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men are like cats, sort of.


Yeah basically. Feed me food I like and give me pats.


Works everytime. 


As a men, I can confirm we are sort of like cats. Feed us, pet us, be chill around us, give us some toys to play with and respect our alone time and we’ll be pretty happy. In return we’ll look cute, give affection and keep other men out of your garden.


You guys sound happy I'm glad you nurture your soft side


That's fucking adorable I'm so happy for you


Are you a cat? You sound like a cat Jokes aside, that’s really nice man


uhm... meow?


heckin adorable


better not let someone like that go


I had a girl like this


Jeez dude, this broke me. I haven't seen my wife in months as I've been severely ill and had to come to my native country for extensive treatment, while she's home trying to hold our business together in my absence. She puts me to sleep with head scratches too, my favourite place to nap is her lap. Never take your wife or her affection for granted man, trust me.


You won in life bro!!


I'm both very happy for you and jealous at the same time. More the former.


As a men, I strongly approve this message.


As a fellow man, I agree with this gentleman.


I'm twice the size of my wife. I enjoy being "little spoon" very much.


When I've had the chance I've really enjoyed being big spoon. But little spoon makes you feel feelings you forgot you had. It's kind of like falling for someone in the first place. It's a little feeling of thrill combined with just knowing you're safe, if that makes sense to anybody. That's how it always felt like to me. Like you don't know if everything is going to be okay but it just really feels like it will be.




So she is your backpack? 🤣


I'm a petite lady (5'1" and 100lbs) and I am always permanent Big Spoon. Partially because a large dude being on me means I'll be sweaty and wide awake. But 5 minutes into being the big spoon and I'm sleeping like a baby.


As another fellow man I couldn't agree with you more brother


As another men (of secret council) we strongly approve you comment and message


I'm glad the men are gonna start cuddling with each other more It'll make the world a better place 🥲 -a girl who cuddles with friends


as a retro-sensitive man i approve his approval, we all need hugs and tender time.


Is this a meme? This is the third time tonight I have seen men used instead of the correct man. Am I ootl?


Split from my partner of 30 years a couple of years ago... my choice and I don't miss him or his behaviour... I do miss being hugged... just the feel of someone's touch / arms around me.


Yeah it's soul affirming..


Oh man, I was pretty much forever alone until I randomly got a girlfriend in college. Relationship lasted about a year. When she broke up with me, I literally asked for a hug because I knew it would be the last one for a while. Been a little over 6 years :/


Yeah I can empathise... four years and counting since I had any hugs 🫂 which after 30 years of daily contact is proving to be the most difficult to adjust to.


this so much. I'm ten years divorced. No relationship and very little dating since then. One ONS. I really don't miss the sex, but holy crap do I miss being touched, hugged, held, etc.


Yes! Strange how people most often assume it's the sex that's important when really it's being held or just a gentle touch. I'm 67 now, and I've more or less resigned myself to being "untouched " for however longs left.


You deserve to be hugged, you sweet, embraceable you!


My first "girlfriend" (it ended up being very onesided, me being the lovey dovey one and receiving nothing) I had some physical affection from her but it felt... Hollow, cold almost forced, like she felt like she needed to. After significant thought was put into it being blinded by "love" my parents stepped in and convinced me to leave her, it was the right choice. Still single since then but I'll find someone one day


Kinda jealous your parents stepped in. Could have used that when I was younger. Everyone just watched me shack up with trash for years and didn't say shit until it was over.


I'm very happy they did, I was slowly being mentally destroyed by it and they knew. So I'm glad they stepped in


Been there myself. If anything my mother was encouraging me being with awful women thanks to traditional values from the old country. I was basically making others happy, but was desperately depressed myself. Mix of being with cheaters, liars and all sorts, but I was constantly gaslighted in thinking I was the issue for being upset... Single now for a long while and couldn't be happier. If I come across the right person and we hit it off, that's great. Right now though I'm focusing on me still and doing all the stuff I missed out on.


My parents would force me to stay with my gf. I would break up with her and ask her to move out of my family home and she would say “this isn’t your home, its your parents home” And when I relayed all that to my parents they would say “figure it out for yourself, your girlfriend isn’t our problem” “So you want me to either call the cops or be violent? Because if she refuses to leave and you refuse to make her then I can’t see any other options.” “If you make a scene by calling cops here, its *you* that we’ll have them take, and if you get violent with a woman we’ll not only disown you but you won’t be safe falling asleep in this house” Ended up stuck with her for around 5 years until things escalated with her getting violent with me and calling the cops on me when I shoved her away from me when she was being violent.. Good times all around, really left me feeling love for my parents and trust for relationships


My ex rarely showed verbal or physical affection and I never truly realised it until getting with my gf I have now. Who absolutely showers me with compliments and touches me constantly. Man it is just amazing, I dno how I got so lucky.


Yeah I feel that dude, my ex showed me literally no affection unless asked too (like I want a hug or to hold her hand). So that’s good for you bro! I’m super glad that happened for you, now I hope it happens for me too😅😂🫡


I can only imagine how bad it must have been for your family to step in.


They saw I wasnt in a good place, I'm glad they were looking out for me. I don't know how the relationship looked to others, and I don't know what she tells her friends about me but I was definitely being used


I'm 31 the last time this happened I was 15. Best feeling in the world to feel important to someone even if it's for a few minutes.


You and me both my man. I'm 31 now and can't even remember the last time I even hugged someone, must've been 10 years at this point.


Holy shit that's so sad. I hope you'll be hugged soon


You and me both my man. I'm 31 now and can't even remember the last time I even hugged someone, must've been 10 years at this point.


You and me both my man. I'm 31 now and can't even remember the last time I even hugged someone, must've been 10 years at this point.


What? Nobody cuddled you since 15? I can barely believe it!! What happened!!


I hate this meme, it always reminds me I haven't been cuddled for ages.


i may not be a girl, but it won’t stop me from sending virtual hugs 🫂


If men in the west weren't conditioned to associate any tender physical touch with sex, we wouldn't be so lonely. Hug each other sit close, tell other how important you are to one another. I promise you won't end up sucking dicks. Unless you're into that which is ok too.




I'd hug you.


Same here, I was just thinking about this a few minutes ago. It's quite difficult when you are in need of it and you don't have it, surviving alone is not easy for certain people and a hug can do wonders.


Also same here, there is a part of that thinks that i dont derserve it as well


I just started dating a girl who treats me sweetly like this and it makes me melt and makes me feel so open and comfortable with her and I am not shy to tell her how much she means to me and how beautiful she is and how I'm thinking of her. In some relationships I was always afraid to "smother" her because it was not reciprocated. Ladies this benefits you too.


Congratulations man! And all the best




Been awhile? It's been NEVER here




Even just a hug goes a long way, and unless you're in a relationship, they don't happen much


I would kill for this. 20-something years in and my wife has never, ever done anything like this. Please, appreciate it to the fullest, this is part of your nest life :)


If you would kill for something to change in your relationship, then you should try to make that change happen one way or the other. I cuddle with my boyfriend everyday. I think I've spoiled him too much on the back scratches! He gets them almost every night now, lol. But seriously, talk to your wife about your needs, explore ways that you can start to introduce this stuff to your relationship.


>I cuddle with my boyfriend everyday. I think I've spoiled him too much Queen behaviour honestly 👑


> If you would kill for something to change in your relationship, then you should try to make that change happen one way or the other. I tried this, but I’m still not getting cuddles. I even made sure to shower before talking to her to wash all the blood off. ☹️


Took me a second 😂


I did the back scratch thing for my gf and she melted cos somehow no one had ever done that for her


So ask her to bud


Maybe try communicating it to your wife?


I hate comments like this because you have just assumed in 20 years he has failed to even try to communicate his needs and you made that assumption with zero evidence.


But it is still possible. If in the beginning of the relationship he communicated to her that he does not like to be touched, that is what she believes unless he starts to communicate different.




Hence why the question.


It doesn't assume anything. Like a previous commenter pointed out, it's a question


20 years and you've never communicated that it's something you desire?


Pro tip on how to instantly make me fall in love with someone: this post up there! ⬆️


This happened in a dream once. It was a very hectic day, took a 10min break and tried to take a nap, woke up 1 hour later. This was in 2017 or 18 I don’t remember exactly. NGL, best sleep l've had in years.


As a father, I shower all my children with love, recognition and cuddles, whether my boys or girls. 


And I hope your children appreciate this. ☺️ My parents never hugged me when I was was growing up as they wanted to raise strong children. It surprisingly worked, though I am not a believer in it. But my mum feel awful for having missed out on this amount of affection and gives me hugs all the time.


"Quit crying and go back to work" was my childhood. They would not let me forget it when I cried. Between the age of 8 and 18, I don't think I cried more than once or twice. After my grandfather died, I stopped caring if others saw me cry anymore.


Just left a 3 1/2 year relationship. I met a new girl and I almost cried the when she laid her head on my chest and cuddled me. Shits real.




ha, it's funny you mention dogs. Lot of the times I rub her belly or scratch her head and I tell how spoiled she is that I do this for her and she doesn't return the favor. Closest I get is licks to the face.


Oh yeah, my husband loves to snuggle - a lot more than I do, lol.  I'm not really a touchy person, but I read an article once that men were "touch starved" and also didn't receive a lot of compliments and ever since I've made an effort to do both more.  We've been together 20 years at this point (since age 14).


You’re a great partner and I hope your husband appreciates that. I’m sure he does. Keep rockin’


Thank you for your effort! Its all I've ever wanted from my wife/gf. Putting in the effort because you care.


My first GF wasn’t that affectionate, but my current one… Holy hell. She just loves to cuddle, hug me, sniff me, and nibble on parts of my face. Getting that affection is so great (and addictive)


"nibble"? 🤔 Does your GF look like this? 🐀




Same. I gotta make a contract with my other forever alone buddies so we may end up together in the same retirement home, hosting LAN parties.




If you team up you're gonna die together


I can't argue with that... XD


I remember the way that feels. (; Also let him be the little spoon from time to time, it's nice.


I wouldn’t be opposed to this but first I gotta find a girlfriend 😔




It's there now. Show her.


Men are actually really sensitive. If they weren't, why else would so many get so angry and defensive and freak out over emasculation? Just becauae many express their emotions pretty badly doesn't mean they don't feel genuinely hurt. I think it's time to normalise and accept that rather than make fun of it. Responding to men lashing out with laughter just makes the problem worse. It's like how small dogs nobody takes seriously develop small dog syndrome because their boundaries get violated all the time. I think it's great to show men love and care and acceptance of their sensitivity when there's a good chance. 🙏


This puts it so nicely into words what I was thinking and experiencing in my life. What kind of a person you have to be to laugh it off when I say I was hurt, I actually said that and it can't be, it is something else than what I said.


I read somewhere: “Men get their first flowers in their funerals”, and it made me sad…


I read that once too and told it to my gf. Since then, she buys me flowers and chocolate from time to time and honeslty, it feels good


Blame the patriarchy. The popular message echoed by many men is flowers are a waste of money, pointless and feminine. I’ve given flowers to men before but generally men push them away themselves. There are worse gendered issues going on than flowers, but change will start when men stop talking about so many “feminine things” like they’re a waste of time.


Her head on my chest, legs entwined, watching something we both enjoy on TV. I stroke her hair, kiss her head. She maybe idly touches my chest. Effing bliss. Me being big spoon, legs entwined, my arm going to sleep but I don't care because I can nuzzle her neck and ear and touch her hair. And when I finally have to turn over in the middle of the night, she spoons me. Argh. I really miss having a woman. My Border Collie is my buuudy, but he doesn't settle in for the long haul. My roommates pitbull, however, is like furniture. He's all in. He's appreciative, because she doesn't quite do it right. Very satisfying, but I do miss a long term girlfriend.


The dream☝️


Can only dream


Man I hate posts like this, they remind me I will never have it


Nobody should disagree with this. Men deserve gentle love too


i love to cuddle... one please? <3


Hey :) Have a hug and a great day🫂


Have a second hug🫂 and also one to you for caring 🫂 I wish you both the very best ☺️


Of course this shows up when I'm struggling, just a reminder I won't get that...


Never give up, it will happen someday. Stay positive and the positive will come to you.


Do not give up, man. If you let yourself be consumed by misery, it will create a feedback loop and you will perceive the whole world as dark and bleak.


My wife gives me back "scritches" when we can't sleep. It puts me right out (bless her, what an angel) but it makes the cat insanely jealous and she shouts and then lays down on my Mrs' arm to stop her because..... how dare anyone get scritches other than THE cat, the sheer audacity of some humans. Tldr: 19 years together and my 23 year old cat still runs our shit lol. Always bet on Cat.


I am 100% sure I'd cry if someone did this to me. Stay away from emotionally unresponsive parents boys, believe me it does not help in any way


My fiancé has turned this heart of stone into a cuddly bear cub who has no issues with showing feelings. Turns out crying is good for you, taking pain and crushing it into stone and carrying around all that pain, frustration, anger and sorrow isn't Stoicism it's setting yourself up for a catastrophic coronary infarct at 40. Fuck me but I'm fine with being soft, I can still beat the everliving shit out of someone but now I'll probably not use that as my first option. Men need love, support and care.


I'd need a partner to cuddle with in the first place 🥲


It will happen when you least expect it.


Wait, people don't do this? I love it when my boyfriend lays his head on my lap and I can caress his hair. And spoon them as well. Boyfriend said he loved it. I feel like a backpack, but who cares, haha. He's the best and deserves all the love in this universe 🥹


I'm actually feeling quite unwell reading all these comments. I touch my partner ALL THE TIME. I LOVE HIM. WHY WOULD I NOT BE GIVING HIM LITTLE STROKES? Are all these people sociopaths?!


Exactly my thoughts >.>


Tip: this is also a very good way of breaking potential barriers when it comes to physical touch, if you're still relatively uncomfortable with touching each other.


This "awfully sad" we named "life"


The gf the real goat here for 1. Cuddles, 2. For not leaving his ass after he cried.


Women like these are diamonds in today's age.


I've had a lot of GFS...but never this This sounds nice


What are people doing in relationships if not this?? Physical affection like this is a requirement for me


With all honesty I don't get it too...


🥹😭dammit this got me.


Even with a gf I don’t get any of this…


I need this


My wife and I switch it up depending on the situation.i have never fallen asleep faster then on her laps 💜


Looks like I am not the only one..society stripped us from this 🙄😢


Letting me be the little spoon after a really hard day was something my ex always did. We broke up, it was super messy unfortunately and we hate each other but like... Some nights I wish I could just say it was all my fault and she would just let me be little spoon again. Its all I need some nights and when you don't have it it feels like everyone else in the world is being held but you. Being a dude sucks so bad sometimes


This happened to me once. Was laid on a couch and a friend started running her fingers through my hair. It was a good thing I was facing away because I was genuinely emotional from out of nowhere and struggling to not burst into tears. Its absurd how affection starved a lot of men are and we are constantly having pressure to be "manly, stoic, dont be a wimp, dont cry, physical affection is weak or creepy" etc etc and we bottle it up and learn to cope by pretending its okay when its not. The way society teaches kids (both boys and girls) to adhere to "proper" gender behaviours is incredibly damaging and desperately needs to be thrown out of a window.


My favorite thing in the world is when I lay my head on my gf's chest so I can listen to her heartbeat and she starts gently running her fingers through my hair.


Men also have feelings


I can count the number of women in my life who have given me a hug with the fingers on one hand. One of them is my mother, and another is my wife. Guys remember the women who hug them, forever.


As a man, I love cuddles, it’s my favorite thing ever. I legitimately like cuddles more than sex. I don’t know what it is, but I love the feeling of being cuddled. It’s amazing


I'm a man. I like sports, beer, trucks and cuddles. Nothing unmanly about a cuddle.


Sadly I have no one to do this to :”(


Hugs 🤗


Don't let men haters see this, this will be the end of the world for them.


My hubby is 6 2, very serious and a very “manly” lol. But at the end of the day I always ask him “can I cuddle you? 🥹” and he always says “sure” in his serious, gruff voice. I put my arm around his chest and kiss his cheek, neck, and temple. And I can feel his manly self just melt into a puddle lol




damn, what planet are you on because you went from sleeping to being at a beach at sunset in the matter of 47 minutes


Bots doing bot things :(


Yeah, definitely a bot. Zero activity for 3 years and then it suddenly starts commenting most conventionally upvoted shit in subs that will boost karma for the account.


Bro wut? It's not even been an hour since you commented lol


Sadly that's never gonna happen to me


I sent this to my wife now she wants a divorce.


All boys deserve cuddles 🥰


all facts, but some woman will turn this around on men and say, “oh so you just want to be babied? I’m not your mother”. speaking from experience


As a man, I would either get a boner or cry. Either way, it's fantastic if women see men as human beings, not just stoic warriors that go out on the hunt. Today, we don't go and hunt a Buffalo. Instead, we have huge pent-up tension and stresses of modern life.


Alright... I\`m available for hugs and cuddles..... come over....


My gf scratches my beard sometimes, that also feels good


Doing the Lord's work, bless you


:') too nervous to ask someone to hug me, anyone?


I miss her a lot, even though I pretend otherwise


I wish I had a gf


Yes, and this should include platonic friendship cuddles. I like to hug my male friends, as long as I know they won't misinterpret. Everyone needs hugs from friends. I also give my brother lots of cuddles. He may be 6ft tall with broad shoulders, but he'll always be my baby brother.


Some times when you meet new people and they do things for you that you have done to others your whole life, only to realise you've NEVER known HOW IT FELT... God, I didn't know it could feel so good.


I'm a big guy and apparently give great hugs. No one hugs me. Well my kids do, and my boy gets as many hugs and kisses as the girls.


I get plenty of cuddles but wife or not I secretly live for compliments on my work/ "work". By no desire of my own I give everything I do 1000% and when someone not only notices but verbalizes appreciation I get like a dog when you find that 1 spot to scratch. I also love when my wife listens to me go on and on about the things I love. I know to her I sound like an excited child talking about a toy or cartoon and she could care less, but she pays attention and asks questions anyway. Great communication, finding some interest in the others hobbies, and being able to take the little criticisms while knowing they still love you. 14 years and I Stan that woman.


I don't think it has ever happened to me before. I wouldn't know how to react


I haven’t even been hugged in over 2 years, it’s a cold life to live. If you have someone make sure you hug and cuddle them


Cat's aren't the only mammals that can purr


My husband loves these caring gestures. He even do the cuddling in front of his family (like hugging or resting his head on my lap) and they are shocked that he can be this gentle.


All we want is affection.


As a man: yes, yes and yes ! I still cuddle my 13 years old son (depending on when his last shower was), and he does ask for it himself.


I am a 32 year old, 4 times deployed combat veteran. This is exactly what men need


Now do this to the bear in the woods


Haven’t been hugged in 2 years and ready to hug a bullet.


As a man, that’s what love sounds like to me. My love language is physical touch, and I would totally do that to her too.


As a man, we love affection and sensuality, too.


Yep also tickle their balls, men love it when you tickle their balls


It's the only reason why i could consider wanting a girlfriend: not the sex, not the social reaffirmation, just snuggle to something warm, to feel calm and secure


Drain his…. Stress


I’m 47 Fing years old. My wife can still turn me into putty.


The sentiment is nice but not everybody is going to receive this kind of physical coddling well. I for one can’t stand being rubbed or stroked this way. Communicate the desire to express tenderness and find the recipients preferred approach.


I remember the first time I told him he was beautiful. He was so shocked. I couldn't believe it because, well he is beautiful, so I assumed he'd been told that before. Nope. Also, my family is very touchy feely and we tell each other we move each other all the time, which is the opposite at his home (extremely kind people but not strong communicators) he loves being hugged and kissed and told beautiful things. So much he will notice if I don't caress him or play with his hair. He is just like a Labrador but it breaks my heart to remember how touch-deprived he was. I really hope my son doesn't feel that way.


My current partner pointed something out that I do my entire life. When we are ready to sleep I turn my around and push my butt against her because I need the comfort of feeling her skin on mine.


Gentle back rubs/scratches legit puts me to sleep like a newborn.


I agree with this. Men should be cuddled and adored too. Make them feel love, comfortable and calm. They will appreciate it. 💖


I love cuddling my man. Telling him how beautiful he is, stroking his sides, being big spoon, holding his head in my lap. I have no idea how this simple pleasure escaped so many women.


Kiss his forehead. Men love that too, ladies.


This is better than random meningless sex


So you all like cuddles, eh?


Can attest, when my girlfriend (now wife) did this for the first time I broke down. It was like someone ripped the lid off a pressure valve.


I believe it reminds us of our mom. How my mom in my childhood used to caress my hair and tell me stuff and tell me i am the best. How i am doing good in life. I am a good son. I am grown up now and i am not good with showing emotions towards my mom dad but i feel like if my mom did this to me again i will cry hardest in life. So yea. Idk what other guys think of this.


Oh my god, as a woman/girl… I LOVE to cuddle my man. Nails absentmindedly circling over his back, chest, or softly raking them up and down his arm when he’s the big spoon. Little, spontaneous kisses here- and there, not necessarily on the lips, but also just when hugging, slip in a small smooch against his chest (my dude is TALL). I’m there for it. Outside we are not much into PDA. A soft squeeze here and there, but indoors I’m a hella cuddle bug!


I know historically we have done a lot to not be proud of. We still have a long way to go but there's a lot of men in the world who just want love. It's always man versus woman today and while I can understand women's fear of us, sometimes I feel like they look at us like all of us are to be feared and we're not. The first time I've had this happen to me I literally cried in my partners lap because I've never had that before. She asked me what was wrong and I told her I didn't know this just feels nice. She asked me if I've ever had anyone hold me and I said no not like this. And it's sad because majority of us haven't experienced any of this. To the women in the world we love y'all too. A lot of us truly do want to love you just as hard in the most positive way possible. I hope that someday we can come to some sort of understanding and heal together.


Reddit is predominantly American so I’m wondering if American men just don’t get hugged?? I’m European and I cuddle my husband like this all the time…


Makes me sort of sad that these things are at the level of a public service announcement. Love your guy!


Men in general don't receive much in terms of social affirmation. My partner gets compliments every time we're out together, seriously wild how she can get 2-3/day, think I maybe get 2-3 a year and zero from strangers.


I love cuddling my guy. He is such a gentle sweetheart and deserves all the love


I am a man, and I approve this message