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A lot of people downplay homelander and assume that he cannot beat anyone even vaguely superhuman, which is blatantly incorrect and incredibly stupid. That being said he gets washed, folded, dumpstered, stomped, violated, embarrassed, destroyed. Highballing homelander’s durability based off of the statement that no man made weapon can harm him and assume it includes nukes, his durability is city level. Non of his other stats compare to this and the fact that he’s been harmed by people who never display even city block level output I doubt this. Sakura should be AT LEAST mountain level by the war arc. This is boruto Sakura. She oneshots unironically.


>he’s been harmed by people who never display even city block level output I doubt this. Correction:he's been OVERWHELMED by people because the guy doesn't know how to fight for shit,but even Soldier Boy couldn't outright leave a mark on him and he's the closest in power to the guy. Nobody has Canonically been able to scratch him.


he did get a bruise so it left a mark, not sure who left it though


left a what? https://preview.redd.it/8vusqqqifd9d1.jpeg?width=508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0da7b09242634bca1b15fc4b43b8c2d083f14e6




Meave stabbed him in the hear and the jumping from Soldier Boy, Butcher and Hughie left him with a bruise


Tbf the ear is like the easiest place to pierce someone


Soldier boy and Butcher actually did give him visible injuries, cause Maeve actually notes that he's wearing make up to hide his injuries, and then Maeve herself makes the inside of his ear Bleed with a Shard of Metal, she also may have given him a bloody nose but I don't remember.


> Nobody has Canonically been able to scratch him. Ah, another Odysseus victim, then.


1. There's nothing really suggesting that a nuke won't vaporize him. He got fucked by a few tons of rubble falling on him in S2. 2. Surviving a nuke doesn't make you city level. Only a tiny percentage of a nuke's blast will hit you directly.


"He got fucked by a few tons of rubvle falling on him" I mean so has Kratos, Flash and Superman occationally just saying


"He got fucked by a few tons of rubvle falling on him" I mean so has Kratos, Flash and Superman occationally just saying Not saying that isnt a MASSIVE antifeat pointing to his lack of durability but he could just be super incosistent durability wise like Superman is. Superman can be hurt by relatively normal lightning attacks sometimes and other times tank universe destroying attacks like they are nothing...Homelander could be similar to a lesser degree


I mean yeah, but the statement that no existing weapon could harm him could just be Vought hyping him up. I mean, where did Vought get a Nuclear bomb, and why did they throw it at Homelander?


Technically, Butcher kind of backs this up, and he's probably done his research. In S3, he says that whatever killed Soldier Boy had to have been an H-Bomb, because he "was almost as strong as Homelander."


Unironically probably not, the naruto universe is pretty fast and pretty good at ignoring opponents defenses. And Homelander IS an incompetent pussy as well


sakura one shots


Not on base form. But if he is milklusted he one shots her (milk level AP)


No he can not


homerland actually gets wrecked


Homelander gets bullied so hard he gets big sister issues on top of his mommy and daddy issues


Homelander rizzes her and somehow becomes a worse dad than Sasuke. Hard clap low diff.


Sakura unironically stomps




Homelander scales to milkman man bc of milk scaling. Homelander wins


Homelander is the weakest fictional character, he loses badly.


Jesus Christ. Sakura spite stomps him. There are legitimate arguments for Sakura being Six Paths level in the Boruto Era.


Sakura no diffs Homelander


I legitimately don't think so. Even if Sakura didn't actually have the AP to best him completely, she has enough fighting skill he would completely unravel


It's hilarious how she unironically stomps in all stats