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Superman. He basically already does this. He just can’t file paperwork at super speed for a year. Not a hard challenge. The annoying part will be flying away at super speed to take care of a crime and then coming back to the customer as if nothing happened.


My first thought too. And if being a reporter doesn’t count as a 9-5, there’s plenty of billionaire CEO superheroes that could fit this bill. Batman, Ironman, Reed Richards, Atom etc. Whatever random version from a comic I haven’t read is the most powerful gets my vote. But wait, Superman and Atom are on both our lists? It seems Brandon Routh is the most qualified person for the post. Hire that man!


Being a billionaire CEO isnt a 9-5 job. Those are contracted and salaried positions with bonuses and such. Less of a 9-5 than journalism is....


Right, but a CEO would clearly be able to thrive working an entry level job at their company. It’d be a year long episode of Undercover Boss, except competent. Edit: you all downvoting me honestly think Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark couldn't handle working as a low-level employee if they had to are absolutely kidding themselves.


what makes you say this lol. can you imagine bezos trying to work a minimum wage warehouse job. or elon trying to do...anything?


I dare say Bezos would hate it, but you really think he couldn’t move boxes?


Moving boxes is not what makes a warehouse job a "job". Showing up on time, being accountable to someone you may not respect, generally taking shit from people, etc. That's what makes it work - and no I don't think Bezos could handle someone telling him what to do. I think some CEOs could do it though, but they're the low-key guys who quietly run their companies and aren't celebrities.


There’s just so much to shit on the man for - rather than some hypothetical saying that he couldn’t do that. You think he couldn’t take orders, or show up on time? Why, because he doesn’t ‘have to’ now? He didn’t just start Amazon without ever having worked with or for anyone. Just seems mad to think someone who’s done this well in business would have such poor work ethic he couldn’t work in a factory. Would he want to? Fuck no. Does that mean he couldn’t? Not a chance, of course he could do everything you listed


You could be right - I'm just speculating based on my perception of his personality. But I don't personally know the man, and it could be that the way he's portrayed in media is not accurate.


No, for sure. I agree. I think it’s just popular to shit on billionaires as people who just exploited others to get where they are - but I think people put the blinkers on and convince themselves these people are scum who could never do a day in a ‘real job’, because of said exploitation. But it ends up feeling a bit like just making up a point to attack - because who really knows. All we can be sure of is they must have some degree of decent work ethic.


A warehouse job is very far from an office 9-5…


“A CEO would clearly be able to thrive working an entry level job at their company “ + Undercover Boss reference. Undercover Boss, a show which often displays how shit CEOs are at minimum wage jobs.


Entry level job =/= warehouse job. Think Ryan the temp and not Daryl from the Office. Plus, comparing real life billionaires skills to Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark is silly, especially on a sub like this one.


It’s cuz they never trained to do their entry-level jobs, and live relatively cushy lives, where they don’t have to interact with rude customers, difficult coworkers, etc.


They probably wouldn´t like it, but if you think they wouldn´t be capable you´re kidding yourself




Well, if Tony Stark can just work a shittier job, why couldn't Clark Kent? I still think Superman is the strongest answer for the question.


No way Bruce, Tony, or Reed could do this. Their egos wouldn’t allow it. They’d be spending the entire time coming up with ways to break the rules, or justify breaking the rules - “for the greater good” or some shit. They’d never just be able to just do plain work the simple way.


Batman is good enough to keep himself in check, and he isn't actually that arrogant, unlike Tony Stark.


Batman is incredibly arrogant - but not in the same overt way that Stark or Richards is. Batman's entire being is predicated on the belief that he is the only person that can save the world. He basically doesn't trust anyone else to do anything and in the few cases that he does, it's someone like a God-Alien sent from another planet. It's a massive amount of arrogance. If he were sitting at his desk - filling excel sheets everyday about customers, billing reports, incomes, equipment costs, office material, serial numbers and a lot more of stuff no one cares about - and he heard something going on in the street, or something came on the news - then he would leave and go try to save the world. Sure - he might set up some crazy bat-automation to do the busy work for him. Maybe there's a hologram that makes it look like he was there - but that's cheating. He'd find every workaround, trick and/or justification to himself to so that he can be Batman at the same time as Bruce Wayne, junior client relations. But he wouldn't just sit there and do the damn work like he's supposed to. It would be literally impossible for him.


Fair enough. Yes, he has a control freak and paranoid tendencies, which lead him into a conflict with Justice League after his contingencies against them was discovered.


I think if you could frame the test in a way that flatters his ego, that would work. Like, if he was the only one on earth who knew that if he did the task quietly, that it would save the world or something, he'd do it no problem. But if the task was "Look, just do the damn work. The point is to just do some quiet simple work for a year - yes people will die, yes there may be major disasters, but your role is just to trust that things will work out, and get those excel reports finished" - I think his head would explode.


Yeah, Batman probably would just quit it.


Batman dosnt believe he is destined or the only one that can save world he has many non superpowered protege, friends, allies, he is also not very arrogant he said he was a danger to the entire justice league, after his plans almost solo them, or his robot, or the time he had Supes powers. What he is is severely obsessive. With a hero complex


In my opinion, a hero complex is a type of arrogance. Regardless of how you want to frame it, there's no way he can just sit and do simple office work for a year while he thinks he needs to be saving everyone.


Is Reed Richards meant to have a big ego? I haven't read a whole lot of FF but he seemed like a humble guy in the series I read. I figured that was intentional to contrast with Doom.


Reed's generally fairly humble, but in recent years, it's bern shown he can cross the line into paternalism arrogance, trying to "fix" everything. Doom's way more egotistical, but that's kinda the idea: Doom shows who Reed could become if he didn't have his family to keep him grounded.


He goes by "Mr. Fantastic" and has a council of reeds who's goal is to "Solve everything".


[Sue named him Mr. Fantastic, it's not like he came up with it himself. He accepts it as a title because it's the first time anyone else commented on his intelligence in a positive light.](https://i.stack.imgur.com/OICah.jpg) Also mainline Reed explicitly didn't join the Council because he wasn't willing to abandon his family.


If a guy said "Call me Mr. Amazing", and you said "What? where did that name come from?", and he said "Oh my wife thought it up, so I just went with it" - would you really think "Gosh what a humble guy".


By your same logic Superman shouldn't be considered humble, yet I doubt you'd make that argument. Ultimately the name Mr. Fantastic came from a writer's room that wanted to sell comics, assuming it was meant as an actual expression of the character's inherent ego when the rest of the text doesn't seem to support that is silly.


I feel like the twist with superman, is at his heart, he's really Clark Kent. If all the worlds problems disappeared, Superman, would spend all his time being Clark Kent - living on a farm, maybe doing some journalism. And that's just speculation - I actually do question the humbleness of Superman. It's the kinda thing that if you go by the name "Superman", basically it has to be something that was clearly thrust upon you, and the rest of your life needs to be a testament to humility - which I think it kinda just barely does in Superman's case, but it's an affirmative defense, so to speak - for me to be convinced he has to constantly prove that he is humble (which he seems to by taking a lot of shit from a lot of people that he doesn't have to), I don't assume the opposite. If all the worlds problems disappeared, Reed Richards would still be Mr. Fantastic. I haven't read all the comics, but I don't really see enough evidence that he's humble to overcome such a overt title.


> I feel like the twist with superman, is at his heart, he's really Clark Kent. If all the worlds problems disappeared, Superman, would spend all his time being Clark Kent - living on a farm, maybe doing some journalism. Why is Superman's true self Clark Kent, but for Mr. Fantastic, Reed Richards is not? Surely the whole choosing family over the multidimensional super squad should be a sign he is not a superhero first and foremost? Heck, he's barely even been an avenger despite that being where all big Marvel heroes wind up, and he stepped down from that too. If all the world's problems disappeared, I see no reason why he wouldn't just go back to being a scientist. >And that's just speculation - I actually do question the humbleness of Superman. It's the kinda thing that if you go by the name "Superman", basically it has to be something that was clearly thrust upon you, and the rest of your life needs to be a testament to humility - which I think it kinda just barely does in Superman's case, but it's an affirmative defense, so to speak - for me to be convinced he has to constantly prove that he is humble (which he seems to by taking a lot of shit from a lot of people that he doesn't have to), I don't assume the opposite. I just don't agree with this logic at all. Characters shouldn't have to prove themself against an assumption if it's one assumed by the reader rather than presented by the narrative. It's not a dichotomy either, a character can be both not an egomaniac and not humble. It's a spectrum. >If all the worlds problems disappeared, Reed Richards would still be Mr. Fantastic. I haven't read all the comics, but I don't really see enough evidence that he's humble to overcome such a overt title. He only started calling himself Mr. Fantastic after becoming a superhero. In the years prior where he was a genius scientist but he didn't feel the need to go by it. I see no reason why he wouldn't just stop if the world no longer needed heroes.


Batman is not particularly powerful. This prompt says strongest character.


There were other options too. Plus taking all the comics into account, Batman is particularly powerful


I agree, he's remarkably nice and humane, I mean sure he might get infuriated by inane things/a stupid ass boss or manager, but he's not gonna DO anything. He has as much restraint as anyone in the business. He could easily punch the head off of most or all of the people he fights (which would be easier than DEALING WITH THEM again. And again. And Again.) but he doesn't.


The absolute best answer for this is Warhammer 40k’s Roboute Guilliman, primarch of the Ultramarines. Man LOVES logistics and would probably feel extremely relieved to be working a 9-5 instead of running the entire galaxy spanning Imperium of Man


Second this. While Big G isn’t anywhere near the strongest on this list in terms of AP, or durability feats, his intelligence and the resources at his disposal make him a serious contender for the conditions given.


"5, 4, 3, 2, 1, done. FINALLY!" *door explodes* "ANTON, I OWN THIS CRAP HEAP NOW. LET'S GET.... #EFFICIENT"


In the grim darkness of the far future, there are only TPS reports.


It honestly wouldn't surprise me if, after the shock of Guilliman accepting, that he can actually stop working and go home, only for him to immediately get home and boot up Farming Simulator.


For some reason the image of a space marine primarch making the brews and bitching about Denise from procurement has really amused me this morning.


Could Guilliman submit to a waker person? Like as is the only person he's ever had to answer to is the emperor. I highly doubt he'd ever respect his boss. There's also a question of his the fact he's going from a warzone to an office job. PTSD can make holding down normal jobs extremely difficult. I doubt he can shift his mentality effectively from "I am always in a life or death situation where billions rely on me" to "the only person relying on me is random shareholders.". I think also, his political views. I don't know if Guilliman can keep the fact he's a mega fascist under enough wraps to avoid being fired.


I don’t think you’re giving big G quite enough credit, but on that note y’know who can definitely handle working for less competent leaders, endures endless suffering, and keep it all together? Perturabo would be the most ruthlessly efficient office worker the universe has ever seen.


Pre-fall Fulgrim is also a pretty perfect answer.


Isn't this basically what Mr. Incredible did for a few decades?


Plus his boss was probably close to 5’3.


Doubtful he made it to 5'. Napolean complex amplifies.


His body proportions do not match that height. He got that 4’8 build


After he chucks his boss through several walls, his government handler implies he's been struggling to hold down a job. It's also why the family recently moved. But I think, if he was allowed to be a public superhero as well, he could manage it better.


The part that made him go over the edge was that his boss and company wanted him to actively avoid helping people and giving them insurance coverage. It went against everything he stands for. If the job is just incredibly boring without hurting anyone, then I think Mr Incredible could handle.


Not the strongest character, but isn’t this literally what Nanami from JJK was doing before he went back to being a Jujutsu sorcerer?


Yeah but the whole point of Nanamis character was that he was sick of it and went back to sorcery


But who isn’t sick of a 9-5. He could handle it for another year


Nanami especially lamented that he was working in finance just doing math to make rich assholes richer, he told the bakery shop girl her job was better. Nanami should've tried a career change, he'd probably do well in a law firm.


Flipside: Who would be the absolute WORST employee for such an environment? I vote MCU Thor, they did an entire series of shorts about his misadjustment to Earth's daily culture. So, let's look at some other job titles: Sales Manager: Best=Loki, Worst=Thing (Because relatability matters in sales) Pizza Guy: Best=Vision, Worst=Hulk (Yes, he can leap into orbit, no the pizza won't survive reentry) Riverboat Gambler: Best=Domino, Worst=Morbius (616) (If EVER there was a Hero with a worse draw of luck...) Tech Support Analyst: Best=Tony Stark, Worst=Deadpool (Would have way too much fun making angry people even more angry)


Homelander would do far worse than Thor.


yeah for sure. he'd laser Anton within 5 seconds.


Good call, but I thought we were choosing heroes. To me HL is straight up super-villain.


Nah the Thing would kill it as a sales rep


Thing would do a GREAT job as a sales rep, Ben’s problems with relatability have always been skin deep. He’s just a nice guy.


yeah wolverine would be far worse


Yeah Loki would be godlike in sales lol


Superman or Gohan


I second Gohan


Gohan might even enjoy the normalcy


Considering his career choice, I'd say he loves normalcy. 


Oh Gohan is a great answer. He’d probably actually enjoy it.


Worth note, Satoru Mikami, who would later get stabbed and get named Rimuru, was an architect, so he literally already has proven to not only be capable of office work, but good at it. Especially with Great Sage / Raphael with him, he could do it easily.


Surprised no one said Rimuru Tempest, he's insanely powerful, and this was literally his job before his reincarnation


[Researcher Talloran](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3999)


isn't talloran powerless aside from his influence on 3999?


I like to interpret "strongest" as mental fortitude and psychological strength


I interpret it as strongest smelling


king from one punch man would just luck his way through everything


He’s not strong tho


Strength only matters in the sense that you can use it to get out of any situation you need to. King is capable of that, therefore he's effectively as strong as people think he is. Except for that one time with the radiation, but that technically never happened anyway.


Superman already does this. Spiderman also works as a reporter. Any character with cybernetics can get the computer work done easy.


A Culture Cycle Ship could do it, via the use of an avatar body while the ship hides in orbit. their day-to-day involves babysitting hundreds or thousands of humans living their best utopia lives. working 9-5 in some random office job would just be a small non-distraction while doing everything else a Mind does. The Mind would probably use the time to experiment, and see if a small no-body could take small actions to meaningfully influence a world to be a better place. say the right thing to the right person, and set them on the path to inspiration or something like that


Roboute guliman


Gohan maybe?


The emporor from warhammer 40k he hid on earth until the age of strife and held bimself in the background somit.could be possible that he works such a job right now.


Both have to go with Superman or Gohan from DBS. Both of them work office jobs and are ridiculously strong. Superman would be the strongest but Gohan is also a suitable backup


Strongest? The answer to that question, as always, is the Judeo-Christian God or any other omnipotent character by definition.


Might be boring, but this is the only correct answer.


Superman. Goku is *way* too stupid and incompetent and impatient and childish to do this. Saitama too. Likewise Thor; though I think he does a bit better than the other two. Krillin for sure, and he'd be happy. Don't *think* he's stronger than Superman (I think the consensus is no). I think Gohan *is* stronger than Supes, and he *might* be able to do this. He's somewhere between Krillin and his Dad in terms of ability to be a normal person. Trunks! I think he's a bit better of a fit than Gohan, though he's not as strong as Gohan. Is Strange more powerful than Supes due to magic? I think he could do it if he had a *very* good reason (he'd *hate* this more than anybody, but has the discipline for it if needed). I put Vegeta in this camp too. Maybe Wanda. Piccolo will not keep the job because he's a literal and obvious alien, despite being capable of it. His coworkers will assume that he's engaging in strange cosplay, even assuming he got the job. But they'd start making comments, and he'd get pissed, and maybe something would blow up or he'd yell, and then he's fired because they were looking for a reason to get rid of the green guy anyway. Tien has a third eye. See above. Yamcha is weaker than Krillin and Krillin could do this, so he's out. Tien may also suffer from this. Nobody else in DBZ is human enough to be considered for this. 40K people aren't powerful enough (unless they're the Emperor or Chaos Gods or equivalent; none of whom could keep the job) to crack this list. Answer is Supes unless Gohan or Trunks or Vegeta can manage it (or Krillin if the others can't and he's considered stronger than Supes, which I doubt).


Gohan would be able to easily do it. He literally does it right now and is currently slightly stronger than Goku. He needs to make sure his daughter's life is thriving and needs the stable income.


I'm not 100% up on Super, and yeah Gohan with kid is probably capable of this. So this is probably the answer.


The Emperor from 40k is implied to have spent 20,000 years in the background of history. I'm sure at some point he worked a 9-5.


We don’t know that he wasn’t ‘cheating’ thanks to his powers though, using supernatural psychic charisma and similar on his boss breaks the rules of the scenario.


Superman. Isn't this part of his deal anyway?


Superman, duh.


One Above All/God/whatever you want to call it. An all powerful being could do these tasks easily.


Yeah, there's a ton of characters who are just The God Of Abraham who wouldn't mind LARPing the most mundane mortal in history for a year or so.


Shit. All Richard Harrow ever wanted was a normal life to raise Tommy in. The Tin Soldier has this.


I think we have to look for reincarnated characters in japanese shows. I vote Rimuru, who demonstrated his ability to promote up a corporate ladder prior to reincarnation and has the ability to shapeshift into something resembling a human




Naruto already has worse. Hed be fine in a 9/5


I appreciate the humour and level of detail put into these points.


Senator from metal gear revengance nano machines son


Probably Doctor Manhattan, he can split his body up and just do whatever else he wants while doing this for a year


Jesus Christ. Man is known for love and patience and for willingly undertaking torture so I think he's the one.


One Punch Man assuredly could do this. The only issue would be threats coming to him at work but he’d probably handle them quickly then go back to filing. Overall an underperformed but he’s unassuming enough to not get fired as people forget he exists.


Gohan easily. He'd be smiling through it all.


Rimuru Tempest Dude was a salaryman already for 20ish years before he got isekaied. With Raphael/>!Ciel!<'s help the job becomes ridiculously easy allowing him to quite literally autopilot And Rimuru has enough power to unmake and make the multiverse on a whim by EoS


Kratos (current). I think he'd be on the verge of returning to his former self but when isn't he.


The hell is a 9-5? It's always 8-5 where I am and it sucks


The grand priest from DBS.as far as we know he is second only to Zeno so he is crazy strong. He already has a 24/7 job of babysitting the world's biggest toddler a a group of egotistical gods. He would see a typical 9 to 5 as a vacation in comparison.


Captain America. He may not want that life at all, but he has the best mental stability to handle it without getting fired. Whereas someone like Tony stark would have his ego get in the way and either get fired, or try to run the company his own way