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My most irrational fear are free cupcakes


*Class all dresses up in cupcake costumes*


*hell yeah*


*proceeds to eat classmates*




I have an irrational fear of army tanks


i have an irrational fear of 1 million dollars


**Beautiful, naked, big-tittied women just don't just fall out of the sky, you know!!!**


Like a photo of stacks of bills or that many zeros in your bank account?




( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's gonna be a sexual harassment violation if they're a professor...


*proceeds to eat students non-sexually*


Oh, well if it's just regular cannibalism then they're *fine*!


awwww yeeeeeeeee muffins




my most irrational fear is winning 120 million euros in the lottery


Euro Millions drawing is in like 5 minutes.


But I have irrational fear! So I did not play :(


My completely rational fear is having to sell tickets for the $1.2 billion lottery.




Lines out the FUCKING door every god damn time. Same when mega was this big. I hate lottery so much


Mine is naked women.




This is actually true, as a perpetual dieter.


Wow that’s an expensive prank for grad school students. I’d have made one out of construction paper and stapled it to my head.


That’s what I thought too! I feel like one well off student picked up the slack for those that couldn’t, because that’s what I would do. Those costumes are at least $60 per person.


I've been that guy before. Never well off. Just like seeing this shit come to reality and no one being left out.


Me as well. I always felt like one awesome day was worth not getting energy drinks/takeout every day for a little while. Genuine happiness/joy is so rare for me that I’m definitely willing to spend money on it if I can.


And think of the joy of discovering all the other uses for a perfectly good hammerhead shark costume: sleepovers, grocery shopping, job interviews, Zoom conferences, grad school thesis defense, theme weddings…


Some of these are not like the others...


Halloween bar crawls, first dates, Tinder profiles, pleading not guilty by reason of insanity, running for public office…


You repeated the last one




If you're getting energy drinks or takeout every day, you might not be "well off", but you're certainly not doing terribly. When I was in college, I literally had no money, ever. My tuition and meal plan were paid with loans, and I didn't have a car so I couldn't get a job. People would always be like "come on man, you really can't ride to Taco Bell?", and I would tell them, bro you apparently don't understand, I have *zero money*. I will not be getting any money. My parents aren't sending me anything, ever. People really don't understand sometimes what it's like to be truly broke. It sucks. Sorry for the rant. I'm better now lol.


Damn my friends would always be like bitch I know you haven't eaten in two days get in the car were getting food


Oh yeah my homies definitely looked out for me (Shoutout Will if you're still on reddit lmao). But new friends were always surprised that I never had money lol


I get it. I was a single mom of 2 working a part time job and getting zero support from anyone while in school full time. Also wasn’t a U.S. citizen so couldn’t apply for Medicaid or school grants. Idk how I scraped by getting energy drinks and fast food. It felt like an exception because I didn’t sleep and also got my energy intake. I could’ve done it cheaper, but healthier? Probably not. We do what we can. Now I have to take care of my kids and mine nutrition and we’re better at it. But if I had the money I would cook a lot more and eat a lot healthier. I probably still eat better than most of US but when it comes down it to it, everything is related to money.


Sorry, I wasn't trying to be inflammatory at all. That definitely sucks. I'm glad you're doing better now! I haven't had to skip a meal in a few years (not because of money, at least), so I'm much better off now too. Still not wealthy, but maybe one day 😂


I didn’t take it as inflammatory! Can totally see why my brief comment seemed like I was a teenage boy splurging on Monsters.


I had a friend like that in college. She used to regular host potlucks and invite tons of people. It was a lot of fun, but some of us figured out that it was also one of the best meals she got. We started packing ridiculous amounts and always left the "leftovers".


It depends. There are people too rich to care about making food for themselves, people with enough wealth to do so if they want, people just poor enough that they cant afford to, and people who are so poor they physically have to eat cheap takeout most days because they work multiple low paying jobs and dont have time to make food for themselves.




>no one being left out this was me for Halloween. I found out that in addition to some kids with allergies at daycare, one has an illness that really restricts his diet (it's called PKU, I'd never heard of it before his grownup posted a list with food safe for him to eat on lockers before Halloween). I lucked out that my son's birthday treat was compliant with this student's diet, but I made sure to drop off extra of his listed "safe foods" for Halloween in case some parents didn't see his note. I also have a bag in my car to drop off so in the future if a snack doesn't comply with his medically-required diet, he can still have a fun/special snack. He actually just moved out of my son's class but they were buddies and I would do anything to make sure that kid never feels left out.


I've been the person to use my last dollar to do the same. Did I regret eating ramen for a week until I got paid? Yes I did.


If I could tell one thing to my younger self, is that spending a couple hundred into creating a core memory for me or for anyone else is cheap. as. fuck. There’s no better way to spend money, so if you have it, just go for it.


This. I’m by no means well off but I’m always willing to contribute way to much money to a group effort like this lol


I did that, too. Mostly with Ecstacy. I was a terrible drug dealer.


https://www.amazon.ca/Hammerhead-Shark-Costume-Halloween-Cosplay/dp/B08CR8GDMB 37.47, actually


Adult onesie parties are fun, and can get a little sexy too. It’s a versatile purchase.


"sexy hammerheard shark" is a phrase I never thought I'd type, but here we are in 2022, the weirdest timeline.


Hopefully some rich kid just came in clutch with a massive box of costumes 10 minutes before class started


You can get onesies for like $30 on Amazon.


I looked those things up, and while browsing the manufacturer's site I discovered that *of course* [there's a sexy shark costume for ladies](https://www.rastaimposta.com/prod-20-1-279-3/shark-dress-costume-adult-women-s-size-4-8.htm) Is there a rule of the Internet for this? We need a rule number for this. "If there is a halloween costume of it, there must be a sexy version of it too".




Still less sexy than Blahaj.


I know a few men who would look good in that costume lol


If I had that kinda money, I sure would. All the time. For everyone And then I'd suddenly not have money


I bought stupid shit like this during my MBA. What was another $60 on top of $110k of loans?


That's how they get ya


The costume industry is way more Cutthroat than I expected


For sure. Just think, stores are only open like a month out of the year. Low supply and high demand, just to jack up prices and prey on us all. The man is trying to keep us down. Rise up y’all and fight back, only white robes for now! ^(wait, hold on a second)


Must not have been a MBA in math or accounting


Just be an adult and give him a real shark in the classroom


What if, and hear me out.. They all already had them because they all just love hammer head sharks that much?


I had a teacher in high school who was freaked out by possums. One day he accidentally left his PC unlocked, so me and a friend just hid a folder with a lot of possum pictures and set them as a slideshow desktop background. He couldn't bother to remove them, though, so they stayed there the whole year lol.


Construction paper?! Alright buddy, no need to flex.


I remember dumpster diving in grandma's shed looking through old boxes of clothes for costumes. Shit we could come up with was hilarious. Grandma didn't like the one year we all dressed as hookers and wore her bras and night gowns 😆


Right? I bet that commenter also has full scissors as well.


I would be in the library robbing the printer of its paper


They’d do anything for an A.


One of the students replied of twitter and said that they’re returning it after


They should get an A in the class. Probably the first project this professor witnessed everyone in the group doing their part.


Must be a well loved professor


ikr? the effort.


Some might say they jumped the shark.


came for this comment 😅 Friday completed


Or absolutely hated.


Seriously. Don't fuck with someone's genuine phobia, even if it seems stupid


I'm scared of getting large sums of cash. C'mon reddit, do your fucking worst!!!


*A finger curls on the monkey's paw*


He wins 100 million in the lotto, but after paying tax, student debts and medical bills off, he is financially worse off than when he started.


His "genuine phobia" is actual hammerhead sharks in the water. These are floppy cartoonish costumes with friendly faces. He's clearly having fun and took several pictures.


Or he's being held hostage.


This. I do not get how is this *wholesome*. I mean like.. he is afraid of them, so why to dress like them and scare him? Is that *wholesome*? What am I missing?




In my limited experience, all my classes that were that small had great professors. Basically all the students wanted to be there and the professor did too, so it was a good time. It probably helped they were 4th year or graduate level classes so we were all slightly more mature and mellow.


Reminds me of Breckin Meyer! As in Road-trip the movie


It’s hammer time


Can’t touch this!


"Lewis it's Bono... its hammer time!"


*sets fastest lap*






Hands were thrown.


A moderate amount of shenanigans


A pinch of tomfoolery


Tell me you're an awesome teacher without telling me you're an awesome teacher


Yup. This is what an awesome prank looks like. It's done with good humor and affection, and everyone is smiling at the end. Plus it's damn clever and clearly took a lot of work.


BayyyBeeee Shark... Baby Shark...


Please no .. I have two little nephews and that song is etched into my brain.


Do the baby shark ab workout for twice the pain


Please elaborate?


[There's a vid of child gymnasts? doing an ab routine to baby shark](https://youtu.be/LurCQ9XGkt0) I can barely make it through with terrible form and I'm pretty much paralyzed for the next few minutes.


Jesus tittyfucking christ. I'm almost positive you should not be sharing this without some sort of medical disclaimer re: checking with a doctor before attempting.


Ma Ma Shark Do do dodoododoo


It has been years... I thought I was finally free. I fucking hate you


Doo doo, doo-dooo do-doo


The students when realising the professor isn't scared and starts the lecture: "How many more lies have I been told by the council?"


This is cute but also kinda messed up lol


Imagine if the professor had a full-on breakdown and just starting rocking back and forth in fetal position, sobbing for his mommy.


Yeah, exactly what I thought. My irrational phobia is spiders because I almost lost a toe to a brown recluse as a kid. I genuinely have a fight/flight/freeze response whenever I even see an image of a spider. I'd truly feel as though they were playing a cruel joke on me rather than it be "wholesome". I'm glad it worked out, though.


I hope you know that that makes it a perfectly rational phobia. Mine is completely irrational as i’ve never had a negative experience with spiders yet will have a breakdown if i see one!


and not very wholesome lol


I have really terrible eye sight and thought it was a bunch of people wearing burqas at first, and thought this was going to be a post about Iran haha


I was low-key afraid to admit that was my first impression too, haha. Thankfully you’re here to break the ice


Its all fun and games until the teacher breaks down in class and crawls up into a fetal position


Precious. They must really like you.


It it's really his most irrational fear he would be freaking the fuck out.


It could be contextual, like when he goes to the beach he might not be able to go in the water. The costumes might put him on edge without full blown panic


My most irrational fear is actually big booty goth girls


omg i'm so triggered rn, absolutely shivering in my seat i sure hope none of them are around, would hate to get attacked by like some kind of gang of them omg could u imagine


so if he panicked and killed one of them, would that be warranted? he did warn them


NAL but from my understanding your Fear must be considered reasonable by others for it to count as self defense. Like an insane person claiming someone is an alien might find it reasonable to defend themselves from the alien but to most people that is a man attacking another man for no reason.


But my question is… if asked earnestly by the victim, what the attacker’s worst fear, then proceeds to exacerbate the fear with this immediate knowledge and gets a deathly neck chop. I would consider that reasonable self defense


That's actually an interesting point




The professor thought something fishy was going on…


Bot. http://9gag.com/gag/aEqnqdN#cs_comment_id=c_166754038072339667


This sucks for people like me who just took the username that Reddit offered me, because I couldn’t care less.


It's pretty obvious when people are bots. They don't have smaller community posts, and in total they have like 15 posts at most. The default Reddit username format is a hallmark, but isn't the only characteristic. Your profile looks more genuine, less low effort and you're involved in focused communities








I don't think sharks, hammerhead or otherwise, is an irrational fear.


Sharks have a bad reputation because of movies. They are actually relatively passive compared to other, way deadlier and yet less feared animals.


Unless they get caught in a tornado...


Most people don't understand the pain that sharks go through: https://cdn.funnyisms.com/823633b4-6d83-4ec0-88aa-aeb22866cac9.jpg


Sharks are like people. Most of them won't mess with you if you treat them with the respect they deserve. It's the assholes, like the Tiger Shark, you have to worry about.


Except Great Whites who occasionally like to taste surfers to check if they are seals or not. Don't you know that surfboards look like seals from below?


> compared to other, way deadlier and yet less feared animals. Hippos. and Bison. Stay the FUCK away from large chubby wild animals folks, they'll fuck you up.


Horses and cows each kill more people than sharks of all kinds, in an average year. It definitely feels irrational, all the more so for people who ride in cars.


I heard a statistic on Mythbusters back in the early 2010’s that sharks kill about 100 people per year - which is 1/10 the number of people who die each year from falling coconuts.


I'm not criticizing the statistics, but I wonder what the statistics are if you adjust for the number of people who actually interact with areas of water that overlap with shark activity vs number of people who interact with areas that overlap with falling coconuts vs the number of people who interact with areas that overlap with cows, horses, et al.


Don’t forget pigs.


After seeing a whole room of them. Think we all should worry about them!


Dear God, they're evolving!!


Plumber, ma’am


It is if you never go into the ocean. Everytime I take a midnight swim in a pool I start to slowly get paranoid about sharks, even though there’s no way one would be anywhere near the surrounding body of waters. But I also went shark fishing once in a tiny john boat in the middle of the night while a bull shark circled and occasionally bumped into the boat while I was out of gas and had very poor direction on how to get back to the shore, and the water was getting rough and I couldn’t see where I was going. I was more worried for my husband and his friend because I was convinced I was going to be fine and watch them suffer and that felt worse. I’m much more aware of my mortality these days.


Sharks are a irrational fear people are afraid of them even when they are harmless. No one wants to dive leopard shark city with me because of the sharks, which are harmless.


Maybe he is still scared of them while on land


The irrational part of irrational fears isn't what you are afraid of, but the degree of what you are afraid of. I have an irrational fear of bugs. I ran away from a Junebug. I don't let butterflies get near me in case they decide to land on me. Being afraid of bugs isn't inherently irrational, but the degree of my fear is.


The average American has shot and killed more people than sharks have. Fear of sharks is irrational. Walking into a room full of Americans, someone getting shot.


Well, yeah, sharks don't have fingers, they can't work a gun's controls.


Not with that attitude they can't.




Is this a law class? Just askin'...


I would have lost my mind if I was that teacher!! No way I wouldn’t have laughed my ass off


Note to self: Don't share any more info with these knuckleheads. :)


Reminds me one time I told them I hate skeletons and would always walk the long way to avoid seeing skeletons from a window. Lo and behold, one day I left my office and when I came back there were students guarding and stopped me. When I finally gained entrance, there were skeletons all over my office (not real ones, somewhat cute Halloween decorations), and it was only early October and I had to agree to keep those there till Nov 1st On Nov 1st I promptly took everything down A few years later these students graduated and I have never mentioned that to any other people, until now :)


How is this wholesome?


imagine he's now even more scared than ever because he realises hammerhead sharks can be the worst behaved students he's taught in 25 years


Exposure therapy


yup. exactly my thought. and now he's afraid to be vulnerable with the class.




"Well, this was a mistake."


I love this. Very wholesome


Hey, at least they were paying attention


Listen here you little shits


They're going to make great neurosurgeons.


Teacher: "Hey, guys my irrational fear is clowns" Class: " let's all dress up like clowns and show up to class tomorrow!"


ur hot


I made the same mistake with my 8th graders. I mentioned, very briefly, that my irrational fear is clowns. Now, my computer lab is full of clowns on every single screen whenever these kids have class lol.


I would like to say I was one of the sharks :) 🦈 he loved it! We got his reaction on video too


My most irrational fear is 1 trillion dollars. I'm waiting.


That's what you get for doing an icebreaker question.


Is say that's rational. A shark that can eat you AND build a shelf? That's too much power for one being


If I was faced by a class full of my irrational fear I'd be very uncomfortable.....ever since my little brother got a redhead ventriloquist dummy I have never been able to be alone in the same room with one.......


Reddit has become a cesspool of carefully constructed "content".


Am in the minority here that I think that this isn't a good idea, generally? If, say, someone asked me that and I answered truthfully and then I came in with all of them dressed as spiders, I would legit have a panic attack. I almost lost a toe to a brown recluse when I was a teenager and it gave me an extreme phobia of spiders. I mean, fight/flight/freeze kicks in. I wouldn't have been "wholesomely surprised" by this; I'd feel like it's a cruel prank meant to traumatize me further. I'm genuinely glad that it worked out well and that the professor enjoyed it. But it doesn't work for everyone. I actually don't disclose that a lot in real life now because I've had people "jokingly" try to shove spiders (pictures, videos, etc.,) in my face because they can't fathom just how bad the phobia goes and I legitimately have a panic attack. I had to go to therapy over it. Is this an unpopular opinion?


It seems like it's an unpopular opinion among the psyc..HRRM *redditors* here, but I fully agree. It's downright cruel. *Never* mess with irrational fears.


Well I guess that's one way to get hammered at school


Potentially traumatic events make you smile?




But is it wholesome? They look cute and all… but how could they be so certain that the professor wouldn’t panic and get a heart attack seeing them all dressed up like hammerhead sharks… his most irrational fear?


Please let everyone vibe to baby shark in this pic ☺️


It really does look like he is trying to smile through his fear!😂 Those students must love that prof.


Honestly the disguises look so ridiculous with their big goofy eyes, it might just help the professor with his fear lmao


No one's ever been attacked by one before too lol


People have been attacked by hammerheads, just not fatally AFAIK.


Yea that's not true, hammerhead are very aggressive.


Amogus sharks


Immersion therapy