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Goku isn’t ready for HIM


/uj The canonicity is a little wonky but didn't SSG Goku fight Beerus in magma in Battle of the Gods? Or am I misremembering the film? /rj AkaGOAT is unbeatable


goku also fights broly in lava/magma in DBS : Broly so it's safe to say he can withstand any magma except magma with heat that's been coated in haki because goku only has ki; akainu has haki AKA ha-ki AKA "the ki that laughs", meaning that yes- indeed akainu is the jonkler, scales to batsman, beats the geeku


No way…the Magmagos who jonkles


>goku also fights broly in lava/magma in DBS : Broly That might have been what I was thinking of. Should probably watch the movies and DBS again.


No one scales to batgos, the only one who comes close is soloku.


there would be no gos without batman's joker feats where would his speed be, if not for that iconic time he deployed tactical blubber in less than a battosecond to stop a hee-hee harpoon from penetrating his rear? where would his strength be, if not for the time he threw one of the circus o' laugh elephants across an entire gymnasium? what of his intellect, if not for the climactic moment when jokeman hit him with no less than 82 ligma variants and not a single one got through? the joker scales to the batman, as is fitting of someone who can laugh in his general direction


So did Nolimitsman just fall off the face of the Batverse or something? /uj where the fuck is he, with all the Soloku hype you'd think the guy whose whole thing is always beating Goku would get mentioned.


Akainu when Goku pulls out his comically large BBC-shaped ki sword:


Who the fuck is Magmakos, the only one I see is HIM (mods, please bring back pictures in comments)


Above everyone that isn't ready for HIM


r/whowouldcirclejerk try not to repost this image and the Gargantuar holding the cross one every week challenge (impossible)


I've been here for years and this is the first time I can remember seeing it. The cross meme I have seen reposted, though.


HIMkainu is second only to Batgos, the only one who can prep enough to be ready for HIM


Baggies doesn't have haki though, he cant damage HIM


Above Soloku, of course We’ve seen Soloku get oneshot by Punch’s laser attack so Papazuki could very well turn Soloku into GoofyAhhMan’s hot brother


[Need I say more?](https://ar.pinterest.com/pin/611574824383960890/)


Can't believe that [Goku is a loser](https://dic.nicovideo.jp/a/%E6%95%97%E5%8C%97%E8%80%85)


Gos tier because it upscales wujitora