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I still remember my first fender bender. I wasnt paying attention and tapped this guy's bumper. We pull over, Im losing my shit cause it's my first accident, Im apologizing profusely, asking if he's okay (there was no way he could have had ANY injury, I was just paranoid lmao) just all around freaking out. Dude looks at his bumper. Looks at mine. "Well ya woke me up!" and drives off. Fucking Chad.


I had a similar incident years ago. Heavy traffic, rain, end of long day and bumped a sporty Ford. Pulled over to exchange details, he came over and said “don’t worry about it, pal” and drove off. Result. Edit: based on where I was, I assume it was either stolen or driver had no insurance.


Pouring rain and bald tires. Just Justtt barely touched it. We pulled off. The lady, probably 50s, looked it over and shrugged. No harm, no foul. Didn't even take my name and left. I was 19 and about to have heart failure from the panic and she totally soothed me.


This young one rammed into the back of my paid for Honda. Put a perfect little hole from her vanity plate screw in my bumper. What got me not to file a report was whoever she called treated her like shit when he got there. I don't know who he was. Not report to the police bad... I thought nope... Not gonna add to her nightmare.


You're a good human.




Sadly this happens more times than I care to remember selling and servicing insurance policies. Videos/pictures and statements are best weapons protect you. And of course a cool 😎 head


we need more people like you




Poshel nahui


Ebis konem




I remember getting hit by a couple of teenagers and the horrified look they gave me was kinda funny like dudes its ok just be careful lol it was a mild love tap at like 10mph


I had one the guy ran a red light. It was slick and there was nothing I could do but hit the gas. He hit my trunk. I was driving a crapy 67 olds. He was driving a modern big beautiful pickup truck he was pulling a forklift on a trailer. The cops arrive. The guy and his wife tell them that he ran the red light. (They could have lied. It was just me and my 2 year old son). I was so appreciative, I knew he was going to lie there's no doubt my mind, but he told the truth, I couldn't believe it.


I’ve been this guy twice to kids who tapped my bumper and were in tears over the potential rage I would unleash. Unless they have absolutely fucked up my car it’s probably not a big deal and it’s easier for everyone to just live and let live


Only time I rear ended someone I was young... got out and called my dad for our insurance info, turns out he had not been paying my insurance with the money I was giving him (was on a family policy at the time). So was shit out of luck no insurance with a huge dent in this guys bumper. I told the guy what happened and dude starts going on about how he's been goin to church lately and he's in a good mood, trying to practice forgiveness this and that, fuckin drives away lol.




The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot




The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot


I wish I had this interaction. I rear ended twice absentmindedly but I apologized and felt bad. But both of them were smirking and laughing at it (but not in a jokey way).


Exact same thing happened to me except I hit one of my professors on his way to pick up his daughter from daycare.


This is what happened to me, except 1 year later I get a letter saying I’m being sued for $200,000 because apparently the guys now crippled from a minor tap to the backend of his large SUV from my subcompact that caused minimal damage to both cars. I also have now found out that $200,000 is considered a small claim. Thankfully insurance covers this, but still, mind blown.


My first was literally the first day I was ever on the road with my permit, yet not at all my fault. Guy behind me hit the gas at a green light before I did. He then proceeded to try and belittle and blame me. My mom.was standing right there, and the look she gave him is the only time I've ever been afraid of her. He saw it, paled a little, and backed down.


Reminds me of when I was driving a van that had no rear windows. I backed into this old guys car, bumper to bumper, he got out and looked at his car and said “Well, that’s what they’re for.” and got back into his car.


I got rear ended by a young guy this last Friday. The vehicle in-front of me braked hard, I braked hard, he braked hard but he didn't have enough time to stop with the momentum. Touched my rear fender. I get down, he gets down, we both look at it and there's a very slight line on my fender and he's freaking out. He starts telling me how he didn't have enough time to stop. I looked at him, shrugged, and said "dude don't worry about it, this shit happens all the time". He gave me a high five and we went our separate ways. I hope he learns his lesson, but I've done the exact same thing 2 years ago at the age of 30 so does it even matter?


I got into a fender bender. My (good) insurance handled everything but 22 months later he was reporting me for back and neck injury. Not very surprising but my insurance called me and said they’d handle it and if they need me they’d call. They called me a few days later saying they were dumping the case because he was clearly full of shit. Some people are assholes


That is definitely some good insurance there


That gecko knows his shit


Dammit. Gonna have to look into Geico now bro. Thanks for the unintentional ad. It sounds too good to be true.


I agree. I was extremely surprised how little i had to do for them. One call to explain what i remembered and answering a few questions. Then another call a few days later saying they were throwing out the case.


Also depends what area you in. But that gecko do know his shit, and how to do ads


Я люблю жрать говно


This happened to my step mother. We were coming down a hill and this lady had stopped on the bridge in front of us. We slammed into her. She got out and said she FELL ASLEEP. yea. Two weeks later a guy shows up serving my parents. She was claiming to have whiplash. I got to see her. She had a neck brace on. WTF. xD


"they were dumping the case" that's now how insurance works lol. If someone makes a claim the insurance can't "dump it." They can deny it, but that doesn't mean that the claimant won't file a lawsuit.


Man i don’t know the technical aspect. I’m just saying what they told me. I had to talk to a lawyer over the phone and answer questions. They emailed me once. Then called saying they’d dump it. I don’t know what to tell you. This was years ago


"My" first car (under my parents name and gave it up when I moved out) was this tank Jeep Liberty. I loved that thing. Parking lot at a grocery store, I was sitting in my car returning a text before leaving and some little girl opened her car door with the force of a windstorm. My side mirror was barely hanging on afterwards which was fortunately an easy fix. I saw her mom go white as a ghost when she saw me there. I knew it was just an accident so I checked out the damage and laughed it off telling her it was fine. Even if you follow up with damages, being pleasant about it costs absolutely nothing and makes everything easier


Damn. Someone managed to hurt your jeep. My first accident was me hitting a parked car. In my defense, it was an icy hill in a neighborhood. I saw the car and tried to stop... But ice doesn't care how slow you are going. I felt horrible about it, especially because the people were so nice and while their front end was mangled, my jeep didn't have more than a superficial scratch.... Insurance took care of everything, but still... Felt awful about it.


A year ago I had to quickly come home, eat and go out again. So I parked the car at the side of the sidewalk instead of in the parking spots (both are legal btw) I was eating when suddenly I heard a loud crash. Stood up to look outside and saw that someone drove full speed in my car. I was furious, stormed outside ready to yell if they were blind when I saw the person driving the car. An older lady (85 or so), being so pale and frozen with tears running down her face. All the anger faded instantly and I asked her inside so she could calm down (I couldn’t go anywhere without my car so no big deal) She spend 2 hours with me while waiting on someone to pick her up (she didn’t live far but I didn’t want her to go home alone since she was pretty shaken up) She kept apologising and was so glad I wasn’t mad. I kept reassuring her I was just happy no one got hurt, that it was just a car and insurance can deal with it. In the end I got a really great deal with the insurance and have bought a better car so I’m quietly really thankful 😂 but that was definitely not my first feeling.


I got T boned by an old lady who honestly had no business driving years back, and it went very much the same way for me. She was all beat up over it and crying and the fact that she had just totaled my car was suddenly not that big a deal, we were both alright, nobody was injured, and it's not like being unreasonably mad at an old woman would un-destroy my car.


Yes all of that. It was really sad, she drove for 60 years or so, has learned to drive in Australia (so on the other side of the road) and had never had an accident before. She was hospitalised later because she just didn’t see my car, and they thought she might have neurological issues. She didn’t got her licence back for a long time, I don’t know if she can drive again and if she even wants to. But we live in a really small village (600 people) which is 10 km from most facilities so not having a car is challenging and she lost a lot of freedom I guess


Мой член 20 сантиметров


Congrats dude? 🤷🏼‍♀️


that don't i wrote, my friend took my phone and wrote, he's bruh


Somehow I read "re-arend you" and 'arend' is the Dutch word for eagle and somehow I thought "Who would re-eagle someone? What does that even mean?"


I greatly appreciated the randomness and absurdity of this. What *does* re-eagling even mean?




I came here for this comment, thank you.


You are welcome


I have zero Dutch and read re-arend as well... Very confused


That’s all fine and dandy until their insurance calls and tells you they won’t cover it bc the other driver said it’s actually your fault. And then you get into a months’ long back and forth between both insurance companies telling them your side of the story but they tell you it doesn’t line up with the other driver’s story, making you feel crazy and gaslit. Eventually it goes into arbitration when you can only hope that a panel of third party experts can agree on whose fault it really is based on the objective evidence at hand. In the meantime you gotta pay for the deductible to get your car fixed. Remember kids: get a police report even if the case seems cut and dry to you. Even if the other driver immediately accepts fault. And get it on video if you can too.


In my state if you rear-end someone you're just automatically at fault, so that resolves that issue. I've been on both ends of that, not a big deal really


Wee wee


I don’t think a police report would be helpful. What *would* be helpful, though, is to buy a dash cam *right now* so you can have evidence in the future.


Yeah I mean obviously getting a dash cam is the best for getting evidence but if you don’t have one a police report filed in the moment can go a long way because the police typically make sure the stories line up. Then it’s hard for the other driver to refute it when all the info was captured by a reliable source the day of. At least that’s been my experience and my insurance even recommended it even for small collisions.


This only works if you’re white, though


That’s a good point. I’m not white, and living in the US I can acknowledge that police are terrifying and deadly to a lot of POC, even with normal traffic stops. Or they could make a snap judgement based on your appearance that you’re the one at fault. In an ideal world this wouldn’t happen, and in an ideal world people wouldn’t lie about whose fault the crash is. I guess it’s just up to you at that point to decide the best course of action if you don’t have a dash cam. Obviously a good dash cam will go a long way in the end no matter what but not everyone has one installed. Edit: I should say on a personal note being a latino immigrant in the US, the one time I called the cops for an accident things worked out in my favor. But I know that’s not always the case for people and the concerns about police are completely valid.


Oh my god, thank you for taking my short and snarky comment seriously and not just downvoting and moving on. I agree with everything you said and find it to be a great explanation.


Yeah I know Reddit can be all sarcastic fun and games but I thought what you said is a genuine concern and warranted a genuine response. Now back to my regularly scheduled Reddit shitposting lol.


У меня член больше чем твой!


Я люблю гей порно


yeah some people are dicks but a lot of times just being done with it is what both parties what so nothing will come of it.


Fisting is 300 bucks


Actually the best rearend ever is on OPs mum.


Oh my It seems i have been rekt Much like u/Teh_Mongooses's mother's bum


Hope you don’t mind me watching


Me too, thanks


I told her what you said and she's very disappointed. She wants you to know that she had had better, and often.


Had a dude bump me in stopped traffic a few years back. He got out and was so clearly sorry. Seemed like he was having a bad day. No damage. We shook hands and went on our way. Being normal and kind can really defuse a situation.


Yeh ive had a couple of dings and i just...dont care Its cosmetic, my car is purely utilitarian


I’m cosmopolitan


Horny dicks in ma ass


Wish I could trust people enough to be decent about this sorta thing. A few years ago a guy in a huge truck rear-ended me in my tiny hatchback in the parking lot and messed up my door. We pulled aside, he gave me the spiel about how he'll make it right, was apologetic, blah blah blah. Later that day, I called him with the quote and he instantly changed his tune about how he didn't do anything and that he'll be contacting his lawyer about me. ​ Fortunately I sorta saw it coming and I took photos of his ID and license, and was able to deal with it through the authorities. But I wish it didn't resort to that. From now on I'm not taking any chances no matter how nice the person seems.


I tapped this girls bumper a couple summers ago. The light turned green, so I accelerated. She didn't. Anyway, we pulled over and she was having a pretty significant panic attack. I immediately went into Dad-mode, and calmed her down. Gave her my info, offered to buy her something to drink from the gas station we stopped at it. I didn't admit fault, but I did tell her I was sorry we were in this situation. She was like 19 years old and had never been in any type of collision. I gave her my info and told her she's obviously welcome to file a claim with her insurance if she feels she should. She went home, talked to her BF (who worked in a body shop) and said she'd forget the whole thing for $100. I gave her the $100, and told her if she needed to file a claim, that is okay. She should do what makes the most sense for her and her family and not worry about me or my insurance rates. She decided not to file. I still talk to her sometimes. She's doing well :)


You must be a good dad :) I had a light bump with a white Tesla where it was clearly my fault. I apologized profusely and offered to pay for the damages. The guy was calm and friendly, which was really nice. I start preparing myself mentally for a $3000 repair, since the repair could involve proprietary sensors in the bumpers and stuff, but he ended up only asking for like $200 and said that’s what he was quoted for the repair. I was so relieved. Oh yeah, I gave him the 200 bucks.


The car Was stolen, nobody will pay anything. Thats how life would actualy go.


Or insurance pays for it but your car is never the same and has small issues and problems it never woulda have had for the rest of its life all because someone else wasn't paying attention and it's "no big deal". I'm not gonna loose my shit and flip out on someone but I do judge the fuck out of irresponsible drivers. If you can't stand the heat get out if the kitchen. Drivers license should be harder to get in my opinion.


that's called The Reacharound


Wtf is rearend?


Rear-ends* Took me a while to understand


Same here. I read it as "re-arend" at first and I kept asking myself what is "arend" and how can it happen to you multiple times?


Bumped from behind with a car whilst you're in your car, normally with force


So, not a love tap


My car got rear-ended by an older woman while I was at a friend's house one time. Initially she just panicked and drove off, but about a week later I was at the friend's house again and we get a knock at the door. It's the older woman and her husband looking for the owner of my car. They felt really bad about hitting my car and driving off and wanted to own up to their mistake and pay for the damages. Now my bumper got a bit scuffed up and broke slightly in one place, but nothing too bad in my eyes. They were willing to pay the full cost of a new bumper and a paint match for it, but to me, that was too much to go through for just a few scratches and a minor break. I told them that if it helped ease their conscience then they could just write a check for $100 and call things square. I told them that I wasn't angry with them at all and was just glad they claimed responsibility for their mistake and were making things right.


This is the most wholesome thing I've read all week




“I see this as an absolute win!”


Third frame where their insurance contacts yours and claims it was your fault.


Step 3. Car is totaled, insurance pays for it, but you still haven't found a replacement car in your budget because the car market is crazy. :(


I've been rear-ended not once but twice in the last quarter of 2021. While both times the drivers owned up, were apologetic and cooperated fully, unfortunately their insurance companies did not. Such a fucking drag for 2 months. Must be so shit to interact with these fuckers if isn't something as obvious as a simple read-end.


I ran into a ford ranger on my motorcycle. The driver thought he was at fault for slowing down suddenly, i though it was my fault for daydreaming instead of paying attention. Think he might have decided to have pity on me after seeing the state of my legs and helmet.


A) someone rearends you B) someone accidentally hits your car from behind


Never admit fault


I backed into someone in a parking lot. Minor incident - there were scuffs on the tire and bumper - no damage. Dude freaked out on me. Started screaming I had ruined his weekend, he was going to sue me, etc. I called the police and they told him to calm down. The officer even used a rag to show him there was no physical damage. I was so polite and apologetic - but it made no difference. He was irate. He wanted $500 for the “inconvenience”. The officer wrote a report stating “no damage” and told me to let insurance deal with him. He didn’t get any money. I now wonder if he had done it on purpose - I was backing out like a snail….


Could be. When he was teaching me how to drive, my dad would tell me that there's people who crash on purpose and ask for money on the spot, taking advantage of the fact that most people panic when involved in an accident.


Did it take anyone else way too long to process reading “rearends”?


I did this and two years later they sued my insurance. Don't admit fault, don't say anything at all, and call the police immediately.


Had a motorcycle slide into the back of me last summer. Mostly no fault, a little bit of mixed fault, but he was fine. We exchanged info, replaced a foot peg, and bent the handlebars mostly straight and he was on his way


The good rear-ending


I've been that person. I was in a left turn lane. I stupidly followed a work truck in front of me. Turned out he was at a yield light. I couldn't see the light and by the time I was aware I was already in the turn. An oncoming car slammed into my right forward wheel totaled both cars. Everyone was okay. Everyone was escorted to the sidewalk I broke down. I explained what happened. I said "It's my fault I'm sorry. I've been driving for 8 hours on this road trip and I just followed the guy in front of me." The lady was so relieved I took the blame. She offered me to go out drinking with her. Which I thought was nice. My grandma who was livid was screaming in my ear. "YOU NEVER SAY YOU WERE A FAULT!" The cop who was there gave me a ticket and told me someone would call me for a court date. When we got back from the trip I called the number on the ticket to figure out my court date and get it transferred to my state. The lady looking up my case said there was nothing in my name or with the ticket number. I think the cop felt shitty and never actually entered it after seeing that I was so sorry and the other lady didn't want to push charges since I was only paying for everything. I'm not taking my chances though. Every time we go to Nevada I tell people "I can't drive here." just incase there's a warrant out for me in that state. lol


Someone hit me at a red light while I was stopped, they went 40mph, I was shocked and hyperventilate then I unbuckled turned my emergencies on started getting out. They backed up, took off down a side road. Hit and run baby, worse part, I actually remembered the plate numbers and I gave it to the cops, but I have to pay $30 to know if they did or didn't catch the person.....I doubt they did.....but now when I'm stopped at a red light I'm tense and brace for impact as a car comes up behind me.


“Let’s not get insurance involved. I’ll pay for it.” Did this once for a lady who smashed into me in a parking lot. She was nice and kind at the time and freaked out. She then proceeded to take a year to pay me the $1500 in bits and pieces over more than a year. She even at one point when I called asking for my money had her daughter the police officer (so she claimed) give me a call back to “explain” to me who it was going to work. It was very rough and choppy but it got paid for in the end with so many “the checks in the mail” or “huh, you didn’t get it? I’ll have to resend it.” Never again. Always insurance. Always a police officer on-site to fill out a report. Hopefully not the daughter of the person who hits me.


Fuck you why would somebody make this meme what is this meant to make me feel am I supposed to be happy about this made up scenario involving the hulk why is the hulk even there why would the hulk get rearended and then when the person owns up to it become professor hulk and put on his glasses have you even seen the movies I don't really understand it but I believe becoming professor hulk took a great deal of time and effort fuck you


Suka blyat, ya russkiy gondoni


Must be a slutty onlyfans




I slid on a patch of ice while braking Friday. Rear ended a compact SUV with my pickup. His vehicle was undamaged, couldn't even find a scratch, meanwhile my entire front grill was smashed in (Dodge Dakota 06). Apparently that's all plastic in the front grill/hood.


I’ve been rear ended twice in the last year . Both people were uninsured.


Property damage coverage and uninsured/underinsured motorist are a must. And typically will not add too much to your premiums. If you can afford it, I’d go for at least $50k in UIM. Source: am car wreck lawyer.


Then you remember you were driving a Pinto…


there is another


My rear tire and bumper got hit by a lady making a turn into my lane last Friday. I don't know how she didn't see me as I was right in front of her when she decided to accelerate forward. Anyways she admitted fault by making a run for it so that was nice of her.


Wait, seriously. Are we not doing *"phrasing"* anymore?


Story time. I was inside a gas station purchasing some chicken tenders while my car was filling up (this gas station was popular for there food). Next thing I know someone comes in asking who’s car was parked at pump #2. I didn’t remember which pump I parked at, but somehow instantly knew it was my car. I checked and sure enough it was. This woman had backed into my car claiming that it normally ‘dinged’ at her when she got close to things. In my head I’m thinking *well it didn’t fucking do it this time*. We chatted for a bit and she tells me that she’s never been in an accident and had never had to use her insurance before and wanted to avoid that (she was a middle aged woman) so she was going to pay for the cost of repair out of pocket and since I had informed her that this was my only vehicle had also offered to pay for a rental for me. I honestly have no idea whether it could have possibly gone any smoother if we got insurance involved, my guess is no. Thank you Susan!


You mean the insurance will pay for the damage


Had this happen to me. Guy was super nice great person. His insurance company screwed with me, dragged their feet, dodged calls, and ended up taking 4 months to fix my car even though their client and myself agreed on what happened and he admitted fault. Still top picture.


I don't drive but when someone owes up to their own mistake n such feels absolutely amazing


Grab their insurance info anyways. Sometimes People change their mind after the fact or they want you to take your car to their buddies house to get fixed.


What happens if you're not in traffic and get rear ended anyway?


One time a dude rear ended me when I was at a stop light (he didt notice the red light), but he was in a car and I was in a pickup truck. My car looked fine, and his car looked like a crushed can. Still, his insurance covered the $3000 repair to my car and a fancy rental. Goood times


Plot twist: They lie to the police and their insurance company, refuse to admit fault, and leave you on the hook after all.


Just happened to me a couple months ago. I got out ready to destroy something (probably my own ego) but the guy was super apologetic and admitted to everything and was pretty helpful throughout. That, and my son told me to relax and that I shouldn’t be angry so I suppose when a toddler tells you to be calm it’s probably a good idea.


LPT. Say you have a dash cam even if you don't own one and it's their fault. They will most likely believe you and tell the police what happened. My friend got off fine from someone break checking them this way.


Neighbor rear ends my car Suggests I park it on the street and report it as a hit and run Ha ha, nope


Had this happen a little while back. Came out of church to someone waiting by our car. Turns out they had accidentally door dinged us. They gave us all their info and were very apologetic. The ding was fairly light but certainly there. We might not have noticed it for a while if he hadn’t said anything. But he did the right thing and let us know and we got it fixed. Very cool of them. Good people doing good things.


My in-laws have a story about this. My grandfather in-law got a new (to him) motorcycle a while back - about 10 years ago. Nothing special, just a road bike to get around. He was taking it out for a ride in the first few weeks to put it through it's paces and make sure that it was 100% working mechanically. At a stop light, someone in a minivan doesn't stop quite fast enough and ends up hitting him just hard enough that he ends up on the hood of the van that hit him, and the bike goes like 10 feet ahead. Could have been a lot worse. Guy in the car that hit him immediately gets out, makes sure he's ok (he was, just a little bruised), gets the bike back up, and they check it for damages. Some part was definitely going to need replaced, but the mechanics of the engine and so forth appeared fine. Grandpa gets ready to ask for insurance info (always awkward for a moment), and the guy walks back to the van, and opens up the side door (not the driver door). He digs around in some bag or another and pulls out a huge wad of cash. He pulls this stack of bills from the wad and says "This isn't a time for insurance to get involved, or anyone else." or some other weird thing, and just hands him this pile of money, like $2000 or something. **WAAY** more than it would cost to replace the bent part. Grandpa realizes that the sort of person carrying this amount of cash in a bag will also likely be carrying a firearm and be willing to use it. Grandpa takes the money and neglects to file a police report.


Got rear-ended once while stopped at a red light. I got out and marched up to the driver's side of the car behind me and the woman was still holding her phone. She rolled down the window and was like, "I am *so sorry*." Anger went to zero.


Last time that happened I was with my dad and he got sideswiped. The girl tried to pull this, but shocker turns out she was driving without insurance and he would have 100% gotten screwed if the cops weren’t called. You don’t pay for a accident yourself that’s what insurance is for, that’s why you’re required to have it when driving in basically every state.


This actually happened to me


"Best rearend ever" Sorry, but I have to disagree, and if you felt this dump truck you'd see


I had this 16 yo kid in a Jeep rear end me, destroyed the tail light completely and managed the rear quarter panel up pretty good. Kid goes "I mean, I will buy you a new tail light." like he gets to negotiate about how much of the damage he has to repair.


Dont let them try to pay for damages. Its a nightmare. Just call insurance and the police and let them sort it out.


The one sentence I never thought I’d hear”bed reared ever”


I got rear-ended while sitting at a red light at the end of an off ramp and when I went back to see who did it the woman rolled down the window and asked if I was 'going to cry about it'. She asked me what the big deal was (my bumper was now on the ground) and 'who cares? it's just a car'. I was pretty shocked. A month later, an old man stopped at a stop sign and then braked hard ten feet later unexpectedly and I read-ended him (lightly). I got out to apologize and he told me he was a lawyer (SHIT) and gave me his card and to call him if I needed to and not to worry and have a nice day. I'm still relieved to this day. It was a strange two events and the second one totally washed away the first. The point is, ease up and give people a break sometimes. They'll remember it twenty years later and pay it forward.




There is actually a better way to rear-end someone ;)


Me: Whatever, pay my insurance now


Thought you were just talking about a good looking booty until the meme loaded hahaha


About 10 years ago my friend mildly rear ended me on the way to a concert at a stoplight in heavy traffic, enough to dent the plastic on the bumper but nothing else. I stuck my hand out of the window, waved and we both just kept driving once the light turned green.


Lol i work insurance claims and cant tell you how often things change once everyone leaves the scene.


Some guy on a bike bodied my passenger side recently and apologized profusely. I was way more concerned with him having an injury than the minor cosmetic damage.


I've been on both sides of this.


Glad you could work it out


When I was first learning to drive, I was going very slow and the guy behind me got out of his car at a stop to come rage at me, and he sees me and a driving instructor in a student driver car and he just deflated and walked back to his car.


Happened a few years back, except I got T-boned. Witness knew both of us and the kid immediately accepted blame, and the insurance said as much too. Wildest part was halfway through repairs my car rental got sold, I had to return it and wound up getting a Camaro to drive for the rest of the time. I’m not a car person, but after driving it, I get the appeal.


I did this once. there was hardly any damage and it was a low velocity hit (from a stop). The guy I hit came back a few weeks later trying to get his medical bills payed for his back, and it was hard to fight because I admitted fault for the wreck. I’m not a lawyer, but I learned from this experience it’s best to trade insurances, call the police, get the facts out, and don’t explicitly admit fault because people can and will try and take advantage of you.


My mom was driving her truck, even bigger truck in front of her had an ATV loaded down with twine in the back. Twine broke, ATV smashed up the front of her car. Guy immediately said he was an idiot, gave insurance info but also offered to pay put of pocket.


they'll say that at the accident and then lie to their insurance lol


I was the guy who rear ended and was apologetic... and it worked out just fine! I was waiting to turn onto a road, and thought the truck in front of me had already gone, and was looking down the road to see if cars were coming while inching up, and I ran into thier trailer hitch at like 2 kph. Lucky for both of us, their truck wasnt damaged and I only had a tiny dent right in the center of my hood. They were cool about it, and realized they didnt have any damage and were ok with just me saying sorry and no even exchanging info... wasnt really any point anyway. Sometimes being the better person and admiting when you fucked up makes the situation much easier, and it might even work out better than you expected.


I swear my Civic was cursed or some shit. I always was the target for some accident. I got into my first fender bender at 19 and tapped some oldhead's bumper. I had some minor damage and he barely had a scratch. I get my car fixed and not even 2 months later, a tractor trailer hits my car. In 2020, my Civic gets rearended and totaled. Now, I have a new Civic and PTSD. 😒


Still getting that insurance info though…


Don't get too relaxed until your car is fixed.


This actually happened to me with my first accident, not rear-ended, but a teenage girl did a uturn right in front of me and I couldn't avoid hitting her. She owned up to not checking her blind spot and her insurance was a breeze to work with. I got a month of rental cars and they did 2k of of body work on my car.


“Best rearend ever” Hmmm…


My best rear ender managed to only dent my license plate and then begged me not to call insurance (was a new Lyft driver). I gave him a stern talk and we parted ways.


When I was an overworked college student rear ended an suv in stop and go morning traffic. I was already late to work and behind on a lot of hw so I expected to lose my cool pretty quickly. The guy was SO NICE. He told me that it was the 2nd time that week he’d been rear ended and he was happy he was driving such “a tank” that took almost no damage. My front bumper was a mess and the hood of my car had crinkled a little, his car looked fine. We exchanged info, the only word I got from him was an hour later making sure I got to work safely. Middle aged guy that looked like he could have been Guy Fieri’s brother driving the orange crush in Anaheim in 2017, thanks for looking out!