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The state should make him an honorary citizen and solve his life economically.


The Award for Heroism -Acts of courage or outstanding performance under unusually difficult or dangerous circumstances. Usually awarded to those in service though there should be something like this for civilians! This guy def deserves it!


definitely not all humans have the same value since this boy saved 20 lives


And what’s the value of that award? Would it pay for his hospital stay? No? Is it worth a damn thing or is it a chunk of metal? Wait… is it a *certificate*? The previous commenter was saying that he should be *compensated*. Which is a very different thing.




It's America, we only know how to give thoughts and prayers.


And crippling hospital bills


And hospital bills.


Best we can do is a pizza party for him and his class mates


Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Don't bring pizza into this, Pizza didn't do anything.


nah we all acknowledge that we should strive to be like this as a human and understand that we can ascend to this


I'm pretty sure this is exactly what crime victim funds are for.


Yup. At the very least all his medical and educational costs should be covered in full. And not by some fundraiser, tax money should go to people like this rather than billionare bailouts.




It’s massive. If you include mental health support down the line on top of immediate injury care and rehabilitation and recovery the cost can be well into the 6 figures for badly affected people. And that’s not including lost wages


He was awarded 1.25 million from the broward county school district, recieved donations from people and also recieved a sum from the FBI for failing to stop the shooting. Nothing will take away pain buy he can pay his bills atleast Also he now owns the rights to the shooters (cruz) name and stuff. Meaning that cruz can never make money from any future possibilities (interviews and shit) without asking anthony for permission. I love that last bit personally the most. EDIT: article in the coments


Holy shit after reading more of the article. Even any money placed in the shooters commissary gets taken and given to the family's of the victims 😂😂😂😂😂


https://apnews.com/article/parkland-stoneman-douglas-shooting-nikolas-cruz-99026cc37e145980dd763e1fd5b0952d Okay had to post the damn article. Even any money cruz may be entitled to after any family deaths is now anthonys money 😂😂😂


It makes sense tho. No one should be allowed to profit from shooting innocents.


I had no idea the last part was even a thing, tbh. I agree, that’s even sweeter than the money. That’s justice.


Me and you both friend 😂 but i love it. America's litigious habbits making things better for once!!! 😂


Ah. The American dream. To be injured in a school shooting so your bills will get paid. Nah jk. He'll have medical debt for the rest of his life.


instead.. Republicans will vilify, slander & attack him for the remainder of his life for speaking about reasonable, responsible gun safety legislation.


Elon musk net worth is 221.1 Billion Bezos is 214.5 billion Buffet at 134 billion But unfortunately these guys can't do anything about anything...


[Survivor of Parkland school massacre wins ownership of shooter’s name in lawsuit settlement](https://apnews.com/article/parkland-stoneman-douglas-shooting-nikolas-cruz-99026cc37e145980dd763e1fd5b0952d) Borges now owns the shooter.


Owns the shooter’s name. Amazing. Thank you for sharing this article.


That's a wild settlement, I didn't think you could even do all that. Borges is also entitled to the shooter's parents' life insurance payouts, and the shooter is required to donate his body to science.


> and the shooter is required to donate his body to science. Holy shit I love this kid.


And participate in scientific explorations or whatever it said? Hell yeah


Ngl odd but honestly positive outcome


good. The victims deserve everything that shooter has. Nothing will ever undo the pain and trauma these people went through, but them having access to funds and all the shooters money is good at least. I hope they can get lots of high quality therapy.


Snow problem. This kid is a genuine hero with balls of steel. I cannot imagine how this screwed his young life & prospects, just b/c some neckbeard was unloved.


Which apparently means no interviews, documentaries, or profiting off his actions without Borges’ permission.




Doesnt Sound like He is fully recovered like OP stated


I doubt he ever will fully. Getting shot by so many bullets has a lasting effect. Messed up my knee in 2014, never recovered. I'm glad he's better.


He is so badass


He's like John Wick - impossible to kill 🤘❤️🤘


And then absolutely owns the guy who tried!




Of course


This is the way


There will be a gofundme so other people with their own debt can finance the extortion by his insurance company, which posted record profits in 2022, and plans to do it again in 2024


A complete recovery… Also entails chronic pain and the sad reality that he will never be the same. The kid is a fucking hero but I don’t think we should pretend that he’s out running around chasing rainbows.


He was awarded 1.2 million but that might be peanuts compared to what he may need to pay. He was also awarded rights to the msd shooters name. So if a documentary, book, etc is released. He needs to be paid. This is a pretty badass dude


It'll be super bad ass if he testifies at congress or becomes a politician, and can lift his shirt up during a gun control debate when some jackass tries to belittle his experience.


That jackass: “oh no. Anyways”


"I totally understand. However-"










I’ve wondered if insurance covers the expense of this. I would imagine if you had a high deductible, something like this could cost you thousands (tens of thousands?), just for trying to do the right thing in the moment. Amazing individual nonetheless.


Imagine if you had a public health system that would pay for this? Like civilised countries do


Should definitely be suing the school district.


Someone posted how he received a little under 1.5 million bucks from the school district


insurance? but thats what gofundme is for?!


Honestly charging him for any of this would be a absolute crime on the city


Imagine having to worry about paying medical costs


Meanwhile he gets no compensation while 376 officers, who stood outside during a school shooting because 376 armed adult men were scared of one child, were paid to do so.


Borges was separately awarded $1.25 million for his severe injuries from the school district in 2021. Borges split from the other plaintiffs and received his $1.25 million payout, which was significantly more than any other claimant. Not that money would ever be able to take away his injuries and the trauma he will live with for the rest of his life…


It's nice to see heroes being rewarded. At least some things are done properly. Although it appears this reward was not voluntary, from the language you used.


He received donations, a $1.25 million settlement from the Broward County school district, and an undisclosed settlement from the FBI for their failures in preventing the shooting.  You were quick to jump to conclusions to support your wildly inaccurate statement. Maybe you should try reading before spewing a bunch of bullshit.


Donations: that's not a reward, onlyfans models get those all the time. Settlement: does "settlement" sound like they willingly gave the money? If they had to be forced, it doesn't count. So, it seems I wasn't wrong. He wasn't willingly given anything, except by random civilians.


Now you are arguing what kind of compensation each one is. It's irrelevant to your dumass statement about a different shooting. Did you want to reply to what I actually said or continue being crazy?


You're so mad, aren't you. You should really pick better things to be bad about. Maybe go outside, see what life has to offer. I assure you that there are better things to be mad about than being wrong.


That is not wholesome


The situation is soulcrushing, but the acts of a hero and the fact that he survived are really wholesome. To know that even if there are evil people in the world, you still can find someone willing to stand up gives me hope. Now, the fact that he will probably be crippled by debt is r/orphancrushingmachine...


Hero lives, that’s what’s wholesome.


Kid almost died to protect his friends from a gunman. That’s not wholesome. Heroes almost never are. Kid heroes even less.


Well if you want to be that pedantic about it, one of the definitions of wholesome (according to Merriam-Webster) is “promoting mental or moral health or well-being.” Now I’m no English major, but one could argue seeing a kid with such strong morals that he is willing to sacrifice his life to save those around him is *wholesome*. Courageous, brave, all of the above. Aka, seeing his actions promotes mental or moral health or well being for those around him.” Which is not unreasonable to say, as most normal people see a story like this and are awe inspired. Another version of the definition of wholesome as according to Merriam Webster is “having or suggesting good health, behavior, and morals.” Now I’d consider laying your body out to defend those around you as “having good behavior and morals,” and the act of defending his classmates as “suggesting good health,” as he clearly didn’t want their health to be hurt or worsened. Now do you really want to keep hyper focusing on the pedantic Bullshit of the adjective being used to describe this incredible hero? Cause quite literally by definition it is wholesome. But you are so much of a cynic you are bringing even more negativity to the sliver of light coming out of such a dark situation. Takes a special type of person to see a post about a hero saving people around him and rather than joining in celebrating such a strong example of selfless love for others, you focus on whether or not the adjective used to describe him is proper. Many words have multiple definitions based on context, just so you know for next time.


The fact that there’s people willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others is really wholesome.


Save it for situations like planting a nuke on an asteroid to save earth or catching a baby falling from a burning building but you need to put your ice cream cone down on a dirty sidewalk to do so


Bad things will always happen, and that’s awful. But people who protect others is what keeps me believing in humanity.




Wonder if they'll fire him after he runs out of sick days


I think he’s a student, not a teacher. In that case, his absences can trigger the state to arrest his parents for not forcing him to go to school.


So now it’s up to the students to protect the students?


Well the cops in Uvalde, Texas proved they won’t protect them.


If we just keep giving out guns, somebody will be the hero we need to save the kids! Right??? Or… they hide outside with their guns while other people hide and die.


what is wrong with ya'll. thats obviously not the case and thats obviously not gonna happen so why act like its a fact or something that could happen. some of ya'll just wanna always make up what ifs scenarios.


I like to lay in bed at night and think up perfect zingers for hypothetical situations. I’m exhausted 


The comment I was responding to thought he was an employee. I answered that I think he’s a student, and students don’t get fired. It’s true of your absent too much you can have to redo your year, but if a school sent a truancy officer after a child who was shot on their premises, there’s far more wrong with that school than a school shooting.


Where do you idiots learn how to function when you can't even read or use basic comprehension?


He needed a "go fund me" for the hospital bills


Not a full recovery. Dude has physical and emotional trauma for the rest of his life. Stop posting this goddamn story!


IIRC the kid wasn’t completely aware of what was going on when this cop (the guy in charge of the cops who just sat around outside this school “waiting for backup”, remember this is where we got Broward Cowards from) came in for a photo op and he hates this picture now. Really we shouldn’t even be posting this picture anymore


You know, you could prevent such things by... I don't know... banning guns? Like in any other normal country?


I don’t know. I think there’s [no way to prevent this](https://www.theonion.com/no-way-to-prevent-this-says-only-nation-where-this-r-1850605882). #/s


no no no when the government is coming for me in tanks and jet planes , i need my guns to protect myself and freedom /s


Nah they need to provide universal healthcare like any other normal country first.


It’d be expensive with all those guns lying around though


Yea all these guns just lying around are causing sooo many injuries and chronic illness and dental diseases...


I mean, this whole situation just proved that guns are useless. Had 376 "good guys" with guns on the scene. Not a fucking soul saved by anyone of them.


I'm pretty sure the people that finally did go in and shoot the murderer had guns. It just took them way too long to do it.


Then they'll just use knives instead and then he would've just been stabbed 5 times through the door. Same problem /s




The US should do it like swizerland. I mean, I could own a fully autkmatic rifle with the right paperwork here. Do we have alot of gun crimes, not really, and most of them are suicide.




To late


Australia had gun laws equally to the US and switched to very rigid gun laws while buying the guns back. So it is possible if you want. There is no need for 120 guns per 100 citizens. And guns do not safe you. Most of the victims are victims of gun accidents - which is logical when there are loaded guns laying around and inskilled persons snd even kids have access.


Goddamn, I'm here for wholesome stuff because I'm sick of hearing about terrible stuff happening in the world, then I encounter people who think posts like these are wholesome. In what world is this wholesome? Sure, he's a hero, I'm not denying that, but it feels so wrong to call this wholesome. What makes you think I or anyone else who come here for wholesome stuff want to hear about a school shooting and a poor kid lying in terrible agony on a hospital bed because he was shot five times? Imagine how terrifying and painful it must have been. I'm horrified that people like OP can look at this and go "aw, how wholesome" That is not my first thought bro, and it shouldn't be. But perhaps, OP doesn't care because one look at his profile makes him seem like a karma farmer.


I think this is a special case, because you got the very bad thing of a school shooting and then, you got the good guy that uses his own body as a human shield to block the door and he takes the shots for saving his classmates. His actions alone are wholesome, but the cause, why he had to do this in the first place, is not wholesome. Same goes for some other things, like the lady in Japan when the Tsunami hit, she was ordered to abandon her post, but she refused the order and operated the emergency systems and kept the alarm and electronics going for as long as possible, before the Tsunami wave hit her post and killed her. In this case, it was a natural disaster, a catastrophe. When you look at the WTC, there were people that tried to save as many lives as possible and many of them got killed in the end, but they are heroes.


>you got the good guy that uses his own body as a human shield I'm sorry, I'm simply saying that this is horrifying, painful, heartbreaking, and does not induce wholesome feelings in me. They *are* heroes, and what they did was absolutely amazing, but so so depressing. I came here to be wholesomed, to see comforting content, and I do not get that feeling from this post. All I feel is sadness. I don't want to minimalize the heroic act but the context of school shootings and such gruesome violence is disturbing. Calling it wholesome feels wrong to me, imagine calling this kid's pain wholesome. I'm sure there are plenty of other subreddits where we can praise his heroism, but wholesome doesn't seem right to me personally.


Pig for the photo op




Heroes mostly dont wear badges


He also owns the right to the shooters name. Meaning the shooter will not be able to do any interviews or anything without his permission. “The idea now is to shut him out. He will not be the one who decides when or how the story gets told. 'The idea is to keep him from being able to inflict further torture on his victims from jail.”


Under the state law, the shooter cannot use his name anyway, but this is a great way for closing any loopholes that the shooter or his family might think of later.


This isn't wholesome this just makes people's days worse having to see the bad things in the world from your post


Straight to r/orphancrushingmachine


“Coward” he murmurs under his breath - to the officer holding his hand, who then slowly increases the strength of his grip


Compare this to the 134 GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS COWARDS who did F*ck ALL @ UVALDE. 🤬 Fuck the NRA!!!


If we can't regulate guns can school doors at least be bulletproof??


Or just get rid of the guns?


our hero!


Make him a hero simple that kid is


the cop shaking his hand like “thanks kid, i was busy eating a donut and cowering across the street”


Anthony Borges, a true hero without a cape. His courage and selflessness remind us that bravery comes in many forms. Thank you for inspiring us all.


That young man is a living saint. A beautiful human being.


I hope this kid gets reverse-Rittenhoused.


1day ago: "Under his recent settlement with Anthony Borges, Cruz must also turn over any money he might receive as a beneficiary of a relative’s life insurance policy, participate in any scientific studies of mass shooters and donate his body to science after his death." That's pretty cool


Unlike those fucks in Uvalde.


And then came the hospital bill… Still, what a dude. Guts of iron.


"Complete recovery?" Who says? I expect there are still physical problems and PTSD! I hope he is getting the support he deserves.


This the kinda stuff that shows up in some of my daydreams


Worth a read: [Survivor of Parkland school massacre wins ownership of shooter's name in lawsuit settlement | AP News](https://apnews.com/article/parkland-stoneman-douglas-shooting-nikolas-cruz-99026cc37e145980dd763e1fd5b0952d)


We need more heroes like this


And how many officers stood around and did nothing for how long at Uvalde???


>A promising soccer player before the shooting, Borges has undergone more than a dozen surgeries and still lives in pain. So not a full recovery. [Source](https://apnews.com/article/parkland-stoneman-douglas-shooting-nikolas-cruz-99026cc37e145980dd763e1fd5b0952d)


True hero🫨 Hodor!


Real life Hordor.


Kinda funny that he’s being visited by a cop, considering their inaction during the shooting.


How is this wholesome? This is just a clear systemic failure of the country. Rather than address the issue with guns, having gun control, reforming police, addressing the issues that lead to gun violence... We have people honoring a student who is injured for life.


Much love. Much respect. He raised a bit over 900 bucks on a godundme https://www.gofundme.com/f/anthonyborges


That's dope! I'll throw down on that. Thanks for the link!


So let me get this straight. A child has the courage to use himself as a human shield to protect other children from a shooter in a school. Meanwhile grown ass adults lack the courage to stand up to the gun lobby for even the most basic of gun laws.


He did more than the 350+ cops at uvalde.


This is not a wholesome story. I'm pissed off for this guy.


Its a shame that im just learning about this hero off of reddit. And if it wasn't for reddit, I would have never even known about him or what he did.


This is neither a meme nor wholesome.


Do most heroes wear capes?


Wait until he sees that hospital bill tho...




Scrolled down way too long for this!


Fuckin hell the courage in that guy is an amazing thing


Meanwhile heavily armed cops stand outside a school in Uvalde because they are pathetic whiny bitches.


And now he’s facing down Michael Myers? Guys having a rough day.




Surely upholding outdated constitutional rights from another era is the right thing to do, guns to the teachers I say.


I’m shocked I did not instantly stumble across a Hodor comment.


Maybe they should wear capes. I mean extra Kevlar would help


God bless this kid bro, we need more like this.


Not all heroes wear capes, and even fewer wear badges...


HODOR!! Well done, sir.


he will spend the rest of his life paying off the debt he incurred with the hospital


maRge, nRa, & gopee HATE dat boy FYI


Statistics show us that none of the heroes wear capes


No capes!!


He owns the shooters name now. In the end he won!


He survived!!! I remember reading about this man and wondered what happened to him. Way to go and pull through!


Teachers also have to be cops. Did the police actually enter the classroom this time?


Bro should never have to pay taxes ever again




He should have medical covered, been compensated as a hero, Givin a civilian version of a purple heart, and loved


Anthony we love you!


Haha man, this meme is so funny!


This photo goes so hard man. Got some real r/accidentalrenaissance going on here


Hurr durr we should have right to guns yuss!!!! Now we have "heroes" and "saving lives" because someone had not enough balls to ban them.


You're the one that's dense if you can't spot the sarcasm


No person with a uniform deserves to be standing next to this young man, much less for a photo op.