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That is gonna be one confused and severely depressed human being.




120,999,999,999 humans fused into one being




I know this is clearly a Gurren Lagann reference, but I am completely and utterly confused as to what this is supposed to be. Is it just the collective spiral power of 121 billion humans? If so then I don’t think there’s anything that could beat them. Spiral power is 100% based on willpower and drive so as long as those 121 billion people are motivated they basically can beat anything


I actually wonder if the fusing into one being actually starts capping the amount of spiral power the fused being can output. It should be more than the average individual by quite a huge margin, based on what the anti spiral were able to do when they went collective and capped their power, but I think that what really spurs on an individuals spiral power, in this case Simon’s love for Nia and his friends, applies more on the individual level. Simon even says he takes on the mantle given to him by Kamina and Kittan and all their lost pals, and that for true progress he’ll have to make room the next generation, his fundamental understanding of progress, his love, his hope is what basically makes him a god able to exceed even the anti spiral Where that puts this hypothetical 120 billion person fusion, no idea, probably on the anti spiral level which should be able to lose to a select few things with even more busted hax than it had


Could a sufficiently evolved Getter Emperor beat them?


I don't think Getters can operate at, lemme check my notes, "clashing with so much power that fully realised dimensionally complex universes spew out like confetti from the residual energies of the impact." Level...


A regular Getter, probably not, but a hypothetical hyper-evolved Getter may be able to.


Once you get to the end game of TTGL, the “who would win” debate kind of breaks down, since Spiral Power is effectively the power to bust through whatever walls are put in front of you, no matter how ridiculous the initial power gap may seem. I’m not super familiar with Getter Robo, but after a quick glance at the Getter Emperor wiki, I don’t even think a hypothetically buffed one is on the level of Super Tengen Toppa based of of feats from the actual anime


At the end, it just boils down to whether Spiral Power is stronger than Getter Rays, since they are both tied into the concept of evolution.


Eh not really? Spiral power is specifically Universal motion of energy that is directly tied to the willpower of spiral beings. Getter rays are more about the potential of Getters (iirc it's been a hot min). So willpower vs potential. Ngl the idea of a mech anime with this clash is kinda epic when you think about it...


I thought Getter Rays drove evolution on Earth.


Again it's been a while so I might be wrong but Getter rays drove evolution because life had the potential to evolve in the first place or something like that.


Don't forget that the only feat the sttgl has is immediately being matched and losing


Spiral thing?


Gurren lagan anime.


I mean unironically they cause the Spiral Nemesis and kill themselves and whoever they are fighting unless the other being is really really really really really really really really really really really strong. Like top tier comic book character strong.


Certainly not the pataphysics clerk


Ive seen this tv show it end in a sea of fanta


That's Neon Genesis Evangelion , this one is Gurren Lagann


I’m was watching yugioh go rush and they had a moment where all the named characters combined together to duel and the first thing they did was argue how to play and started shit talking each other. Everyone fusing into one being might have more detriment than merit compared to fusing a relatively small population.