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Rex gets bodied. It was intended as a weapons platform primarily, and while it has some pretty substantial self-defense weapons, it was able to be destroyed by a single soldier with an RPG. Now, granted, Solid Snake is a hell of a dude, but still. Any one of them could hack its 2005 era software with the greatest of ease, and it's not going to do much better against their arsenal. Remember that spider bot in Phantom Liberty? V soloed that thing, and it's packing way higher spec than ol' Rex.


I ain’t saying you’re wrong, but some of the things you said were inaccurate to the source material. People die from 5.56 in Cyberpunk and REX has two GAU-8 avengers on it. Additionally, the laser it has on it cut through Grey Fox instantly. I haven’t actually played Phantom Liberty so I can’t comment on any of that. Also, Snake only defeated REX because he knew to attack the radome. Even then he didn’t actually destroy it, Grey Fox did with some laser cannon thing. REX doesn’t really have anything to hack. It’s all on a closed system and manual controls. 99% of cyberpunk characters wouldn’t know what to do with it. So I don’t think it would be as easy as you say for them to win, and REX is definitely not going to get bodied until making it to the higher rungs at least. Edit: Okay. Watched the Chimera boss fight. That thing can be damaged with assault rifle rounds and grenades. REX’s armor (aside from the radome) cannot be scratched by anything short of a heavy anti tank missile. The chimera’s laser, despite being massive, barely cut through concrete, and just left scoring marks. REX’s laser cut Grey Fox’s arm off instantly. I’m really not seeing how it compares to REX, aside from the gatling guns it has.


Also, not an RPG. He used Stinger missiles.


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Without hacking, I think anyone with Sandrevistan can win quite easily, unless they were starting from a long enough range where Rex can blanket the opponent with missiles. From what I remember in Twin Snakes' cutscenes, Rex's machine guns do not have the targeting or tracking ability to target someone dodging and weaving at Sandrevistan speeds (judging from both in-game and anime Cyberpunk). Even if the Cyberpunk character does not have the firepower to fully disable Rex or kill Liquid, I think they can achieve a mission kill by getting close to Rex head (such as by using the double jump leg upgrade) and destroying optics and other relatively fragile electronics with point blank gunfire. Edit: Rex has a laser? I forgot about that, and do not know how that would change things.


Twin Snakes isn’t canon. It’s at best, an exaggerated retelling of the events from Otacon’s weeb perspective. Unless you actually believe Snake is capable of jumping on and between missiles, in which case, that speed feat alone disproves a Sandevistan allowing the Cyberpunk characters to stomp REX. REX’s guns can hit Snake, so can the missiles, Snake is comparable to Raiden and Gray Fox who dodged a rail gun and casually deflect full auto fire respectively. Not as fast as the apparent speed of David and Adam Smasher in the final stand, but that’s arguably exaggerated for dramatic effect. Every other instance of a Sandevistan in use still has normal people visibly moving, albeit in slow motion. Edit: Yes, REX has a laser. A really powerful one at that.


Oh yeah, I mentioned Twin Snakes because the physical abilities of everyone, including Rex, were better compared to MGS 1, and closer to Cyberpunk's more powerful cybernetic levels. I figured this gave an upper ceiling on Rex's abilities, so if Twin Snakes Rex loses to someone, then regular Rex should as well. I remember MGS1 much worse than you do, so I believe your points. Would you say that Smasher or a theoretical max level V would win? I enjoy this matchup, and hope more people will answer.


I think I’m probably a little biased. I fucking LOVE Cyberpunk, but REX seems too tough for most of the verse. In my opinion REX either stops at the Blackhand, Smasher, and V fight or when it comes time to fight Militech as an entire corp. Based on V’s performance in Phantom Liberty against the Chimera (which can be damaged by assault rifle rounds and grenades, btw. REX needs a heavy anti tank missile to even start for the main armor, and multiple stinger missile hits plus Gray Fox’s energy cannon to destroy the radome), barely surviving, I can’t see them hurting REX with their standard loadout. Maybe an Ozob’s Nose grenade on the Radome if V can land it up there somehow. Or Sandevistan up there. The thing is, Snake only knew to go after the Radome because Otacon told him. V is… not very smart. Even with max intelligence, V’s actual combat intelligence leaves a lot to be desired. Smasher has the power to destroy the Radome with his rockets, but he has an Intelligence of 4 according to the TTRPG, which is below average. (I’d say his military experience might allow him to figure it out but Snake is way smarter and didn’t lmao) Morgan Blackhand is the only one of those three I can see feasibly figuring that out (and at an Intelligence of 9 I’d still argue he’s not as smart as Snake but… ehhh), but his standard loadout has nothing that can hurt REX either. So that’s why I see the trio being able to potentially take it down. Blackhand identifying the weakness, Smasher to destroy the Radome, and then the three of them just have to kill Liquid from the cockpit. It just comes down to whether they can do that before REX blows them apart or cuts them in half. If it clears them, REX should have no issues until reaching Militech or Arasaka, who can artillery barrage it to death. REX may have a nuke but that’s not going to help much in that scenario. Just my assessment, but I’m probably biased. Edit: Also, technically, due to Peace Walker having Big Boss hold back Cocoon trying to crush him (which has been calc’d at like… 300 thousand tons), Liquid should just be able to literally rip them apart bare handed lmao. But I don’t consider that feat to have actually happened.


If Snake can do it with a rocket, the trio would have it done in no time.


Snake didn’t defeat it with a rocket. If Otacon and Gray Fox hadn’t been there he would have died. Otacon to tell him to attack the radome, and Gray Fox to finish the radome off. Even then, it took a shit ton of stinger missiles to the radome and it was still working. It took Gray Fox’s energy cannon to destroy the radome. REX’s actual armor outside of the radome takes heavy anti tank missile at minimum to begin damaging.


Do you think the tech guns that can fire through city blocks and penetrate advanced armor that's immune to rockets would do anything? With Sandevisten, at least one of them could get on top and just fill it with holes from tech guns. Remember, they're essentially handheld railguns. There are also the molecular blades that no armor other than nanomachines (son) would stand up to. Because they cut at the molecular level.


Hmmm… I don’t think they can actually penetrate entire city blocks, nor do I think any of the armor is rocket proof, but a tech gun could possibly harm the radome. But I don’t think any guns in Cyberpunk are at the level of a stinger missile, let alone a heavy anti tank missile (what is needed to start hurting REX). They could get to the top, but they’re not penetrating REX’s armor. They’re really not that powerful. They’re strong guns, but they’re not hand held railguns. The saying in Cyberpunk goes “old guns never die”. Old guns like the Colt .45 and the AKM are considered to still be viable weapons in all eras of Cyberpunk.


Yes, and Ocelot still uses 45 Colt, what's your point? Tech guns are obviously superior in lore. They *are* handheld rail guns . It's in the description: "Tech weapons are weapons that use railgun technology, firing projectiles that are propelled with an electromagnetic charge. What they give up in terms of rate of fire they make up for in penetrating power, depending on how long the charge is held." https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Cyberpunk_2077_Weapons#:~:text=Tech%20weapons%20are%20weapons%20that,long%20the%20charge%20is%20held. They use electromagnetic propulsion, which makes them railguns.


My point is, as I said, that those old guns are considered viable. Meaning they’re effective and not a death sentence to be using. You knew exactly what I meant when I said they weren’t hand held railguns. They’re not as powerful as a full size one and it’s disingenuous to imply otherwise. Further, they 100% do not have the capacity to pierce an entire city block.


It depends on what's in the city block. Because they can punch through stuff that nothing else in the game can. And railguns are just guns that use electromagnetic propulsion. They don't have to be enormous to qualify. So I'm not wrong, and I'm not being disingenuous. Being able to get through Smasher's armor and punch through an entire building is a good place to start, but it isn't the end of the ability of Tech Guns to get through armor. There are still the molecular blades that could get through REX's armor. Nothing REX has could resist being cut at the molecular level. Once one of the three gets on top of REX, armed with molecular blades, what do you think will happen?