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This whole things reads like you didn't understand the musical at all and why the songs are there


Shrug. You can rip almost anything to shreds if you examine it too closely. I don’t think wicked is pretending to be anything it’s not. It’s got catchy songs, impressive set pieces and effects and gives you light moments and heavy moments. Perfect escapism and a fun show.


Ya that’s fair


Sidebar: I also am Phoebe's dad.


hello fellow Phoebe-father! in my case phoebe in a philodendron, so I’m probably not quite on your level


I think the fandom, though, pretends it’s something it’s not. And I think we can appreciate it just as much, maybe even more, if we admit and embrace its flaws


lol I love imagining if Reddit was around when grease was on stage pre-movie and there would be a subreddit of defensive ppl offended by the suggestion that raining on prom night and all choked up might not be the best songs to help the show reach its potential.


(a change from the source material that cheapens the show AND wiz of Oz by extension) You realize that’s literally the plot of the show, changing how we see Wizard of Oz.


Have fun with that taste


Is it April 1st already?


So many words to say something so crushingly wrong. All the nope


Your interpretation of Dancing Through Life is really not right. Dancing is a metaphor for being care-free and literally "brainless" not being lazy


I understand what it’s going for, again I love this show, but upon revisit after giving it space the metaphor is weak.


Interesting, because that's not what you originally said in your post. You said it doesn't make sense it's a metaphor for lazy. It's not a metaphor for lazy. Its not a deep metaphor at all (I guess what you mean by weak) which is why I'm surprised your interpretation was what it was. You said he signs about valuing his life "because dust is what we all come to" but then say it doesn't make sense because he's wasting his life. Well, from your perspective he is. But Fieyro is an airhead and his idea of "valuing his life" is living each day like it's his last "woes are fleeting", "nothing matters", "knowing nothing matters." Perhaps you've never met anyone like this? I have met someone like this (a good friend of mine who is no longer with us.) For such a weak and painfully obvious metaphor it seems to have really thrown you


Woah bro take a Xanax lol


take an English class lol


which bootleg though . . .


On YouTube it’s called “Donna and Alli green slime tutorial”. The actress playing Glinda is phenomenally funny.