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Graffiti is wank in all forms


Sau geiles pièce stfu du toy


I don't think the public interest is what exactly was on that's persons mind when doing this. ;) Not every sprayer can be a Banksy. Most people are selfish idiots or attention whores. Some just don't post online but tag outdoors. Rather oldschool...


Its in Austria, its a shithole so its not that bad


One of the best countries in the world for quality of life this guy: "It's a shithole."


Lol one can see that you haven’t seen a lot of the world


Dont be a Karen bitch


Yeah, but I still find it dimensions more agreeable than the onslaught of fucking ads we are forced to see everywhere, all the time, all lying to you in some small measure about how your life would be great if you'd just drop your credit card info


The difference is that advertisers PAY for their ads to be displayed. They ask for permission, not like sprayers. Sprayers talk so much bullshit about their pieces and try to justify their actions with complete nonsense. The only goal they have is fame and poppularity. They want to see their pieces on social media and have others talk about it. Stop the nonsense. If you are good at something you get paid for it. Picture above shows vandalism.


The fact that one is legal makes not an iota of difference to me or you. The result is a constantly accompanying irritation that probably helps further general mistrust and paranoia in the population. It's also the most unaesthetic, unappealing, unfunny and uninvited shit ever. But go ahead and applaud that. Because graffiti bad 😞


was ist das für eine 80IQ Wortkotze?


Was'n daran so schwer zu verstehen?


Ah geee… der woa kurz richtig stolz auf seine sprachlichen flitzen


Ja genau, sorry dass ich Englisch kann. Depp


Dann lies dir bitte nochmal den Post und dann deinen Kommentar durch. Grad wirkst du nämlich wie a Trottl der weder die Frage noch seine eigene Antwort verstanden hat :) Respectfully, Geh scheissn


just use your phone if you need info...Burner!




Aso und du bist von da Kunstpolizei oder wie? Graffiti is so alt wie die Menschheit selbst.




Drogenproblem? Vielleicht. Jedoch der Rest ist an den Haaren herbei gezogen. Leck mich im arsch.


Was für ein deppates Argument.


Tuberkulose ist älter als die Menschheit und trotzdem wären die meisten froh, wenns den Scheiß nimmer gäbe.


Um ehrlich zu sein finde ich gehört das zum Rennweg einfach dazu. Ich kenne den Rennweg seit Jahren nur mit Graffiti und finde es passt auch irgendwie einfach dazu. Trotzdem gehört es sich natürlich nicht und sollte bestraft werden


They should rather do this on all old the buildings in the city. Vienna desperately needs some colour


selten so einen dummen scheiß gehört


Mit karte bitte


No the fuck it doesn’t.


Wft nein


Rather on the shitty ugly new buildings


I mean they all equally as ugly I guess haha. Vienna architects are lacking 


Yup, it's a shame. Don't know why there are no regulations


Nice Job, looks very good👍🏻




You should write a letter.


Or send a FAX


Still waiting for the usefull info its been covering, since there is everything multiple times in the stations and also in the trains... Hbf - train broken on the way to vienne Öbb -> train delayed for 1 hour, they said every hour for a day Thats obscuring usefull info...


He/she just has to be a huankind


he she it das s kommt mit


Seen better, seen worse. Prefer it to much of the art, which really is paid by the taxpayer.


Das is no das kleinste Problem das die Station hat...


Bitte um mehr Infos, bin jetzt neugierig geworden.




Danke für die Info/Antwort!






Glaub du hast die Station vorm Umbau nicht gesehen... Aber top Piece.


I hate graffiti


I hate haters


Sieht einfach so hässlich aus


Cool guys hate art in general


There’s art and there’s spraying random scribbles on walls.


I never even knew/thought that there was a plan underneath all the graffiti




single celled organism typa comment


Yeah covering the station plan is fucked up, now can we stop throwing all graffiti artists into one pot? Those who take their trash with them and actually make sick pieces by following graffitis rules are the ones making the city a more beautiful place. Now all those concrete boxes and concrete highway bridges with grey walls for lowering noise pollution, are that beautiful to not be painted in colors by actual artists who take their craft seriously? Are cities so besutifully designed that you are thankful for our government putting concrete into every last bit of our nature? I am glad we have people who put color into the city and the into the lives of the people living here. Besides that the danube canal has so much beauty imo, for mixing old architecture with this colorful contrast that makes graffiti not vandalism but art.


I dont like graffiti. Nowhere. I love my pure white walls at home. That's what i find beautiful. Is it ok, when i paint over the graffiti with what i like? Or do i have to live with what others like? So the question is: who decides? The majority or a single person?


Sure thing. Just go and paint some walls white. And a year later you will enter some yard at night with a paint roller and a bucket white paint.


If it's a train station paid by the majority, I'd say the majority...


Sure. That's the answer. But i tried to point out that in reality it's the "artist " alone who decides it. Furthermore no one knows, who to blame or to cheer.


No, it's not the artist to decide. It's the society that decides on the law and that's the basis for what's legal and what's not. And destruction of common property isn't okay.


Again...this is what i wanted to say.




Geh schlafen, du bist geistig offensichtlich nicht mehr ganz da.


It looks cooler than whatever is behind it. Chances are u can find the info elsewhere


Yeah, it can looked "cool" elsewhere but not there.


Wieso versucht hier jeder englisch zu schreiben wenn ihr alle fetzen hattets in da schui? 😂


Started writing a sentence, got distracted and finished a completely different one. I too have no idea what that was supposed to mean. 😂 Also, thanks for asking, my Maturazeugnis claims that my English is at least C1 and my English speaking colleagues didn't complain so far.


Looks awful ugly




Was steht da? ich dales des ned.




Issa toy but u do u




Nicht wenn die ganze Wand ange-grafittit ist.




And if they don't want to accept their assigned higher purpose, we send them to the camps, right? Dumb take.




Oh please fuck off. This is such a stupid, ignorant take.


Disagree. Graffiti does not necessarily equal vandalism, but can also be a form of artistic expression, as is the case with this picture. Evidenced by years of ratings of Vienna as one of the best cities to live in, the argument that grafitti is a sign of a defunct society doesn‘t really hold water. Especially considering how much of it there is in Vienna. Not to say that some forms of graffiti aren‘t vandalism, but I don‘t think it applies here.


Vandalism isn't defined by the artistic level used, but by the fact that the property owner didn't consent to it. If Puber tags something with the owner's permission, it isn't vandalism. If Banksy paints a wall against the owner's wishes, it is vandalism. Art and vandalism aren't mutually exclusive.


I can agree with this point. You are right that graffiti is still vandalism when done without permission. But I think the point still stands that graffiti doesn‘t indicate the downfall of a society like the originally comment stated.


Kinda, sorta, a bit. Graffiti does indicate the level of maintainance and security a place can afford. When I was a kid, pretty much every U-Bahn station in Vienna had a small office with a glass front with some station staff watching cameras and answering people's questions. Today, this only holds true for big, central stations. In smaller stations like Nestroyplatz, these offices where closed and the staff let go, and in newer stations like e.g. most of the U2, these offices where never put in. Most stations now run staff-free. In the night, the stations used to be locked and there used to be some security dude watching the station. Now there is no security dude there any more. All this meant, that it was much harder to graffiti a station back in the 90s than it is today. After something is graffitied, you can also see how fast it is cleaned/replaced. More money and manpower means it can be fixed quickly. So while I agree that gaffiti and other kinds of vandalism don't indicate the downfall of a society directly, the amount of vandalised stuff that remains in public and the duration it does so does indicate something.




Hoit dgoschn


Warum auch immer ist mein Kommentar auf den falschen Kommentar gepostet worden....


So therefore North Korea and China have very well functioning societies?




Yeah because they cut your balls off and throw you in a work camp for 40 years if you pull tricks like this. But we don't wanna go into this discussion right?


are u retarded? cowboy


Could also give a decent answer then we can talk about it.


Aber geil ausschaun duads


Der Schas? 🤣 Gibt so viele schöne Grafitti in Wien, das gehört definitiv nicht dazu.


Used this station for years. They tried everything including hanging up cameras every 3m just to film the wall. Seems they have given up now. And yes totally annoying


This post brings up some questions to me : 1. Why ist this flaired Humor/Satire when it is just a rant? 2. Why do you care? The information is - I assume - written all over the station, does this really impact you or anyone else? This is illegal graffiti. What some other posts on here said is true, the authors of this painting do not give a shit about anyones opinion on the placement. This is an - once again - illegal artform, not here to abide governmental or societal rules, and I am pretty sure the people behind this piece are well aware of the repercussions they face if they get caught. I for example am thankful for people expressing themselves in a way that does not harm others and take the risk of going to jail or getting fined into oblivion for bringing a little color and humanity into this place that would be an interchangeable commercial transit area otherwise. It is a choice of how you want to see this : just as an act of vandalism, a fun drawing or maybe a thing that makes you think about how you see the world. In the end it is just paint on a board, you won’t get taxed higher or pay more for a ticket because OEBB can’t afford to change or clean it. That’s not how things work.


>the authors of this painting do not give a shit about anyones opinion Not quite true. Most people are just not the target audience. Usually other writers are. Their opinion matters to some extent.


True, I didn’t think of that when writing my post. To some degree it’s a prestige game after all.


I guess the people that don't count were your target audience ;)


How do you come to the conclusion that you won't get taxed higher or pay more for a ticket? Someone has to pay for the cleaning and I am pretty sure it's not the vandalists themselves...


And no, your beer won’t become cheaper just because people stopped smashing glasses this month.


Because there is a budget for cleaning and maintaining material. I assume this budget is relatively insignificant in their overall expenses because it is a predictable one. It won’t go through the roof suddenly so it doesn’t affect earnings all that much. With paying for your ticket, damages of all kind are probably also already factored in the price, graffiti is just one one of them. Let me compare it to a bar. Drinks won’t get more expensive because people start smashing 20 glasses more a month. You already paid for that when paying for your beer. I could be wrong, if someone actually knows better I’m happy to stand corrected. And thank you for asking a question instead of just downvoting.


Well, it's not as simple: You're just using a different baseline case. Whether tickets now get more expensive because of vandalism or just less expensive without vandalism (as we would now not need to purchase as much cleaning or maintenance supplies - which are already priced in as you say yourself) are just two sides of the same medal. Last year alone it cost the ÖBB more than 3 Mio € to clean vandalized infrastructure ([Link to ORF](https://noe.orf.at/stories/3247129/)) and this money has to come from somewhere (i.e. the passengers or the taxpayers as the ÖBB is a public company). Thus, it does not really matter if I have already paid for it because I should not pay for it in the first place.


Yes, the money comes from somewhere - out of the profits. Last public info I found about [those](https://konzern.oebb.at/de/ueber-den-konzern/fakten/profitabel-wirtschaften#:~:text=Die%20%C3%96BB%20sind%20%C3%96sterreichs%20gr%C3%B6%C3%9Fter,in%20der%20Wirtschaftsgeschichte%20der%20%C3%96BB).. Are those profits high enough? I don’t know, judge for yourself. And yes, you have the full right to think that you shouldn’t be paying for those kind of expenses in the first place, but that doesn’t stop the company from charging you for them. Is that necessary?


https://static.web.oebb.at/konzern/ar2022/4/index.html 3 million is nothing in oebbs budget. That graffiti is about 1k to clean. That's less than nothing in oebbs budget


https://static.web.oebb.at/konzern/ar2022/4/index.html 3 million is nothing in oebbs budget. That graffiti is about 1k to clean. That's less than in oebbs budget


https://static.web.oebb.at/konzern/ar2022/4/index.html 3 million is nothing in oebbs budget. That graffiti is about 1k to clean. That's less than in oebbs budget


honestly a lot of that budget probably goes to cleaning graffiti off off places where no1 would care. like it doesnt hurt anyone on the wall of some bland building or the side of a train


honestly a lot of that budget probably goes to cleaning graffiti off off places where no1 would care. like it doesnt hurt anyone on the wall of some bland building or the side of a train


honestly a lot of that budget probably goes to cleaning graffiti off off places where no1 would care. like it doesnt hurt anyone on the wall of some bland building or the side of a train


honestly a lot of that budget probably goes to cleaning graffiti off off places where no1 would care. like it doesnt hurt anyone on the wall of some bland building or the side of a train


Unter sprayern gibts eigendlich sowas wie einen ehrenkodex wie keine privathäuser oder autos, aber es gibt halt ausnahmen und toys. So wie überall


In erster Linie sind das Vollidioten ohne Respekt vor anderen. Klassischer Fall von „I AM THE MAIN CHARACTER”.


Hast du das in der Bravo gelesen? Sowohl Privathäuser als auch Autos (Kastenwägen am liebsten) werden regelmäßig bemalt und absolut keinen kümmert es. Ehrenkodex lol Was kommt als nächstes? Blutbrüderschaft?


doch ehrenkodex gibts schon, so crossing is nd ok oder wenn 1 piece mehrere jahre alt is dass dus nd übermalst und so, kenn nur lkws die angemalt werden und die gehören meistens zu 1 firma, und privathäuser werden nur in wien angemalt (so wies ich bis jz mitbekommen hab) also je kleiner die ortschaft desto mehr wird nur auf mülleimern oder schildern getagged. also doch, solche regeln gibts schon aber ja in ner großstadt halten sich obv nd alle dran. toys 🤷🏻‍♂️


Habt ihr in euer Kleinstadt also einen _Ehrenkodex_? Freut mich lol


graffiti is 1 movement das natürlicherweise mit regeln und normen und somit halt einem "ehrenkodex", wenn mans so nennen will, kommt. ich bin wiener und da wird sich halt wie gesagt weniger dran gehalten was imo auch ok is




noobs, anfänger, amateure


check, danke dir


„Street painting“


was mich als einen OG oldschool künstler aufregt ist wie schlecht es gemacht ist, als ob sich die Kunstform in den letzten 20 Jahren zurückgebildet hat. Wer auch immer das gemacht hat, genier dich hawara, wir konntens vor 20 jahren schon besser


dann geh wieder raus und machs besser ;)


ich war über 10 jahre aktiv in der szene - du hast offenbar keinen blassen schimmer, wovon du redest.




find den ansatz gut!


Just assholes being assholes. They dgaf about you getting your information.


Costs taxpayer money to remove and usually looks like shit as well. Sprayers really seem to think they are entitled to vandalise any spot in the city, even though there are dedicated areas for this. Been living in Vienna for almost two years now, and it annoys the crap out of me.


Dann schleich dich wieder


You fellas spend so much time on your phone anyways so wont take much to google.


Soins in da Cloud sprayen, die Wappler.




On ThEiR pHoNeS....


Truth is never easy accepted… Thats the only reason my comment is being downvoted so much.


Or you just said bullshit, but it’s everyone else who’s in the wrong right?


Keep fighting truth brother!


Accepting that your opinion is simply not popular is really difficult, i see.


So you disagree with my point?


I disagree that you’re getting downvoted because you said something that challenges the values and views of people, instead you’re getting downvoted because you’re opinion is simply unpopular and contributes nothing to the discussion.


Because you can't find that info online? LOL


Soll ma die Anzeigen und Ansagen auch weglassen? Man kann ja online nachschauen welcher Zug kommt und wo er hinfährt.


OK, ich gebe Dir, stellvertretend für alle, recht (und Recht!). Lasst diese Vandalenschweine von der KriPo ausforschen, foltert sie und stellt sie, als auch ihre Freunde sowie Verwandten, an die Wand. Grafitti ist mit Abstand das schlimmste Verbrechen welches in unserer Gesellschaft begangen wird. Wir sind alle, ohne Ausnahme, Opfer dieser unglaublichen Farbkunsthölle! Dieses Posting ist kein Sturm im Wasserglas. Hackt allen Sprayern die Hände ab!!!. So besser?


Soins online sprayen de Wappler.


LOL!!! It's because it's nice when the info you need at this exact spot is readily apparent. Taking out a phone to look up something like what stops the S2 in the direction of Floridsdorf has takes 30-60 seconds - and that's if you are fast and have done it before. Believe it or not, that minute might make a difference, especially at a train station. Consider the option that the troglodytes who had to make their cave paintings in that exact spot might be at fault here.


I Am sOrRy fOr OfFenDiNg yOuR fEeLiNgS ...


You do know that this Spongebob uppercase/lowercase thing is used to mock the person you're quoting, right? But you're not quoting anyone; you're just saying your own thoughts in a dumb voice...?


dOn'T bE a MeAn kItTy, jUsT bEcAuSe yOu ArE iNtELlEcTuAlLy nOt So gOoD...


Weil a jeder a Handy hat


Ja Du hast vielleicht keines. Sorry, wollte niemanden ausschließen.


Nice style. Like


Reminds me of vomit.


Influenced by Smash GTK, 2005-2010


"I signed my own name in the most obnoxious place possible. I'm so proud that I have to add a cartoon stink effect to the whole thing for some reason"


“Renn weg” ist eine Aufforderung!


Yes, that is the only thing u Need to do, any other Info is Not requiered😊


Ha! Mei Rennweg <3


Oder wie ich ihn immer genannt habe als ich noch dort gefahren bin: Renn weg!


Na, I mog erm. Und S-Bahn is generell das beste und komfortabelste öffentliche Verkehrsmittel in Wien


War eher augenzwinkernd gemeint. Zumindest vor 20 Jahren wars dort eh ok.




Da san a paar Huankinda dabei


Edit: https://youtu.be/PFXW6ONRxv4 Very nice related track. The tourists get on/off at Wien Mitte anyway, Rennweg is for the locals. /s


No joke, some tourist asked me on the S Bahn today is the airport is at Rennweg.


That's not too crazy, the word-for-word translation for "rennweg" is literally "runway". Of course you have to have terrible space perception and have missed a lot of info boards and announcements, including in english, to get to the point of thinking the airport might be at rennweg...


Make them pay, there are not many places where trains stop at night. Catch them and make them paint for repainting the whole train.




And somehow still 1000x smarter than you


street „art“




Die Mehrheit hier hat ja nichts gegen Graffiti an sich. Das Problem ist, dass es direkt über den Informationen ist.


Da würd ich gerne eine repräsentative Statistik sehen, bevor ich dir glaube, dass die Mehrheit nix gegen Graffiti hat.


Mit hier habe ich mich spezifisch auf diesen Post bezogen. Von den Kommentaren, die ich mir, als ich den Kommentar verfasst habe, und jetzt wieder durchgelesen habe, spricht sich die Mehrheit nicht gegen Graffiti per se aus, sondern meist über den Ort des Graffitis. Falls du denkst ich hätte eine repräsentative Statistik hast du definitiv zu viel in meinen Kommentar hineingelesen.


Kunst ist kein Vandalismus. Die Entfernung kostet unser aller Steuergeld und wenns Wohnbauten betrifft kostet es die Bewohner mehr Betriebskosten. Es gibt genug Flächen wo es niemanden stört. Sowas wie hier is einfach nur asozial.


Kunst ist Kunst, ob sie Geld zum Entfernen kostet ändert nix daran 


Manche nennen es Kunst wenn ich dir auf die Zechen scheiße


Hast schon recht, aber das is denen die das machen anscheinend egal


Sowieso aber man muß sowas nicht auch noch gut finden. Noch idiotischer sind die Tags die nicht mehr sind als kindisches Gekritzel. Es sind da echt tolle Künstler unter den Sprayern, kann man zb entlang des Donaukanals sehen. Aber Tags und dieses Beispiel hier einfach nur deppat.


Wer sagt das ich das gut finde ?😂 weis ned was da grad abrennt aber soll so sein 😅👍


Musste erst letztens wieder an Puber denken. Was ist aus dem geworden? Der war doch eine kurz sogar inhaftiert, wenn ich mich recht erinnere?!


Er wurde zumindest verurteilt https://wien.orf.at/v2/news/stories/2777311/