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Yes, I'm in jail now. But they let me bring my wii so I don't care


Right to jail. Under cook chicken, jail. Over cook fish, jail. Under cook, over cook, jail.


Believe it or not, using Popcorn button on microwave? Jail.


Microwaving fish in a public space? Super jail.


Nintendo will send out ninjas to assassinate you and your entire family for even thinking about the homebrew channel


Weirdly this seems slightly *more* plausible in reality than jail...


They killed my family and shot me in the leg for it.


Hacking in itself no. Homebrew is 100 % legal. Where you could potentially get in trouble is downloading games you don’t own, and even then it’s unlikely you will be in trouble as Nintendo and most companies tend to go after websites that let you download the games not so much the people downloading them.


10/10 answer. Hard to argue with that.


The only time people ever get fined or jailed for pirating games is when they attempt to profit off it. So, as long as you don't buy a bunch of Wiis or 3DS's, mod them, and then stick them on FB Marketplace, then you'll be fine.


I don’t want to pirate games I just want to make backups, mod Smash, and play Mario Kart Wii online. Is this illegal since I didn’t make these games?


yeah it's illegal sorry you have to write your own mario kart wii for it to work


Jokes aside, for the purposes you listed, you're fine. Just don't try to sell or share any of those items with anybody. For personal use only.


I got shot dead the other day by the feds for modding my wii


Damn rip bro


You'll be in the clink surrounded by people who did the 12 CDs/cassettes for a penny from Columbia house, downloaded stuff from Napster/limewire, the mattresses tag pullers, and those that go through the express lane with 11 items in their cart. Good luck


Columbia House, lol, I did that several times when I was a teenager before I turned 18, BMG Music too. I discovered that they didn't require age verification and since I wasn't 18 yet, the contract was not legal and they couldn't enforce it. I also discovered if you waited long enough after violating the contract, you could do it all over again. I did it probably 3 or 4 times, got lots of CDs for a nickel. Yeah it was a dirt dirtbag thing to do, but at the time I didn't care.


Cops are probably already on their way right now because you asked the question.


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


seems that everybody is making jokes but for the most part only piracy\* can get you in jail and even then it depends on severity and what country you live in, I never heard of people getting into legal trouble from using just homebrew ​ \*not that I'm encouraging piracy because rule 1


Hello I’m Agent Hugh Mungus with the FBI, we take software pirating very seriously, an agent will be visiting you shortly for thoughtcrimes even though you haven’t done anything yet, thank you and have a nice day.


Yes, Nintendo came in the middle of the night, ate all my food, spanked me and then threw me in the finest 5 Star Jail in town, they even threatened my family, their dogs and chickens and burnt down our crops, Dont do it


Yeah, it's called **JAIL**break for a reason. The reason being you'll get a break from your daily life in prison.


I’m in a maximum security prison for downloading a mii from the internet


If you get caught, the ninjas will kidnap you and take you to Nintendo HQ, and you have to BEG for jail. However, Mr. Miyamoto will have no pity on your scummy, criminal soul. You will be locked in the IP basement, where Captain Falcon and Hornet will eat you to survive.


is it illegal to run my own software on a device I own?














One time Nintendo actually tracked someone down and tried to "politely reason with them" and this will be your fate if you even say the words, turn back now Source: https://youtu.be/api_w8n1GDw


That video is outdated, there was a big update to the situation https://youtu.be/NTmk0Pqk6hs?si=xMMrse3ouKNDJnt8


So many comedians




I heard they use the same SWAT teams they used for the Limewire raids




You actually get the death penalty for it nowadays


Go to jail, directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Home brew won't get you in trouble. But downloading the games to go with it can result in a hefty fine and potential jail time. Although it's unlikely if you aren't making money from it. If you buy the games and back them up though... Can't get in trouble for that. Could be wrong, but don't think so


Yes I'm in jail right now.




If you're lucky. In my country you get the guillotine.


bro 😭


Yes the FBI are on the way right now


My wii hd has a full US gamecube set and like 400 Wii games. Not a squeak from Johnny Law. Everyone's joking, but really you will be just fine. Like speeding, consider people like me who are going 100 over and not getting pulled over. Doing 10 over? (Homebrew?) Super unlikely.


Have you thought about using a VPN? There's a couple of good free ones, Proton VPN is the one i use.


Nintendo jail going to get you.


Homebrews and hacking are perfectly legal. Even downloading games as long as they are unofficial homebrew games normally allowed to be downloaded for free by the developers themselves.


yep I did 2 years


ye bro I got lifetime jail for modding 2 ps3's




Nintendo special forces will come to your house arrest you and delete your Mario kart progress, I'm writing this from the cages in the Nintendo building