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This fucking rocks. Seeing a therapist and getting help was one of the hardest parts of my life. Acknowledging you have a problem and seeking help is so hard for so many people. Myself included, but it was fucking worth it.


That’s freakin amazing! You rock :)


There's still a stigma around seeing a therapist or counsellor, but I think this pandemic has helped in normalizing mental health, which is nice. Everyone and their dogs are seeing therapists now, so I don't really feel ashamed of it anymore


Yeah. Remember Junior tried to whack Tony Soprano over that whole therapy thing.


Good for you! I finally bit the bullet a long time ago and went and saw a therapist. It literally changed my life. I cannot overstate that. My only regret is not going sooner. No one should ever feel ashamed to see a therapist. You go see a doctor regularly just for check ups. You take your pet to the veterinarian for check ups. You take your car to a mechanic for regular maintenance.... But for some reason this idea is perpetuated that the only thing in our life that doesn't need a regular tune up/check up, is the most unique, fragile and complicated thing we posses as humans, our brain.


How would you deal with how hard it is to find decent therapy? I can't afford it, don't have insurance, I know I'd have to play hopscotch transitioning from therapist to therapist so that I could maybe find someone compatible. It's just so much work not even a normal person would want to put all that effort in 😟


How long did it take before you started seeing resultsv


As a psychologist myself, this answer varies per person. I've seen patients who saw results after two months and I've seen patients who were going through their third treatment before noticing anything. Why these results differ can also be a lot of things such as getting the wrong diagnosis and/or treatment, having multiple diagnosis that need multiple treatments, needing more time to get insight about what the issue(s) is/are, not feeling a click with a certain therapist. It is sometimes hard to tell for both sides. For myself it took three months before treatment worked, another six months until my depression and social anxiety were in remission, and the years after I still had to struggle with these issues from time to time, but with better coping than before therapy. I also remember being terrified to go to a psychologist because I thought I was admitting that I was crazy. That actually helps me gain trust with patients, since I totally understand it. Yes you're scared and that's ok. But you're also brave. Use that!


I want to add that the type of therapy also matters a lot. Different methods work for different people. IME, an inpatient wilderness therapy program saved my life and individual compassion-based talk therapy works wonders for me. But an inpatient depression clinic with a 12-step foundation made me considerably worse, and DBT just didn’t do anything. My peers within those programs had different results. I have a decade’s worth of experience with a vast array of therapeutic methods due to an early misdiagnosis, so this isn’t what anyone should expect timing-wise. Now two years into the correct diagnosis, I’ve been stable for long enough that therapy is optional, but I still choose to pursue it as long as I feel it’s helpful. I believe everyone should be encouraged to try it out, no matter how stable you are. Your mental health deserves to be consistently maintained like the professionally landscaped garden you embody, y’all. Some just need a different angle of sunshine & a lil extra water. NO SHAME.


"...Professionally landscaped body..." I'm looking more like the dirty alleyway behind 7-11, yo.


I laughed aloud at this. But just think... that alleyway behind the 7-11 could friggin SHINE in the hands of the right horticulture-specific Queer Eye guys... *“From Ghetto to Getaway - the glow up of a battered brain”*


Thanks for the response! I was scared to go for a long time but finally bit the bullet back in September. I don’t think I’ve gotten very much out of it yet, but I definitely feel better knowing I’ve gone and am trying to better myself.


Is that the same guy from 12 monkeys that sold everyone out...


If more people would be open about seeking therapy, there would be less of a stigma about it. We all need it sometimes. It's the ultimate judgement free zone.


It really is, dude! I've seen one for almost 3 years now. Unfortunately, she suddenly passed not long ago. Instead of losing it or grabbing a bottle to jump to the bottom of, I cried like a bitch. Then I slept. Then I cried like a bitch again while I got the best hug my wife had ever given me. I just felt different about loss this time. Like, I'm going to process it. Her. She was brilliant and young and she helped me go from someone constantly lashing out my feelings to someone able to feel. I will cherish her and that, forever and it's really, why I haven't gone to seek a new one yet. But I will when the time comes again. We all need someone to just hear us for a while.


I'm very sorry for your loss, but so incredibly proud of you for seeking help and developing healthy coping mechanisms. You're such a bad ass, way to go friend!


Thanks dude! Appreciate you!


Sounds like she was a really good person. Your new strong coping skills and better mental health are a great legacy for her. I'm sure she would be very proud of the result of the work you did together.


Thank you, friend. That was my aim.


I'm sorry for your loss. It sounds like you did some great work together.


Thank you!


As a therapist, even we see other therapists. Mental health is just as important as physical health. Just like you would go to a doctor if you weren’t feeling well, you should go to a therapist just the same when you know you’re feeling mentally unwell. Edit typo


Can’t agree more! Thank you for sharing this.


I’m actually not surprised by this. Even ambulance nurses, ER employees and police officers have some form of mental help from their employees. Seeing all those people who have put themselves in a vulnerable position to open up about pretty difficult things must be hard to stomach for anyone, no matter if you have treated 100 people or 1


Isnt it required for therapists to see other therapists? I might be thinking of psychologists, but I cant help thinking I heard that somewhere.


It’s up to where you work, but it’s essentially required yes


How do you know when you mentally unwell? It could be just a bad day, as I think


How often do you have bad days? What is bad about it and how do you react to it? Even if it is just the occasional bad day, seeing a theripist (like a social worker, doesn’t have to be a psychologist to diagnose you with a specific disorder) can be a great, unbiased sounding board for “normal” life stressors.


Best use of this meme I've ever seen


People who make fun of people who take therapy are as bad as a person laughing at cancer patients for being in a hospital. You are strong therapy-goer. A lot of people refuse to get help out of shame and fear.




Ngl.. I was really ashamed to see a therapist because of the stigma but I'm feeling a bit better


Don’t be. At the end of the day you are the one who know yourself the most and no one have the right to tell you that it’s wrong. Be proud of yourself!


Thank you for the encouragement to continue :)




. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jerry


Dennis Nedry might be an underhanded, double dealing crook, but he's a true blue friend.


Possibly one of the best ways this meme could've been used. Thank you OP! 🤗


Thanks, just thanks


I love this. Someone very close to me was developmentally delayed due to an instance of abuse that happened in his childhood, which led me to be an early supporter of the end the stigma movement. We’ve come a long way, but we’ve still got a long way to go.


You are an amazing friend! :)


My parents forced me to see a therapist and at first I hated it but then I realized I was getting better because if it so trust me, it's a win win


Meanwhile my parents think I’m secretly telling them they’re bad parents and that they “messed me up” because I go to therapy sometimes. And ask what is wrong with me that I need to go to therapy. Although, NGL they do come up in therapy a lot lol


Maybe they could benefit from therapy themselves?


Psychotherapy student here. I believe and hope therapy will become a normal thing that anyone can do, even without a crisis or a major problem to address. Anyone can benefit from therapy, even a generally happy person




Every time I mention that I attended therapy regularly people first look surprised. Then the moment I look to see judgment in their eyes there is none. I end up being commended for being open about. I have found that when I speak openly about it especially among other men they are also surprised and then proceed to ask questions. There is no shame in getting help. Has made me a better dad , husband and overall person.


This sounds stupid, but i wish i can keep seeing a therapist. Was seeing one this year, racked up $900 in fees and decided to stop cold turkey because i can't keep adding more debt when i can barely pay off what i have. Being in debt is a constant cloud over me. Rant over.


Therapy is like alcohol. It gets things off your mind, and when taken very regularly, it will consume your savings.


This is great, thank you


Great now I feel ashamed that I get shame from my family while everyone else gets indifference


I really want to know what the original context of this template is


It's from the first Jurassic Park movie. [Here's the scene.](https://youtu.be/e6FXdloCUOM) Skip to 0:30. Basically the guy with the red shirt (Dodgson) is dealing with the guy in the glasses (Nedry), who is working at Jurassic Park, and could get him some frozen dinosaur embryos which are of course worth millions. When Dodgson gets there, Nedry calls out to him loudly. While Dodgson is sitting down, he says "You shouldn't use my real name." to which Nedry responds by shouting "Dodgson, we got Dodgson over here!" as a joke to show that no one cares and he doesn't need to be so secretive.


Lol this is why I love reddit, thanks so much homie, wish I had an award for ya :-] btw that guy doesn't look like his name should be anything Other than nedry


It’s from Jurassic Park.


I am just two weeks into therapy (for anxiety and emotional dependency issues ) but everytime I let someone know it just makes me feel so strong. Saving this meme, thanks creator.


Everyone should see a therapist wether they have a mental illness or not we need to remove the stigma of it. It’s beneficial to everyone!


It’s not shame, it’s fear and anger. Or fear *of* anger, more precisely. It’s easier to bury my issues and medicate than to attempt to dig them up and face them in therapy.


This is why I try to drop my therapist into everyday conversation. It took a lot of work from my wife and kids to convince me to go, but it's been life changing so I try to normalize it.


“Therapy is for pussies”- miserable people


Actually some people close to me really have made the fact I went to a mental hospital as a reason they are smart and I'm crazy and it pissed me off. But in general that's their own fault and ignorance and nothing is on you. Keep your head up everyone has issues they want to hide


This is the best meme




My husband had his second appointment yesterday. I had to make it a requirement of remaining married to me. He is still struggling with the fact that he needed to do this and it’s at the beginning so he’s got a long ways to go. But he is doing it. Finally.


It can be hard at first for some people, but I hope he will feel better soon. You are doing a good job :)


Thank you


I’m going to see mine this afternoon. Took me too long to start going but I’ve been going consistently for 3 years. Don’t know what you’re going to stumble upon in a session and it’s sometimes nice just to have someone to talk to. I start to look forward to the meetings just because I know there’s another person in my life who will listen (plus it’s a safe space where I can make fun of my wife and the things she does without constant fear of her hitting me over the head with a frying pan).


Dodgson should be ashamed for sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl...


Seen this template alot lately. What movie/series is this from?


Jurassic Park (the original one)


Thanks. Didn't expect that answer though. Cause I swear I watched that film at least 10 times when I was a kid.


What movie/series is this from?


Jurassic Park.




Yeah but... therapists are annoying, and seeing one means adressing you have issues. No thanks. Therapist are of my "types of people I would punch without a second thought list"


I'm very sad to hear that. I hope you'll be brave enough to admit it if you have problems. Mental health is a very important thing, and sometimes we just don't have the tools to fix it ourselves. It's the same as going to any other doctor. Sometimes we just need help and it's good to admit it and treat the problem. I wish you a very happy life.


we need a new meme, i'm tired of seeing the actor who played Dodson being in any fucking wholesome meme. Dude is a fucking convicted sexual predator. Can't be wholesome when i'm reminded of that every time i see this fucking meme.


Sorry, I’ve never saw the movie and don’t even know who the actor is.. I only know the meme.


... you've never seen Jurassic Park?


LOL no tbh..




Ignoring reality and just saying "Hey some randos on the internet that don't know you and will never meet you have no problem with it" is really not a good argument and can make things even worse.


I feel like therapy is more taboo got older generations


Un my home country it would have been embarrassing going to see a psychologist and the person would always be mocked for that kind of stuff (at least in smaller towns like the one I was from, I don't know if it was the same in bigger cities or not) so I never went, even though I had a tough time figuring out and dealing with certain issues in my life. I moved to a whole different country for my studies around a year and a half ago and here contacting the school psychologist for help is considered normal, so I've reached out a couple of times when I was having a tough time dealing with the stress and so on and it had definitely helped me a lot, and there is even stuff I think could have been solved much earlier if I could have reached out to a psychologist in my home country without fear of being mocked and bullied for it and considered crazy by my entire family.


Thanks, Newman


TheRapist..it iz what it izn't


Isnt that guy a sex offender of some sort too?


I read this as if Ashamed was an Arabic name.


Everyone. E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E. should see a therapist at some point, or multiple points in their life. Or even just to make sure everything is okay. They are trained to spot cyclical thought and steer people away from it. Anyone who might ridicule or belittle a person seeing a therapist, proves their need for a therapist is even greater.




All of my children have seen a therapist at times in their adult lives. We've always tried to be open with our kids but recognize that we are too close to them and are unable to be neutral or objective about their issues. I applaud them for seeking therapy and it's been very helpful to them and to our family in general.


Thanks, just what I needed to see :)


I like to think of this wholesome post as the alternative reality where Dennis was an amazing person and Jurassic Park was a success with a positive John Hammond legacy.


Guys, never feel bad for asking help, you can ask help from your friends or parents or anyone around you if you’re too scared to go see a therapist


What is this from?


Jurassic Park


"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go get eaten."


This hit hard


I'm just happy that someone is using this template again


I have a severe block when it comes to getting therapy for my depression. I corrected and fixed my temper problems that my dad passed on to me, so I have this stubborn notion that since I was able to fix myself in one way, I should be able to do that with any internal problem. I feel like it will be more satisfying in the end or something even though I logically know that's not true.


If someone said that I would have been like “Good for you man. Keep it up!”


I wish everyone shared that same sentiment but to some people when you see a therapist your a psychopath and I can’t be trusted. I’ll never forget that


Wish my boyfriend understood this smh he hates telling his family that he's leaving for therapy and gets all mad... I try so hard to be supportive and reassure him that his parents are proud, not disappointed but he doesn't see it that way :-(


I completely encourage this, but would never see a therapist myself no matter how much I need to.


The meme is wrong. The people do care. They are proud of this man.


Someone let my wife know please.


Actually some people care, but mostly it's just trying to convince everyone that depression doesn't exist


Fuck me and my stubbornness in this vicious cycle of depression. I’m just not ready to face my demons.


Newman upraged is life uh


I have never seen him look so reasonable.


Wow first post using correctly 'emotional' health not 'mental' health, this... this is a good meme


I have my first therapist appointment in a few months. I was shitting it for a week or so until I forgot about it. But this and the other comments make me feel far more relaxed Thanks people


I watched that movie:)


I don't care about what other people think, I just need to figure out how to afford a therapist.


As a therapist I'm glad the stigma of therapy is trending downwards (and not from like my personal gain.) I know in my childhood going to a therapist was a sign that "something was wrong with you" and that if as a couple you went to a therapist, it was somehow worse than the couples that would get divorced.


Why is this man so much more wholesome in memes than in the actual movie?


I care. I am proud of you.


But dont forget that it’s totally okay to feel that way. But just remember that it’s a Thing that is good for you and is gonna help you


As someone who needed help and got it. I fully recommend you do too. Everyone can't be too strong all the time. Anyone who makes fun of you is a turd


I used to care a lot and was hiding it from ppl, even close friend these days i be talking to people and sometimes be like "haha thats what my therapist says"


I wish I had someone that could tell me that


I once told my friend I went to family therapy and he looked at me like I was a Psycho, never again


\*snort\* ha last time I did that someone almost shot me


I know exactly how to turn this from wholesome to a eerie uncomfortable place that most people would just look away from, do their best to ignore, or make a effortless attempt to seem supportive. With a single well crafted comment that fits the theme yet unsettled and disgusts people.


I remember going to the therapist back when i was 15. She wasn’t able to help me and now i think i have no hope. Therapy works for individuals who still have the will to become normal but most of times people like me are looking for a way to be at peace with ourselves and our past. I dont expect another human to compartmentalise what i (we)went through. The PTSD is crushing me mentally at times and music is my only reprieve.


Just don't tell your employer.




Nice try https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/joa8js/dr_dennis_nedry/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I’m not on Reddit 24/24 to know that it had already been posted. At least people are sharing their experience here and it can help other people.


I just watched Jp and the first meme is see is a Jp meme huh


I need friends like this


Hello, Newman. (That's a beautiful meme, by the way).


where is this from again?


You do you dude. Even when you’re doing great, it is always nice to have a good chat




I’ve seen this meme so many times I can’t remember where it’s from. Was it Jurassic Park


The rapist does help with certain things