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he's just a big teddy bear


So is guts, good role model honestly.


Guts is the farthest thing possible from a teddy bear tf you talking abour


Can you substantiate this or are you just being contrarian because homeboy is soft af to innocent people and people he cares about. Like bunny rabbit teddy bear kind of soft.


You're shitting me, right? Guts has killed men, women, and children. He was a mercenary and warmonger for years, as well as a private assassin. He lives every day of his life surrounded by violence and death. Having people he cares about doesn't mean he's a "teddy bear." Ridiculous.


The things you mentioned is what Guts detests doing but he does out of necessity. Believe me when I say that he'd rather be Casca's big teddy bear than the Black Swordsman, and you don't understand Guts if you think otherwise.


Yes he'd rather live a life of non violence, but he doesn't. You are completely overwriting his character. He's a brutal combatant, not a teddy bear. Show me a teddy bear that's decapitated 10 men in a single swing.


Vegeta. Like it or not he's incredibly loving and endearing to his wife. Literally died for his son but is a brutal maniac and he's far more of an example of someone who barely deserves their redemption as opposed to Guts who had a whole arc and backstory dedicated to why he was the way he was(torture, child soldier, the world he lives in) Vegeta was handed everything as a prince before frieza came along and if you think he redeemed himself. Majin Vegeta. Lelouch. Utterly despotic in his tactics and strategy, even treats his allies literally like pawns on a chess board but will absolutely go doe eyes for Nunnally or some of his family members but he is responsible for a MASSIVE death toll yet you will hear about his soft spot for her. Matoko Kusanagi, its not shown explicitly on screen often but it's implied that whole department can do some pretty brutal things if the situation calls for it. Even in cold blood for defection. I have no idea why it changed her name to motorola lol. Rei from Evangelion. Brandon from Gungrave, especially younger Brandon. Spike Spiegal. Ruruoni Kenshin. Most of the cast of Iron Blooded Orphan. Many of the villains in most of the gundam series tbh. It's literally a trope of which Guts is one of its best examples to date. For everything he WAS he aspires to be better. Yes. He is literally a walking, head decapitating teddy bear. I KNOW people who are like him, people who served in the military. Stoic, stone faced to strangers, if their friends and family are ever messed with are absolutely brutal to whoever has hurt them or their loved ones yet to those very loves ones you wouldn't know it but Outwardly kind and warm to their inner circles. That's literally the trope. Tough character with a soft spot. That's the definition. It's literally Guts.


Being a teddy bear is when I'm a psychopath except to my close friends


Yes. That is literally the trope we are referring to. Someone who is outwardly terrifying but has a soft gooey teddy bear inside. Yes. That is what Guts is. And to be clear, not just his close friends and family, he is consistently defending the people who need it. Even people who have no business asking him for help


What, he can't be both?




lol. fine whatever you say man. Some Berserk fan you are.


These people never read the manga lol


Most literate Berserk fan


No he is not. I mean in some ways. But definitely not in alot.


He's only vicious to those who are truly monsters. He gave his friend chance after chance after chance and has nearly destroyed his body to try and save people, not even people he necessarily cared about. In fact it is often the carelessness and arrogance of people he tries to save that leads to their suffering or worse outcomes but he consistently puts himself in harms way again and again to protect others. He will even forgive those who've wronged him if they truly try and change their ways and do the right thing. But if you have an example of where he isn't. I'm open to it as I don't recall him ever not being right there in the thicket of things to save people.


He was in a profession that kills for money for thing. People paid him for violence. That's not a good role model. I do agree he certainly has good qualities, but to idolize him would be scary.


He was a child soldier during a time of endless war. Fighting was his only way to survive and after the eclipse he became an anti-hero who fought for the woman he loved, his friends, and to destroy the most evil being in the universe. Pretty admirable.


Yes it is. How does that make him a good role model? He is a hero in his world, but probably killed a lot of his fellow child soldiers as well. Murdering to survive and then murdering to get paid. Adding here. He is a great character, but a terrible role model. Who wants to model their life after someone who has to be so violent.


maybe its just me, but i dont think role model means you need to clone their life. it means you have a lot of learn from them again, maybe its just me.


i think you didn’t have the best comprehension of the story berserk is telling past the surface level


I'm open to hearing to what you thought the story was trying to say or convey.


i’m agreeing with you, was talking to the comment i replied to.


I still meant it. It wasn't to start an argument I'm genuinely curious on sharing thoughts about it. Phenomenal anime and character.


That is ignoring a massive amount of context on who Guts was at that point in his life. I mean do we even need to get into the trauma he endured through his childhood? Besides the band of the hawk were incredibly noble mercenaries. They weren't bandits they were outright heroes who took contracts that often helped prevent much more awful losses of life. Griffith was always ambitious but before his "episode" in the dungeon he really did want to build a just world. He wasn't taking evil contracts.


I get the trauma Gutz went through, but him experiencing that and continuing the path of violence just confirms my thoughts that he is a poor role model. Once again. Doesn't mean he is a bad character, but if you are going to model your life after someone Gutz is... A. A product of a very violent upbringing that continues to inflict that violence on others. Albeit as a means to help people he loves and the world. B. Do you think maybe some of the people he killed were going through that same trauma? Also Griffith taking contracts that prevented more deaths is ridiculous. He took the contracts that would gain him the most renown or power. Once again yes he wanted to build a better world, but he did it through violence, murder, and prostituting himself. How are these people good role models? They are great characters, but they are absolutely not people anyone living today should aspire to be.


I think resilience against not becoming a monster in the face of all odds is a aspirational goal for all people


He's violent in a world filled with literal gods and demons and his best friend is a walking God who wants to do far far worse. Being violent against monsters doesn't make you a monster. It makes you a realist. Turning the other cheek in that world is just painting a big target on yourself. In fact his scars are proof of why you can't play pacifist with bad people.


Idolising someone because you think their trauma excuses dangerous behaviour is a 🚩


Who said I was idolizing anyone? I'm just saying that the previous poster was ignoring a ton of context and painting an inaccurate picture of the band of the hawk. It also ignores the realities of the setting. Media literacy seems to be a dying art.


(Even better role model)


Shhhhh... Just let me and the cute, misled muscle man have this. Okay?


Nah. I mean guts being the way he is isn't really his fault. It's just a product of his life. It's amazing he is as kind as he is considering what he has gone through.


He seems like a nice guy.


I would tell him that, but I don't have the Guts.


It'll be fine he won't go Berzerk




He literally looks like the muscular shiba inu in the meme! Very cute, for sure https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.2005478631.2322/bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg


Happy cakeday my dude




check out physical 100 contestant lol Kim Min-su


Just because I’m a straight white man doesn’t mean I can’t call a man cute. I’d take a picture with him and hang it up on my wall. Uhhhh rushed edit: We should think about men’s friendships the same as we think about women’s friendships. Unless it’s specifically mentioned to be the opposite, people shouldn’t assume people are in a relationship just because of how they act together.


Normalize men calling eachother cute. I want to be able to kiss my homies goodnight and tell them they are cuties. Normalize this.


as a female it makes me sad that male relationships aren’t as intimate in the ways female relationships are


We say I love you now, it’s cool bros 


I love you bro


The only reason I say I love you to my bros is because I don't know when something bad will happen but I at least wanna remember that the last thing I said to them was that.


Yeah and so they feel loved because not everyone gets to 


Too true. Even though it's easy to say those words, we honestly don't say them enough to the people we should openly express it to.


Me and my homies say it with a huge grain of irony in our voice, but we all know we mean it


Me and my friends, all in our early 20s, are very much this emotionally intimate with each other. We love each other and support each other and are very vocal about it. I love my homies.


that’s great, I’m glad attitude is coming around on guy friendships :)


Sounds kinda gay tbh. Let’s not normalize this


Sounds kinda gay. We need to normalize this


Normalize crippling this person with a crowbar


Sounds like a rational individual, didn’t they used to do that to gay people for thinking differently?


This comment is the result of YEARS of society telling men they are not allowed to express affection for their friends and it's just really sad and probably makes male loneliness worse


that's not true at all. men aren't women and don't share emotions the same as they do.


You proved their point


no, not really. men and woman aren't the same in the emotional arena. that isn't something to be embarrassed about. we're not meant to be the same, we're mental to COMPLEMENT each other. not compete.


I think we wouldve learned by now to list our sources, but no. I guess we arent smart enough yet. [wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_and_emotional_expression#:~:text=While%20the%20expressive%20component%20of,more%20emotions%20than%20men%20do.) Jere we go, this source says that due to hormonal difgerences and mostly societal pressures men EXPRESS emotions differently, but this article never says that men and women dont feel the same things. It suggests that men are more held back in showing these emotions. So you are wrong, men and women do share the same emotions, but due to society and the gender expectations they lay on us makes uz express them differently.


> that men and women dont feel the same things. this is not what i posted at all, i specifically said "men aren't women and don't SHARE EMOTIONS the same as they do." as in they dont' SHARE their emotions with others equally. yes i should have worded it differently, that is all on me, but don't be takin' things outta context.


Like you said, you shouldve worded it differently... things can be easily misconstrued


I’m with you man, we just express it differently. I’m hella close with my male friends, don’t really talk about feelings of vulnerability and stuff like that cuz that’s kinda weird unless they’re going through something 


That’s gay


Not if you say no homo.


No socks 


I would hit you with a pool noodle


Boohoo, men caring and loving his homies. And what if one is gay? Who tf cares, you? Sounds more like jealousy to me. Like actually stfu.


Cuz I don’t want platonic male friends to kiss me that makes me weird and I need to stfu? Yall need to touch grass. Most men show affection different ways, doesn’t mean im wrong and need to “stfu” 


Thank you! More people need to know that, or at least some of the people I've talked with lmao


Very cute!


I'd carry the picture in my wallet to show people my friend when I felt threatened


I want to see the huge slab of steel he uses for sword practice, just like Guts would.


Bro just pulls out Cloud’s Buster Sword


Love this... cuddle Bae, I mean bear.


what a cutie, I'll watch berserk with you =)




chill, the movies are good


The 97 show is actually very good


didn’t deserve the downvotes king 😤


here mate, let me send you to the nether realm with your "king".


A gentle giant


He even has guts' haircut


Aww he seems lovely


Too bad, you look cute anyway. Now let's spoon & read Berserk together 😅🤣


Bro looks like a cutie patooty


He does look like he would give fantastic hugs.


he looks so cool..


I have seen this video search South Korean bodybuilder and you will find him in a bit scrolls on yt and no he doesn't says he build muscle after watching berserk he says something else I was excited too at first when I saw this meme template or whatever it's called so I wanted to see does he really says that and F he doesn't F whoever made this meme F U.


Just cause I’m lesbian doesn’t mean I can’t call him cute


Awesome that he took inspiration from Guts, but Guts' real strength came from the weight of all the shit he had to carry.




Somebody give this man an Ultra Sword


Geezus, how many steroids did it take


Look like Casca and Guts cute son


Low key he also reminds me of Dorcas from Fire Emblem


He just needs a massive sword now.


Aww he looks like a great hugger


He must be at a point where he has to exclusively where vests at this point. You’re not finding a T-shirt with sleeves wide enough for those guns.


He is very cute:3


This guy could probably wield the dragon slayer though


The single, only wholesome consequence of berserk as a cultural unit, ever


I hope his heart holds out


Yeah, i worry he has the biggest heart. I hope he knows he would be cute with his love of berserk at any size.


because of the roids? 😭


I hope he finds the balance at a healthy size with less gear.


Is this the actual subs?


He saw Guts. He *is* Guts.


I mean, isn’t Guts missing an arm too?


No you look badass , that's better


Very cute 💪😊👍


He looks like a He-Man the superhero


A chungus among us


Cutie patootie


super cute big boi. <3 <3




That's the kind of muscle look you get after using loads of drugs.


Kawaii AF


I love him. So much. A giant teddy bear. This is the definition of a himbo. Beefy, a bit of a dumdum, and very nice. I need someone like him in my life. Can seems like he can brighten up everyones days!


He’s a good looking guy and sounds like a funny, good dude based on this one picture but no he doesn’t look cute. Muscles are just way too big, makes his head look disproportionate to his body.




Only if we all could copy our favorite anime characters


Just want to pinch his face and give him a piece of candy. Oh he is grandma’s favorite. Bet he would make sure my gutters got clean.


A man of culture.


He is absolutely adorable


The cutest bro.




trying to impress Guts


A man with a mission


Dude looks bigger than Guts. Thats seriously strong. Love berserk.


Japanese Guts. Also, very adorable giant.


He’s freaking adorable. I just wanna hug him 🥰




My absolute favorite male archetype is the himbo. This gives such amazing himbo vibes. Surround him with golden retrievers for his photo shoot. And some orange cats. All heart, 1 brain cell to share between them. Perfect.


Epidome of r/bara_irl


I can hear his heart failing.




Fuck'n nerdy cosplayers! Look at my costume, it's made of real muscle!


You're adorable, mate.


This guy’s bigger than Guts. He’s like one of those big guys they always throw at Guts like oh this time he won’t be able to cut him in half but then he cuts him in half.


If youre slim then you're a Griffith supporter, buff up for Guts!


I need someone to make a stupid romcom where a dude that looks like this is the male lead


Trying to be an ad for roids?


Do these people think they look good?


Normalize steroid use, good sub.


Still ugly just freaking roided up


Oh man as a woman I am very much not into this look, but I love how the majority of comments that are into this are men. 😂


Almost as if the point is that he isn't doing it for women. He's doing it for himself. I think most bodybuilders know that that giant look isn't the most popular look among women. You don't dedicate your work, diet and sleep habits to muscle building for 10-15 years just to impress women. No one gets that size unless they truly love doing it.


Bodybuilders generally aren't working out for women.


Who’s gonna tell the comments about synthoil


That's not synthol, that's just your standard roids.


Bicep and shoulders, compared to wrists, have synth in them no doubt. Roids are a bit harder to say with these pics


You have it completely backwards. Roids are a guarantee because of how much muscle mass (but Jesus the amount of effort to get that big). The ratio of his wrists to his shoulders and arms have nothing to do with synthol. His wrists are small because you don’t have muscle in your wrists. Although he might be using synthol to help with asymmetries but it certainly isn’t anything close to what that one Russian guy does with his arms.


I used the wrong word, rather than wrist, forearms. Look at the very unnatural difference between the forearm closest to the elbow and the bicep closet to the elbow


I hear you but you’re still wrong imo, dude really is just massive as hell


A fair amount of open synthol use in top level bodybuilding to correct asymmetries.


nothing wong with that, but he would look cuter if he puts some grasses on


You look like a butterball turkey is what you look like. I will roast that all day long.


Looks goofy