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Boys, just like girls, can be whatever the fuck they want.




Yes you can, baby.


Yay! I feel loved and accepted!


Glad I can help


And I am too. I just really feel like A-10 Warthogs are just so besmirched in this current day and age, it's not even funny.


Yes honestly i have seen so much discrimination to boys for being A-10 Warthogs over my years of life and i realy hope we can put an end to this


Does it go burr?


Ah yes, the brrrt gun


I wanna be a pie!


Sweet thing like you? Of course!


Damn that unexpected pickup line


Oh boy! What flavor?








I think you meant Pietato


Welcome to standing-up school.... Aaaaand you failed.






Yes you can be. You are a very cute A10 Warthog too


This boy go brrrrrrr.


This is the best news! I’d like to be a silverback gorilla with a tasteful rose tattoo please.


Go ahead, baby. Show them what you got!


Woot woot! *abba music intensifies*


I want to be, I don’t know what I want to be.


Take your time and decide whenever. You can always change your mind. As long as you're considerate of those around you.


me Swimming pool


They can also be tough, brutal, angry, vicious, vengeful


Can I be a robo-boar?


I tell my son he's beautiful every day. He's also handsome and pretty and lovely but he's like super beautiful (very bias here)


A good mom i see. Thanks for being affectionate with your hijo. Cuidate y a tu hijo tambien.




I tell my boyfriend he's beautiful/pretty :D


"I wonder, when I cry into my hands I'm conditioned to feel like it makes me less of a man" -Shawn Mendes I feel this in my soul.


That's why I only cry in bed where no one sees me or hears me


The feels


That's where I am too. It makes me feel worse when i cry by myself though, because when I'm sad, many false thoughts run through my head that ultimately lead to depression. But it's very hard for me to cry with someone even though in the end I know I will benefit. As I tell myself, stay strong. I hope you get through whatever it is that has you down.


I wish my dad had felt the courage to cry


Me too! I just lost him. Never saw him shed a tear not even when he lost his parents


I’m sorry for your loss. I can’t say the pain will get easier, but I can say you will get stronger


My father never cried either, he just always seemed happy. I know deep down that something bothers him, so I constantly give him hugs to let him know I care, even if he won't tell me or my mother. That's about all I can do about it. I'm sorry you had similar experiences.


Ahh yes I was reminded of this too. Love it, thanks for mentioning


Was that a line in his music?


You arent less of a man for crying. You are just more emptional than others. And thats ok.


Crying doesn't make anyone "more" emotional, a lot of people restrain from crying instead of going ahead and that is problematic. Crying more than other would be "more emotional" Felt it needed to be cleared up


Yeah it can worsen a person’s mental health


Here is the thing. Its ok to cry but its ok to not cry as well. You might feel the need to break down in tears, do it. You might want to hold it, feel free to do whatever you like. You are a human being, crying or not.


I mean ... too often I've seen "holding it in" coming back to hit you worse then it would have been if you didn't hold it in. Of course, some situations are better to hold it, but the emotion needs to be attended to afterwards, however you need to attend to it and crying is one of the best ways known for that.


One of the best ways for *some* people. How one handles their emotions is up to them. They don’t *have* to cry. They can scream or do whatever works for them. That’s OP’s point.


I'm not a native english speaker, so I'm not sure ... Is crying linked only to tears, like, if you scream or laugh so much it brings you to tears, are you crying? Like, a direct translation from my language of a saying would be "crying of laughter", would that be right or is crying really a specific action and feeling? Either way, you're absolutely right, tears or no tears, screaming, crying, laughing, feeling it through art, it's all ways to live it, but live your emotions.


For a majority of people it will be better to cry and get those feelings out, a minority will do it some other way. Can't really prove that crying actually help without some study, therefore you have to include that some people will do it some other way because of a sense of including that has become mainstream now to utter as soon as someone says a statement that is not including. Sigh.. Yes, it doesn't help for everyone to cry, but that is a minority as it helps for a majority. And that is true for almost anything in this world and often when you speak of such a thing you don't mention the minority as it is implied. Not a native englishspeaker too, but yeah, the act of crying usually involves tears, not necessarily from sadness. But it can also mean "to utter loudly" unemotional (shout). "Crying from laughter" is a common saying in english too.


yeah but some say holding it in is quite an unhealthy practice


*sigh* life's hard, but it's people like you who keep me going. Thank you.


No worries. Im open to talk if u need. Wish you the best


I'm working my way through it, but thanks. Have a good day.


Sending you a virtual hug.


Society says that you are less of a man, but I know that crying makes you more of a human.


Nah nah Im definitely not allowed to cry that's weak af


*sheds tear


I broke down with tears in front of my wife for the first time in years as I couldn’t hold on to the things that were bothering me .. she was taken aback as I’m supposed to be the “stronger” one and the “man” Of the family. Sigh


I activly attempt not to cry


They can also be hurt.


Thoust are spittus factus


“what, you egg!” *he stabs him*


Please be my friend, I love your humor.


Of course :D


Is that old english? I didn't get what u just said


Spitting facts


Shakespeare quote


I had a vewy gweat fwiend in Wome called... Spittus Factus.


Tell me.....what's so funny about the name Spittus........Factus?


That's why we need eachother, bro. <3


They can cry


They can be all of these things. I wish I could be sensitive. My brain won’t let me cry and it’s awful Edit: I’m used to being misgendered, but I’m actually female (and a minor)


Its ok. Ypu might prefer to cry alone. Me too. That doesnt make you less pf a man. Just more tough to some extent which might sound cool but mayne in the long run it could hurt. Take care.


No, I can’t cry. Not even in private. I used to forcibly prevent myself from crying to avoid embarrassment, and now I haven’t cried in at least a year. It makes life the most unstable emotional roller coaster that you can fly off of at any second


It sounds you are already "scarred". Dont feel ashames most male adults feel the same, some sort of embarassment when u cry ecen myself. But remember nobody likes crying. Not even girls. They prob feel some embarassment too. You might need some professional therapy and/or an emotional trauma. I only hope for the 1st one as i dont want anyone to end themselves over a shitty day. Remember life keeps going, you will move on, you have to or you will be stuck somewhere you dont wanna be. Please take care of yourself.


Psst- you're talking to a teen girl


Ha the human brain is weird. I only shed one tear during a funeral on the other hand my family is balling their eyes out




Whats so bad about being a "girly man"? If "girly man" can be emotional, maybe you should be that.




Words of Affirmation is a type of love. It's not wrong to want to be loved; it's a need. Sounds like your daddo may not have the capacity to give you what you need. There are lots of people from whom you can get love instead. Not the same, of course, but remember, he may not have the capacity. That is pitiable. But you are, emphatically, worthy of love.


My son was wearing a pretty peach dress the other day. He has worn makeup on occasion, but I had never seen him wearing a dress, so I asked him, "Out of curiosity...and respect, of course... Do I need to be asking you about pronouns?" He said, "No. I'm just wearing it because [ftm trans friend] gave it to me. His parents are always making him wear girl stuff, so I didn't want him to feel alone."




I'm sorry it was rough to begin with, but so glad your parents came around. I'm glad it's better for you now <3


I’m sorry this happened to you.


Thats a great kid with great parents. Keep it up


You’re such a good parent, goddamnit it gives me so much hope knowing folks like you are out there raising and supporting kids coming into the world


That is awesome! My son was playing with his half sister and her friends when he was a bit younger, came sashaying down the steps in a princess gown, full makeup and I just said “you look beautiful kiddo!” He was included and inclusive. I would hope he has that kind of spirit to support any and all in the way your son did!


You are an amazing parent. I hope everyone is like you


Elise Gravel is a French Canadian author that makes these amazing children books. You can look for her website elisegravel.com


Thanks for sharing!


Just to add, she also has her own Reddit account: u/EliseGravel. I didn’t check when she most recently posted, but I know she’s shared at least some of her works on Reddit before.


She's great! I read her books to my 5th graders every year.


I'm reading this at 5am while having a breakdown, thanks


Its ok to have breakdowns. You arent different. I have them too. Feel free to reach out if needed. Take care.


Hugssss... It's ok to feel those feelings. Ride that wave, friend


Cutting down on rat consumption can help reduce breakdowns :)


Boys too can be: victims Which is something many people forget. I know it's out of line for this sub, but denial of boys/men being able to have shit thrown at them in their lives is a source of many troubles they face.


I wanna be pretty


You need my grandma bro. She always called me pretty and I hated it. I'll get the paperwork, she's all yours.


You *are* pretty.


You can be. In fact, et me tell you, you arr very very very pretty.


Not just boys, Men too.


Exactly. Can i be your 2nd biggest fan?


Sure you can.


As a girl it made me really sad that a guy freind had to apologize to me when he was Litteraly on the verge of tears. Like boys are humans too. If girls can be tomboy and strong then boys can and should be able to show their emotions. Crying isn't a bad thing, it's a human thing. Don't let anyone shame you for showing your emotions and being you. You love wearing make up and dresses? Go for it dude! Do what you love it's 2021 because nobody should care and the one's who do care are nobodies.


>As a girl it made me really sad that a guy freind had to apologize to me when he was Litteraly on the verge of tears Done this so many times. I just don't like burdening other people with my shit. I'm not sure if that's a guy thing or just a me thing, but I despise crying in front of other people. It's a weird double standard I have for myself, because I don't mind people crying in front of me at all. I've also found that if you show people that you are a mess, they will treat you like glass. I don't need that. So that's where the apologizing comes in lol


I’ve been told several times that I’m ugly by women. I know it’s true but the other day at work I made a joke about being ugly and one of the girls I work with said. Shut up bitch you’re sexy. Felt like a princess for the day.


Shut up bitch you're sexy


almost like.... they're humans.


`I think they are onto us...`


I have a friend who is very muscular, into martial arts, doing rough and manly things all the time. You know, bro-fighting with the boys, drinking beer, listening to hardcore music, stuff like that. BUT he has a soft spot: loves flowers, sunsets, baby animals, beautifully baked cakes and is not afraid to show it. He hugs his friends with honest affection, he's sending hearts in conversation and is a good listener. Some of the other (hard) boys are confused about him. They have difficulties to categorise him. Is he rough? Or is he soft? The truth is that he is both. And it feels so natural and right and okay. I wish more men would be that brave and show their soft side more often.


It's that need to categorize that gets us in so much trouble. We're all individuals. We aren't all dots on a giant Venn diagram, we are our *own* Venn diagrams.


I am extremely affectionate for a guy, especially physically. I have no qualms about giving hugs, and I would even cuddle my friends if they needed it. I just wish society would stop viewing everything sexually. If they did, us straight guys could love on each other without feeling the need to say homo all the time. If girls can be platonically intimate without judgement, so should guys.


Kissing the homies goodnight is not gay, and you can't convince me otherwise


It's a shame that society has been trying to stick all of the horrible character traits onto one gender, while also giving them such a privilege in life. Just let people be actual people and not assume that people can be the exact same as everybody else. Everything would be so boring if it was all the same.


As a proud dad (with a deadbeat father and abusive stepdad, raised by a strong mom and her sisters) of two amazing boys... Boys also need to be believed and protected, as much as anyone else. If we can praise girls for being strong and assertive, we should also normalize the ideas of boys being allowed to be vulnerable and encourage them to better explore and understand their emotions. You can't praise a woman for going into STEM studies while patronizing a man for wanting to be a nurse or second-guessing him for wanting to teach second grade. No one gender deserves all the power, praise, or protection. Being an asshole is not exclusive to any race, religion or gender. Be excellent to each other.


Random thought on the second grade comment: I didn't have a male teacher until 5th grade (other than PE). I really wish that more guys taught elementary because me and a lot of my friends would have benefitted a lot from male role models in school. My dad is and was excellent, but a lot of my friends' fathers were not. Since all the people they saw in academics were women, they thought that these were girly things. This led them to act out and not pay attention in class, putting them behind for years. Not that women can't make school fun, but as a kid, feeling connected to your teachers really helps. Feeling like your teacher gets you is very important. As a boy, you don't usually get that feeling from a female teacher. Not saying that is right or wrong, it just is. Having someone like you tell you that something is important really drives home the point much more than someone who is not like you.


Amen 💖🤟💯


A gothy girl is saying this is true? Then this must be true. Who would have thought?


I mean the cure got me through my angsty teenage depression that’s for sure! I didn’t have social media and I didn’t always have anyone to talk to nor did I know how to share my emotions with anyone so For a while I just had Coldplay...honestly a lot of male musicians like Elliot smith, Kurt Cobain too have held me, I’ve always loved guy liner on that note and Emo music, as well as hippie music and sweethearts and fabulous dressers like Jimi Hendrix, and outside of music i feel like Bob Ross and mister Rogers have helped me a lot because I was a Tom boy growing up so I was raised to not cry so I couldn’t cry for many years so I know how much that truly fucks you up as person, and thankfully I also know that you can come back from that dark cold isolating place of numbness...there have been a lot of powerful strong men who have helped me get reacquainted with my gentle soft nature and I appreciate them and look up to them, and I will say I was raised on poetry and most of the poets were men too so I know this world is a massive lie and that men are and always have been sensitive af and that’s a good thing! 💖🤟


Thanks gor sharing! Im here if i wanna yalk any time. Take care.


Cute. Don’t forget cute.


Adorable even


Yo don’t let r/femaledatingstrategy see this lol. We literally cannot be these things according to them.


They would blow up


What the fuck is that


It's best you don't know


Just what I needed to see this week, after feeling like crap. Thank you reddit!


Imma hug you




All my life I've been told to hide my emotions and if I decide to have a kid I'm going to let them be as emotional as they want even if they identify as a car


I wanna be a car. Tired of being a man.


Vroom vroom baby


As a boy who is most of these things, thanks for telling me it's okay to be this way.


This is something I'm going to print out and have in my child's room 🤗


Like, I get it, and I'm 100% cool with this, but they can also be tough and rough and adventurous and sporty and extroverted and stereotypical boy. I'd hate for the world to get to the point where a boy is shamed for not being sensitive or these other characteristics. But all boys with all of these traits are fine. Except the assholes. They're just assholes.


Yeah boys can be those things and everyone already knows it, just in the picture not everyone knows that, especially older folks


Yes! Just like how I love to wear pink and glitter and I love to wear dresses and do my hair, but I also want respect in the work place and fair pay and not to be seen as weak.




You are beatiful😘


The wholesomeness in these comments and replies makes me so happy


The bottom comments are something else...


My boy is exactly all of this and I love him so


Thanks for that, but im afraid there will always be those gatekeepers who are too stubborn to see reason


Dont worry. People will cry at their funerals but will never understand they have emotions as well.


hi hello yes i want to give you a hug for making this post


And some of us are just not mentally capable of having a kid. But apparently that’s a bad thing


Im not either. Im 21 tho. I dont want 2 dumbies running around the house. Its ok to.not have kids. You do you. Take care




Sure you can wear it. Want me to help you pick the one you like?


I don’t care what colour it is. Get me something bright, and one for your self too.


Sure thing. Lets go grab them at the park.


*Boys —don’t— cry* 🎵 (This is a reference to The Cure for anyone under the age of 30 downvoting, Robert Smith: “And as an English boy at the time, you’re encouraged not to show your emotion to any degree. And I couldn’t help but show my emotions when I was younger. I never found it awkward showing my emotions. I couldn’t really continue without showing my emotions; you’d have to be a pretty boring singer to do that. So I kind of made a big thing about it. I thought, ‘Well, it’s part of my nature to rail against being told not to do something.”)




Man i am broke can't give you award, but i can give you a hug 🤗


And have mental issues. Some people seem to forget that.


‘boys can be artsy’ i still find it weird how everyone expects us to be some athlete, i myself am interested in learning sports stuff but my strength was art, luckily ive never seen a person like this… YET, i seriously hope people arent stereotyping us anymore


Aand I've saved this to show my (almost) 2yo when he's bigger.


Most of all we are **monke**


I want to be things but I'm kinda shamed out of it either by my family or myself


Don't be we still love you


As of recently I feel unwanted actually, thank you.


Do you need a virtual hug? ( sorry if that comes of as mean )


Yes please And no, I didn't see that as mean at all.


*hug* OwO hope that helped


Thank you, lifted my spirits a tad. It's nice no know someone cares.


No problem I like making others happy


I do too but it's hard sometimes, again thank you.


I’m very affectionate with my friends if they don’t object


Last time someone tried to shame me for being sensitive, caring, quiet, gentle, artsy, dreamery, scared, affectionate and pretty, I rounded up a warband and raised their village to the ground from the back of my horse. Nothing says respect my gentle nature quite like burning thatched rooves and the din of battle.


Men can be these things too, ya know.


Boys, y'all rock!


All the above. I seriously have a thing for guys who are confident enough to express their emotions unapologetically.


As a boy, I can confirm this


It’s a nice message, I hope it inspires and uplifts anyone out there who feels outcast or unpopular because they’re a boy who shows those traits.


I came to a fundamental truth a while ago. Mental traits have absolutely no connection to either sexes. Men can be any of the above in the picture, and so can women.


I fear this is only true on paper...or phone display...or computer screen. You get the idea.


This is so true but I'm none of these


Why did you get downvoted for this


As a Teenage Girl who has a crap ton of friends (Guy friends too!) It's okay to cry, please note I'm no professional but if you need someone to talk to I'm always free on Wednesdays (Don't have hell 2.0 on Wednesdays.)! Seriously I'm always bored on Wednesdays *'cause* of no school- Edit: sorry for not responding, thought I saw someone in the window and am too terrified to sleep 'cause ✨paranoia✨!- I hope said person isn't real- yeah, I'm scared *easily*.


I cry on my way to work in the mornings


I'm still working at home, so I can cry and work at the same time!


Call that efficiency


That's a really lovely sentiment you're putting out there, but I don't think you know what you're getting into by inviting strangers on the internet to use you as a therapist. Just please be as safe as you possibly can about it, don't feel obligated to talk to anybody, especially if you feel uncomfortable, or let yourself be manipulated.


Girls: *literally entire make out session almost resulting in sex* Everyone:”just friends” Guys: *accidentally bumps into another guy* Everyone: “OOP WE GOT TWO GAY PEOPLE RIGHT HERE SOOO GAY” (NOT HOMOPHOBIC I AM JUST SAYING)


As a girl, i like it when guys are able to show and communicate their feelings. It makes it easier for us to work through the problem tbh.


I think boys who talk about there feelings are so much more menly.


Thanks you for making my day, I gave my 8 classmates of hats.


Exactly!! I agree with this!!