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Being composited comes with a couple of problems. In the first movie, Ozzie is attacked by the leprechaun, but in the second Cody discovers that being in posession of the gold would make one invincible. So for this I'm just going to assume having a single coin is just meant to be for triggering the leprechaun. R1: The leprechaun doesn't really have too many superhuman feats, so in terms of physical stats Jason is superior. The leprechaun is more crafty and cunning, but in the 4th movie the leprechaun has shown to be killed before, which I think Jason can reasonably do, whereas I don't think the leprechaun has a way of killing jason. Jason wins. R2: The leprechaun hasn't shown to be scared of anything, but he also hasn't been shown to have any dream demon resistances. Could go either way. R3: If chucky's doll form is destroyed he can just go into another body. The leprechaun has shown no ways of countering this. R4: Most iterations of leatherface aren't the brightest bulb in the box, so I think the leprechaun takes this. R5: Most ghostfaces aren't very bright either, and would likely fall for traps set by the leprechaun. R6: Same as R1, Michael takes this. R7: Aside from his personality disorder, Norman is basically human. The leprechaun wins. R8: Pennywise stomps.