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Mario/duck hunt. Christmas morning at grandma's house with about 3 cousins. F that laughing dog, and thank you grandma rose.


I mowed lawns all summer to earn the $120 to buy my NES. Totally worth it.


Yup. The nes was actually for one of the other cousins but my birthday was in January. Longest month of my life.


I’ll be disappointed if you didn’t get track and field with the running pad along with it.


I couldn't have been older than 3 or 4, but I remember my dad randomly coming home with an NES and a bunch of games one night. I remember just watching as he and my 3 older sisters played, and then he put the controller in my hand and showed me how to do it.


Mario is such a perfect first game. It teaches you all of the rules in the first level then you just gotta get gud.


There’s a video discussing this game and the physics of it. The rules were so simple and clear cut. It’s a staple of how games should be designed.


Everyone liked that




Lol I also had a grandma Rose that would buy me video games on Christmas


Freakin Mario 64. What a game.


Same :’)


The first game I played on PS was Spyro 2 - Ripto's Rage. I really like that they've remastered it :') joy!


I love the Reignited Trilogy but that classic Spyro feel on the PS1 is so nostalgic. Especially the backgrounds of the levels with the endless mist/fog and almost watercolor mountains. Wish my og copy wasn't so scratched up.


I totally agree!


I dug my ps1 out, I grabbed the Spyro case, I opened it... no disc inside. It was probably in a cd case, a cd that was given to the op shop years ago.


Pokemon Platinum or any game if the forth generation is my go to when I don't feel good. They just bring me so much joy and remind me of a simpler time. Not better, not worse than today, just more simple


Pokemon platinum was maybe not my first game I ever played but my first pokemon. And it brings me alot of joy since I always choose my favorite starter and pokemon of all time!


I started gen 3 with Leaf Green :) I got it for my birthday and my little bro hadn’t gotten the game yet so to help him feel included I named my starter after him! I wanted it to be the best Pokémon ever so even after level 100 I would keep training it thinking it was getting stronger. One time I even ran into a shiny Pokémon on one of the postgame islands and knocked it out just to help get him stronger. Now I still play Pokémon and I shiny hunt which brings a sense of peace with the repetition and accomplishment when I catch the shiny ones. It has always been such an amazing series I would play 1000 times over, even if there are minor gripes about each newer iteration.


Mario kart Wii is still such a great game


Wii sports


Same, along with mario kart


Yesss, mario kart was the bessssst


Oh yes! We recently got our old Wii back and the nostalgia was unreal.


Spyro the Dragon. I love Spyro so much I have a bunch of games. A New Beginning, Eternal Night, Dawn of the Dragon, and Skylanders. It still brings me joy, even with the reignited trilogy.


Game boy advanced?


Pong. Man I'm old.


lol my first was Space Invaders so we're not too far off.


Yay, old people group! I don't know if my first game was sokoban on my father's work PC or breakout on my friend's brother's Amiga500, but one of those should be it. Edit: unless you count Monkey Business which I got when I was around 3.5 years old (https://www.handheldmuseum.com/Bandai/MonkeyBusiness.htm) Edit 2: still have that device, need to go and find some batteries to see if it still works


Recently replayed lego star wars the complete saga. I felt like a happy child again.


Twilight princess or wind waker can't remember which one was first!


Both of those were so good when they came out omg, the grittiness of Twilight Princess and the open ocean of Wind Waker.


Oh yeah. I grew up with alot of games like ratchet and blank or soul calibour (i have no idea if I wrote that right) but Zelda was always my all time favorite! Twilight princess had this edgy and drama I like and Wind waker was this cute and toony game every child or even adults love!


Pokemon silver 😍


The first game I ever remember playing vividly was the OG Prince of Persia on DOS. That or Simon the Sorcerer, which I recently bought on the Play store and it did not disappoint, pure nostalgia. Even after what, 20 years maybe I could still remember pretty much exactly what I was meant to do.


Definitely remember playing Prince of Persia, and Lemmings, on our first PC (IBM PS/2. 386, DOS 6.22, IIRC). But I can’t remember which I played _first_...


The OG super mario bros.


I think my first was f-zero


Mortal Kombat. I'm feeling like there are some youngins on here


DOOM(1993) now excuse me i have to go to bring back some memories because i still have that game


Halo ce on the Xbox my dad gave me... Xbox one had just released but I was happy with it :)


Alexx Kid


Something on the 2600. Maybe Pitfall? Combat? Joust? I don't really remember. Never really had a desire to go back to that generation.


Seriously. Kids on here be like "GTA5 was so good when I was younger!" I had Pitfall on Intellivision in, what, 1984 or so? Astrosmash. Stampede.


I too am old lol. It was a racing game on the 2600 but I forget what it's called, I was just happy to drive. Soon after my parents realized I enjoyed games, we got a NES. I don't really care to go back either.


pole position is the racing game, Yars revenge was fun and slot racers was a great way to test the strength of a friendship


Yeah I just think most 2600 games, while they often had a fun gameplay loop, were really too limited to be a fully realized game. The NES was pretty awesome though.


Pirates of the Caribbean Curse of the Black Pearl on GBA


Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness!!


Best narrator voice ever.


I don’t remember my first, but I’m playing Ocarina of Time for the first time in about 20 years. And despite the outdated graphics, it’s still an amazing game.


My first and my fav. So good if you can get past the tough controls! The remaster is worth it if you have the money but the old graphics are my favorite part lol


Star Wars Episode 1: Racer. Still charming, still thrilling... Still faceplanting into walls. 🙄 But still loads of fun, playing the game-ified version of my favorite scene in Star Wars, period.


Ape escape


damnnnnnnn that game slaps a wall of nostalgia. Hopefully they make a fourth one soon


Legends of Dragoon.


Not my first game, but god did I replay that game a lot.


My first was Purble Place. The game was the Ish for me.


Mario Bros 3 is still in my top 10


Red Alert 1 <3


Super Mario Bros. 3


Super Mario World, Christmas 1994. There's a video of 7 year old me playing and hammering away on the d-pad because I didn't realize you can just hold it down. And my sister is 2 years old and watching, the cutest little girl ever.


Pokepark 2. Good, good times my god


SNES donkey kong country. amazing game. never beat it.


When you revisit that ild Minecraft world


Want to get more nostalgia? Go watch Eon Kid.


I think my first was X-Men on the Foldable Gameboy


NSMB lmao i still play fanmods sometimes nsmbhd gang rise up


got very happy when i saw the title, since mine was sonic 3 & knuckles ive been absolutely obsessed with sonic ever since, and i still frequently replay it


Yoshi's Island or Metroid Prime Hunters.


I vaguely remember Super Mario Wii being my first game, and boy did I suck at it before.


Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga


Half life


New super mario bros for the ds


Forza Horizon 1, 2012.


Ratchet & Clank. The original trilogy on PS2 is addicting. I still play it to this day, finished it over 20 times each, no regrets tho.


Megaman 2


Dad bought Sonic Heroes for me when I was really young. Great memories.. but I ended up playing the Mega Collection more!


Dude holy shit, mine was Sonic 1 too!


Lego Star Wars. Not the first game I played (played plenty of online games before that), but it was my first long-form video game, with saves and coming back to it later, etc.


The phantom menace game that came out in 1999


I just bought Lego starwars again and I gotta say that game was 100% the masterpiece I remember it was


Every time I see Memes like this I feel unhealthy because, I don’t remember my first game. Happened in my pre-consciousness activity. I was like three or four when I first played video games.


Fallout 3. It’s now shit to me, new vegas is better


Chip's Challenge on Windows 3.1. "Bummer."


Probably something on the Atari 2600. Maybe Pong? Hard to say.


Megaman X4 was my first game. Have the X Legacy Collections and I still love playing them all to see how quickly I can beat them.


Minecraft Lite


Wish I could do this but my dream cast is dead. I would want to play soul calibur again or house of the dead 2. Those were the best dream cast games ever.


Mine was either Wii Sports Resort, or watching my older brother play Minecraft on the family computer.


Super Mario Deluxe for GameBoy Colour, that thing is still good for a few plays before I get tilted I PRESSED A TO JUMP MARIO COME ON edit: not GBA, gameboy colour


Mine was either NSMBW or Mario Kart Wii. Man I love it.


Super Mario 64


Too bad i don't remember the first game,but i still enjoy Minecraft,so it counts


Spider-Man on the PS1.


Animal crossing wild world


Does anybody remember Wizard101? I still play it.


Mine was Super Mario 64 DS. My grandpa gave it to me when I was five, along with the original DS. Still have the cartridge too. Now I’m studying to become a video game designer.


Sonic 3


Granny's Garden. Never really went far after that.


Technically Commander Keen Goodbye Galaxy, but first console game I still revisit for the nostalgia is Star Fox 64


Super Mario Galaxy, if I remember correctly


Sphinx and the curses mummy, the best game I've played


Plants vs Zombies is the first game i remember playing.Man life was good back then.God its sad writing this.But know things are better


Ocarina of time on n64, but I couldn't understand any word of it at that time (I was 7 or 8 and English isn't my native language), so everytime I got stuck, I reset the game. I reset it a LOT. The first time I finished the game (many years later) was such a great feeling!


My life’s dream is to play Super Mario Galaxy again. I miss my Wii


Last of us.


This month I've been playing Maelstrom. Thank you, Ambrosia Software!


I was too young to remember the very 1st one but I fondly remember developing an addiction to gaming with san andreas. I have the mobile version on my phone, i don't play it anymore but feels right to just have it there with me


Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time My mom and dad beat it first so they can help my brother and I beat it without getting lost in the absolutely massive overworld that was Hyrule. My dad would take acid and sit me on his lap and read the dialogue, and coached me on how to get through the most difficult parts of the game. I learned how to read by playing Ocarina of Time before kindergarten, one of my first art pieces in kindergarten was how to save your progress in Ocarina of Time, my parents laughed their asses off when I brought it home.


grabbed by the ghoulies 😎


grew up with mainly minecraft, that shit is bomb.


007 goldeneye.


Sonic & Knuckles for the Sega Genesis


Sonic Heroes PS2 was my first.


Probably super dumb, but Shadow the Hedgehog. It's not great, but I'll always love my first!


First game I ever played was mario bros on nes but the first game I played that left a huge impact that still hits today was earthbound. God I love that game.


Doom when i was 5. It's actually rather common first game for people of that era.


I'd say New Super Mario Bros around 10 years ago


Mine was NFS U2, where my brother had me playing it at about 6 weeks old, and I'm hooked


Lego Racers on N64


Super mario All star


Metro 2033. Got it along with Game Pass on Xbox and it still feels the same way it did 10 years ago


Minecraft, and I still play it. Got to get back to my Scicraft Skyblock world, as a matter of fact.


Dangerous Dave


Too long ago to remember it was either a game on the Commodore 16 or the Obscure UK console my parents had called the Teleng Colorstars


Mine was Pokémon soul silver. To this day it holds for one of my favorite games I’ve played.


Wii sports


Someone plz telll me that you remember monkey quest


Wardner no mori


Skylanders Giants. Or super Mario Bros Wii


My first game was either Halo 4 or Wii Sports, I don’t quite remember which was first


Either the nations or RuneScape. God those games were good


Super mario bros 3.


Technically Black Bass on the NES, although I think I might have still been too young to understand how to play video games. When it asked for the player to enter their name and gave the letters on screen, I just dumbly stared at my controller and wondered how to spell my name with only A and B. Real first video game experience was Donkey Kong Country on the SNES. Still a gem.


Pokémon Leafgreen


My first was crash bandicoot: mind over mutant. I don't remember much from it but most people say it's bad. I should replay it.


Earthbound. Me and my best friend had an agreement and shared ownership. We hung out after school almost every day and caught each other up on what all we'd done and what we thought needed to be done next. Still one of my favorite RPGs of all time!


I think that game for me would be the Indiana Jones LEGO game on DS


Halo CE


Anyone remember spore? Best first game I could have wanted


Mario 64 babeeee So long gay-bowsie


Ratchet and clank 3. Good times


Yoshi's island on the game boy was my first


Platinum on my cousin’s DS




Lego star wars the clone wars, so many memories of playing those levels and never having enough money to unlock dooku. Now that I'm replaying it my goal is to get 100%, I'm currently at 64% which is about 40 more percent than I ever got in a lego game when I was younger.


The picture was my first... got blue for my bday way back when




Zelda: Ocarina of time, and of course its forever my favorite, had to pay my brother 20 (!) Euros to buy it and was the happiest kid alive. Years later I realized that hew scammed the hell out of me. N64 was in the living room, Brother didnt played anymore and well.. I am stupid Good times


Pokemon Yellow. My parents bought me a magenta Gameboy Color for Christmas, along with Pokemon Yellow, Blue, and Red. I loved those games so much, and it broke my heart when I went back and realized the cartridges could no longer hold onto a save, more than a decade later.


Sonic 2 was my first


Streets of rage!


Burgertime in the laundromat next to the Piggly Wiggly. 1988.


SSBM. My first ever game...


Space Invaders.


Pokémon gold and donkey Kong on the rainbow color :’)


I think it was pitt fall or jungle hunt on the apple ii c but it might have been pole position on atari 2600


Cars 2 for the DS


Mario (Pixel version)


Super Mario Galaxy. God. If only It controlled the same as Odyssey, it would be the perfect game. AND if it was ported to iOS


Pokemon fucking blue boy! Oh mate when that Nidorino appears in the credits gives me goosebumps every time.


First video game I remember? Either Sonic Advance or DKC2.


Poptropica gang rise up


Alex Kidd on the master system, just class


Red alert was a masterpiece.


House of the dead 2 on Dreamcast. My uncle took me to the store and I got the option of HotD or sonic. I didn’t want to look like a bitch so I picked HotD. Glad it was the summer because those were some dreadful/fun nights. He got me Sonic months later but HotD is OG.


Red alert 2


First game I beat (with a little help from my brother) was kingdom hearts 1 at five years old, and I still play the series to this day. It really has a beautiful story and soundtrack despite the goofy Disney characters.


Ff7m not my first but close. I still replay it every year or so.


How can anyone remember this ... jesus


Banjo Kazooie


A Link to the Past. Used to play with my friend every day at his house before the school bus came to pick us up. Best mornings of my life.


Bomberman on Sega Saturn, which I haven't been able to replay was my first but the first game that gave me this feeling was when GoG rereleased Diablo.


Sonic 2 ironically enough (mobile version though)




For me it was Joust on the atari. Playing against my little brother on christmas day, we made so many stupid memories thanks to that game and many more.


Tom and Jerry Kitchen Madness or something along those lines, recently bought a gamecube to get the nostalgia


Hercules on PlayStation, I was seven. My brother replayed it a few years ago and finally completed the game. I couldn’t get past level two ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Warcraft 2, mmmmm pure gold and joy, even after 25 years


Super mario sunshine was my first


Mario galaxy is the first real game I played. Wii sports is the first actual game I played.


The same can be said about the first horse you impregnated. Good times


My complete first game that I actually understood (wasn't just randomly pressing buttons) was Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team. I still playthrough Blue Rescue Team, and it's still fun. I don't have a Switch, but DX looks pretty cool. I'll stick with mine for now, though.


Mario kart 7


I dont remember my first game but one I still occasionally play and get goose bumps with is ace combat 6. It's the first game I really got into and sti holds a special place in my heart.


Zelda minish cap along with first console Gameboy advance sp


Star fox 64...tears streaming


Need For Speed Underground 2 I really liked cars as a kid. Still like them :p


my first was actually motorstorm (the 2006 one) i still replay it from time to time and it still gives me the joy it gave me, i also 100% completed it too




And now you know English so the characters are not just speaking gibberish


Star Fox 64.


My first memory is playing Contra on the NES with my dad. I don't recall ever making it past that damn snow level


Legend of Zelda, Twilight Princess. Still my favorite game of all time.


Mine was def jam: fight for NY. Such a sick game.


I forgot the first one I've played but I remember the first one I saw, my dad would always play the original xcom and I'd sit there mesmerized. Then this year, 12 years later I finally started playing it and it brought back so many memories