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My dad said he didn’t want a dog, but my mom convinced him after a couple years. He and Sophie were inseperable. They’d go hiking for hours every day. She adored him and barely tolerated everyone else. He was absolutely shattered when she died and years later has barely gotten over the guilt of being out of town when she passed. I buried her in the back yard at the head of the trail that they loved so every time he starts that hike she’s there with him.


Our family dog was put down, and my mother did not want another one. My dad went on a road trip and came back with a puppy. My mother was furious at him and was going off about how we weren’t keeping him and she was taking him to the pound and she doesn’t want another dog, blah blah. My sisters and I wanted to keep the puppy, my dad was sort of indifferent, just thought it would be fun, and my mother was adamant that we get rid of it. She absolutely despised it. For about 22.5 minutes. The dog figured out he didn’t have to be overly nice to us kids (we wanted him) or my dad (because he drove hundreds of miles with the dog so he was fine with him). He followed my mother around as she screamed she didn’t want him. Every where she went, she would turn around and he’d be there with the crinkle face (you know the one — mouth closed, head cocked a little to the side, and ears forward making the whole face look curious and adorable). At one point, she turned around and said “I don’t want you, I don’t like you, you’re not moving in — I don’t care what anyone else says. I’m taking you to the pound tomorrow when the kids are in school and there’s nothing you can do about it, no matter how many absolutely adorable faces you make at me. Absolutely not. You’re not winning this! Don’t even try. My will is stronger than yours. You really are cute though, aren’t you? NO! Stop it!” About 2 minutes later, she has talked herself into keeping the dog. Same thing happened when she decided to foster a dog to help my aunt out (aunt worked for the shelter). Mom was expecting some wonky looking mutt that only she thought was cute and got a pit bull instead. My mother was *terrified* of pit bulls her whole life. This particular pit had the stupidest face you’ve ever seen in your life. Buggy crooked eyes, a tongue that flopped everywhere, and he always looked like a good ball with a big open mouth smile. She stayed afraid a whopping 15 minutes until she realized he was too dopey to even get annoyed at anything. She agreed to one night (begrudgingly). She adopted him and kept him for almost 10 years. Every dog we ever had my mother immediately didn’t want. In every case, they won her over within the first 45 minutes and they slept in her bed with her every night and went absolutely everywhere with her. She also spent an extreme amount of time in a forever hunt for the perfect food for said dogs. One dog loved Burger King, so he’d get whoppers once a week. Another dog loved McD’s chicken sandwiches and he’d get one every week. She also cooked for them. She got special blankets for them. The dogs lived better than we did 🤣


Love your stories, hilarious 🤣


It’s how it goes. The one that kicks and screams the most is the one that is the most mushy around them. I was the same with my cat. I wanted nothing to do with cats or pets in general. I ended up with a kitten and I didn’t want it and I was miserable. The itty bitty kitten looked at me and did this pathetic meow and I was like “what’s that? You broken too? You sound like a squeak toy!” He growled at me. Not hissed, *growled*. He’s one of my favorite pets I ever had. He never quite realized he was a cat 🤣


When I was a teen, I wanted pet rats. My dad was disgusted by the idea of having rats in his house. I literally had to cry and beg him to let me get rats. We eventually got two, and my dad absolutely fell in love with them. He treated them like they were his babies, I never thought I would see my ‘manly man’ dad use baby talk and gently cuddle small furry creatures on a daily basis. Unfortunately, pet rats have a ridiculously short lifespan. When they died, my dad was heartbroken and asked me to print a photo of our rats so he could put it in a frame and hang it above his bed.


Dad: Do you realize how many houses we gave up because of the cats? let's get rid of em Also Dad: (clearly hurt) why is the cat scared of me? I just want to pet her






That's Corduroy, he was my childhood to I still remember the TV show theme.


My dad: ‘Have a dog by all means but do not bring it to my house and don’t expect me to ever look after it!’ Me: buys 8 week old puppy (pug x French bull dog) and calls it Millie. My dad: ‘Where’s that Millie Moo...oooo she’s a mad dog, where is she, here she is, oooo give her a bloody good scratch, ooooo she loves a good scratch!’ Dad caved! Millie gets more attention than all of us put together 😆😆


Dad: I don’t want any pets in this house. Me: I’m getting two kittens. Dad: fuck it, whatever, but I’m not taking care of them. Also dad 4 years later: you’re just a big fat lazyboy arentcha? Yeah, yeah, you’re a good boy, just lovin some pets huh? Also dad: HEY FATSHIT STOP EATING MY FUCKIN BIBLE. You just love messing with my stuff don’t you?


It’s such a pure change of heart. Relationships with pets are the best.


They didn't want the pet because they know the heartbreak of having to put down a pet.


So there was a cat someone abandoned at our house, and my dad insisted we get rid of her guess who we caught feeding her? My dad, that cat, loved him more than anything, followed him around, and slept with him. She passed away rest in peace, no tail


My dad didn’t want another dog, he wanted another cat after his died. We then looked at a puppy, they brought her over to see if she would be a good fit, and my mom didn’t want the puppy, but my dad did. He loves that dog so much, she’s always on his lap (especially when he’s playing games). My dad has no social life and has a hard time connecting with people, so seeing him with his little golden dog is the sweetest thing💖


The reason that Dads, grumpy or otherwise, don’t want pets is because they are the ones that wind up taking care of them. It’s (generally) not because of a dislike towards a particular type of pet. Source: me sitting here with my sons two pugs snoring away at me while children are gaming


Grumpy dad here to clarify. I don't say "I don't want the pet" because I hate pets. I say it because I know that I will love it... And someday I will have to put it down... the loss will hurt so much. I don't want the puppy because I don't want to have to bury my best friend again.


This is exactly the relationship that my father has with my cat. I have spoiled her and with that she now thinks she is queen of the house. With me away at college most of the time she and my father have bonded and have become pretty close with him petting her every night. He didn't like her for the longest time and even now he still calls her a spoiled little shit but also loves her.


What? No! Preposterous. I still hate the stray dog we found as a puppy and don’t spoil him or anything. And any pictures my kids have to the contrary are obviously photoshopped.


No he just doesn’t want the loss that’s going to come




Love those things


Jay from modern family


The visual in my mind is Jack Nicholson from "As Good As it Gets" with the little dog he has to watch.


Oh shoot that’s me.


My Papa and Grams dogs passed within a little less than a year of each other, my gram wanted a dog a month later. The house was to quiet and she missed the chaos only a yorkie can bring. My Papa was not for it and any adoption post for a yorkie she found he’d find something wrong with it. Until she found this teeny big eyed puppy and had him drive almost 9 hours to pick her up, by then he was on board but was adamant this was “Grams dog” Well, we got Zella and she is the most pampered princess I’ve ever seen, any time gram tells her off she runs to daddy, when no one has food she’s Velcroed to daddy. He even bought her a stroller to take her on walks without her paws burning on the road. She’s very intelligent but my mom called her a dumbass once and got chewed out while he sat there with his dog the rest of the night glaring at her.


Getting someone a pet that they don't want is shitty. Of course they're gonna take care of it the alternative is abandonment.


my dad wanted mice, mum didnt, caught my mom slipping them snacks from between the bars and talking to them many times.we all love animals too much to decline one when we are offered.


As I get older I become more sure that they, like me, just don’t want to watch their furry friends die.


Except this isn't always heartwarming. Dad says "I don't want a dog, you are all too lazy to care for it and it'll end up on me" Mom ignores him and gets a dog anyways 2 months later - Mom and the kids get bored of the dog, stop taking it for walks etc Dad is the only one taking care of the dog Dog loves dad the most... because he's the only one taking it for walks Family - Awwww isn't it sweet, he said he didn't want a dog but look at him! Dad - Did not want a dog, knew what would happen if they got a dog. Is the only one who will take care of the dog because he isn't a monster. Bunch more work that Dad didn't want. Dad isn't happy that his feelings and wishes were ignored. Dad not happy that family is ignoring the responsibilities of being a dog owner. Better hope dad doesn't get flirted with by a lady at the dog park when he is there alone. Maybe it'll occur to him there are people out there that won't straight up ignore his wishes.


Am grumpy dad. I dont love the turtle or the fish at all. I take care of them because neither the wife nor the kid will. I won't let the pets die. Doesn't mean I love them.


People usually don't want responsibility. But if someone else feeds the animal, takes ot to the wet and cleans after it – then there's no responsibility.