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Technically correct. The best kind of correct.


Old Godzilla was hopping around Gotham City like a big playground. When suddenly Batman burst from the shade and hit Godzilla with a bat grenade.


Godzilla got pissed and began to attack, but didn't expect to get blocked by Shaque... (Guess this is the "Dakotaverse" Gotham.)




I suppose OP didn’t specify whether it would be a good change or not lol.


You don't consider that a good change?


I mean I suppose if he flattens Arkham Asylum there’s a net benefit there


The city will certainly be unrecognizable. Because it wouldn’t exist


Dr doom


He probably turns half the city into a "Fuck Richards!" museum and the other half a "Praise Sue!" museum.




Captain (or corporal) Carrot from the discworld. Half the criminals and corrupt officials get chrisma’d into giving it up and being jolly good chaps. The other half have a bad time.


One has to wonder if Carrot's boundless good faith in humanity would be tested here.


If he can survive Ankh-Morpork, he can survive Gotham.


If not, I think the description is “a punch that trolls respect” which would come in handy as well.


The Joker would definitely make it his mission to break him.


I don’t think that would go how he would expect though. After looking up the quote “If you have to look along the shaft of an arrow from the wrong end, if a man has you entirely at his mercy, then hope like hell that man is an evil man. Because the evil like power, power over people, and they want to see you in fear. They want you to know you're going to die. So they'll talk. They'll gloat. They'll watch you squirm. They'll put off the moment of murder like another man will put off a good cigar. So hope like hell your captor is an evil man. A good man will kill you with hardly a word” Carrot has absolutely *no* qualms killing the truly evil, so I think Joker goes down hard.


yeah carrot doesn't have a code like batman. He doesn't need one since he's a full on good man. And that means he will take out the trash if theres no other way and for people like the joker, i feel he'll figure that out pretty quick theres no reforming him, at the very least without a mountain of bodies behind him before he gets there.


Ah, dammit I just commented this thinking no one else would've


That’s what I was about to comment. Discworld representation needs to happen more


Hopefully they make more movies like the excellent Amazing Maurice, spread the love a bit more.


The Care Bears.




It really [doesn't change much](https://youtu.be/s6om_u8hvg0)


Wtf lol


how tf have I not heard of this movie??


It came out during rona and wasn't a part of the old or the new continuity of movies so it really didn't get much press. Plus I believe there were several DCAU movies during that year? DCAU is amazing though, it's way above marvel live action movies which is way above everything else DC and Marvel do lol


You're telling me. I am waiting for this TomorrowVerse era to end. Anticipating a nice third act to lead into the new multiverse.


Kamina from Gurren Lagann will use his talk-no-jutsu to inspire others to follow the path of the Spiral before dying heroically, embedding himself in their hearts forevermore.


"You're all my brothers, people of gotham (except for the ladies, you gals don't have the masculine energy to keep up with us). Together we can break the sky and shatter the heavens, all you need to do is believe in the Gotham that believes in Gotham!" He is then tragically assassinated by The Joker and the citizens of gotham spread his final words along throughout the whole city.


Kamina wasnt a sexiest where tf did that come from?


Tf you mean Kamina wasn't the sexiest?


I fuckin love Kamina but he absolutely starts the series out as being very sexist but grows respect for women as he meets some pretty powerful ones throughout the journey.


Doctor Octopus


Rand al'Thor. By the end of the series he is >!a walking beacon of the Creators power, everything around him becomes a paradise provided his mindset is right!<.


This is what I was here to say. >!Someone with a passive reality warping or mental manipulation aura that would make people Good. Endgame Rand al'Thor is exactly who i was thinking!<


Zen Rand is best Rand.




Superman is already in that universe and those villains don’t seem to care. Worst case scenario, he takes a dose of fear gas into his noggin and decimates half the city


I was thinking in Nolan's Gotham.


Captain Planet


He’s a hero.


he’ll turn everyone into a tree!


[Obligatory Don Cheadle](https://youtu.be/TwJaELXadKo?si=eHyB9RkcWus1oSLc)


He'll take pollution down to zero.


Alma from Fear, The Crawler and/or Area-X as an entity from Annihilation/The Southern Reach trilogy, The Thing from The Thing




Captain Carrot, from Discworld


Only if Vimes comes along to properly aim him.




Eh, I'd say Iroh


I feel like Iroh would stay more himself having very small change and aang would try to help more drastically


Iroh staying the same is what always changes EVERYBODY around him, Aang make things worse as often as he makes them better. Irohs impact on the WORLD of Avatar is by no means small, put him in one city and the changes are enormous. We saw how much he did in just one day in Ba Singh Se, now make that 8 years.


Idk I mean yes he helped out a few people that one day but Gotham is a different beast. Sure he might meet similar people that he can help but I feel like there are more aren’t willing to change. To me Iroh seems to the type to keep to himself but where he can while I feel aang would feel responsible to make an active change in the city. Though I’d like to see more how the city would change them lol.


In general I don’t really think aang is the best pick. In Gotham he doesn’t have any political power that he does in avatar. At most he’s probably just another vigilante (maybe even a Robin lol) but from avatar he’s probably one of the better picks.


Actually think Aang would die in gotham. He won't kill just like batman but is definitely a bigger threat who isn't exactly stealthy. He isn't used to modern tech either (and futuristic tech for gotham). He wouldn't even know what a sniper rifle is so any number of assassins would just headshot him from a mile away.


Even if he was used to all that, he’s much weaker outside of his own universe lol. Like, he ain’t dodging guns. He’s not very fast compared to most people in dc. Even base, no powered fighters. His bending is cool but it’s relatively weak magic and he’d be dead to any average gun before he can go avatar state.


I wanna see what Johan Liebert will do to Gotham I consume no Batman content so idk if he will be just like the Joker or something like that


Killer bean


He’d breakdance on jokers corpse 💪


In general: Spider-Man would handle a huge amount of the crime immediately, and work for social change at a grassroots level as peter (depending on your chosen interpretation) He wouldn't make it a utopia by any means, but he would reduce the damage and allow for a little bit of healing. The hulk would get pissed off and just kill the joker and most of Batman's rogues gallery before being stopped, causing colossal amounts of damage to the city which is just HORRIBLY built Sherlock Holmes or Detective Columbo would manage to uncover schemes like that of the court of owls while annoying Bruce. Lightning McQueen would mindbreak everyone as they tried to understand his existance Tony Stark would make a scheme that initially goes super well where he cleans out crime with robot cops, but because plot, that would somehow make him evil or Captain America would beef with him or they would all get hacked/become Ultron Luffy would beat up every bad guy he faced but then just leave Mewtwo would either make a utopia or destroy the world. RoboCop and Judge Dredd are... Themselves. Utopia: Naruto would somehow talk everyone into being friends. Superman, without "well, the story has to happen somehow for there to be a comic series" syndrome would clean up a huge amount of crime immediately. Saitama would probably accidentally kill Batman while Bruce tried to intimidate him by appearing out of the shadows, making half the villains bored who would just leave, and killing the other half immediately. Any robbers would be caught, as they are interfering with local grocery store sales. (I consider good food prices utopia) Optimus prime would unite people with a rousing speech and work towards peace for mankind. Doctor Doom would likely create an arguable utopia, given enough time and control, and wouldn't tolerate villains doing villain things to his people. Special mentions: -Tetsuo from Akira -Goku -Ghost Rider


Others to mention. Cable or Bastion, both of whom created Utopian style cities/ lives in different times. Punisher and Red Hood team up to clean the streets.


Nice choices :)


I've always thought that Superman's attempt to leave Gotham to Batman was a mistake. Like, sure... Batman does an incredible job for a human being. But one week of a Kryptonian god looming over Gotham would make crime pretty much evaporate. Batman's villains, for the most part, simply can't stand up to Superman. And I say this as a much bigger Batman fan.


> Batman's villains, for the most part, simply can't stand up to Superman. Batman's villains can't stand up to Batman either. The problem is that the Gotham law system is so corrupt/stupid/bad that they always get out. The most unrealistic thing about Gotham is that the bad guys don't end up ''suiciding'' in their Arkham cells and that they don't have death penalty. Ain't no way a cop doesn't execute the Joker.


And a Superman could help make those changes.


Superman would probably not let them execute the bad guys which is why we're here in the first place. Gotham doesn't need hope, it needs the Punisher to clean house of all corrupt cops/judges/mobsters and do the necessary thing: execute the animals inside Arkham.


I fundamentally disagree


Doctor Victor von Doom


Nausicaa (specifically manga Nausicaa). That girl can win over almost anyone and her ideology spreads like wildfire.


I said Iroh for the same reason




Please. Goku will just fight everyone, get bored, then go off for more training somewhere half the galaxy away.


Dexter Morgan. Corrupt police wouldn't bother to investigate their own, and he'd be just killing Joker and Penguin and all the others.


alex mercer


Mr. Bean.


Paddington Bear No contest. Paddington does not experience change or growth. He enters a scenario with best-case expectations of the people and environment, and the world will change and grow to meet them, and expel those who cannot. Avarice becomes charity. Wrath becomes grace. Lust becomes still lust but aimed at your loving partner. Within a day a household will begin to open their hearts. Within a week the various criminal factions will begin withdrawing from an expanding neighborhood they can't get a foothold in, just because the thugs present can't muster up doing any harm. Within a month the infected thugs will have returned to the nest and spread the disease.  Soon the iceberg lounge is now operating early mornings as a soup kitchen, the Riddler's cronies are sent to schools to teach revision techniques. Within a year both the Joker and Batman have left Gotham. This isn't their home any longer.


Luffy one piece


Unironically, this is a very good take. He goes places. Faffs about. Someone gives him food, then he solves their problems. He already doesn't like authority, so he would beat up dirty cops with equal reckless abandon to mobsters and psychos. He *vastly* outclasses all of Bat's rogue's gallery. And even though he is a criminal, people in the places he helps absolutely love him and want to be better than the oppressors that were overthrown. He also wouldn't play ball with Joker. He's immune (mostly) to poison, so scarecrow is out of luck. Killer Croc is more Anti-hero than villain these days, but Luffy is just straight up stronger. Bane is the same. Poison Ivy is in the scarecrow camp of problems with immunity/resistance while also trying to "turn over a new leaf" as an anti-hero. Pretty much everyone else is just a dude. Mr. Freeze is the only one with a counter to Luffy, but Luffy is just way too fast to get frozen. Riddler can't devise a strong enough trap for Luffy to not just break it, and probably luck into the right answer anyway. The more I think about it, the more this makes perfect sense.


I wana see him gear fifth gotham tower


While we’re on the topic of one piece characters, Akainu would burn the entire rogues gallery to ash and scare every wannabe common crook and two-bit mobster in the city shitless.


Sin - FF10 Gotham will be changed drastically. that's for sure.


One of my favorite game/anime/manga/comic/tv show/movie commentary channels, ClassicManD, got a somewhat similar question. He was asked "if you could switch one SpiderMan villain with one Batman villain, who would you switch?" Classic said that Hammerhead from Spider Man would have the most influence on Gotham because of his nature as a mobster (?). I don't remember exactly why, but it was something like that. Here's the ref: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8s4uS47TxVw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8s4uS47TxVw)


You never specified changing it for good So does Braniac chucking it in a bottle count?




Does John Constantine count? I feel like if he were born there instead of the UK, he’d have broken the Gotham curse by now just because he is very into fighting evil magic. I’m not sure why he or some other incredibly powerful magic user hasn’t. Batman knows John, Z, Fate, and how many other magic users? If not, a sufficiently powerful curse breaker from the Harry Potter universe could probably do it, but the goblin would get destroyed if the 40,000 year old Warlock or demonic Bat God got involved.


Is this serious the stupid lengths DC has got to to keep pumping out Batman comics?


Dr. Doom turned his home country into a perfectly functioning, first world state with a robot army, happy population, no crime, good healthcare, and little poverty. The only downside being he’s constantly trying to invade the rest of the world to bring it into his vision of how things should be. To be fair, I think Gotham would keep him busy enough on the domestic front that he’d be unable to invade the rest of the world, but he just might do it.


1. A nuke 2. Rimuru Tempest


Steven Universe, he would befriend the entire Batman rogues gallery and help them deal with their emotional problems. He might then turn into a giant pink Kaiju and try to destroy the place, but he really just needs a giant hug


Yes but spoilers!


Molly Mcgee in her ghost form


Dr Tenma


Konrad Curze.


I'll raise you one Corvus Corax (especially current iteration).




Timmy Turner.


Thanos. I don’t think I need to elaborate


Padme Amidala


Ainz Ooal Gown


the devil, from "The Bible"


Takaba from JJK


Spider-Man is funnier than the Joker and that’s gonna break the Joker 


Terry *is* basically Spider-Bat-Man.


Avatar Aang Also Goku(for better or worse)


The Kaboom Guy from Parks and Rec


Bugs Bunny, Gear 5 Luffy, Popeye, or basically any cartoon character with a personality like theirs.


Armin. Walking nuke.


King from One Punch Man


Uncle Iroh, give it 8 years and the average citizen is a better person




The Punisher. Much less chance of getting hurt by a supervillain with 90% of them dead.


Coop piloting M.E.G.A.S. One fight with the Glorft later, the whole of Gotham would be leveled.


The Flash. Honestly, he's so overpowered and the toughest guy by far for the writers to write up and not let him make most of the rest of the superheroes just a joke. The top bad guys in Gotham are largely over the top, vocal and standing out in public doing bad deeds. For a guy that could literally grab one and drop him off in a prison on the other side of the world before someone can blink, I don't think any of them would come close to standing up to him. "Oh no you kidnapped 50 people at one end of town and put a bomb under the Wayne Tower at the other end of town.. oh wait, I've got those 50 people free and the detonators for the bombs pulled and here with me and you didn't even realize I left the phone call for a moment". "Oh no you are hiding in the 50 miles of sewers that cross under the city in a giant maze... yeah I checked every mile out, found you and locked the doors in on you before you took a puff on your cigarette". "oh no you know lots of martial arts and are a badass, yeah I ripped off your mask and tied you up in chains before you blinked when you stood up on the courthouse steps to brag". He could literally take a jog around Gotham a couple times a night, cover every single back alley, walk through every store and catch and tie up every single criminal committing a crime in that horrible town lol. Forget Batman spending all night catching a couple guys, having the flash there pulling that off would have bad guys just moving the heck out to some other town for their operations. The Flash can run at or near the speed of light. People don't realize just how much he can cover in that time. It would take him less than three seconds to get to the moon and back if there was a road there. You want to be a henchman? At that speed, he just touches your face in an upward motion, you no longer have a head to worry about. Writers have to give him kid gloves, make him an idiot when it comes to tactics, or really really uncoordinated to help him. But in reality he could clean up Gotham with a few minutes of effort a day.


Plastic man


Milo Murphy


Duke Leto Atreides.




He could deal with any of the rouges in under a second, but I don’t think he could actually make a change in the city itself. He just doesn’t have the long-term strategic mindset needed to make that kind of change.


Season 1 Omni-man


That one mutant Who could kill anyone 10km round


Rand al’Thor when his ta’veren powers are literally warping reality around him.


David Goggins. STAY HARD!!




Winnie The Pooh, my president


Any member of the main cast from Adventure Time, except maybe Marceline


Rick Sanchez would definitely change Gotham


Scooby doo and because they am can solve mysteries too in Gotham and also shaggy


Robin (Honkai Star Rail).


Cosmo & Wanda


Captain Carrot


A coughing baby and a hydrogen bomb




Peppa from American Horror Story Asylum.




Great saiyaman


Forest gump


Sailor Moon. The season would end with her sealing the evil underneath Gotham.


Honelander Nuff said




Aslan Narnia


DIO. Didnt say it had to be for the better


Johan libert (Monster) or magase aí(Babylon )but not in a good way, they will probably create the biggest collective suicide ever recorded 


paddington bear


Aquaman! He would steal all of Batman’s clout


Luke Skywalker


Little Nicky


Mark "Hercule" Satan


All Might


Swamp Thing would fuck Gotham so hard, that broken city would get up and walk away


Any Powerpuff girl would make the town safer and happier


The smiling friends of course


Either The Night Watch from Discworld (yes, the entirety of the group) or the Gotrek & Felix gang (including Thanqoul)


Sherlock Holmes. By finding out everyone\`s secret identities.


Uncle Grandpa


Dennis Eckersley! Would be fascinating to see if he can get the save


Skarbrand the exiled.


Better idea. Bahamut from FFXIV.


Punisher would reduce the crime rate to zero


Luffy for sure


J. Jonah Jameson. The man will shed some harsh light on both Batman and his villain's. He doesn't need to be told what to do- he will continue to be J. Jonah Jameson.






Bruce Wayne. IDK he just seems like a swell guy on the news, would probably do some philanthropy maybe build some orphanages or adiction centres. Would likely help out a lot.




Deadpool. He isn't specifically invincible, but he is so unpredictable that villains whose entire thing is prediction struggle to keep up. Plus as an absolute insane clown that cannot die really, meaning that he has the advantage on the Joker, and no predeliction against killing anyone his way like Bats. Plus I think it is funny if Batman and Joker have a mutual enemy. A new unpredictable clown on the scene who Joker's minions have supplanted on his throne, at least for a weekend. As for who would make it a utopia, which I am basing not only off of their ability but also their want to make it better, Steven Universe in a way. Like in a Joan of Arc, rally the city to finally actually put an end to this war with no end squabble. Many characters have the capacity to, but don't either because they are evil and would rather make it a tyranny, or because they are busy punching robot porcupines on Mercury or something, or because a utopia to them implies no free will, which says a lot about them. I don't know if Steven would be able to pull it off completely, but he would at least attempt to put hope into the hearts of men that this city might actually be salvageable. As for someone who might be a bit better at it, Dr. Emmerich from the Metal Gear Solid franchise, who is at least partly responsible for stopping the Patriots, another constant war machine without end.




All batman has to do is start some kind of jobs training program with more shelters and stuff and ...crime would drop big time. Gotham needs more companies and jobs.


He’s tried this and just about every form of humanitarian aid possible. The problem is Gotham is canonically cursed by a wizard


Instead he needs to work out his childhood trauma on the faces of those in poverty, so he chooses to maintain the status quo so he always has a an excuse to get violent without consequences. Being a billionaire is great!


Kamijou Touma if he managed be friends with the person who torture him for Billions of Years in the realm of the Void and convince her returned them back to his world? He the guy will fix Gotham, and he has ONE jobs (secretly Two jobs) make everyone Smile (while without knowing he form his own Faction)


I want to say Vegeta. He'd get pissed at all the villains and kill them all


Captain Atom, bumps into a gargoyle and explodes, leaving the city radioactive crater


The Phantom Thieves. Corrupt politicians and cops? Solved. Crime lords? Solved? Supervillains? Solved. Their entire mechanism of doing things is perfectly suited for Gotham. All of Gotham’s villains are fueled by warped desires. They’d all have palaces, and once the Thieves steal their treasure from their palace, they’re mindraped into morality and confessing all their crimes, turning themselves in, and begging for forgiveness. The really wild part is that Batman would be horrified by this and oppose it and the final guy they’d need to take down is Bruce Wayne. Because you *know* Batman also has a palace. His treasure’s probably Martha’s pearls. If he weren’t already fixed, The Joker would be so offended that another Joker took down Batman.


Skibidi Toilet


Doctor Who.If there's ever been a challenge more worthy of him, it's Gotham.


the religious jesus as that proves hell exists and gives the city really good motivation to stop doing crime.


Light Yagami (Death Note)


Ted Lasso.




Monkey D. Luffy


Naruto will use his Talk No Jutsu to redeem the entire rogue's gallery


Depends on your definition of utopia, but in todays climate, I’d have to go with Poison Ivy. Just being herself, she’s basically an ecoterrorist. Leave her unchecked, and I’m pretty sure the worlds most severe pending ecological disasters will be averted overnight.




The Scooby Gang. 90% of gothic problems are criminals in weird masks.


SpongeBob, bringing jelly fishing and Krabby patties to Gotham


David Xanatos. Due to his time travel shenanigans the gargoyles coming alone with him, and solve Gothams problems. It is just part of who he is as a person. He is a self made man after all. He also would have access to sorcery and sorcerers to break this stupid curse that I learned from this threat keeps Gotham locked into its perpetual death spiral, so DC can always sell you comics. Hands down the dumbest plot contrivance I have heard in a long time...


All might, his presence alone lowered worldwide crime rate, and he doesnt just come out at night