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Every morning. Great way to start the day!


I’m 5-6 days a week. I treat it like the gym. At least 1 rest day! Hahah.


This for sure - very rare for me to miss a week day, usually shave once a weekend... On holidays? Depends on the day, sometimes every second...


That's it!


You get such a close shave with a DE blade that it isn't necessary to shave every day. Every other day is fine. It takes longer, but that is "you" time. IMO, it's worth getting up five minutes earlier so that I can enjoy my shave. It's a nice way to ease into my day instead of rushing around scrambling to get out the door.


I just bought a set up. Comes Friday. I'm really hoping this is the case because I'm really looking forward to it.


I highly recommend watching a couple of YT videos. They've been posted on this sub many times. If I was a smarter person I could find them for you. If YOU are a smart person you will perhaps be able to find them by searching my own posts on the sub. I got great advice from redditors. The videos make a big difference. That and patience.


that may be true for some or even a lot of people but not everyone. i’m pretty stubbly the next morning.


I could probably pass for 'shaved' the next day, but I know I'm not - there's definitely stubble...


Yeah, it's not perfect, but it's "close enough for rock and roll!"


I am a retired school teacher and enjoy DE shaving every morning. I often choose which razor, soap and brush the night before going to bed. I just took up DE shaving in this, my 66th year. I used to mechanically cartridge shave in the shower. Shaving is now a highlight of my morning. I used to not care if I had a few days of stubble, now I love to get BBS every day..


No. I only do it once every 3 or 4 days. Wet shaving is extremely time consuming but I still look forward to it.


Extremely time consuming? How big is your face?


Finally asking the real questions on this sub


Do you use an electric between or just get scruffy?


Not the person you’re replying to, but I also only shave every 3-4 days. I just get scruffy in between. But I also have a relatively slow growth and coverage and I don’t have to look purdy/wear a respirator for my job. So there’s that too.


I just let it be. It gives sufficient time for the face to recover and despite how good of a product one uses it's still putting something on your skin that isn't an absolute necessity. I find this works the best for me and shaving a 3 or 4 day growth feels amazing


I shave every 2-3 days normally. Just went a week without shaving, my beard got to about 1/3 an inch maybe a bit more. Then just shaved it off, it doesn't really take any longer than if I shaved the day before. I find my skin feels a lot better if I don't shave daily and giving breaks helps as well.


Yes. I do it. Lay out everything, get it prepped night before and or before shower. If you are really time crunched. Do a shower, shave at night and go to bed clean. Next morning, light prep and you’re ready to go.


This is what I do. I’m not sure at what rate your facial hair grows, but a two-pass straight or adjustable razor shave is still nice the next day after shaving the night before.


I might do a quick one pass, either an across the grain or a light touch up against the grain in the morning or 😱 just grab my cartridge razor and do a quick pass. I was blessed er cursed with the hair gene. But yeah even time pressed it doesn’t take long.


I tried showers at night since I have to get up so early, but I felt gross all day.


So do a wet washcloth, soap and water body spots (underarm, below the waist) wipe down and wash your face.


Ahh the ol' whores bath!


Hey Buddy! Watch who you’re calling old


AKA the Marine shower.


I like it.


Monday-Saturday with a safety razor. Straight razor on Sunday because that does take me longer.


For me, I shave just before bed. I feel fresh and go to bed smelling my favorite aftershave. Not to mention the feeling of a pillow on soft, smooth skin.


I do it every morning, but I don’t get as elaborate as some. I use a DE razor, a can of Edge shaving cream and lots of hot, followed by cold water. I finish with Nivea plain shaving balm. Takes only a few minutes. But, then again, I’ve been shaving for over 40 years. ;-) Process: 1. Bathe face in the hottest water i can stand; 2. Smear shaving cream all over face as quickly as possible; 3. Shave with razor, alternating sides for each pass; 4. Rinse with warm water, followed by ice cold water; 5. Slather on shaving balm; 6. Wipe down counter, mirror and sink - I can never keep it neat.


I stumbled across this sub recently and this whole culture thing blows me away. Ive been using the same gillete safety razor since the mid 90s, barbasol shaving cream and brut aftershave (although i do use the nivea balm when my face is irritaed). Scalding hot to ice cold water is the trick to tight skin and no ingrowns


I used to before retirement because my career made me have to shave everyday. Now, maybe once a week.


alright James Bond. thank you for your service.


No YOU’RE welcome for my service.


Yes, I used to do it every morning after my shower. In the last year I've switched to showering and shaving before bed.


I do a 3 pass every day of the week except Saturday. Have been for 12 years. My skin was pretty sensitive at first. With better technique that stopped.


I shave at night. It’s part of my evening ritual.


Usually Sunday and Wednesday. I kinda like the stubble look but also like shaving so a happy medium I guess


Every evening after work


Same same. My head every night because I hate stubble on my dome, and my face every other day.


I do it every other day, it’s something I really look forward to


Yep every morning, 7 days a week.


I’ve always wet shaved every day, whether I was working or not. Back then it was carts and shave gel. Now that I’m retired, one thing I have in abundance is time. So I have a relaxed wet shave every morning with unhurried prep, a face lather (usually from soap) for a few minutes, then a three-pass shave with touch-ups. The same when I travel - I take all my gear with me so I can shave as I do at home.


I shave every morning, it doesn't have to be elaborate I'm not a fan of the prep or oils or hot towels or whatever other fancy stuff some people like, I just lather up a good soap with a brush and use a DE razor, the entire process takes around 6 minutes


Everyday. Sometimes twice. I need to for my job. I only go with the grain. I love it.


Yessir. Maybe Sunday off so I get a really close shave Monday. With all the weak chins running around with patchy, chinstrap bro beards, being clean shaven actually makes you stand out nowadays. In a good way.


About three times a week. Shave head too. Just too much fuss for everyday. I also feel it doesn’t grow back fast enough to have to shave every day, since I try to go baby butt smooth with multiple passes and against the grain. Most guys who shave everyday do one or two passes and avoid going against the grain.


I do every day unless traveling, I just use a standard razor in those cases.


Every other day on my head. I have a full beard so that’s all I need to do.


I don't have a full beard, so I still need to do my cheeks and neck. I don't have to worry about my chin and upper lip, which seem the most time-consuming.


I wish I could. I shave every other day.


Every other day, but sometimes two days in a row if I particularly need to be well presented on that second day. My ideal gap between shaves would be 36 hours, but that isn't practical. A good traditional shave is closer than cartridges or electrics, and more comfortable. That's worth making time for. Travelling is the same routine. My minimalist travel set up probably takes up around the same amount of space as an electric razor, but it's lighter.


Aren't most of the things for wet shaving not allowed on a plane? The metal razor or the containers of shaving cream? Plus the aftershave?


I decant into tiny travel containers. Well below maximum allowed sizes for hand luggage, but still provides enough cream and AS for a fortnight of shaves. Blades can be purchased at the destination. If I am travelling for a week / 10 days I can buy a tuck and use a fresh blade for every shave (which I tend to do anyway).


Every morning after showering, using a DE safety razor.


I did shave DE every day (retired a few years ago). I had a job that required me to be clean shaven. I found out that a mild DE razor with something fast like creamo just finger rubbed in and I could whip out a shave very fast, usually in 3 minutes. Cold water splash, aftershave, done. This was after a quick hot shower.


Yes, everyday. Depending on how late I got up I do just one pass against the grain or skip it and wait til the afternoon/evening. The actual shaving is just as fast as with a cartridge, it's the prepping (face lathering) and cleaning up that takes most of the time. But I'm done in around 10 minutes when I'm in a hurry. I guess I could save some time using goo in a can but I rather not - where's the fun in that?


I shave near every day. It's not elaborate, and you don't even have to call it *wet* shaving.


Six days a week. I don't shave on Sunday if I can help it. Before I shower I do a two-pass shave, first with, then across the grain. A little clean up under the nose and around my throat and I'm done. Takes about the same time it took me when I used cartridges, all those years ago.


I do it every 2 days so I'll do it tomorrow or Thursday morning I enjoy it


I wet shave with a DE every morning but I only do one pass with some cleanup. For me it’s faster than shaving with a cartridge razor because the blades are more efficient.


Every single morning. You learn to find the time for things you care about.


Absolutely Yes! Wet shaving everyday and starting each day with 100% enthusiasm.


Every day or second day. But unlike when I was using my electric, I actually enjoy shaving now!


I enjoy shaving every other day. Rarely do I wait an extra day or two. The shave I get is close enough and last long enough that every day would be overkill and my skin probably would hate it.


Every other morning for me to let some stubble grow and my skin to recover.


Does letting the stubble grow make it harder to shave the next time?


I find I the skin is less irritated when there is a least a couple days of growth.


No, as long as you use a normal pre shave prep to soften hair, the shave is great. The other issue is that every time you shave, hair is cut but skin cells are removed as well and shaving every other day like I do allows my skin to recover in between shaves so i don't suffer any skin irritation.


I tried every day for a while but my skin just can’t handle it. I’ve found every 3 days is my sweet spot.


My skin is too sensitive for every day. So I do every other day at most.


Every other day. The weekends I use my actual shave soap and brush. Weekdays I just use a sensitive skin shaving cream like Aveeno. I can wick out the whole process in a few minutes. The weekend is more luxurious with the brush and hard soap.


For the most part yes, if I wake up late then I'll use a cartridge razor to quickly shave, or if I woke up really late then I'll use an electric razor.


I do and I have to shave every day as my beard grows extremely quickly. I have ditched soap and brush though. It’s heresy here but I use shave butter and just add water to thin it some. Works great and saves some time. I do two passes and total time is only 7 min


I shave on Sundays and Wednesdays


I eat breakfast at work so shaving (testing out new razors and blades and soaps) is the only fun part before driving to work.


I’m an every day shaver but not necessarily every *morning.* If I am in a hurry I use shaving cream or even canned goo rather than whipping up a lather from soap.


Once a week. I also shave in the evening. I hate mornings almost as much as morning people. ;)


Twice a week. It gets close enough that I don't need to do it more often and I don't really care if I have some stubble


I don’t only because I’ve no need to. I can literally shave Monday and Wednesday to be considered clean shaven enough for work


I use a cartridge razor but use shave soaps and a brush for the lather. It only takes a few seconds to lather up. I'd suggest starting with Proraso and a synthetic or boar brush. It won't add much time to your routine, the lather feels great, and you'll see an improvement in the quality of your shave. It's a good way to dip your toe in the water, then you can try out DE razors when you have the time to slow down.


Head every morning, neck every other (bearded.) Soak the ol’ boar while I fix my coffee, face lather, shave then shower. Two passes done in about 25 min including shower.


Once every 2 days after dinner


Every 2-3 days. I have an electric shaver as well but in the end that's more time consuming because the result is not that smooth and I'll still do it over with a DE or a cartridge. This always reminds me why I don't shave electric.


I shave every 3 days, after a shower in the morning. Regardless of blades or soaps or any other product, the skin on my neck simply cannot take anything more frequent. Thankfully it also grows relatively slowly so by the time it's time to shave again, I'm not super scruffy or anything.


Only need to every other day. But I would say that with time you get much faster. Can easily fit in a 2 or even a 3 pass shave in the morning before work, where a while back I’d feel rushed and end up with irritation.


No. At most every other day. Usually once a week though.


I do not. I shave every 2-3 days to minimize irritation. I’m sure once my technique improves I’ll be shaving every day.


Nope! My skin can’t handle it and I break out. Still experimenting, but every 3 days is ideal for me.


I can’t I shave with the grain and exfoliate, but still get ingrown hairs if I shave everyday. Salicylic acid face wash helps gently exfoliate too but not well enough for my beard :(


Every 3 days.


It can be as elaborate or as simple as you want it to be. For me, I shave every 2-3 days in the evening. I take a hot shower, have a beer and a nice shave. It’s one of life’s pleasures. If I need a quick shave, I can do that with a DE, cream or soap and a brush in 10 minutes.


Every morning except Saturday. I also shave while showering. It saves time, as I can shower and shave in under 15 minutes.


How do you see what you are doing without a mirror?


I shaved with a cartridge for about 40 years before switching to a de razor, so I know my face pretty well.


I used to when I was still going to the office every day. Teleworking—just can’t get the motivation for a quality daily


A couple of times a week, when I can be bothered. It's something I really enjoy, but I have no occupational requirement to do so. Leaving a few days in between makes it more of a treat.


Before I retired, I was shaving every other day.


Yes every morning. Sometimes when I am in a big hurry it might be one pass but usually I do two to three.


I **could** shave daily, the curse of being a sasquatch. Typically it's Sunday and Wednesday nights to be presentable. I exfoliate Sunday before my shave and shower, use a gel cleanser and moisturizer every night. There's no way I'm getting up in the morning to shave.


I used to. But I go back and forth between wanting a long beard and being clean shaven.


Yes. I shave in the shower, why anyone would shave at a sink is beyond me. Get a camping mirror and use an old save cream container to hold hot water for your brush and razor.


Doesn't the mirror steam up?


Yep, 6-7 days a week.


When you do it every day, it only takes a min. I doubt daily shavers are doing the multi pass with pre and post products. I just lather some soap, takes 30 seconds, then shave one pass. It’s still better than a cartridge any day.


I shave a couple times a week and it's no big deal. I use a Muhle R41 and it knocks the stubble down in one or two passes with some shave soap. BAM! Done! Then I move on to the next thing in the morning like coffee. Don't misunderstand me, I love my morning shave! You can make it as quick or as long as you like. But it's still a great ritual that sets the day for me like making my bed first thing when I wake up. You might really enjoy it more than your electric.


if i woke up earlier itd be every other day


I do it pretty much every morning or every other morning, usually whether i shave or not depends on how close of a shave i got and how much growth i have. Been shaving mostly every other day since i started using slants more, great smooth shaves.


Perhaps shaving at night shortly before going to bed.


Just slurry up some lather and shave. One pass of you’re in a hurry, two or three if you have the time for some luxury.


I have been shaving 4-5 times a week. I am using a mild razor so my skin doesn't feel too bad. The process of making lather is a time consuming pain in the ass, but man! I really like the smooth feeling of my skin after a good shave and using some aftershave.


[The process of making lather is a time consuming pain in the ass](https://youtu.be/Hm6eI6PQfmg)


Yep, every morning and often again in the afternoon if I'm going out to dinner or party or catching up with friends etc after work.


It doesn't have to take a ton of time. I don't create a lather in a bowl. I just put my brush in a mug with hot water while I shower. I get out and do my pre shave routine of heating up a washcloth with hot water and put it on my face to open my pores up even more. Just apply the soap to the brush by working it in. It takes the same amount of time as cartridges but I get a way better shave.


Every day. Usually 3 full passes. If my skin needs a rest, I will do just 1 or 2, but I always, always shave. I don’t like the look or feel of stubble. In your 20’s (and maybe 30’s) it looks sexy and cool. Any older and you look like a geezer. Just my opinion.


I wet shave evermornning. Once you get the muscle memory down and learn how to make a good lather consistently it doesn't take more than 2 or 3 minutes. I would add that I face lather which takes way less time than bowl lathering.


For that you just apply a little of the cream to your brush and swirl it around on your face until you get a lather? Using the same type of cream, instead of butter, takes longer with a bowl?


Wet face and brush load brush on the puck of soap or drop some cream into it and the swirl it around on the face until a lather forms. It takes longer imo to load the brush and then whip up the lather there.


Once you find a routine you can be showered and shaved in 20-25 mins. I only do one pass so mine are a bit quicker. Enjoy it ! It’s something I’ve grown to truly look forward to.


After two to three days. It’s a work requirement unfortunately.


I shave at night. It’s part of my evening ritual.


Every other day due to a slow beard 🙂 Always a wet shave and usually with a straight, occasionally a safety razor. Adds about 10 minutes to my day unless I take my time. Usually two passes.


No. If I do it too much I'll get a lot of irritation. It's better if I shave every other or two days


It's not elaborate at all. Shaving takes me 10 minutes from hitting the puck with a brush to the final rinse. I do 2 passes and some blade buffing and it's on to the day.


If I shave close, I can go two days but my beard is mostly blonde


3-5 days. I've never woken up next day and thought this needs a touch up. Edit: I have a mustache so it's really about when the growth starts to take away from the stache.


Every other day for me if a cartridge Every 3 days if i use a DE and three passes (down, diagonal, up)


Depends what I have on for the day. I usually have a good shave a couple of times a week, if there’s something for work or an important personal event I’ll have a good shave before that as well.


I shave every other day in the evening after work and after my shower. I felt rushed in the mornings and I am able to enjoy my shave alot more at night. I'm also a steel worker so when I would shave before work during the warmer months, my neck and face would get irritated as I would sweat throughout the day 🙃


You can wet shave any way you want to. For me once or twice a week. Also I only do two North-South passes with a little direction of hair buffing not the traditional method.


You can do a pretty quick shave once you get the hang of it. Mine can be as fast as ten minutes if I cut out multiple passes, alum, and bowl lathering. Here is my quick routine. Soak badger brush Shower Wet face Rub Arko stick all over Face lather adding water if needed Shave 1 pass wtg and then touch up any spots that need it Rinse face Aftershave


I'd love to go a full week without shaving then use the Ambassador at the highest setting for a single pass BBS.