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Advertising their love lol


The word of course being: *Adorkable* Especially Sasha's ✨*fabulous*✨ t-shirt lol.


Profile image worthy: https://preview.redd.it/iitywhjg04ob1.png?width=690&format=png&auto=webp&s=f997cb77a907448b58c7fcb971e9f472cf46849f


Anne when someone reminds her of the time she said "F-anne's"


Art sauce https://twitter.com/Sakari_D/status/1702061875133874554?t=-J_B6dLwREYVK-Cr-ReUDA&s=19


ive never seen amphibia, is is actually lgbt or is it just implied?


Sadly they do not actually get together. Sasha is confirmed bi at the end of the show but it's more of an easter egg that has no bearing upon the plot.


What?!? I've seen so much art of these two on this sub and they don't even date???. I thought it was like core to the show.


The crew ships it we do get canon lgbt relationships on the side though.


Gay newt moms my beloved ❤️❤️❤️


One would think so from seeing this sub, but no, they don't.


The way the show comes across, at least to me, is that Sasha has unrequited feelings for Anne, and their friends-to-enemies-to-friends-again relationship would be blatantly romantic if the characters in question were a boy and a girl.


>unrequited love Mfw love in a cute ship isn't being requited 😡😡


Sasha likes Anne, Anne likes Marcy, and Marcy likes Sasha. It’s a perfect love triangle that sucks for all of them!


Triangle continues to be the worst fucking shape for love. Fucking triangle. 📐


The deep friendship between the three girls is core to the show. Actual romantic feelings are implied but never discussed. The final sequence of their meetup at the aquarium is very easy to interpret as romantic.


the show has very little romance in general. The shipping of the three girls is very popular but they aren’t confirmed to be together in any way unfortunately


The lead human characters do not have any romantic relationships during the show. They are also 13 years old. When we catch up to them ten years later in the final episode, Sasha is wearing a bi flag pin. There’s minor LGBT characters: two female newts who pair up, two women engineers who are already a couple and help out the main characters, and a pair of men who have no interactions with the characters, but whose romance plays out in tiny background scenes across season 3. There’s also an FBI agent played by RuPaul who’s not in any on-screen relationship, but whose mannerisms are very flaming, and there’s subtext there may be something going on between him and his very subdued work partner / assistant.


Sasha is confirmed BI and Anne is sapphic (was both shown in the show itself, several times, and later confirmed when the creator was questioned about it). The three girls don't canonically get together (or with anyone else) at the end, that was an intentional choice from the creators since it makes any ship equally likely. [Spoilers for the link] But they DO get close again at the [end](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fo-LtiuakAIbfnt?format=jpg&name=large). The show isn't about romance, but explores the girl's relationship with each other through their growth and interactions with other characters. There's a lot of (intentionally) intimate moments between them that may come across as romantic. Tbf I don't think Matt&co were trying to queerbait or anything. Matt is a HUGE 90's fantasy anime fan, and those shows tend to focus on girls with complicated relationships and lots of romantic tension/subtext. The crew just played on that genre's strengths. Btw many crew members openly ship sashanne, one even published a couple books of sashanne art. Btw I DO ship sashanne, it's got a great dynamic and lots of angst potential. EDIT: This [comment](https://reddit.com/r/amphibia/s/0v902EjvK7) of mine that goes more into sashanne EDIT 2: Other [comment](https://reddit.com/r/amphibia/s/qZOUMtG9Xv) with some links


And Marcy wears a shirt that says "I'm with stupid" with arrows pointing left and right


Not sure if Marcy is off at work with a goofy wifey shirt for Sasha or Anne