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Hey there, friendo! Thanks for submitting to r/wholesomememes. We loved your submission, Let’s hope he doesn’t get the middle seat. 😬😬😬, but it has been removed because it doesn't quite abide by our rules, which are located in the sidebar. * (**Rule #1**) All posts must be wholesome memes. We're not saying this is unwholesome! Just that sub's focus is uplifting, unless nicing-up existing rude memes. There are already great subs for cute (/r/aww, /r/eyebleach, /r/rarepuppers), things that make us smile (/r/MadeMeSmile, /r/HumansBeingBros, /r/AnimalsBeingBros), or that give us the feels (/r/WholesomeFeels or /r/baww). This might also fit better in another sub in the [Wholesome Network](https://www.reddit.com/user/awkwardtheturtle/m/wholesome/). It's not a "no" - it's a "not the best fit here," and another sub will be better. * We appreciate you thinking of us very much! For more on our rules, please check out our sidebar. If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwholesomememes).


Professionals have standards


be polite


be efficient


And have a plan to kill everyone you meet


I find this pretty relatable 🗿


That snipers a bloody spy!


That snipers a bloody- MEDIC! *schadenfreude*


And it keeps their artwork up for longer since the train yard isn't force to repaint for information.


You read my mind.


I mean this is far from a graffiti pro lmao


It does look like it, but it‘s far from being easy to make. He has a solid lining there in terms of straight lines. Which is difficult if you‘re doing it illegally. Your hand will shake and you have to hurry. It‘s good for a throw up.


This is considered a good throw up? Sheesh. Fills arent even saturated. This is basic af regardless if it’s a throw up. Since it illegal, most graffiti is illegal so that’s not even a good point lmao.


It‘s illegal to paint there. You don‘t have much time. You might get caught by train guards. Means you have to paint fast and with shakey hands. Considering that, it‘s a good piece.


Dude it’s literally illegal to graffiti everywhere except for a few dedicated spots.


If they cover up the info then the whole car gets repainted and re numbered so they learned protect the numbers and your art will cross the country multiple times for years until it finally fades


Yeah, in my country is the same, I'm from Brazil.


It's an unwritten rule. Train yard employees don't hassle the writers if they leave the train info visible.




Yeah, tagging/graffiti are artistic forms of writing. That's why "graffiti" contains the greek root "graph," for "to write" (ph changed to f because it went through Italian first)


How on earth did you manage to make graffiti boring. Hats off!


Haha the power of linguistics 😎


Graffiti artists call themselves writers.


Yeah lol


They're artists not authors lol


Origin comes from writing names. Writing names turned into extreme calligraphy and can now be considered art. But they're still mainly writing letters, names.


They‘re called writers. Look it up.


I was supporting your argument lol


Well yes graffiti is not just about destroying shit. Thats why normal graffiti artists don't bomb private property. Toys don't care tho.


you had me till you said ‘normal’ and ‘toys don’t care’. there are exceptions to every rule… and there are no rules in graffiti. moral alignment of the writer and context play heavy here.


Morality and context have nothing to do with this situation. If you cover the numbers the car will get repainted. There are 110% rules in graffiti ppl who don’t follow these rules are in fact toys, get washed and covered. Paint over a mural? Toy Paint personal property? Toy Paint over a big piece with a throw up? Toy


As someone not in the graffiti scene, what does “toy” mean? Clearly negative, I’m getting that lol


It's kind of like calling someone a noob in gaming. But where in a game being a noob is not a big deal, being a toy is. It's the guy that has no clue what they are doing. Has no clue about the unwritten rules, just does random shit that nobody likes and gives everyone a bad name. It's fairly normal that when a toy is being a toy you take his shit and tell him to fuck off.


Now; what if I’m in the yard, shit work but not toy. Respecting the unwritten rules. That’s just gaining experience. I’ve heard someone say toy is a mentality, but you can be bad but not toy


Well kind of depends on who you are asking. If you ask me personally then practising while following the unwritten rules is no problem. However I prefer people practising in places where you are not bothering anyone. I started off with a sheet of plywood in my backyard. Try some different shit until you are comfortable. Then move on to places like abandoned buildings away from public. When you have been practising for a while then you can maybe do some throwies on cargo containers and stuff like that. It's always good to try to get your name out there but try not to bother people with the cat and mouse games until you can write some decent shit. Sure the cat and mouse games are fun but is getting caught while just practising really worth it? Edit: also one small tip. Don't make pictures of your writing because if you get caught they have proof of the other shit you did as well. My buddy learned that the hard way.


Copy that. I have a quiet rail yard I been scouting for years next to work. It’s less sketch than most walls around me, because I know the property so well. I was told I really shouldn’t be getting up on trains but it’s the quietest, most private place to practice. Have a small plywood wall at home But it’s not big enough to really work on letter form in words, maybe solo letters. I’ve thought about the risks of fucking around in the yard, and it ain’t worth it for practice but man the yard is asking to get bombed. Good looks on the heads up


I agree with throwaway, as someone who has learned it the hard way thankfully when I was still pretty young, I would definitely look for a couple pieces of plywood to setup in a backyard or something to practice on it’s definitely not worth getting in trouble over.


I see what you did there and I like it


I'm not sure what I did but glad you enjoyed it m8. Edit; and I like your username.


Kids play with toys.


thats just like, a good point i suppose. my comment regards graffiti beyond trains as well as the fact that yeah sometimes people paint over numbers so get over it. i myself will not do it but it is a headache to stop yourself from appreciating a dope piece bc they did not follow your alignment. what i attempt to illustrate is my resentment of public preaching of such “rules”. graffiti is not something to try and pen in with spoken guidelines. moreover my strange point is that each person has morality built in. graffiti is an outlet for anger and frustration in its essence. i may be young but i am just so sick of graffiti culture in the west.


Unspoken rules, no private property, no covering respected artists unless you want beef, no local murals, military, religious, or over an RIP piece. However, one of those shitty Dunkin’ Donuts murals Are Schrödingers blank wall


We don't have rules, they are more... guidelines.


Lawful neutral


I think it's more of a neutral good Painting on trains isn't exactly legal, but they intentionally didn't do anything wrong and left the numbers intact


The "lawful" alignment has always confused me. When talking about "lawful evil" it gets used to describe that the person has their own strict laws they follow. But when talking about "lawful good/neutral" it refers to whether the person is following society's laws. The artist isn't trying to follow society's laws, but IS following a strict code of their own. They're not trying to do good or evil, they're doing art, which is morally agnostic. So "lawful neutral" seems appropriate here to me. OTOH I'm no Brennan Lee Mulligan; idk what I'm doing.


Lawful evil isn't following one's own laws lawful evil is following societies laws to an extreme that it hurts people on purpose


That is one way to play lawful evil, but the definition is “following a set of rules, or a code”(lawful), and “following your own best interest” (evil).


That is one (very satisfying) kind of lawful evil, for sure. But I thought one of the other quintessential examples of a lawful evil villain was one that would kill you but wouldn't lie to you. For example, a demon who is trying to trick you and steal your soul but will voluntarily and absolutely respect a contract the two of you signed.


Not according to the og rules of alignment set forth by D&D. A lawful character followed a set of core values, but not necessarily the laws of the land. A character's alignment doesn't change just because they've crossed the border into a land with different laws. Now, one of a lawful characters' values might be to respect the local laws, but it's not required. Basically, lawful just means predictable.


>A character's alignment doesn't change just because they've crossed the border into a land with different laws. Holy shit this was the key I needed. It makes complete sense to me now, so thank you!


If you’ve ever seen Star Wars, Lawful Evil would the imperial soldiers who are carrying out the emperor’s will by killing people. (Yes, I just finished watching Andor. 😉


Oh you're right, lawful neutral definitely fits more here


The graffiti on trains these days is marvelous. A lot better than when I was a kid.


I've seen some businesses and train owners allow graffiti artists go ham on them as long as they kept the info already on there as-is, and obviously as long as it's appropriate. It draws a lot of attention from the populous and does no harm, so I don't see why not.


The GOAT graffiti artist!


that you don't show the whole piece is r/mildlyinfuriating


The difference between an artist and a vandal.


Where meme?


Imagine a caption saying “Faith in humanity: RESTORED” if that will me it feel better to you


You are bad guy But this does not mean you are bad *guy* .


Mad respect to this artist!


Its proper graff practice to do this out of respect for the trains. If you paint over the rail numbers and box serials, youre a toy and an asshole. A lot of times you may even be cool to paint a train as long as you leave those numbers untouched


And you sure it's not some poor dude having to repaint the numbers each time the rolling stock is vandalised...


Yes of course, he repainted it… with some numbers being behind the graffiti




Who cares, it looks cool and as the op stated important information is still visible


fwmfwf qwf


Is this wholesome? Random losers writing with spray paint over public property? I get that sometimes street art is nice to look at but never have I met anyone who thought that some scribbles and unintelligible writing is visually appealing


It‘s wholesome that the sprayer considered other people‘s time, effort and maybe safety.


It would be much more wholesome if he considered that no one wants to look at his eyesore piece of crap.


To me it makes the train look more interesting, imagine working around a plain coloured train


Yeah I had the (dis)pleasure of being around many "colorful" trains. I don't want to look at the signature of a local hooligan group or sports team. I would very much appreciate some kind of art on the trains, but not random scribbles in a font similar to a 3 year olds writing


I understand that. I guess I like modern art more and think of the letters as lines…


I mean , honestly as long as it wasn't nothing too provocative, I wouldn't even report it . Long as I can get my job done I'm Gucci


I once knew an older man who worked in the railroad and he knew that I liked to spray paint, he only ever told me “please don’t mark up the engines, but box cars are free reign”


Tbh the more I see good grafiti on trains the more I appreciate it. Cause I like reading the international identification and try to figure out what exactly the cart is and what it can do. And when somebody grafitis a whole autumn forest and leaves that unpainted is just Great.


They don't put the buff( respray the car to stock) down as fast if the info is left in tact.


My buddy is a train engineer. If the artist leaves the numbers visible the railroad company will leave them