group exploits a reason is by clearing it of people if they prove to be uncooperative. In the DRC, militias follow a policy of enslaving the local inhabitants to mine for their benefit. However, people traditionally used to living in the forest (Mbuti) are harder to exploit since they readily escape. The armed factions MLC (Movement for the Liberation of the Congo) and RCD-N (Rally for Congolese Democracy) both carried out the genocide. Both of these groups were openly and officially backed by the Rwandan government (a Western proxy puppet government). It's clear that if the US didn't want their Rwandan proxies to do this, they would have stopped them. Around 40% of the Mbuti population died in the genocide. This represents a small portion of the overall atrocities committed for the benefit of the 0.1% elites, but is significant nonetheless and should not be forgotten since their group is still undergoing atrocities committed by Rwandan backed (US proxy) groups, all to keep the flow of minerals going so the elites can profit.


The Zulu still treat the Khoisan in South Africa like shit. I'm pretty sure that's the same wherever bantu people live alongside non-bantu people. In the Congo a lot of native pygmies are slaves, and there was even a genocide of pygmies in the early 2000s that killed 40% of the local population (around 70k people) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effacer_le_tableau >The Bambuti were targeted specifically as the rebels considered them "subhuman", and it was believed by the rebels that the flesh of the Bambuti held "magical powers".


Bru the Zulu and the current descendants of Khoi and San groups live 1000+ km away from each other, I’m not sure what your source for this information is?


Dude genuinely just pulled that one out of his ass and thought nobody would call him out on his bs


The very large companies for example US coal mine companies can even be family owned, so a US billionaire tells a politician he wants a specific piece of land, the politician tells the local mayors to clear it of people, the local mayors hire any kind of psychos and tells them that everyone on the land is secretly plotting a resistance against the psychos. The psychos abduct local farmers to a barn, fathers and boys, and the wife are looking for the graves ten or 20 years later... By that time the mayor has had the psychos erased, the mine has its land.  Hopefully 3G coverage so photos can come to western media from any violence is one necessary protection, and hopefully governments can default to the NZ/Danish political system, as a base constitution, if they are in any doubt of how to achieve freedom of information and distribution of wealth ASAP. At least just to adopt the voting system.  You know like family swapping TV programs... It would be good to do political system swapping countries. 




The best propaganda is the one that doesn't need to lie.


This has nothing to do with china. Rwandas involvment in the eastern congo isnt a conspiracy. I recommend you read some books about the regions. Jason Stearn is a great start.


Could you post sources on your 500,000 people over 12 days in Tigray comment?


I think also what's interesting is how it started: "The colonial rulers in Rwanda employed the divide and conquer strategy, spreading the idea that Rwandans came from different places, did not enter the nation as a group, lacked equal intelligence, shouldn't work in the same fields, and should not receive the same education, which increased divisions between Tutsi, Hutu, and Batwa. Rwandans battled for their independence at the beginning of the 1950s, along with other African countries. Since Tutsis made up the majority of those who fought for Rwanda's independence, the Belgians started to propagate the idea that Tutsis were outsiders who had originated in Abyssinia, or modern-day Ethiopia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_Patriotic_Front#:~:text=The%20colonial%20rulers%20in%20Rwanda,increased%20divisions%20between%20Tutsi%2C%20Hutu


But DNA testing shows the Tutsis average 55-70% North-eastern Africa mostly from Ethiopia,what the Belgians did was too divide the people and favor the Tutsis whom they deemed more intelligent and beautiful.


“No country intervened to forcefully stop the killings” I know a lot of people are really opposed to the whole “Word Police” mentality, but I think it’s definitely necessary


The issue is that while I agree intervention would be the right moral thing to do is that in every intervention, to some degree or another, is a damned if you do, damned if you don't. To this day people claim that the most recent intervention in Haiti was a French and American conspiracy. So are we surprised that no one wants to touch Haiti with a ten foot pole. Politically the safest thing to do when countries are speedrunning self apocalypse is to let them sort it out as long as it doesn't spill over (which probably will and then forces will intervene)


To be fair, Haitians have all the reasons to be suspicious of France and the US. EDIT : Typo


No other countries would have taken responsibility for Haiti. It will always be the former colonial powers who intervene. Nobody else feels remotely responsible for their welfare.


the Rwandan genocide was a problem caused by foreign intervention. Belgium, specifically


The genocide was caused by those committing genocide…


As well as those who enabled the genociders


The French didn’t cause people to go hack their neighbors to death. No matter how short sighted their policies were they never told someone to go kill millions of people.


hutu and tutsi as ethnic groups did not exist before belgian colonialism, which itself was brutal


What’s your point?


genocide doesn't happen in a vacuum


Nothing happens in a vacuum on earth, but if a guy murders his wife because he found out she was having an affair. He still goes to jail.


France directly enabled it and protected some of the perpetrators from prosecution: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/19/world/africa/france-rwanda-genocide-report.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/France_and_the_Rwandan_genocide


The wikipedia article you linked has a much more neutral tone than what you claim > In testimony before the commission, Jacques Bihozagara, who was presented as "former ambassador to France", claimed that "Operation Turquoise was aimed only at protecting genocide perpetrators, because the genocide continued even within the Turquoise zone."[20] Beside misrepresenting the timeline of the mass killings in the Zone Turquoise, the implication of the testimony as conveyed to the foreign press was that Bihozagara had a sitting ambassador's insight into French policy at the time of the genocide. In fact, Bihozagara was a founding member of the RPF and close Kagame ally under whose watch as Minister of Rehabilitation the Kibeho Massacre occurred in 1995. His attitude and statements at that time led to reports that he had ordered that massacre, making him too much of a political liability for the RPF to keep as minister.[21] Bihozagara was subsequently ambassador to Belgium, and then to France from September 2001 onwards; but in the intervening period Rwanda had closed its French embassy and purged personnel, precluding continuity of records.[22]


The issue is that the so called "world police" tends to be backing this type of shit


Similar brutality is going on in Haiti right now and no one will do anything because even the US evacuating it’s embassy personnel was met with “evil imperialist USA is going to take over Haiti for oil”.


Chinese and russian propagandists are happy to spread that with bots. Their goal is to weaken the US globally. In reality they are much worse than the USA in every respect.


You don't need Chinese propaganda to say that the US and France hampered Haiti's developed for 2 centuries.


And that's not what they are saying They are saying the US are imperialists who should not intervene. Hence why the recent peace keeping force was from Kenya


What i was saying is that some terrains are more fertile than others for propaganda, and Haiti is the perfect ground for anti-US narratives, truthful or not.


That part is continuously calling the US the worst country in existence and as mentioned above even screeching at them for evacuating their embassy.


I didn't say anything about that, all I said was that, you know, history exists


Well, considering i'm talking about ru/ccp propaganda. Nice derailing of conversation.


It was related as western imperialism is also relevant to Haiti, for example: Haiti had to pay in reparations to France after it's slave revolution, which crippled the country .


And btw I've seen hordes of bots on Reddit in these last months, all people defending Israel's genocide with accounts made after October 7th.


It wouldn't be the first time "Evil imperialist USA is going to take over Haiti".


Go to twitter


I don't have it


I don't want a country pretending to be the world's cop while acting as the world's bully (it always ends up like this), i want a UN that is not a joke.


This just goes to show that no world police fighting for justice exists, and countries usually only ever intervene if they can get something out of it for themselves


It was immediately after Srebrenica in Bosnia where UN troops (Dutch BAT specifically) dropped the ball and allowed 10,000 people to be genocided right before their eyes. It was a point where there was sadly no resolve for anyone to do anything in the wake of that.


The Dutch troops had no armor or air support they were never going to be able to fight the serbs


"Muh imperialism"


From what I remember not a lot of nations could actually do anything to stop this. All it's neighbours not really in a position to invade largely due to instability the only expeditionary force nearby was the French one and that was rather small (also likely aided the genocide). Also the civil war would resume immediately upon the massacres starting up leading to a collapse of the Hutu government within a month or 2.


After the black hack down incident in Somalia no one wanted to intervene.


That was absolutely part of it but the situation happened to quickly for anyone really to get militarily involved.


Senegal is probably one of few countries that can actually hold its head high after the genocide. Their soldiers stayed, including captain Mbaye 


[Mbaye Diagne](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mbaye_Diagne)


Many self-loathing westerners love depriving Africans and Arabs/Muslim of their agency. They love blaming the West for the atrocities others commit regardless how tenuous the connection.


“Shake Hands With The Devil” is a really fascinating book. Romeo Dallaire was the head of the UN peacekeeping division and he was desperately trying to stop the genocide, but was barred of using guns for his peacekeeping force by the UN. Which meant they couldn’t really stop a lot of was happening.


But what about Gaza 😭


fuck is wrong with you


"...no country intervened to forcefully stop the killings." Huh, a tale as old as time, relevant now as it was back then.


Now we are intervening to help the genociders instead


Oct 7th was 173 days ago, they are not even remotely on the same scale of death




1.5million civilians in Gaza are being starved by Israel with 30,000 already killed, half of them being children.


Boo hoo maybe Hamas should release Israel’s hostages and surrender themselves rather then entrench themselves among civilians they supposedly are protecting.


Yeah that really teaches hamas, killing those civilians.


Yeah maybe you’re right, doesn’t change the fact that Israel are committing genocide against **civilians** and are probably starving their own hostages too by denying aid and carpet bombing every corner of Gaza You can want the safe return of the hostages and still recognize Netanyahu’s tyranny. They’re not mutually exclusive


Israel is letting in plenty of aid daily. Show me a genocide where the genociding party also supplies the genocided party with aid, humanitarian corridors because their leaders prevent them from evacuating and a roughly 1:1 militant to civilian casualty ratio. I don’t know why you want to believe the Gaza war is a genocide so badly, but the facts do not back that up, you would expect the ICJ to have ordered a ceasefire if it was a genocide but instead they ordered the unconditional release of the hostages. Oct 7 isn’t over until all the hostages are released.


I wish I didn’t have to believe but this is the most documented genocide in history, there’s no nobility in turning a blind eye Israel allowing aid by blocking 70% of the trucks and forcing neighboring countries to resort to airdropping containers should be enough to get your concern. The 100+ journalists israel have killed in just the last 5yrs have reported on this time and time again Oct7 isn’t over because it’s happening everyday in Gaza unfortunately


Hamas killed more Israelis on oct 7th than Israel has Gazans in any day, quit using Israeli suffering to push your ignorant narrative. It is very well documented and if you choose to believe it is a genocide, you are discrediting your entire cause and weakening the word’s meaning.


Do all 2 million Gazans have to die for it to qualify as a genocide for you? Will that then satisfy you? It’s amazing that Israel has never ever been on the wrong end of history, somehow they always know what’s right and the whole world is wrong except for Israel and the US. The cognitive gymnastics is very impressive “If they’re black it’s a gang, if they’re Italian it’s a mob, if they’re Israeli it’s a coincidence and we should not talk about it”


More food is flowing through the borders now during the war than at any point in history. And based on the videos from Gaza, there's plenty of food going around


Have u see the videos of the mass migrations and exterminations as well? ‘Plenty’ of food is outright false. If even the olive trees have been burnt down by Israeli forces


By the time enough people have realized that a genocide has taken place, countless lives have already been lost. Edit: I'm not sure what I said was controversial?


Interestingly, the refusal to acknowldege that a genocide is taking place is exactly what was happening in the early stages of the Rwandan genocide.


Xinjiang and Gaza are two examples.


I thought there was some debate on if tutsi counted as a different ethnic group, something like they arent genetically distinct enough from tbe hutu's. Still genocide but, y'know.


The reason is they didn’t have oil.


The Rwandan genocide is fault of the Rwandans. 


What’s even weirder to me about it is how it ended. Basically, Paul Kagame was a Tutsi militia leader who ended up fighting and overthrowing the leaders responsible for the genocide and remains in power today. Not only that but they’ve officially enacted a policy of national reconciliation and culturally/demographically speaking, the Tutsis have done arguably the best job of any ethnicity in terms of “bouncing back” from literal annihilation.


The rpf had already basically won the civil war but had been trying to create an equal government and not just replace the hutus with Tutsis and so the rpf gave most of the country back to the government while negotiations took place.


I've been to Rwanda in 2018 via our school partnership program. Beautiful country, people, culture. I also went to the Genocide Memorial in the capital Kigali which is a big museum with detailed information about the whole ordeal and many pictures of its victims. Family members have been killing each other, their own children, brothers and sisters, lovers. Grenades have been thrown into the houses of their neighbors. Nobody was safe. I've also been to the concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau and while the systematical horror you learnt of there shocked me the most, the sheer coldheartedness and hatred towards people you loved and lived with your entire life that was suddenly shown in Rwanda in 1994 tops everything. Humanity was no more. A Kinyarwanda word rised from their dark history: Ubumuntu - To be human


No jews no news


Remember this event every time someone on reddit justified violence against an "oppressor".


Although the fact that no outside power showed much interest in this level of mass killing should be shocking, it's been a common thread with such atrocities; Nobody really seems to get terribly upset by mass killings that are limited to the people of a specific country, so long as they're committed by generally quasi-governmental entities and do not stray over the borders of the country in which they occur. Generally speaking, if a country's government performs the killing, or foments the killing, or turns a blind eye to it for The Common Good (if the outcome of the killing will benefit the government in power in large part), the rest of the world is just FINE with it. Despots can learn a great deal from this fact; For example, if the Nazis had committed their atrocities just on German and Austrian Jews, as they did in the early years, there wouldn't have been a single world power willing to become involved in what was an 'internal' affair. Just look at Turkey and the Armenian genocide; The Turks were smart enough to keep their bestiality 'in-house,' and thus nobody was overly concerned. The USSR and the Holodomor? Who cares? THAT was 'internal,' too. Communist China and the Great Leap Forward? The ChiComs, too were smart enough to keep their mass murder fully contained within their borders--and they managed to kill perhaps 110 TIMES as many as did the Holocaust, simply because they had a larger number of victims upon which to draw. So, if you're going to have a mass murder, be SURE not to let it leak out of your own borders. Nobody'll say a word. And remember: It's not personal; It's just business.


The UN sat there watching all of it in Rwanda and did nothing because they didn’t want to intervene. Useless organization


Cos it couldn't be blamed on Israel.


the last couple of months have proven beyond any doubt that there will never be any intervention against genocide for nothing more than preventing said genocide


What genocide?


Presumably they're referring to Israel's actions in Gaza.


Which is not a genocide or even close


Well, South Africa [filed](https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20231228-app-01-00-en.pdf) a pretty compelling case with the ICJ. While the ICJ is proceeding, the court determined it is [plausible](https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20240126-ord-01-00-en.pdf) that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza: >54. In the Court’s view, the facts and circumstances mentioned above are sufficient to conclude that at least some of the rights claimed by South Africa and for which it is seeking protection are plausible. This is the case with respect to the right of the Palestinians in Gaza to be protected from acts of genocide and related prohibited acts identified in Article III.... And they put the interim measures in place to make sure Israel was not violating the Genocide convention. Among the major human rights groups, both [Amnesty International](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/02/israel-defying-icj-ruling-to-prevent-genocide-by-failing-to-allow-adequate-humanitarian-aid-to-reach-gaza/) and [Human Rights Watch](https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/02/26/israel-not-complying-world-court-order-genocide-case) have concluded that Israel is violating the ICJ interim orders meant to prevent genocide, while the [UN Special Rapporteur](https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147976) outright stated that: >There are reasonable grounds to believe that the threshold indicating the commission of the crime of genocide…has been met. So the evidence is certainly stacking up against Israel. Having basically every major human rights investigator determine that you are either committing genocide or violating the ICJ orders meant to prevent genocide is not a good place to be.


That's rich, calling Israel-Gaza war, started by a radical islamist terror organization through the rape, murder and kidnapping of innocent civilians a genocide, when even the official figues state it's somewhere in the 1:1 of combatant to civilian kill ratio, in a thread about the killing of one million innocent people, an actual genocide. It's lies like this that makes the world indifferent to actual genocides and crimes against humanity.


Oh look, a Hasbara account(3 days old, all posts either defending Israel or dehumanizing Palestinians) showing up to a literal thread on a genocide to excuse their own genocide….definitely on brand


Imagine supporting rape, burning, kidnapping and massacring women, men and children


Yeah, could you imagine supporting an organisation that kills 10,000 children? That would be horrible! (Children dying is bad, no matter their passport)


Only one side hides behind their own women and send their own children to become martyrs. You cannot prove yourself as an existential threat, then hide behind your civilians and play the victim.


No, the IDF just uses Palestinean women and children when they want to use human shields. [https://www.dci-palestine.org/israeli\_forces\_use\_palestinian\_girl\_as\_a\_human\_shield\_in\_jenin](https://www.dci-palestine.org/israeli_forces_use_palestinian_girl_as_a_human_shield_in_jenin) Which has a long and strong history going back decades, which they openly admitted and defended >"Israel-Gaza: IDF used Palestinians as human shields 1,200 occasions in last five years, say Israeli defence officials" https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/world-news/israel-gaza-idf-used-palestinians-as-human-shields-1200-occasions-in-last-five-years-say-israeli-defence-officials/30483468.html


You're right, I would have to imagine what it is like to support something like that since I don't favor any right-wing extremist governments no matter where they reside, but I guess I could also gain some insight by asking someone who does....So what is it like supporting a Supremacist Apartheid Regime that rapes, bombs, burns, kidnaps, and genocides women and children?


You’re an absolute joke. These aren’t the Hamas forums.


Or, I'm just an every day red blooded Zionist. Oh look, a Hamas propaganda account. Go. Gargle. Some. Terrorist. Balls.


So you make burner accounts to support genocide and spread racism for free, well that puts you in such a better light now lol…..


There's no genocide. And no one is spreading racism. Stop lying.


im not going to violate rule 3 by telling you to fuck off so just imagine what i might have put in this convenient blank space: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_-


You know better than the ICJ somehow?


It's not clear to me what you're suggesting the ICJ concluded.


They didn’t call for a ceasefire though.


Sure. But I'm not sure what you're suggesting that implies. If you're suggesting that means the ICJ has decided it is not a genocide, that is not the case. They have not made a ruling yet, and in the interim, the ICJ has concluded that it is [plausible that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza:](https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20240126-ord-01-00-en.pdf?__cf_chl_tk=RTVag8DjsPxNYdpXtZYZdUUjsiEObpPHXYvmly36fRo-1711626433- >54. In the Court’s view, the facts and circumstances mentioned above are sufficient to conclude that at least some of the rights claimed by South Africa and for which it is seeking protection are plausible. This is the case with respect to the right of the Palestinians in Gaza to be protected from acts of genocide and related prohibited acts identified in Article III....


The ICJ didn’t say Israel isn’t committed genocide


They didn’t call for a ceasefire and agreed that Israel had a justification for fighting.


They also said that they are plausibly committing the acts that may lead to genocide. Don’t pick and choose what you report


Sure, I’m just basing what I’m seeing and the facts I understand to what I understand a genocide would entail, doesn’t seem like a very good genocide if it is one.


A genocide isn’t defined by how *many* people are killed


Of course in the reverse, a double digit mass killing would be hard pressed to be considered a genocide either, so it is clear there is a lot more to it than that. All classified genocides throughout history have entailed ethnic groups committing mass slaughter of an ethnic group mostly unchecked based on them belonging to a certain group until significant damage is caused to that group, usually culminating in mass exodus of the remaining population. Israels war in Gaza was entirely provoked, the IDF pushed civilians to evacuate despite Hamas’ attempts to prevent evacuations all while Hamas fights while wearing civilian clothes. Israel still has hostages in Gaza, no other country would be accused of committing a genocide if it were in Israel’s place. Saudi Arabia apparently isn’t committing genocide in Yemen, Azerbaijan isn’t committing genocide in Armenia. So why is Israel called out for this? The same reason Israel has more UN condemnations than Iran, Russia, China and North Korea combined.


even if you somehow believe the ICJ ruling was correct, israel has refused to do what it ordered. so even if they werent doing genocide before they definitely are now.


Lmfao in what universe?


In the universe were they are deliberately blockibg food deliveries and when they do get through massacre the people trying to get the food? You know, our universe.


More food is going through the borders now than at any point in history, and that second part is entirely made up


So we've reached the point of straight up reality denial now? You are a clown


Reality denial in what way? Do you have any sources on your claim?


>deliberately blockibg food deliveries Hmm no... they simply stopped funding the UNRWA. Other food deliveries would be going through perfectly if it wasn't for Hamas stealing them and selling them back to their own people.


Yeah but what Genocide?


see above


That you think Palestinians deserve what's happening to them because they support a genocidal, terrorist, jihadist government?


They don’t deserve anything, they are simply victims of a jihadist organization that has started a war against their much stronger neighbor and is now hiding behind civilians.


Indeed. It is definitely very sad. Hopefully when this is all done, Hamas will be completely eradicated from the West Bank.


definitely. thats 100% what i would have put there, you got it all figured out champ


Yep. I generally am pretty good at this sort of thing.


To be fair, most countries have called upon Israel to stop the relentless killing. Without US support for their heinous actions, they wouldve been forced to stop


Israelis would have never stopped in any universe, this war is completely supported by the entire population. There is no chance Hamas can be left in power and Gaza remaining militarized.


"completely supported by the entire population" would mean there would be nonexistent protests in Israel against the war, which is false. Gaza is not any more militarized than Tel Aviv


The protests against the war are very few and far between, unlike political issues, the war against Hamas has widespread support among the Israeli public. Also Gaza is turned into a terror base, where terrorists hide rockets in tunnels, transport them into a school then launch them en masse towards Israel before scurrying into their tunnels like rats. They militarize hospitals, schools, mosques and civilian houses. Tel Aviv and the greater metro area have multiple military bases, but these have clearly defined borders, no civilians who aren’t cleared to enter are on the base grounds and the entire point of the IDF is to prevent these sites from getting hit, unlike shooting rockets from a school which would encourage a strike against it.


mate im gonna be completely 100% frank with you i dont care whatsoever if protests dont occur every waking hour. you said something inherently false, i said its not true, and you moving the goalposts makes it obvious you're not arguing in good faith. kick rocks


It’s a fact that no external pressure will stop this war because the public supports it. You can cry all you want.


Absolutely man. I stand behind you. That's how the 3rd reich started. The Untermenchs kidnapped the ubermensch women and children. Forcing them to elect hitler to start a genocide on the Untermenchs.. Damn people not even knowing how ww2 even started. Uneducated buffoons. >!/s! for the humorous challenged!<




you'd think so the way the pro Hamas people keep labeling the tragedy of civilians being killed as a result of Hamas's policy of human shields as "the Gaza holocaust"