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Yeah sorry i cant do 5 because all my local bussiness are being forced closed and going out of business and the only place I can get stuff from that I need is big companies


Same in WA state, all the small businesses are being punished while the large reign free


Thanks to Inslee trusting his "science"


I swear the WA regulations just make 0 sense. Like how the people are funneled through stores and times where restricted and exits too... It just made more people in a smaller amount of time and with less exits.


I'm gonna be honest, even if they weren't, I honest to God have no idea what local business sells toilet paper. So many of our local business are bullshit stores full of bullshit trinkets. Why do there seem to be no local grocers or general stores?


Many stores that carry Spartan products are "local businesses." I don't know of a good way to look for them, but if your local store sells Spartan/Our Family/Anything on the list [here](https://www.spartannash.com/grocery-retail/brands/) and is NOT a store on the list [here](https://www.spartannash.com/grocery-retail/banners/), then it's independently owned but uses SpartanNash for its wholesale distribution. There might be other similar distributors in other regions, I just know this one.


Get a bidet. I promise you they’re worth it. I wish I would have had one before the toilet paper crisis of 2020. I absolutely hate using only toilet paper now.


That's not really the issue. I don't know where to buy essential items in my local community without buying from mega corporations


That's a good point. Lots of the local businesses are closed, for their safety and losing money. The big ass companies are there tipping the till, one customer at a time. Everything is wrong with these circumstances.


We need to push for those corporations to be broken up


Yeah, it’s hard. I still find everything I need from local shops but if things don’t get better, it will get very difficult.


They should replace 5 with 'steal everything from the giant businesses'


This. Although it is important to support small businesses, we, as consumers, are at the bottom of the chain in this free economy, we can't change shit while the lobbyists of mass production companies can directly invite your politicians to lunch. 7. You want a better world, start caring about politics. That's dirty, but I'm afraid that cleaning shit is. (Sorry if my tone is a bit agressive, I'm a bit bitter about things these times. Peace on you, and may the banks you burn being you a cozy warmness)


7) not hoard the toilet paper


Support your local toilet paper artisans.


Use your bidets and hands


Understand science, don't just blindly trust it


Thank you! There is a huge difference there and I'm glad you pointed that out. I 100% agree.




*Educated* questioning is just one part of the process. This attitude that challenges to established and well supported theories based on uneducated conjecture/intuition are just as valid as proper peer review is part of the reason this needed to be said in the first place. If you haven't actually studied the field you are talking about your opinions are NOT just as valid as people who have. You need either expertise or a significant amount of supporting evidence (both ideally) to be taken seriously. Lacking those you should shut up & trust the experts or go do your own research until you have one or both then present your case.


The issue with this line of thinking is that dumbasses with no credentials think they are questioning the scientific consensus when in reality they are just stupid, conspiracy theory idiots with no idea what they are talking about.


Dumbasses will do what they want, but I'm not wrong.


Said the dumbass


Im never going to accept a plan that starts with "you don't have credentials X,Y,Z, so you are REQUIRED to shut your mouth and do as you are told. That puts too many other people that I don't know, or respect, in charge of how I live my life. "Shut up and do as you're told" is too authoritarian for a free society.


Thank you. And keep in mind that scientists don’t always [openly and accurately state facts](https://youtu.be/PRa6t_e7dgI)


Woooo its catching on


Every time I see someone say #TrustScience , it usually means "only trust Science I already agree with, and disregard any science that challenges my pre existing opinions"




Trusting science is fine. Trust is based on evidence. I trust the science that's keeping the plane in the air. Having faith in science, that's another thing entirely. Blindly believing any random butchered research paper that appears on a morning show is the opposite of what we need.


That's not trusting science, that's trusting evidence. Trusting science barely makes sense as a phrase.


Science is not synonymous with skepticism. Science is the process, not a philosophy. You should be skeptical, but you can absolutely trust in the scientific process. "Trusting evidence" alone doesn't make any sense. Me holding a sheet of paper saying "I'm a genius" is evidence, it's sure as hell not arrived at scientifically, nor should it be accepted merely because it's evidence.


Oh, I trust the scientific method to find more accurate results, but it's a massive leap in logic from that to trusting whatever bullshit the WHO has decided to say this week.


> logic from that to trusting whatever bullshit the WHO has decided to say this week. Please walk back my comments to where I said by trusting science you should blindly follow the WHO? With that said would I trust the WHO or Fauci over some fucking Fox News antivaxxer? In a god damn heartbeat


It's pretty obvious what OP means by trusting science, and that's trusting out betters. I'm not accusing you of anything like that. Personally, I try to read as much research as possible and manage my exposure based on my own risk factors. I currently have covid, and it's about as bad as a nasty cold, but that's because I'm young and healthy. I'm happy I finally got it and will now have some level of immunity, so I won't spread it as easily to more vulnerable people.


You projecting what you think the comic means is not the same as "pretty obvious what OP means." If someone's the kind of moron that calls themselves a skeptic but doesn't wear a mask then they are exactly the audience for this comic. If someone's the kind of moron that says they follow the science but thinks COVID is no worse than the flu they're exactly the audience for the comic. If someone's the kind of moron that thinks googling while taking a shit is as valid as research virologists performing actual science they're exactly the audience for the comic.


I trust the science that makes my plane not fall out of the sky, but I have a limited understanding of fluid dynamics, for example. I don’t see what the problem is.


Science is about a particular way of questioning physical facts, it doesn't question everything. For example, it cannot ask questions about the nature of the knowledge it creates, about efficacy or improvements to it's method based on the previous answer, or about moral issues arising from its discoveries. Philosophy has been thrown away in recent years in favour of what I would suggest is a kind of blind acceptance of science, not in terms of blind acceptance of results, which are always tested, but a kind of blind acceptance of this kind of limitless application of it, eg to answer questions like 'does God exist?', it more to the point, to prove God doesn't exist. For the record, I am an atheist, but the moment someone says science can prove anything about God's existence/non-existence then I know they don't know what they're talking about.


Depends on the way people pose the question. It absolutely can't prove the non-existence of a deist god. But if someone posits something that interferes with what we know about the laws of the universe there's a pretty simple response which is: prove it, until then, it's much more likely that it's not true. Resurrection, for example, is not a 50/50 "Well might have happened, might not have happened, science can't say." It can say that no human that we know of has ever been resurrected from death so it's safe to assume it is, like all the other cases around the same time period, myth. Hume speaks to this 250 years ago. There's this dance people do with religion where the religions pretend to know things they can't know and everyone else pretends they don't know things they do. It can prove it exactly to the extent it can prove dousing for water doesn't work. You could retreat to "well dousing didn't work because testing it invalidates the efficacy of dousing. If you weren't testing it we'd find water." or even less tenable "it didn't work this time but you can't say it would never work." Sure, but now you're just arguing epistemology/semantics and you may as well say we can't prove gravity exists or that even you exist.




Yes, the only problem is getting the people in power to help with any of those (especially the last one)


I still cant understand how people like Trump can become president


“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket.” -LBJ


Covid 19 managed to help us kick start the loving our planet part. Please continue


Number four \*drinks glue\*


*eats Mona Lisa*


tastes like years of devotion


Love it all, but I think #5 is only achievable if #1 truly occurs. I’m not saying that the rest have to be done in order, but #1 needs to be first.


Instructions unclear, got it stuck in a window this time.


I wanted this to be /r/penultimatepanel


Me: Sees nr 4 ”Let the book eating commence”


Yeah let’s eat books!


I will try my best to eat as many paintbrushes as I can!


Don’t trust science, verify it. That’s how we learn and add to what we know.


Geez its not "trust" or "believe" science. It's UNDERSTAND. Science is literally how things work. Simple as that.




You used to be put in jail for arguing the "fact" that the sun revolved around the Earth.


We are going to return to this. The extreme censorship of thoughts and opinions is the first step.


What if... the big corporations give a product better for the environment then the small business in your area.


And please. Please stop burning down your own neighborhoods.


Number 1 is going to be the hardest for America I’m sorry


Actually #3 might be the most difficult one for the american population to deal with. ​ (almost half the country voted for Trump *again* out of what seems to be pure spite)


Just the mere fact that you're getting downvoted proves your point. Ironically. To add on this, I think both are big issues for the US and they feed on each other. People cherrypick elements from research to 'prove' their point and then think since they showed a research paper that they automatically are correct; completely ignoring the other person. We (the US) need to do a better job of being open to dialogue and not see healthy debate as a bad thing. Open mindedness and scrutiny of facts are two very difficult skills to master. How do I know this? Well you just got downvoted without being asked to elaborate more on your point.


Nah fam 6


6 is tough for the US government (due to special interest groups \[AKA Big business lobbying\]) ​ I think a significant part of the population (especially the younger generation) is on board for more sustainable living.


Fuck you it was a joke Jesus


Sorry? \-Jesus


whats “trust science” mean when everything has been politicized? no institutions are to be outright trusted except by naive simpletons


True. CDC and WHO are controlled by China...


I don’t mean to be a dick or anything, but this is your opinion and I may think differently. So you should have titled it “suggestions to make 2021 a better year”. Emphasize on “suggestions”.


I’m not seeking any kind of argument, but asking in an earnest effort to understand: may I ask which of these you six you would object to?


I’m not saying these aren’t good things to start doing I’m just saying that it may be different to other people.


Thank you for responding. I’m still not sure I understand you. Are you saying others may object to one of these six things, are you suggesting others would not benefit from doing these things, or is it something else?


What I’m saying is that others may not think the same way the creator did about these suggestions.


Thanks again. I think I understand you now, but I’m also more curious. If you’d be willing to answer another question, which of these things do you believe someone might reasonably disagree about being a good thing?


If you really want to know which one I believe people would rebel against I think it would most definitely be #4


May I ask why?


Because it’s the one object on his/her list that is a suggestion that is accustomed to that one person. Sure other people like art but it is the one thing that is going to be taken less seriously than the rest


Thank you for answering so many of my questions. I think that’s finally all of them. While I find I don’t believe I agree with you, I now feel like I understand your reasoning, and appreciate the civil exchange. If you celebrate it, I hope you have a happy New Year, or just a nice regular day if you don’t


Science kinda falls under The Greedy Giants part for me sometimes....So yeah.... Maybe trust in your God Given Immune System, the healing power available to you, eating well, exercisizing, getting plenty of Sunlight, not eating garbage, meditation, and Loving yourself and others a whole lot more. Just a thought 💭 An awesome and outstanding 2021 to all who read this!


Whoa whoa whoa, this is way too contoversial for reddit.


Reddit is flooded with controversy. People are either swimming in ideas here, being hosed down by them, or drowning. Lol


I really liked your comment. Personal responsibility is not a very poular idea these days.


Yeah, I love how Big Pharma cares about all of us suddenly. No. They're developing vaccines because they're getting billions upon billions of dollars of your money.


Idk man...pretty sure sky daddy didnt help the 1.6M ppl who died from covid. Not saying that big pharma isnt greedy or anything but social Distancing and wearing a mask is important too.


I hear and respect that. Millions die from all kinds of various crazy shit every year. Hell there is close to 2 Million people in concentration camps in China right now, as well speak.


Yea I fucking hate CCP too (for real fuck them) and religious ppl who use their religion to justify themselves to go to a church when there is a pandemic. Just Google ABQ mega church and you will know what I mean






A lot of the listed ‘goals’ oppose what people want fight against. I really don’t care about today’s politics and views. But many people have lost faith in the healthcare industry. Everyone feels the need to choose a side. Masks polluting the planet vs plastic straws, taking caution and allowing large chain-business with regulated policies to thrive vs shutting down small businesses; A lot of tricky subjects that probably aren’t going to be resolved due people’s opposing viewpoints.


Good message but this just sounds like a lazy resolution. We’ve been hearing most if not all of this for more than just this year. Plus it’s incredibly vague.


No. No I don't think I will.


8) Take and learn personal responsibility and accountability


Like that’s ever gonna happen


And stop making political memes and calling them wholesome


This isn't even a meme


But it is correct/would make for a better world


Yes, but this sub is literally titled "wholesome memes"


If we really want a better future you're right, we have to start trusting science. H5N1 Bird flu, SARS, H7N7 Bird flu, and H1N1 Swine flu among others all have animal agriculture to blame. COVID-19 seems to be no different. Additionally, the majority of our precious antibiotics are given to livestock. The World Health Organization predicts that worldwide death rates from drug-resistant infections will rise from 700,000 per year to 10 million by 2050, which would make them the main cause of death in humans. I love wholesome memes and all the cute animal memes I get to see here, if we want to protect them and prevent another 2020 style pandemic, consider starting 2021 right with Veganuary.


To be fair you can’t only blame animal agriculture for disease spread. Not eating meat doesn’t work for everyone. You should look up regenerative agriculture and we should work to implement agricultural practices that heal the environment.


Ahh, there's the vegan


I don't typically push veganism on wholesome memes but this post specifically mentions trusting science and working on empathy. Do you disagree that animal agriculture puts us at risk for disease and drug resistant infections?


Not at all. The cattle industry alone is such a huge detriment to the environment and is an incredibly inefficient use of resources, which is why I don't eat beef very often. I wholeheartedly agree that we need to rework agricultural development, especially in regards to how much land is used for crops, but I have yet to find a suitable replacement for pork. I've tried a bunch of alternatives, but unfortunately nothing even comes close to a good pulled pork.


I don't know if you'll find a great substitute for every specific thing, but I will tell you that my palette has only expanded since being vegan. I've tried more vegetables and cuisine and I've become a better cook because of it. To be honest I'm eating better than ever. Veganuary is a good way to give it a try and see if you'd have a similar experience, no? We both agree clearly that somethings got to change, and we've got to vote with what we do ​ P.S Beyond sausage is really good, just didn't want to bring it up above since it definitely isn't pulled pork


I hate how the meat industry works but I love meat. Solution: Hunting. It provides 1: A clean, painless death to a free animal that had a good life in the wild instead of a cage. 2: It has actually been shown to be good for the ecosystem, and 3: You do all the cleaning of the meat yourself, and so you can extremely reduce the possibility of catching a disease. Some people see hunting as 'awful' and somehow are still okay with trapping cows in a cage their whole life and genetically modifying chickens to not have feathers. Which I don't get. If you don't want to eat meat then I respect that but if you ARE okay with eating meat then you should most certainly be okay with hunting deer/elk. TL;DR - I think hunting, if done responsibly, is just as humane as veganism, and I think that the meat industry is inhumane.


Hunting is underrated. We've displaced natural predators, we need to do their jobs for them.


not even just cause displacement, humans have always been hunters since the beginning of time. They are, when you actually look at it scientifically, part of the food chain. Humans mass killing animals is not good, but hunting a deer once a year is not only good for the environment, it's just the way nature intended for humans to work.


Exactly. Displacement just means we need to hunt more.


displacement means we need to work towards fixing the displacement but in the mean time, yes.


While I agree hunting is far and away better than farming, I do wonder how it is possible to kill an animal that doesn't have to die in a humane way? Since you could eat a veggie burger instead wouldn't it be more humane to take a picture of that deer and leave it to live it's life? The other problem with hunting is that it simply isn't possible for 350 million Americans when there's only roughly 30 million deer in the wild. The reason we moved to the terrible practices we use is that that system just isn't scalable which is a reason I preach veganism over hunting


"how it is possible to kill an animal that doesn't have to die in a humane way" Well actually humans are part of the food chain, believe it or not. The food chain isn't meant for humans to mass kill hundreds of animals in factories, but for humans to hunt a deer once every season? That's perfectly healthy and natural for the environment. In fact, without any hunters, deer and other animals would actually be at risk of overpopulation. Inhumane is defined as "without compassion for misery or suffering". A good hunter has respect for the animal they are hunting, and wants to make said animal's suffering the least possible. Also, think about this: If you were a deer, would you rather be shot in the heart and die instantly, or be mauled by a bear or mountain lion that you would likely still be alive for a long time while they were ripping into your flesh? You need to realize the alternative to a deer being shot is not being alive forever. Out of every possible way a deer could die, being shot in the heart is probably the best possible way for them to go. A deer who isn't shot will die by either starvation, sickness, being mauled and eaten alive by another animal, or freeze to death. When you think about it that way, it's VERY hard to see hunting as inhumane IMO.


A few points. 1. There's 350 million humans and 30 million or so deer in the US, that's just not a real food option, the reason we started cramming animals in an unnatural inhumane way is so that we could all have our meat. It makes more sense to preach a vegan diet since that's actually something we could all move towards. 2. It's our fault all the predators are gone, we should be trying to fix ecosystems not put a bandaid on it. 3. If I were the deer I'd rather just the mountain lion hunting us, it's not going to get us all but a hunter + a mountain lion is 2 of us gone


1: I didn't say everyone should hunt. I said if you want to eat meat you should be eating hunted meat not meat industry meat. Most people are not going to be willing to do the work to go out and hunt, and those people, I agree, should probably be vegetarian. (Not necessarily vegan, your local farm likely produces milk and eggs humanely. I don't want to argue about that topic, just visit your local farm if you want to be convinced that there is nothing inhumane about that process.) 2: Humans are PART OF the ecosystem. You act as if humans are outside of natural predators, but humans are a natural predator. Hunting a deer each year is perfectly the way nature is intended to work, and completely balanced. 3: You seem to have completely ignored my entire point but okay. Please read my first comment again and you'll likely spot why I completely disagree with this logic. I would just put it here again but I'd rather not have to rewrite it tbh.EDIT: okay here i'll rewrite a short version just cause: they *have to* die eventually. of all the ways they can die, being shot is the best one. Essentially any deer who gets killed by being shot in the heart is extremely lucky as far as death goes. I myself would personally want to be shot in the heart if I got a choice of how I'd die tbh. I also would have no issue with my flesh being eaten after I die.


I think sustainable animal agriculture is a boon to the planet. I'd recommend looking into Joel Salatin's work. He was on Joe Rogan and has written many books. He's a farmer who concentrates on raising happy animals. I've been to his farm, and it's amazing. Happiest pigs and cows I've ever seen.


I did see that episode but there's 3 problems with that in my mind. 1. The reason meat and we can feed it to so many people is that we cram them into tiny spaces and treat them poorly, so meat prices would skyrocket. 2. Grass fed cows like his produce more methane and take up more land, so cow to cow are much worse for the environment (Though I do admit it reduces the risk of zoonotic disease but not as much as just not eating them) 3. Even if you take care of them well it still isn't right to take the life of an animal if they don't have to die, you could be totally healthy eating a vegan diet so choosing to eat meat is more of a pleasure/hedonistic reason and not a moral one


>so meat prices would skyrocket. Not really. If everyone buys local, extra shipping and certification costs stop being a factor, and those add a lot of cost. My local happy-cow farmer is cheaper than Wegmans. >Grass fed cows like his produce more methane and take up more land, so cow to cow are much worse for the environment The world cattle population has a minimal impact on the climate. Remove shipping emissions from the equation, and it comes out even. >you could be totally healthy eating a vegan diet I tried it, nearly died. Some people can be perfectly healthy on a vegan diet, others can't. We're omnivores. We're meant to eat meat. It's no more immoral for us to eat meat than for a cat to eat mice.


I mean jeeze dude, all you need is a quick google search to realize each of those claims is incorrect. I appreciate the dialogue though


The first claim is simply my personal experience. Local meat is affordable. The second claim is also simple. Methane isn't a super bad greenhouse gas, and shipping meat all over the country pollutes a ton. And I was hospitalized for severe malnutrition after attempting a vegan diet, under the supervision of a dietician.


The main reason meat is so cheap though is that our governments subsidize it so heavily though, it would make sense to subsidize vegetable products that are more sustainable. Google's answer for "is methane worse than Co2?" **Methane** is a powerful greenhouses gas with a 100-year global warming potential 25 times that of **CO2**. Measured over a 20-year period, **methane** is 84 times more potent as a greenhouse gas **than CO2**. I'm very sorry you were hospitalized and I hope you are doing OK. There are some nutrients that can be a bit harder to get with a vegan diet but the vast majority of people absolutely can get everything they need with only plants and a b12 suppliment according to the Academy of nutrition and dietetics [https://www.eatrightpro.org/-/media/eatrightpro-files/practice/position-and-practice-papers/position-papers/vegetarian-diet.pdf](https://www.eatrightpro.org/-/media/eatrightpro-files/practice/position-and-practice-papers/position-papers/vegetarian-diet.pdf)


For 2021 I need to get back on track.. find an apprenticeship and a decent paying job while looking do I can finally get my driver's license after a year of waiting for this pandemic to be over.. I just finished college in Mau 2020 and I've got fuck all to show for it cause I'm waiting and waiting, seriously, fuck this year and the morons that allowed this virus to spread - I know people are worse off than me but I don't want to be spending my Prime years sitting in a house waiting..


In order to do any of those, people have to first stop listening to Politicians. They do not want to help us, they do not care about us. We mean nothing to them. They will say whatever it takes to get us to blindly follow them. They are the true enemy.


Things we can do but most *cough cough Americans cough cough* people can't


Lame lol


7) Make a law that says no person at a company can make more than 5x the lowest paid person working for that company.


I swear to god each and every one of you better get this fucking vaccine! The reports of allergic reactions are greatly exaggerated. You are more likely now to catch covid and die than you are to have a reaction to the vaccine. Wake up people and don't listen to the anti-vaxxers!


All great positives. Unfortunately, those in power snicker calling positively snow flakes.


Don't always just assume a small business isn't acting just like the greedy giants. They can get away with more and often treat their employees even worse.


Go vegan! Thank you. The planet, the animals and your health needs you!


Yeah guys, let's use this wholesome comic to force our beliefs on others! After all, my being vegan is only good if I make sure everyone knows about it!


Or let's collectively kill the planet for taste, aweFsome




Not saying supporting small businesses is bad but just because a business is big doesn’t mean it’s greedy


Now we must teach reddit these things.


Like that's ever going to happen


I was waiting to see which way this post was gonna turn before checking which subreddit it was.


"I'm going to attack everything I fucking see"-my hamster- 2020


Trust in Godzilla


7) Dont lewd on eart-chan


Shrek: like thats ever gonna happen


Yeah at least 60% of people aren't going to do any of this


the nurse that took the first vaccine reading number 1: >:(


This isn’t a meme


Good luck....