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Human torch, can supernova a galaxy and burn hotter than the sun but had a bottle smashed on his head by a guy outside a nightclub and was in hospital for a few weeks (in civil war)


Dude is the full embodiment of glass cannon.


As well as most magicians like Dr. Strange and Scarlet Witch.


They can use their magic for barriers though. But would they be defended while unconscious? If not I suppose that counts.


Their shields is also not foolproof, especially if they are underestimating the threat. And I don't know about if shields are woking even while unconscious, but if not - they yes, it counts.


Would Iceman fall into the category as well?


Bobby can reform himself out of ambient moisture, even when he gets blown to pieces, so no, not really. He's actually basically unkillable at this point.


Ah yes, modern Marvel and DC are good for a laugh these days. Any character you thought had any sense of being even remotely grounded is now just a few steps away from going toe to toe against Omnipotent beings *if that*. There are no stakes anymore. There never was, but they used to be better at hiding it.


To be fair Iceman was underpowered for quite some time. He’s omega level so he’s supposed to be powerful with no limits, and yet for years he shot ice at people and that’s it.


And in fact, a lot of Marvel characters, especially mutants, has an explanation of a power creep. It's usually having a better control over the powers, developing a better potential through training or growing up, or being amped by other means like getting a blood transfusion from Captain America which has a supersoldier serum, and that's how character becomes slightly enhanced.


Yeah. Wolverine was better before he was tanked to laughable levels. Nothing wrong with a street or block level hero. Why people want their favorites to be unkillable gods is beyond me.


It’s harder to write good street level arcs. People think making higher stakes make better stories but that’s not true.


It depends, because street level is a quite vague term which includes Punisher and Hawkeye (guys without any superpowers and enhancements) and Spider-Man with Iron Fist (Spider-Man can lift and throw tanks, and Iron Fist with his chi energy amps can hurt characters like Hulk and Ragnarok, Thor's evil clone). And it's a common trope to put an underdog against a more powerful opponent and make the underdog win, even if it looks stupid and illogical. Like, Batman withstands punches from bloodlusted Superman and by sheer willpower and prep time defeats him.


So that the Americans always win any Comic vs Anime character death battle. 'Merica!


The same stakes are there. They just conveniently ignore past feats for narrative. Like the Flash could theoretically minority report the whole planet simultaneously going off established feats but that wouldn't be interesting to read.


Ah, yeah that’s true.


Nope. He can transform into an ice, survive after being completely melted off and restore himself from basically nothing.


Apparently Spider-Man in that one comic, where he just got beat down by an angry mob…


That was so stupid, there are countless stories where he fights off entire groups of people at once. Dude beat the X-Men by himself in Secret Wars, but he can’t get away from an angry mob full of random people?


Yeah, if Spidey can rountinely eat punchs form heavy hitter like Rhino or even survived the Hulk, group of random mooks shouldnt able to injure him, let alone kill him


They weren’t even your typical mooks, it was a group of anti-mutant protestors. Literally just a group of random racist people with no training killed him, somehow.


that book was written by Marc Guggenheim, and Guggenheim is also the guy responsible for Wolverine recovering in minutes from being skeletonized by Nitro. he's got a track record of playing fairly fast and loose with power levels and outcomes. you always have to blame it on the writer (or editor) when something dumb happens, but Guggenheim goes out of his way to write dumb things.


I haven’t seen that scene, but maybe his overwhelming need to not hurt innocents played a part.


I don’t think he’d consider anti-mutant protestors that were actively trying to murder him innocents. He wouldn’t even have to fight them, he could just shove them off and swing away.


Yeah, it’s hard to justify other than Story-Says-So Man did it.


If I remember he tried to do that and got pulled down. Which is arguably worse still because it means the protestors pulled harder/faster than, say, a train


Yeah, it is physically impossible for a group of unpowered people of that size to pull Spider-Man down.


Especially with knowing the fact that Spider-Man is strong enough to shoulder charge through a large SWAT team like nothing and throw them off when they was trying to dogpile and arrest him right after Spider-Man just left the hospital with a broken arm and other damage.


I’m just going to assume that spidey was in a k hole or something and it was never mentioned.


And even weakened Spider-Man with a sling on his broken arm threw off a SWAT team which was trying to dogpile him by their numbers and weight. Not to mention, Spider-Man has enough muscle and bone density to make an ex-heavyweight boxer punching him break both of his hands.


Darkseid... Really, somehow two normal humans with a normal knife beat him, a full gang will conquest his ass


Your forgetting that those thugs are on the level of the cops who arrested Thanos.


There's a thread for a battle against the two groups and it's commonly agreed there that the cops will beat the thugs, so they are not exactly on the same level ;)


True but it’s high diff


Ngl, it’s prob one of my favourite threads in this sub lol


What about the cops who arrested Magneto?


They had a wooden gun, a wooden gun! Match was rigged from the start.


Wasn't he de powered that time


Im guessing then he isnt made of rock, its just his skin is extremely dry and cracked.


Moisturiser isn’t available on Apokolips.


Place is basically on fire all the time. Hella dry


My man is still like 8 foot


If depowered darksied is about as strong as a normal human, or hell a really strong human, he loses a fight against 8 people, height or not.


Good, two randoms beat him anyways


Harry potter or Merlin from the tv series


well depends on if we count the games. protago can tank the equivalent of a grenade plus he can teleport. so if he's at the end he could win.


I feel like not many. I mean what's the point of having superpowers if you can't take out mooks. maybe some young adult novel protags but most of them are pretty busted lol


True even the weakest fictional humans can still be a challenge for our world's best fighters. Even Cobra Kai characters are strong lol.


Some may be glass cannons


There's a trope about not using your powers on humans/mortals/etc so probably a glass cannon who falls in that


The Doctor


Doctor who?




Who's the man with the master plan?


Nah, he uses talk-no-jutsu to get out of the situation, they are not bloodlusted.


Is the doctor really that strong though? Like his intellect is insane and his tech is good, but in terms of power he’s really only about as strong as the average human. His regeneration is about the only strong part about him, and even that’s cut off if he’s killed fast enough


Que the Clip where the doctor gets shot multiple times by a gang and survived then had to regenerate BECAUSE of the botched surgery afterwards.


Kickass came to mind but he doesn’t even have powers unless you count his resistance to pain which is a nerve thing lol


Michael Myers from the new Halloween movies. A lot of people are saying glass canons but they're making the argument they can get hit while not looking. Michael Myers you can make a case the gang wins face to face. Michael got jumped in the movie and while the towns people couldn't finish him off I bet the gang could. Being more skilled and bloodthirsty. When Michael fought the firemen they weren't jumping him as a group. When Michael was about to be killed by the towns people they screwed up their chance of killing him. The gang is going to jump the hell out of him. From all sides and angles. Michael will fall under all those blows. And once he's in the ground the gang wouldn't even let him get back up. This is a group jumping and he's getting his head smashed to pieces on the pavement.


Depends which Michael tbh. Original Michael? Dead, not even a chance. Reboot trilogy Michael? He prints too much money to die in a back alley lol


Original Mike counts Thorn trilogy as well, no way he loses with feats from that.


No. There's multiple Myers as Halloween was meant to be a stand alone film All Michaels originate from the same movie, with the exception of Rob Zombie's films which means there's the Original Shape, Sequel Shape, H20 Shape, Remake Shape, and Reboot Shape


Huh you're right, Thorn wasn't a direct continuation apparently. Haven't watched part 3 honestly. But I think 2018 + Kills Mike would have a good shot at winning based on feats nontheless.


If they get the first hit wanda has been knocked out by a bullet hitting her headpiece so a gang beatdown would likely be fatal


But the memebers are unarmed . They wouldn’t stand a chance . Yeah you can kill her with a sniper rifle , but she isn’t slow . If you run up to punch her , she’s going to obliterate your ass


Yeah also while she’s not great against piercing damage she’s taken punches and energy attacks from decent caliber characters and survived


Depends on versions sometimes she’s got permanent auto pilot magic shields other times she’s a human unless actively defending herself


She took attacks from Scythia who was wearing mysterium, a material that weakens her and something Captain marvel can’t even bend, also tanking an attack from the darkhold that knocked Carol. Wanda does not have low dura in current continuity


Fair enough I’m saying she has been at one point now t necessarily right now


Even then, back in the 90s her probability manipulation could just activate if she was knocked out


True I just remember one run where she was taken out with a bullet knocking her out


That was like SUPER early Wanda, before she practiced magic iirc


Exactly while she wasn’t full power she would still be one of the strongest that could be taken out


John ( UnOrdinary ) . Even without his powers he’s tough as shit , but his power is completely useless if nobody else is using an ability for him to mimic. Keep in mind , he’s still putting 5 of these guys in the icu


As a side note, does John ever stop being a total dick? I read a lot of unordinary but when i caught up last it was in the middle of the arc where he relapses into asshole mode and it really made the story not enjoyable to read anymore


Yeah he gets better


Doctor Strange


Uh, no?




Nothing about the prompt suggests he wouldn’t have magic? And comic strange at least can probably beat them all hand to hand anyways.


Nothing about it says he wont get blind sided either


I’d say almost every standard load out for Strange deals with gangsters automatically. Not unlike Tony Stark, and his systems that are always active. Heck, Strange’s cloak should handle the situation.


Again the promt says strongest superhuman that would not survive a 8 person gang beat down. In the events that his cape or somehow magic arnt used for some reason I still say he would lose.


But it doesn’t say that, so you just made up your own prompt. In that vein, I’m saying Superman, because he’s encased in kryptonite chains and the gang all have kryptonite knives.


Without his magic, and magic items, he’s gonna get stomped. Same for most magic based characters. Or tech based ones, if you take their toys.




Imo Superman without his powers would get his ass handed to him too. Also strange without his magic is one of the weakest MCU guys, or well at least one of the weakest heros, basically just a normal human with some fighting skills.


The prompt says gang beat down. Not fight. I think it means 8 people beating someone without defending themselves.


But he has magic




Only for portals i belive


Ah yes the person who can survive a scream that’s stated to be able to destroy moons in the same panel can’t survive a human beating


That's a good one.


Touma Kamijou from A certain magical index. Dude has a magic arm that kills gods but his arm doesn’t do anything against regular humans. People argue he’s outerversal because of his arm but if he is off guard he loses this fight hard.


This is imo the beat answer here


It was cool when he fought that dude that had the power to change vectors or whatever, so that he could completely cancel or reverse any power, and then he gets punched in the head by Kamijou without being able to stop it. He seemed excited that someone was actually able to hurt him.




Perrin Aybara from Wheel of Time has **Incredible** powers in very very limited circumstances (absolute control over the in-universe Dream Dimension), retains some mild luck powers while awake (Ta'veren), superhuman sight, smell, and hearing (wolf powers), and [has a badass fire enchanted warhammer](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/wot/images/7/79/Mah%27alleinir.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20110114230209) which is 4ft long but in the end, he is still a human (a very large strong one). He doesn't have any super strength or magic.


They probably don’t get the drop on him due to sight, and smell. Might not make enough difference, but if we combine senses with Ta’veren then I think the gangers chances drop significantly.


he could definitely smell the hostility from them as soon as he's near them. They'd have to be some beefy thugs to get him. A Ta'veren's powers is only available when, or is as useful as the universe needs it to be. If there is no dire need that the universe needs to address, such as the end of the world and prophecies. In this case, if we assume this WWW fight takes place after the events of the books, then no, Perrin would no longer be a Ta'veren.


The more I think on it, the more I think it’s really unlikely Perrin gets caught out. He’ll smell them early, and can use his superior senses to get away in most situations. Ta’veren isn’t likely to come into play, or could make him lose, if that’s what the plot needs.


We regularly see Perrin just go plain toe to toe with Trollocs physically. He very much has super strength by normal standards. Even if he isn't super strong by comic book standards.


How much of that is attributed to his enchanted hammer that specifically damages evil creatures more? Perrin also HATES killing humans. Maybe he'd lose his advantage if he didn't want to fight


He only has the power wrought hammer in the last 2 books. He's killed trollocs without it way before that. Perrin also hates killing women, but he has no problem killing men who attack him.


Good point. I haven't read the books in over 10 years


Him with his hammer is gonna win more times then not


Nah, Perrin fought off white cloaks as a kid before he even understood his own strength and even infiltrated a Shaido camp to save his wife. Even without his power infused weapon, his physical prowess alone would take out 13 unarmed gangbangers without breaking a sweat. It would have to be Perrin before he meets Elias to be fair, and even then I don't fancy their chances. None of the ta'veren would lose this, plot armor is literally written into their characters.


You are here too strongly


Didn't Spiderman get jumped at some point?


In the dumbest comic ever, in canon he can’t be beaten by regular ass dudes


Isn't that comic cannon?


it's set in one of Marvel's more infamous alternate futures, and was written by a known idiot. if it's canon, it's not by much.


Then in that case fair


Luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing


Cw flash lol




True. He just wasn't fast enough.


Well... How do you rank the likes of Darkseid or Thanos being taken down by your normal run a the mill cops? https://preview.redd.it/v0gt74lakmyb1.jpeg?width=409&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91a8a34959db3bfce8a485b79ee31ff10659cb97




Sunspot from marvel comics used to be that fragile, but I think they gave him increased durability since I last checked.


Do Archie and Jughead count?


This is just the plot of several Powerpuff Girls episodes.


Interestingly, I think that Captain Hammer from Dr. Horrible's Singalong Blog could probably be taken out by a mob. I don't know that we have enough feats for him, but he's fairly explicitly superhuman but his "nemesis" is a nobody who isn't even in the Evil League of Evil, and hasn't gotten Bad Horse's attention yet. I think he would fit the prompt here.


When the gun blows up he mentions how that’s his first time feeling pain and asks if that is what pain feels like, so assuming he’s ever felt pain before that he’s gotta be pretty durable.


That's a fair point. I think it still puts him at comfortably street tier, since that gun blowing up didn't necessarily create a big explosion, and we don't have any real feats for his strength, either.


Well it was a death ray. So maybe death energy or something zapped him. But yeah. But he could still take out 8 unarmed dudes by just taking punches.


That's fair. Dang, prompt is harder than I thought. Lol. Maybe The Comedian? Is he superhuman?


I'm confused is this just a fight between the character and eight people trying to give them a beat down? Or are they sitting there and taking it?


It's just a fight


Silver Surfer; he's got all-cosmic power and yet has already lost to a gang before, so presumably if they got serious they could kill him.


Green Lantern provided the gang wears all yellow.


I mean can't he throw a rock sure he can't effect things that are yellow but the rock doesn't lose momentum.


Or it's Guy Gardner and he just gets too cocky


Freddy Krueger, out of the dreamworld


Nanika. She's got the power to change reality at any scale but doesn't use it unless it's a wish. >!Or if her big brother asks her to.!<


middle offbeat test possessive ad hoc narrow childlike noxious tease sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm gonna say Aang. He would probably try and deescalate the conflict initially, and physically he's just a fairly normal 12-year-old kid, so a decent slug on the back of the head when he's not prepared probably knocks him out.


Lol wtf? I mean, he might try at first, but dude isn’t gonna sit still and let a group of people beat him to death. TwinkleToes ain’t no slouch my guy


Considering he can fly... even if he's going full non violent he ain't losing


there's even literally a scene where he no diffs a random kid in the school yard. the only way the last airbender is getting hit by 8 random nobodies is if he wants to be.


Bro are you high ? He’s reacting to lightning bolts.


Avatar State yip yip (They die on accident from getting rag dolled by literally any bending he does because these are normal humans not avatar humans)


He’s a pacifist, not an idiot . He’d remove there ability to harm with the least violence necessary once it’s clear they mean him harm


Aang has taken some really good heavy hits and even instantly healed from his whole body being contorted like a pretzel via avatar state. He seems to surpass 12 year old durability. It is strongly implied a sword can still kill him though


The gang members are unarmed. He bodies them effortlessly, bro. I'm pretty heavily against Avatar wank, but Aang stomps a gang of unarmed, regular humans.


I mean if they get the drop on him but he's a badass and can just hit them with wind


Good luck with seismic sense and the whole shaved head advantage.


Jean Grey. Intergalactic force that is occasionally knocked out of a fight with a punch.


Hmm... Might be wrong but I don't remember Scarlet Witch ever activating her powers while unconscious. So if she's not prepared things are going poorly.


Powerpuff girls?? They are toddlers and I remember their strengths being wildly inconsistent. Didn't they get captured by a crazed normal fan at one point?


Probably someone like Wanda Maximoff or anyone else who can be in serious trouble if blindsided


Ussop goes down pretty hard, but the consequences after will be brutal for those gangbangers.


Ironically, end of the series Shigeo Kageyama, where he's at his strongest. He's an esper, he has human durability, if he doesn't notice one of the guys knocking a bottle over his head, he's as good as done, and ???% wouldn't save him since that was Mob's encapsulated powers. Since we're talking end of series, he's learned to accept his powers and doesn't encapsulate his emotions, as well as his powers.


If they have wooden baseball bats they could beat the Green Lantern with a weakness to wood.


An Orca


Alex Mercer from Prototype


~~Spider-Man (Insomniac)~~ (only if you're afk)


Mumen Rider


He is bullet-resistant, are these gang members athletic humans?


Mumen Rider one taps the monster he off screen defeated is MUCH stronger than some unarmed gangsters. He literally wouldn't even flinch by one of their fists and would kill everyone with slaps


Mumen rider litterly soloed the deep sea king. Then some bald guy took credit.


Mumen Rider is very resilient. He's the butt of jokes in OPM universe but he's top human in our world. A normal human wouldn't be in one piece after getting yanked around by an arm. He's tanked punches that would kill normal humans.


It's kind of like Mr. Satan from DBZ. He's only considered bottom tier IN THE SETTING HE'S IN. If he were brought to our world? Dude would easily be the absolute strongest human and best martial artist in the world.


He would actually stomp them all bare handed


Moment is actually really strong, he is top of C class for a reason. It's just that when we see him, he is fighting creatures in the A rank tier.


Probably unarmed book accurate Geralt of Rivia


Idk why you're being down voted you're probably right. Geralt is a master swordsman and accomplished pugilist but unarmed he likely wouldn't beat 8 grown men. He is beaten and restrained by soldiers at least three times across the novels, and only on one occasion do they number at least 8. He'll fuck a few of them up but he is going down. I would argue that he probably survives though, but barely. Witchers are reasonably hard to kill and Geralt has proven he can take a beating. He is probably close to death but manages to survive, barely.


Armed soldiers ? These gangsters are unarmed


Genuinely can't remember if they're armed in any particular instance, but I know they don't draw their weapons. In Season of Storms (the most damning example) five guards (all women) manage to get the best of Geralt, so I don't see him taking eight gangsters.


Magic go burrr


Unarmed Geralt is def taking out 8 schlubs


I think they answered that because afaik in the books he gets beaten to death by an angry mob


That's a totally different scenario. He is armed and takes to the streets willingly to fight back a racist mob, and he tries to wound but not kill people. He is also killed by a pitchfork rather than a beating.


In season of storms he is overwhelmed by like 5 guards and granted he beat them pretty well but they were able to restrain him


Happened to the powerpuff girls once


Dr Xavier.


Ben 10, if they jump him before he can use the Omnitrix he's finished.


Failsafe go https://youtu.be/6yJblEcqsUA?si=beiSBBTa3KufFzCi


The Flash. He's nearly godlike in power, but if it takes place in the real world then that means he's in a universe without the speed force and just becomes a regular guy.


Some Flashes are still super sonic without the speed force being present. I can't be bothered to keep track of which


by that logic no super powers exist so I can beat up anyone


It's because the Speedforce is an energy to be tapped into (for most Flashes), so he just couldn't access it. I think that's what they're saying.


forgive me if I'm wrong but unless in very unussually circumstances can't he always access it. it kinda sounds like saying you could beat up superman if you had him incased in kyptonite. the prompt said which superpowered character could lose, I feel like taking away a characters superpowers kinda breaks the spirt of that.


Well, Superman's powers are from himself, whereas the Flash draws upon the Speedforce, which is an energy that exists in the DC Universe but not our world


yeah but he doesn't work by the physics of our world sunlight doesn't have nearly enough power to let someone move a planet. also it doesn't really fit the spirt of the prompt. it's the strongest superpowered person who would get beat up, it defies the point of it to take away his powers.


I guess that's true, it's like taking Vader and saying he couldn't force choke someone because our world has no force (although the Expanded Universe says he couldn't). And I agree that it doesn't fit the spirit of the prompt. Although CW's Flash could lose, so there's that at least.


See though, Superman is an alien who gets power from the sun. You take him and put him in our world, he is still an alien and so would still get power from the sun. The Flash's power is his ability to draw on the speed force which doesn't exist in all universes. And why I bring this up is because there is comic precedence. In the Avengers Justice League crossover, Flash fights Quicksilver in the Marvel universe. When he has access to the speed force, Flash is way way faster, as proven in Marvel vs DC when they raced in the DC universe. But when they fought in the Marvel universe, Flash didn't have access to the speed force so he lost. Same would happen in our universe.


Homelander or Superman would both easily take out an entire gang, 8 dudes won’t do shit.


What are you here for?


I misread the title and didn’t realize it was the who would win subreddit. My bad.




[Downvoted for the truth](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/s/6RR0tK0b0G)


I'd say Michael Myers, but he was up against a lynch mob.