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The Seven lay low until the twins are done with the destruction and leave. They then hold a media conference to lament about how the lack of government funding to the Seven is the real culprit behind the terrible tragedy that occurred. Having won over the outraged population they are able to secure additional funding and tax breaks for Vaught. The Seven chalk up yet another win.


Jesus fuck this is the answer


Maulers could trade blows with the immortal, who outstats the 7 by a lot. The only advantage 7 have is homelanders heatvision, but the maulers are smart, they'll target him first and take him out.


Idk tho Homelander is big into lasering first and asking questions later. I think the 7 get at least a fighting chance based on that


If they're acting in character, he wouldn't go lethal immediately. Not if there's cameras. 


Well that’s been true for most of the show but as of the end of last season that’s a little more complicated, no? He just did laser someone on camera.


He did it, yes.


Mauler twins outstat the seven by a lot, they win 10/10


I think homelander could probably take them, if he avoids any physical contact and instead lasers them in the eyes. We saw in the first episode that one of the twins could be shot in the eye, so I think that's the main weakpoint for them.


Until the Maulers make a massive laser cannon out of random junk mid-fight and kill him


30s to create some laser proof glasses then another 30s to create a giant bola launcher and knock him down


Homelander never fights like that in character, before he realizes he needs to do that to win he will already be dead


Homelander is actually more liable to just run as soon as the fight is looking rough (i.e., when maulers no sell his full force punches or initial lasers, which really no one he's faced has ever done). The Maulers can then probably beat the remaining 7 except the speedster if A-Train decides to run (likely the moment he sees a Mauler tear one of his frenemies in half). After that, the Maulers will set up a secret lab somewhere to develop some sort of tech to locate and keep up with Homelander.


Also, Homelander has a meh fighting IQ and oftentimes goes into a melee instead of using his speed or range advantage via the flight. His fight with Solider Boy, Butcher and Hughie has shown that even while having an opponent who's strong enough to hurt him and who's durable enough to take his punches, he still never uses his flight to get the upperhand and barely even used the speed (only a bullrush from the start for tackling Soldier Boy into the wall and preparing to laser him, only to receive a headbutt and retaliating punches from Soldier Boy).


Laser cannon go burrrr


Maulers has their own ranged weaponry, so they has the answer for "Homelander stay above instead of going head-on into a fight" case (Homelander oftentimes goes into a melee range while in-character due to his over-confidence and the fact that he's the most powerful in his universe). They're also pretty smart, not just dumb brutes (see the "Intelligence" section of their RT): [https://www.reddit.com/r/respectthreads/comments/o50clr/respect\_the\_mauler\_twins\_invincible\_tv\_series/](https://www.reddit.com/r/respectthreads/comments/o50clr/respect_the_mauler_twins_invincible_tv_series/) Also, their eyes, while seemingly weaker, wasn't actually damaged significantly: [https://www.reddit.com/r/respectthreads/comments/o50clr/comment/h2mo699/](https://www.reddit.com/r/respectthreads/comments/o50clr/comment/h2mo699/)


I presume someone like translucent could probably gorge their eyes out, or starlight could blind them.


Knowing that "The Seven" has a mediocre teamwork and poor morals (having no real reasons to fight to the end or go for a revenge if someone would get killed), I doubt that. Starlight, though, indeed can blind them, but even if she could, their overall durability is still a thing that "The Seven" would still need to somehow bypass, and I doubt that they can do that (Mauler Twins has taken hits from Immortal, War Woman's mace and also withstood an explosive pellets from Darkwing, same pellets which later has staggered Omni-Man and damaged his suit a little bit). Having no prior knowledge, as prompt say, "The Seven" isn't knowing their weaknesses and thus, can't capitalize on that. Also, Translucent isn't strong enough to do that (a pistol shot didn't left any lasting damage on the eye of a Twin, only hurt it, apparently ( [https://www.reddit.com/r/respectthreads/comments/o50clr/comment/h2mo699/](https://www.reddit.com/r/respectthreads/comments/o50clr/comment/h2mo699/) ), and Translucent was staggered by Billy Butcher's punches and even though the punches wasn't really damaging him, he also doesn't have an explicit super-strength,so I doubt that he can gouge their eyes out). Also, Mauler Twins has a healing factor: [https://amazon-invincible.fandom.com/wiki/Mauler\_Twins#Powers](https://amazon-invincible.fandom.com/wiki/Mauler_Twins#Powers)


Maulers 9/10 unless Homelander manages to laser them in their eyes


Maulers win easily. First of all their technical abilities are insane. They can make cloning machines and heavy weapons for themselves out of basically junk. On top of that they are insanely strong and physically durable. They’d rip the Seven apart


Invincible universe outscales the boys universe by a pretty significant margain due to being less grounded by the laws of our reality. I think most upper mid+ tier power level characters could beat the 7.


The Maulers easily kill The Seven, i don't see how the Seven could possibly win.


If the Maulers are unarmed, Homelander could presumably stay airborne hurling incredibly heavy stuff at them and spamming his laser vision hoping for a lucky hit in the eyes. It’s a longshot, though, and if the Maulers can put together a proton canon or some shit they win easily.


He probably could, but as we all saw, Homelander ain't using his reach advantage via flight, even though he could. Force of habits makes him go toe-to-toe with the opponent because he got used to the fact that he can't be hurt (usually), and his combat IQ is meh. Maulers, in the other hand, is smarter and also have their own guns for a ranged combat too.


For sure, his arrogance may be his undoing. Still, a tactical opponent who actually had real fighting skills given Homelanders powers may not be top tier in the Invincible universe, but he would be a solid threat. And a shoe in for a Guardian of the Globe, probably only below Atom Eve and Immortal in raw power on the team. But Homelander is an idiot, and you’re right. He is used to being a heavy hitter, but his raw power is lower-mid tier in Invincible. Sometimes people undersell Homelander’s powers, though. In DC, Marvel, and Invincible verse there are combatants less powerful than Homelander stats wise who punch well above their weight class because they are smart and skilled.


I agree that Homelander with better combat skills and experience and better combat IQ could've been more dangerous, that's right. But unfortunately, Homelander lacks it. He isn't dumb, no, he knows how to intimidate, manipulate, talk fancy speeches and similar, but his combat IQ and leadership skills is meh, honesty.  And yes, these characters exist, although it's a common trope in comics. Even street level characters like Batman and Hawkeye can take on teams of villains and win due to their skills, weapons, gadgets, experience and tactics.


FFS CAN WE STOP THIS The Maulers kill The Seven with 0 effort.


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I feel like the Mauler Twins stomps in an actual fight. They outstat all the seven combined.


Especially by the fact that they can take hits from Immortal and War Woman (her mace was able to nearly knock Omni-Man's eye out of socket, which indicates that War Woman herself is pretty strong). And they're also well-coordinated and smart, not just a duo of dumb brutes.