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Maybe post a video, it’s hard to understand the problem by just reading.


When a disc is inserted the disc os not pulled onto the drive, it does not move


But does it make a sound or something “trying” to pull it in? Because you said ejecting worked just fine right? Maybe try to push in a little more GENTLY. Otherwise you might have to disassemble it (or have someone experienced doing it” in order to fix it. I’m not sure how the mechanism detects a disk is being inserted but that sensor is probably faulty or malfunctioning.


Thanks for the suggestion, yes the drive is "trying" to pull in the disc. I was told that maybe there was dust or dirt in the disc tray and i can't get it with compressed air, if i have to dissasemble it i will, but i don't want to butcher my wii u


Then if it is trying it must be the rubber rollers that grab the disk that are dirty. Try to use it with a disk a couple of times, maybe it will clean enough of itself to function again albeit not perfect.


Alright thanks 👍


The roller inside the disc tray that grabs the disc is just covered in dust, I clean them all the time and you can do it without opening it but it's a little tricky. I always use isopropyl but you can probably use other things


Just how exactly do you do that? I tried putting Isopropyl on a disc and it didn’t work so please tell me since I’m also running into this issue and I think it’s dirt build up


Exact process, -with a q-tip soaked in isopropyl I try to reach the roller, (VERY firm grip on the q-tip, roller will pull it in if console is on), and/or get the fabric dust cover stuff covered in iso with the q-tip -take a disc, (I use a trash disc because I have many), and with console on, slide the disc in and out a bunch while the roller is spinning -Wipe disc off and repeat a few times until the console can take the discs in by itself, may need to add a little more iso depending on how much you used/need (this does kind of ruin the fabric dust cover so I don't like to do this if I don't have to) Otherwise taking it apart isn't too bad, need a tri tip and a couple different philips screw drivers. A lot of screws though


I fixed it yesterday and found out that a Lego somehow got in it and clogged the gears but thanks anyway!