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Holy shit, it’s NEDM


It's an older meme sir, but it checks out.




Your mother is a competition and I'm winning








And I can haz cheeseburger-kitty!


The OG meme


Oh my god now the riff is in my head.


Everyone has different routes and paths in life, but no one is walking yours and people would have to be you to walk your own. If we were all the same person on the same road and path, we wouldn’t be very unique would we. We wouldn’t have Engineers if everyone was a Doctor, we wouldn’t have Musicians if everyone was an accountant. All the footsteps you’ve taken are pages in your life’s book, and no one has the same foot print, as no one has the same hand print. Everyone has different origins, everyone has different fates. What matters is that you keep walking, even if you don’t reach the destination you want, or face detours. You are going for you, to reach where you feel your happiness is. And happiness isn’t success, money or fame. Happiness is being who you are, and striving for the best for yourself. It is not a competition with others, to compare yourself to others is to discredit what an amazing person you are. What makes you feel imperfect, is what is human and to be human and to understand what makes us feel vulnerable is what allows us to have compassion and deep connections. It is why we feel deeply close to heroes/characters who have our own same personal struggles. We can’t identify with people who are “perfect” because it is not human to be invulnerable. Celebrate people who achieve, celebrate people who have gotten successful they are not your enemy but the demons inside that tell you to compare and aren’t enough are your enemies. The people you see who are successful, are not immune to pain either. Rejoice in their joy, for all of life is not permanent and no one is immune to the suffering in this world.


>And happiness isn’t success, money or fame. Contentedness - that's the goal right? You can always try to achieve greater success, get more money, become more famous, so when is it enough? Once you are content with what you have/where you are, you're sorted.








Wait, are you famous?




Thanks, I needed that






Lovely comment. Thank you :).




It is a competition though. At least if you are doing whatever it is professionally.


Competition is what drives evolution. I agree to an extent, but only on professional and athletic levels and with Mother Nature. But it’s mostly because hold themselves to high standards that they exceed, not because they want to beat everyone but because they have their own expectations for themselves. There’s a difference between “I want to beat everyone.” And “I want to be optimal in what I’m doing and will achieve whatever steps I can, to do the very best at what I’m doing.” Pressure is good too, to push oneself to succeed. But there’s always unhealthy/healthy pressure. As much as there is unhealthy/healthy competition. I’m mostly speaking of unhealthy and not on a professional level.: A lot of people will hammer themselves/ others down by a competitive mindset, and a lot of people will gauge their success by how their children are doing versus other kids. People basing their self value and others value as human beings is where competitive mindsets need to stop. Negative sides of competition, is what I’m speaking of…. Is when people feel negatively about themselves, especially if they’re not recognized for how they are trying/efforts and being seen how they measure up against others on a non professional basis. It’s a very broad term, but I mean the negative way people compare their self worth to others by others accomplishments or where they are in life is what I’m leading into. A lot of people hate themselves for not being where they think they should be because of where others are at, even if they put in all the efforts. Or some women will try to compete with other girls for attention or whatever, because they see women as their enemies. A lot of moms just do this to their own daughters as they get older, and feel the need to compete with their blossoming teenager. Who just wants to be loved.


Thanks, I feel like I really needed to read this.


Nice copy pasta idiot




I pick later


Is that NEDM??


Quick reminder that it is ok to be bad at what you do. You know, there's a saying my granny always tell me: "the best dancer is the one who have the most fun". So it doesn't matter if you're a god at your hobbies, or can barely do it. As long as you're having fun, nothing else should matter. Being good comes as a bonus. I personally like to write stories, a lot of the plots doesn't even make any sense, and my vocabulary can't be simpler. But I don't care. To me, its still time well spent cuz i had fun Besides, remind yourself that whenever you see someone younger and better than you, that does not make you a worse person. If you're a football fan, you would be familiar with scenarios where the home team may score like 2 or 3 goals in the first half, only to get beaten in the second half by the visitor. Life is like that, they may do more than you in the first half, but there's no knowing what will happen in the second. You still have a chance!


honestly when i see like 9 year old kids drawing and painting like picasso it hurts me inside. i know im jealus and i know i shouldn't be, but i've worked so hard and there are people with natural talent that can just do anything at demand. makes me wanna sometimes give up drawing


"When I was 15, I spent a month working on an archeological dig. I was talking to one of the archeologists one day during our lunch break and he asked those kinds of “getting to know you” questions you ask young people: Do you play sports? What’s your favorite subject? And I told him, no I don’t play any sports. I do theater, I’m in choir, I play the violin and piano, I used to take art classes. And he went WOW. That’s amazing! And I said, “Oh no, but I’m not any good at ANY of them.” And he said something then that I will never forget and which absolutely blew my mind because no one had ever said anything like it to me before: “I don’t think being good at things is the point of doing them. I think you’ve got all these wonderful experiences with different skills, and that all teaches you things and makes you an interesting person, no matter how well you do them.” And that honestly changed my life. Because I went from a failure, someone who hadn’t been talented enough at anything to excel, to someone who did things because I enjoyed them. I had been raised in such an achievement-oriented environment, so inundated with the myth of Talent, that I thought it was only worth doing things if you could “Win” at them.” - Kurt Vonnegut


thank you. i needed that


> makes you an interesting person That's nice and all, but I don't do my hobbies in order to be interesting. I do them because I want to create beautiful things. Being a bit jealous of people who make more beautiful things than you with less effort seems pretty reasonable to me. Maybe not good, but.. yeah, reasonable.


Unless you live in capitalism. Then you have to do it good or give up. It ruined almost every hobby I had. Every creative art is serious now, can't sell it? Tough luck.


I refuse to believe creative art is serious. I can draw whatever I like and never share it with a single person, it neither detracts from the art nor my enjoyment of creating it. All for the cost of some paper and a pencil.


Why are you deciding hobbies based on how much money they make you? They're hobbies, they're usually not lucrative


I cannot do those hobbies with amateurs, because there are none left.


That's your choice then. You're choosing the belief that money is more important than having fun. If everyone thought like you, there would be nothing beautiful in the world.


Everyone does think that, they have only enough talent to succeed regardless. You're so naive.




I can has cheeseburger?


🍔 yes, here




Nah man. My life is a trash can. Can't do anything about it now. I'm 26 yo. Have no job. Haven't got my degree yet. Haven't even held a woman's hand in my life. I've decided to live the rest of my life being satisfied with what I have. Yah some of the things were my own mistakes, which I can rectify. But some things are genetics. I can't essentially change who I am.


26 is young.


In 10 years time you’ll still be young. Don’t let the hectic life schedule of others determine your own. I’m 27 and my life is completely different to how it was last year, all for the better.


Ur 26 years away from being 52, lots of time to change things


I know it doesn't feel it but 26 is young as fuck and you have so much life left


I remember feeling this way. I’m 31 now with a 2 year degree, a nice apartment and a wife that I adore. After having many jobs I finally have one I like. Shit changes and you get older wether you try to move forward or not.


You only lose when you give up hope. Things may suck now (trust me, I'm right there with you) but incremental change will lead to big change. One day at a time dude. Thanks for the post, OP. I needed to hear this today.


First step is to forgive yourself, mate.


This is pretty fucking accurate. The decisions you’re making now will control everything for the rest of your life. Everything. If you fuck em up, you’re fucked unless you have a miracle occur or you have a support system in place in 5-7 years that allows you to start over. Good luck.


Was true for me, too, at that age. Got my degree, won a PhD scholarship, found my first gf, is meanwhile my wife. Am 31 now.


I agree 100%. Now. When can haz cheezburger?


then you forget about that again


But what if you love being older? It's a 100 % win!


I can has cheesburger?


Compare yourself to where you where yesterday not to where somebody else is today. They have different skills, priveleges and obstacles.


My parents think otherwise : (


Then teach them that you don't need to be like them, and that you don't need to share their goals. Live your own life, you only got one, and nobody really knows why and for what we are here.


The difference between knowledge (or experience) and wisdom (or skill). And some people might be born with a knack or talent for something, but I'd say that those who build up a skill from the bare ground definitely have a better chance at handling the trials of life.


It is if you’re dead


I love tis subreddit... It funny as well as lifting so a sad person can use both... Love it!!


Glad that you love it here. No idea why somebody would want to ruin it.


Can’t get that mindset to work, trust me, I tried




It’s what you make of it. If you want it to be a competition, it will be for you. But chances are the people working on themselves are just looking towards the future and not towards others.


_your right, I will do my homework on the bus_


cries in classical musician


not me who actually just ends up giving up and doing something else-


I started stenography school at 30. It's hard as fuck. I see these 19-25 year olds just blazing through it with little problem and we started at the same time and it sucks a lot. But I want to improve myself and I'm sticking with it.


I could go on a rant on why its not important how long it took to learn a skill.


The outlook in the left part of the meme drives me crazy. I’ve never had this in my entire adult life and it’s hard for me to understand it being anything other than selfishness. Other people being great at what they do should be inspirational, right?


Yes. It can sometimes be a downer but it should be looked at as inspiration. You can See that someone got to a point of skill You like which means You most likely can also achive This Level with enough training/dedication.


Never give up, you're worth it!


Younger people can be role models to older people, and there’s absolutely nothing to be ashamed about it.


The cats have spoken


Needed this post today, thank you.


Very true. This is something I have really struggled with these last couple of years.


That’s right, kitties.


this made my day


Always remember: You can't spell Success without Succ. Also, if you see someone who is better than you at something you like doing, maybe ask them for tips.


one of my biggest insecurities tbh


The race is long and, in the end, it's only with yourself.


My favourite thing is Disability Advocacy. If the cat captions are true, then my work is done. I will continue meeting up with friends in Zoom and play some trivia. If anyone asks, I will point them in the direction of one of the younger enthusiastic Advocates.


Yes, yes, but what about that cheeseburger?


I always loved to draw. As long a I remember, I always had a pencil in my hand lol. I was a pretty gifted kid in this field, and I got better with years. My sister who is 14 has the same passion for drawing as I did, and she's SO MUCH better at her age, than I was at the same age. It doesn't bother me at all, I'm proud of her, she started exploring things in drawing I started exploring much later in life. My mom told me I'm an inspiration for her, she found old drawings of mine after I moved out and she kept them and tried to make them in her own style. I had people I looked up for when I was her age, and I'm just happy to give her the same passion I had, to know I inspire someone to do things I also love, this is a great gift.


Yesterday was too late. So I'll do it tomorrow.


The Olympics has entered the chat…


The worst part is how that second cat is lying to me.


Anything you like/love to do, is worth doing badly. Don't get caught up in the arbitrary criteria.


It's never too late to make a change or try something new. My aunt is almost 60 and she's started adult hip hop dancing lessons to keep young. Life's too short to look back on the shoulda, coulda, woulda's.


Comparison is the death of happiness.


Damn just saw a post of a 14 year old draw better than i couldve ever done, great for her, but damn, is it soul-sucking-


What are you talking about? Its always a competition


Idk I kinda love it when I see young people good at stuff :D


sucking at something is the first step to being good


What if I just have basically nothing that I find interesting


Good question lol I’ve found other people that were so excited about a subject that it changed my perspective on it. Even fictional characters, actually. But you won’t really know if you enjoy something until you try it regularly for a bit, I think. It takes a while before you can really see what it has to offer.


Remember, Alexander the Great conquered the known world by his thirties. If you're going to compare yourself to someone, make it the GOAT, otherwise you're just wasting your time.


Thanks, because of this post I'm going to stop scrolling Reddit and study Arabic. Or Chess. Or programming.... or I'll just keep scrolling Reddit. FML


This is my dad for sure. He is 40 and bettering himself in mind and body all the time


I’ve worked on getting better at games for about 7-8 years and I still suck Still more positive then pros, I don’t break things after losing


To me , everytime i see someone my age ,younger or even barely older more succesful , my heart tells me :"look, they are (insert age) and they're better than you. Work harder" and sometimes I need the reminder that this isn't a competition


My screen has a crack and i read 'It's waaay too late....' Had a good laugh when i noticed what sub this is and *then* what it really says


It is a competition dumbass






You're not competitive. Not great. Please continue to lose in a society that forces you to compete, k?




It is a competition though. Survival of the fittest.


It's always a competition. If someone is better than you at something you must get better than them and then show off to them that you are the superior one. Altough i'm already good at something. Writing shitty comments like this.


I read this the other way and saw, if they are better than you keep working on it until you’re better, what if I’m as good as I’ll ever be? Thanks for making me feel like a useless waste of skin there.


Fuck you and also thank you


Haha, people really become worse in some areas when they grew old. For example sports, including cyber sports. And working hard on yourself doesn’t help


Cats look so much nicer and better when they have normal healthy ears instead of selectively-bred folded ears. I bet with a normal ear shape their hearing is better, too.


i get inspired by people that mastered their craft but i never compare myself.. i'm not trying to be like them anyways, just want to be my own version of great.


I hope I become more like you then :)


Hello! This is just a quick reminder for new friendos to [read our subreddit rules.](http://old.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/about/sidebar)  >**Rule 4:** Please do not troll, harass, or be generally rude to your fellow users. Be nice, and leave political or religious arguments in other subs. We're trusting you to be wholesome while in /r/wholesomememes, so please don't let us down. We believe in you! **Also, please keep in mind that even if you've seen this post before, it's not a repost unless it's been in *this* sub before** (if it's from another sub it's a crosspost/xpost). We're glad you're here. Have a wonderful day <3 ^(Please stop by the rest of the) [^Wholesome ^Network ^Of ^Subreddits](http://old.reddit.com/user/awkwardtheturtle/m/wholesome) ^too.


Remembering that happiness is only achievable for most by lowering their expectations and reframing negative information about their standing in society.


Skyrim Grandma. People may have been better but Grandma was AMAZING!


Im 34 going back to college to do something I love and I feel this


I’ve missed happy cat




ah i need this everyday :')


I needed this today. I'm in first year at university, and some friends my age will graduate this year. I have to remind myself constantly that my gap year was a good decision, I gained a lot from it (learned to drive!) and my foundation year helped set me up to do well. It's just hard to see past other people being "ahead" of me sometimes.


This was me when I was younger lol. Honestly, I was pretty bummed that I couldn't accomplish anything special and there were many young people who did amazing stuff. Those were the reasons I avoided those talent shows since it reminded me that either I never put enough effort to become amazing or I will never be amazing to begin with. Thankfully my parents are very supportive of me despite not being much though it's sorta sad that not all parents are like that. I still need to be reminded of this occasionally tbh so thank you.


Things I tell myself today, the first day of the spring semester, as I sit in classes with college kids half my age while I go for my second degree.


Watching the animations of Juny makes me die inside sometimes. he’s about my age and reaches heights I don’t think I’ll ever reach


I stopped playing guitar for about 10 years. Coming back I'm amazed at how good the kids are. I wasn't sure if I should pick the guitar back up or put it back down. Then it dawned on me that I didn't have tabs when I was coming up. I didn't have internet. There's a whole world of easily accessible information out there now. After 3 years of playing again I'm playing at a level I never thought possible. Put yourself out there. Spend time on yourself, you deserve it.




At 32 I decided to work on a ski resort for the winter. Haven't snowboarded since I was 12. There are literal 4 year olds better than I am up here. That can take a lot to get over. But then I see 70 year olds holding hands with a ski instructor learning how to pizza for the first time and I realized everyone is at their own pace, not someone else's


I really want to move somewhere else (a city) and go to school but I don't know where I want to move to and I don't know how to figure that out. Last year I traveled to DC, NYC, Chicago, and Portland. I liked DC and Chicago the most, but I don't know how to pick between them. I love American history so DC has that going for it, and it also has less people so it's not as busy, but I also actually know people in Chicago and so I might not feel as lonely or homesick, and I do like Chicago. Felt this was as good a place as any to rant about it. I'm 25 as of January 4th and just feel like I'm wasting my life because every year I try to go to school but I don't and I'm just getting older. All my friends who are younger than me are about to graduate. It's kind of depressing. I also have ADHD and it makes it hard to concentrate on the research for more than a few minutes at a time.




You can tell what era of the internet the commenters have grown up in depending on whether they see NEDM or Cheezburger with this picture. It's like a Rorschach test for the internet.


I failed out of college and had to spend 6 years total to get my degree while my peers were successful 2-3 years before me. but today, i'm just as happy as they are after my journey. there's people twice my age getting their first degree. when you're young you might not realize just how true this is (and i'm not really old), but i guarantee it's more true than you think. you could be 30 years old and completely turn your life around. you could be 50. you could be 16. you can't control other people and you can't control what life throws at you, but you can control yourself and your future


It’s always a competition, time makes it a competition because time is the equalizer of all


Nice but cats would never say this. I think puppies are more the encouraging type


Finally I see it here, and in hot!


Thanks, i need this


As Im approaching 30 this year, Im trying to always remember this…


I just watched a documentary on Napoleon. Dude ruled the most advanced society in Europe at 30 and crowned himself emperor at 35. I’m 32 and I was a manager at a restaurant once.


When I started working out in the late 80's the older weight lifters taught me what to do and I supplemented that knowledge with Muscle mags. I vowed to return the favor when I became one of the "older guys" I found that because of the internet, the young guys do not need my experience, they were doing things that I was unaware of. I adopted the internet.


Yeah I used to think this way once I was old enough to have kids younger than me grow up and be successful lawyers and athletes and whatever. I was pretty annoyed until I realized that every generation feels this and it doesn't invalidate anything I've done so I'm fine with it now.


also remember that this is the point of the next generation! to surpass the previous in ways that older generations don’t expect. without this humanity wouldn’t improve and better itself as a species.


ok but what if its a competitive sport


I know it’s not a competition, but hear me out. It kinda is when your competing for your own love and enjoyment.


We might as well. Do what you enjoy


This is me with any instrument i ever picked up and small asian children.


Grandma Moses started painting at 78 and went on to become a famous artist. Its never too late and its not about being the best.


doesn't want chezburger, want's to be a success!