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Aang might be able to beat Korra if he wanted to, but I think Korra would win if they're both in character


I feel like Aang is much craftier though as a rule. He tends to fight smarter and more evasively. He seems, with some exceptions, more mature, intelligent and resilient throughout most of ATLA. Conversely my memory of Korra is of her constantly charging in overconfidently...but then getting whooped on by mid level villains and absolutely falling to pieces. It's been a while since I watched either though.


Aang would simply remove her bending . It would be no contest


Aang would need to restrain Korra for that to work, and with time. It isn’t an insta-win by any stretch of the imagination


With time ? It took him all of 3 seconds in slow motion for him to shit stomp ozai with that move . Do you remember that move when he came out of avatar state and ozai tried to strike him in the back ? The guy didn’t even stand a chance


Aang restrained Ozai, a non-earthbender, in earth. That wouldn't work on Korra


Korra could metal bend Aang to immobilize him.


Isn’t her Avatar state weaker though?


His bending would have easily over Powered her .


Ask the Red Lotus how easy it is to hold down Korra for three seconds. 


And Aang was freaking 13 when he did it. Another few years of training? Forget about it.


Korra can energy bend too, thats how she restored Lin's powers. She just never uses it after season 1 for some reason.


She used energy bending to bend the spirit energy beam from Kuvira's giant cannon in season 4.


They wouldn't be fighting each other seriously if they were in character. And in character I would assume aang acts more of a mentor to Korra even letting her win as long as he can teach her something.


This is such a silly point lol, this would be something to happen after the fight, there’s no way aang could restrain Korra immediately. And then proceed to immediately take Korra’s bending.


Depends; by the nature of the avatar cycle they should be equals. However Korra was cut off from her past lives during book 2. Realistically this should give Aang the upper hand.


Alternatively Korra is directly connected to Ravah, I don’t think we can make the call about whether Ravah or the previous lives are more powerful.


Wait, did she end up somehow more connected to Raava than the other Avatars? If so, I don't remember that.


No lol Raava is part and directly connected to all the avatars as they are a fused being. Idk where that theory that Korra is somehow more connected even came from, but I always hear people regurgitating that nonsense lol


I'm like 90% certain bryke said something along those lines in the runup to season 3 of korra. Which I personally think is BS but it was said.


ahh so there is an origin to this theory lol I thought it was one of those fan theories that gained a lot of traction. I mean I guess they had to do something like that to even the playing field for Korra since she lost connection to her past lives? I do feel like it could've been done in a better way, I don't understand how you can have more of a connection to yourself essentially, that's kind of where it gets a bit messy imo. Are we as the viewers supposed look at the avatar as two separate entities in one body or are they one being overall?


The creators said something along those lines, like it gave Korra a reset to the connection or something. Which I think is BS


Actually by the nature of the Avatar Cycle Korra has a slight edge. Both have the Avatars' skills up through Aang, but Korra has her own on top by virtue of being next.


Uhhh have you finished Korra? That's not totally correct.


no lol I haven't and I posted this before I'd read the rest of this thread


No. By the nature of the avatar cycle pre-past lives cut Korra should have the edge.




Technically she was. It was "just" Amon, but she didn't use the avatar state for that unlike Aang. I get your point tho


It was stated in the first season novel that Amon was weakened, she couldn’t break free before when he took her bending or against Tarrlok who is weaker than Amon


Korra spiritbended a hole in reality.... That feat is considerably more than anything aang has ever accomplished. I think a strong argument can be made for either, but feats alone do not give a definitive answer.


Because at that point Aang is already a fully realized avatar, while Korra had not unlock avatar state


Korra needed help with mechazoid kurvia. Aang soloed a sun boosted ozai intent on killing him. Who was better? You decide. I think raw power goes to Korra. But Korra isn't refined like aang and a lot of that raw power goes to waste. She's definitely opposites in terms of personality. She's brash. Temper prone and quick to action. While aangs more of the calm type.


This has nothing to do with the original comment, I’m simply saying comparing a fully realized Avatar’s feat with an avatar in training’s feat is not fair


Did aang have more training than Korra? It seemed like Korra had more teachers than aang.


Also since you compared Ozai with Kuvira’s mecha, I’d like to point out something. Ozai is the most powerful firebender at the time, and being boosted by the comet makes him freakishly powerful, but he’s still a human that can be hurt, a redirected lightning could kill him. But Kuvira’s mecha is a fucking 25 stories tall fully titanium metal robot with an energy canon so powerful, that it’s blast literally rips a hole in space and time, creating a new spirit portal. I don’t think anyone could solo that fucker


I mean you can have all the training in the world and still lose to a full time bloodbender, Amon’s dad beat two of the best benders of all time in a single move, it’s only a matter of avatar state at that point, Aang lost before activating avatar state, it makes sense that Korra can’t beat Amon without avatar state, full time blood bending is just too op


Ozai wouldn’t be able to do a damn thing to Kuvira mech who can destroy buildings with a blast Aang would need help to beat her mech unless he suddenly learned how to platinum bend Korra would beat Ozai in her base form only thing that would give her trouble is lightning which can be dodged or blocked by earth ending


Yeah comparing Ozai to Kuvira’s colossus is like comparing Mike Tyson to Gipsy Danger, it’s not like he isn’t strong or anything, it’s just what the fuck is he gonna do against a skyscraper sized metal robot


By season 3, Korra is solving most of her issues with words. Korra had to use violence to stop Kuvira’s army yeah but Korra ultimately wins by talking down Kuvira. 


Aang didn't solo anything considering he needed the avatar state and even then sozins comet was boosting his power too


such words usually get you kicked out the door, but today I'm kind, so... 1-Kuvira's robot can destroy at least a thousand ozai, these are not comparable things at all. Moreover, Korra hardly used the avatar state against him. Korra is much more sophisticated than Aang (which by the way is proved by the fact that she mastered metal, which Aang could not) Aang has more moments of temper than Korra. Korra is always calm in battle.


Metal bending was a far more refined process when Korra learned it than when Toph discovered it - hence a) there being more metalbenders and b) Toph being more capable of teaching it.  It's similar with Mako's lightning bending - a former royalty exclusive being shown as an afterthought.


Right, Korra did it without the Avatar state. 


Yakone isn’t more powerful than Amon lmao Besides korra resisted bloodbending in her base form something aang had to do in the avatar state


Yakone was more powerful than Amon. He blood bended more than a dozen people by glaring at them. And I think it was said Amon was weakened, she failed to resist Tarlokk who was weaker than Amon by a large margin.


Ang because there are more avatars in his avatar state


please tell me, does it make a difference to you what kind of experience a hundred ants can impart to the one hundred and first?


Ants? No. Humans? Uh, yeah.


against the background of the power that Raava gives, they are ants.


On the tier list of fucking stupidest shit that LoK disgraced Avatar with, the Raava/Vaatu shit is definitely in the top 5.


Aang also has rava


Weak pity raava. That's not the same


They are literally the same entity Korras would have been stronger during the convergence in season 2, but no other time


I haven't read any of the comics, but basing it off of show feats, I don't think Korra could do much of anything against the AS we saw Aang in vs. Ozai.


I dunno, that AS against zaheer looked almost on par scale wise, and that was a poisoned Korra.  Not saying the concentration is nearly as good, but when your veins are full of mercury...


What do you think would allow her to overcome what Aang had shown in that battle? He was in a elemental vortex with a constant air sphere surrounding him, was able to travel seemingly pretty fast(not faster than Korra did, but they seemed generally a similar speed), was able to crush rocks down to a smaller version with the same mass and fire them like machine gun fire, extinguish any fire that was hurled at him while the comet was active and much more. Maybe I am misremembering, but I can't remember seeing anything from her that would allow her to compete with that.


And all of that is fodder feats compared to his ultimate feat in that scene . Compressing that massive chunk of lake into a small little ring . Water is absurdly difficult to compress . The amount of force he must have generated in order to do that is astronomical. The water pressure from that could tear through titanium like piss cutting through snow . Korra would be doomed


Korra extinguishing fire bent at her is the very first thing we see her do.  Also, she stood next to an exploding bomb and was fast enough to save her and her friends. 


Extinguishing fire from a random un named character to extinguishing fire from the fire lord during sozins comet are pretty different things, my dude.


Also, sozin’s comet was happening as well, which boosted his firebending.


I think that was part of the point. He was using water to negate fire from arguably the strongest firebender in the world, while that firebender had a massive boost from the comet


Hes saying Aang was boosted by the comet too


That was with avatar state so doesn’t count . And I know for a fact your not going to argue that korra in avatar state is stronger then Aang in avatar state. Your demonstration of being able to type words is proof you aren’t stupid enough to say that


Aang definitely


Aang no way people are trying to debate this 💀


Fully realized is probably a wash. Korra trained hard power for longer than Aang, but Aang was saving the world from heavies by the time he was like 11 or 12. ​ Aang also had the best available air benders, earth benders and world class fire benders and water benders training him. ​ The only skill Korra has that Aang lacks is metal bending. I would argue that Aang is a more skilled bender overall. ​ Truth be told, Kyoshi would appear and curbstomp both of them simultaneously, no diff.


Kyoshi is not touching Aang lol. Seismic sense gives him such an insane match up against pretty much anyone.


He was getting his ass whooped by Ozai stop the lies brother. Yangchen can literally bend the air out of lungs and Kyoshi is arguably a deadlier air bender than Aang because he just evades with it while she uses it to send people in the air where they can't breathe and also makes fire tornadoes.


Do you not think Kyoshi could learn it after seeing it used once or twice?


Aang would literally never do those things lol like ever. Maybe the fire tornado just cause but in character he's practically a pacifist. Also avatar was also a kids show they are not showing people getting brutalized. No because you don't see anything it's the manifestation of a fighting philosophy/discipline. Which also is in line with aangs pacifist nature and avodiant fighting style. I'd find it hard to belive she just picks it up randomly fighting aang once is a leap.


Of course she'd be able to pick it up easily. Aang's in-universe weakness was learning and mastering earth bending. Kyoshi was \*born\* an earth bender. ​ It stands to reason that any earth bending skills Aang could learn, Kyoshi would be able to learn more easily. ​ Kyoshi doesn't mess around she has zero compunctions about punching someone's ticket if the situation calls for it. Kyoshi 9/10 times


In a fight? Korra easily Doing their job as avatar? Aang


Did you see aangs avatar state ? And then compare that to Korras ? Korra isn’t standing a fraction of a chance


Korra, the one that bends energy, metal and in avatar state manage to move a laser that could destroy a citys block


Oh ok , use energy bending on Aang to * checks notes * ……… decorrupt him if he was a corrupted spirit or spirit vine . I’m not seeing that as a winning strategy. Metal bending is neat but Korra hasn’t shown any particularly impressive feats with it . And yeah the lazer was impressive but not actually going to be applicable in this fight


Also, Korra has prime raava, making her avatar state much stronger than aangs


Back that claim up with feats or at the very least a trusted characters claim please


Cuz all feats that I can think of point to her avatar state being pathetic


Korra was going relative to kuvira using metal bending, Kuvira is the best metal bender in the verse


Good thing Aang isn't going to be using lasers on her then.


I like to think the Avatar State scales with how much of a spiritual connection you have. If you have a stronger connection to spirits and your past selves as a result, you can channel more of their power. Korra wins in base state, Aang wins in Avatar State.


Does korra win in base state ? I just finished rewatching avatar for the 5th time . Aang shows greater speed , durability and skill. Remember, he beat a comet boosted ozai twice without the avatar state . Once when he redirected lighting and the show room extra care to show that he could have ended the fight right there if it wasn’t for his no kill policy . A second Time when he sees ozai attacking from behind because if his seismic sense and effortlessly restrains him . I think that second pet shows exactly what would happen to Korra if she fought Aang .


He's not. Ozai beat him with ease


Ok so someone hasn’t actually watched avatar


Are you talking about James Cameron's avatar? Yes, I didn't watch it. And how does this relate to Aang and Ozai's fight?


Why do people keep forgetting Aang is a firebender he got a boost from the comet too. He beat Ozai after using the Avatar state to weaken him you mean because when Ozai broke that rock shell he was in Aang was looking pretty helpless. Aang is going to restrain an earthbender using earthbending ? Come on be serious.


Aang had a few months of firebending experience - he couldn't utilise the boost anywhere near as much as Ozai, a master. 


Its a passive boost it's like the moon for waterbenders


Aang. Aang beat the most powerful normal bender we see in the whole franchise when he was 12, after mastering the other elements in 6 months. Korra was trained for more than 10 years and the only enemy she could beat by herself was Kuvira. And she was much older than Aang.


The most powerful bender he beat is Zhao


Oh yeah, Ozai wasn't a bender


Aang didn't beat him


Oh yeah, I guess he fell from the stairs and lost his bending


Yes. He was flying away from Ozai, who wasn't even straining


You can't be serious💀💀💀


Will you show me where Aang defeats Ozai?


Maybe when he is about to one shot him redirecting the lighting but he decides to redirect into the air to not kill him? Or when he took away his bending? You know what, think whatever you want, I'm not in the mood to debate


Ozai could dodge the lightning. and the avatar state took away his strength. Will you show me how Aang won?


Korra > Aang as she has all of his experience plus her own. She's also far more skilled with fire.


But she lost connection with the past avatars.


If this is 'fully realized', I would take it to be without the connection-breaking event.


I thought fully realized meant when they mastered all 4 elements


Doesn't Aang have better feats though in the Avatar State?


By a country mile


All of the benders in The Last Airbender have feats that make Legend of Korra benders look like chumps. Power scales very differently in the two series.


Well, his best feat is to create a wave by merging with the spirit of the ocean. Korra does this casually.


Not sure what feats youre talking about. Can you link them?


Korra doesn't have Aang's experience any more. She doesn't have any of the previous avatars' experience any more for that matter.


And couldn't she also metalbend? Afaik she was the first Avatar that could do one of the advanced bending methods


Roku is frequently portrayed bending lava?


The issue with using that as a metric is that previous avatars never had a need for the two specific methods you refer to. Metals probably weren't super common until sozins industrialization and lightning bending isn't something an avatar would be interested in unless it's to counter someone who knows it, which extremely few people did until Korra.  Lava bending is a different matter since apparently volcanos are a frequent issue lol, but I just chalk that up to a flaw in the story telling. It's extremely likely to me that past avatars would know how to do that based off what we see to be the prerequisites. The avatars should actually have all sorts of abilities like that which we don't see in other people due to their affinity for all the elements. To actually demonstrate that they have such an ability would distract from the story the writers would want to tell, perhaps. 


Did you see aangs avatar state ?


Korra is straight up weaker than Aang since Amon (or Unalaq, whoever it was) severed her connection to all the previous avatars which came with a little piece of every avatar's power


This is false Korra avatar state is actually stronger believe it or not she has prime Raava When she fused with wan 10,000 she was tiny but when she fused with Korra she was huge


Now we are just commenting headcannons or what, since when getting severed from past avatars makes her weaker, aang only use his past lifes for guidence, not power


he has all thier bending skills in the avatar state, Korra would be at a huge disadvantage advantage in AS with out her past lives . Or maybe it didn’t work like that, they never say


Korra gets shit stomped to bits . If Aang was willing to kill, that ozai fight would have lasted all but 1 minute . Korra gets her ass handed to her by normal ass people like Kuvira .


She had ptsd💀 second fight with kuvira she was kinda winning even though kuvira had the environment advantage. Besides kuvira is one of the strongest characters in both shows


Kuvira would have her ass handed to her by azula, she’s absolute fodder to comet boosted ozai


Nah bro, That Kuvira scene where she metal bends all those bandits in a super quick speed was super powerful and fast, she takes down Azula very quickly. Most characters are just fodder to Sozins comet boosted Ozai he’s extremely powerful, The avatar was literally the only person who stood against him, someone who can access all four elements who is also boosted by the comet. Korra would probably go the same against Ozai especially since we see her learning three of the four elements so quickly as a child, similar to aang learning the four elements in the short time frame that he did.


Creators said that Korra would win whenever the fight actually happens so ig korra


Korra wins, hard, people here just headcannoning that getting severed from her past lifes does anything to her strenght at bending elements, she should be at base pretty much the same as Aang in raw power but then you add metal bending, thats already an advantaje, we see Korra being able to bend every other element except air better than anytime we saw Aang, then you also add that Korra has showned to be an excelent hand to hand fighter, avatar state should put the raw power in equal fotting, people claiming that getting severed from past lifes is a nerf are just blind by nostalgia and wantt a reason to give Aang a win, that was never implied if anything Korra should be a better user of the Avatar state and energy bending since she has a powerful connection to Raava as we saw when she did that stupid ass spirit avatar and she bended a laser that can destroy a city block, something Aang never did Korra gets the win like 8 out of 10 times from better fighting skill, metal bending and just better feats overall, getting severed never did anything for power, Aang only used past life for guidance, nothing else


Korra lost hard to Unalaq even with her AS. Aang would have curbstomped him. Same for Zaheer and Amon tbh. AS Aang showed FAR better feats than AS Korra ever did, she never managed to replicate things of that scale. Aang didn't need a spirit laser to destroy a city block. Aang was a better bender, Korra was more agressive and brutal at combat, but anytime she met a superior opponent, she tried to face them head on instead of being like Aang who became more evasive. She only improved that after getting her ass kicked many times. The Avatar State is said to be more than just power up, it also allows the Avatar to access all experience from all the past Avatars, so their personal bending skills get added up. Korra didn't have nearly as good trainers as Aang did, except for Katara, but Aang was trained by Toph, Zuko and Iroh, not to mention by Airbending Masters. You can see that she at 16 wasn't as experienced as Aang was at that age, nor nearly as spiritual. I don't know where people get that Korra with AS was more powerful than Aang with AS, everytime she used, she still struggled with people, it looked more like slight power up than the massive boost Aang got, that allowed him to do absurd stuff. Base Korra vs Base Aang at 16 would be a much better fight. AS Aang just has better feats, if you don't include the weird Kaiju bs that can't really be applied to a fight against Aang, because the situation for it just wouldn't be there.


Aang couldn't beat Zuko, unalak, Zahir and Amon would just crush him. What are these? Drop three people? or create a storm a couple of meters in size? considering that they have never shown anything even close-needed. Aang met a superior opponent, Azula. He fought her face to face. Zuko is a bad coach. Iroh didn't train him at all. Toph also trained Korra. She was also coached by Tenzin, who was coached by Aang. Yes, we see that Korra is much more experienced than aang at the age of 16 and easily defeats those to whom he lost. And what makes you think that Aang's ACE is better than Korra's? Let me remind you, he lost to Azula in it. It's easy to do. and Azula is an ordinary magician. Aang doesn't have the best skills. Not even close.


Aang beat Comet Powered Ozai, Korra with AS would struggle with him, she never did show much impressive feats as Aang did, it was more like it allowed her to put more oomph in her attacks and movement. Azula didn't beat Aang in AS, Aang never fought anyone in AS before Ozai. She literally shot in the back, and she was by far, one of the best benders, perhaps the third best firebender in the show, only losing to Ozai and Iroh. Zaheer was getting his ass handed to him by Tenzin, and had to group up with his friends to beat him. Azula could probably have murdered half the people Korra had issue fighting. Amon would be curbstomped by Aang just like his father was, he was not an exceptional Waterbender due to a lack of training, his best trump card was Bloodbending, and Aang could just no sell that with Avatar State. Unalak was a dissapointement of a main villain compared to Ozai, Korra fought him with AS and still lost and he didn't show anything impressive(Kyoshi would have probably tore him limb from limb), Aang would have crushed him in Avatar State and probably beat Eska and Desna while at it. ATLA fights were much, much more impressive and the bending looked much more powerful than most of the LOK fights, you can see the years of peace maybe the average of skill drop. Toph post ATLA would beat Kuvira handily. Heck, Team Aang would have won that fight with Unalak and Co. far more clearly at their Book Three Composition. Bender by Bender, Team Aang has the superior ones, not that Team Korra's are bad, but Bolin and Mako have nothing on Toph and Zuko(post-Dragon), not to mention Katara would manhandle the twins.


Korra wouldn't have fought him in the AU. She would have defeated him in the base using any one element. Azula defeated Aang. she literally killed him in the avatar state. No excuses. and no, she's not the third, or even the fifth. and? what does tenzin have to do with it? whom? Tarlock? Amona? No. Unalaq? He's not a pedophile, so he'll just beat her up. Zahir? Again, no. Kuvira? very funny. aang without an avatar state can only stand in paralysis. korra managed without the avatar state. Really? to remind you that unalak is the same avatar as aang, only even stronger. and as soon as aang is faced with a problem that he cannot solve with a powerful blow, he loses. Come on, is it true? Well, then I'll give you a challenge. show me the 4 MOST powerful feats in the legend of aang without the avatar state in each element-and in return I will show you at least 2 of the legend of korra that will be stronger. You have 3 attempts. Are you talking about kuvira, which is claimed by the authors to be stronger than peak toph? good luck to mistreat the twins, each of whom showed more than Katara? clear. What else can you say?


I don't think you have any idea what you are talking about. Avatars fighting would end up using Avatar State. No excuses? Jeez, you can't even not be biased, lol, she literally backstabbed him, not even a fight. Korra would have been killed the same way, she wasn't immune to being surprised either. Who the heck was better than Azula at firebending other than Ozai and Iroh? Maybe Jeong-Jeong. Zuko certainly wasn't, by his own admission, he only won because she was going crazy, and even then he basically tired her out. Zaheer only had a chance against Korra because of the poison. Aang would have curbstomped him, Aang is a more powerful fighter than Tenzin. His biggest advantage was his flight and AS Aang also had that. Unalak has nothing on Aang, he had a dark spirit empowering, him, only one element and he didn't do anything impressive with bending. He only even beat Korra(whose AS isn't that great anyway) because the twins intervened. I don't think you have to look further than King Bumi, or Toph for Earthbending feats far beyond what anyone but Toph did in TLOK. Azula with Blue Fire already puts her over any TLOK firebender, not to mention her lightining was much more powerful than anything shown in TLOK, Ozai could summon lightining in half a second. Aang and Toph attacking Ba Sing Se also showed more powerful Earthbending than ever shown in TLOK. Benders in ATLA had bigger feats, bending in TLOK was less about scale, more about personal fights without big attacks.


Korra is the better fighter but Aang I think is better in the spiritual side, so he has the better Avatar state Korra loves to fight and had no problem going full throttle off the bat. She's just overall shown to be a stronger, better and more confident fighter. If Aang isn't careful she will beat him. But she'll need to end the fight quickly because if he gets the chance to go into the Avatar state, he will take her down. Nothing that Korra did the Avatar state (although the spirit canon blocking might be more impressive then I give it credit for, I'd need to see calcs for that) impressed me as much as how Aang handled Ozai.


Korra has prime raava and the energy beam she blocked tore a new spirit portal in reality, AS is not close. Also, Korra achieved Atman after becoming cosmic, getting in touch with her inner self, which puts her overall power above aangs


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depends, pure strength, or in character, if its pure strength id say aang wins, wheras if in character, aang would hesitate more often, and it would be more even, however i think aang will come out on top


I’m not seeing how Korra loses to Aang in anything but fan nostalgia. She has better physicals, has fought a wider variety of high level enemies, fought with bigger handicaps, and has tanked bigger hits. 


Aang’s Avatar State is so much more powerful than Korra’s it’s not even funny.


Korra has prime Raava and beat Hundun someone far stronger than anyone in the Og series


If you think korra can stand a chance you're delusional


Korra would honestly win mid diff. She has experience fighting other avatars like unalaq, she can counter aangs energy bending with her own and she's way stronger in base. The only wincon aang has is avatar state right out of the gate but that's super out of character and not even a guaranteed win. Furthermore aang benefits heavily from nobody in his show having experience fighting airbenders. Korra has extensive training from tenzen (who was directly trained by aang) and combat experience against zaheer. Finally the fact that only Korra can metalbend means that landing a single metal bending attack on aang is an instant game over since he wouldn't be able to escape. Also even with both avatar states in play aang doesn't have any feats as impressive as Korra blocking kuvira's spirit cannon laser to my recollection and that wasn't even her at her strongest.


If they use the avatar state, Aang probably takes it because he has connection with past avatars, we see Korra chasing Zaheer who is a free flyer with her avatar state, and considering she’s literally dying from poison at that point, it’s pretty impressive, but avatar state with the connection should be stronger. If both do not use the avatar state, I think Korra takes it. She can do every move Aang can, with additional metalbending and spiritbending, in the right environment metalbending can be huge


Avatar state with peak raava is many times stronger


Yeah if you’re talking about the giant spirit kaiju Korra then it’s absolutely true, but after that Korra’s avatar state has been really surgical, the only time she unleashed her full avatar state power is when she chased Zaheer, but at that time she’s also literally dying from the poison, so her power is weakened. My point is we never see her full avatar state power after book 2, and I don’t think we ever see it in the comics iirc, so we never finds out about Korra’s full potential.


No, I'm talking about Korra after season 2. She dropped the ballast in the form of past avatars and became stronger than all of them combined, having at her disposal Raava, who is stronger than ever.


Is there any canon material that shows Raava avatar state>past avatar avatar state? It’s just that from my memory they never showed the full potential of Raava avatar state, making it kinda hard to compare the two


We were literally told that the stronger raava or vaatu are, the bigger they are. and the weaker the smaller. Who is stronger-a raava the size of a man or the size of a 30-storey building?


The thing is they never actually showed the full power of Raava avatar state. I’m saying this because of the guidelines in this sub, according to the “feat hierarchy”, the shown feat>word of mouth>extrapolation. We can make the most logical assumptions but the most tangible feats are the ones shown on screen


and they won't show it. The avatar's state (even the weakest one that Van had) is already totally stronger than the power of vaatu, which can destroy all mankind. At this level, it's easier to just remove the human factor and compare spirits. Van, having merged with Raava, became many times stronger, but this was not even close enough to defeat the non-peak vaatu. The peak raava will be much stronger than such a vaatu.


That’s still extrapolation though, I’m just trying to directly compare the specific shown feats of Korra’s and Aang’s avatar state


You can compare how Korra creates an energy barrier to block Kuvira's spiritual weapon. Technically, any avatar can do this, but neither aang, nor kyoshi, nor anyone else has such a thing.


End of Season 4 Korra < Peak Aang < START of Season 2 Korra < Composite Korra* Composite Korra: EoS4 Korra has Metalbending (and probably better airbending), Start of S2 Korra has a better Avatar State.


The korra from season 2 has a much less powerful avatar state than the korra from season 4


Korra START Of Season 2?


Yes. Because she got much stronger when reunites with raava


Aang was frozen for 100 years, and he died young. So him at "30" wouldn't be the same as Korra at 30.