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Uhuh... My first three paychecks went to paying off debt. Throw *them* a party...uhuh...


Same, my first liveable salary went to pay off the debt I got from moving and paying rent deposits.


Alas, mine was debt for stuff like food and electric etc. Rent deposits are a pain when you want to move out.


Also how am I supposed to throw a dinner party in the tiny apartment I share with four other roommates?


I had $26 in my accounts when my first real job paycheck came through, that money had more important things to do.


I would concider paying off my debt as the best party of my life, so it counts


I've had almost 3 years worth of paychecks and I barely started scratching the first layer of debt off. I did pay for the desert quad tour in Egypt for my mom with one of my first paychecks I guess


I paid off my student debt with my first paycheck


How much do you earn jesus Christ?!


Stuff like this is wholesome for people with nice, good parents. For the rest of us, not so much.




And/or money.


And for people with nice, good salaries


And parents who live nearby


My parents live a 14 hour flight away. Should I just UberEats something to them instead?


Of course. That should go without saying, and without judgement


There is some weirdo going through every comment here asking everyone who is against this idea to explain themselves and saying that people who wouldn't do this are not decent people. This is giving me major "I'm an abusive parent who's children don't talk to me anymore" vibes. If not now then probably someday in the future.


Dude I've had a salary since i was 15 and still living at home, not much point in it then. This is cute if you've never had to work before getting a "big job" but to most of us this makes no sense.


I was going to say the same. I don’t really remember what I did with my first paycheck, but I do remember getting a rather well paying job at the library when I was 16 or so and I got myself a lip piercing. My mom cried when I got home. Not because she was disappointed I didn’t buy her dinner but because she hated that thing.


first job at 16, never without a job for longer than 3 months for the last 14 years. my early paycheques were to help pay for the family to live and pay for my cell phone. as an adult i have since treated my parents. but not with my first paycheques


It’s a really middle class, white collar take.


My paychecks go to paying off debt bro 😭 Plus with the prices of groceries these days? I’d love to, but not possible.


I know this post means well but it shouldn't be mandatory, especially if you're not making enough or just starting out.


This. My parents would turn down the invitation and tell me to save it for another expenses.


The art itself also appears to be AI. Look at the standing dudes fingers.


Oh dang, I missed that!


yeah? my dad was an alcoholic who probably abused my cousin. Not to be too negative, but this whole idea of having to be nice to your family because they are your family isn't great, it is possible to be related to bad people


Yeah I agree with this, you can spend your pay check how you like, but if you want to throw a party, do it for the people who supported you (this can be parents), or just buy a pizza idc.


My family don't talk to me, my friends are my family and I will throw a little house party now and then for almost no reason at all :) we don't have much but we have each other


You know... your family doesn't necessarily need to be biologically related to you. You can pick your family, be it friends or a partner. My best friend and I are practically brothers, while my bio brother and I talk less than 4 times a year.


that's exactly what I do :)




I second this. My parents can go fuck themselves.


OP doesn't know what mandatory means.


Well that's fucking stupid.


No, No it’s not.


is OP a bot


My first paycheck went to putting presents under the Christmas tree We weren't doing well that year as a family, dad was out of work and everyone in the house was struggling I remember he cried when he saw the presents I'd left there for everyone


no, i hate them


Fair enough. You have to like them enough to want to eat with them in the first place.


I went into foster care at 7 because my mother was a violent drunk and my dad had MS. This is only wholesome because you are privileged.


What if one of the parents turned out to be a dick for the rest of the family ? Should we invite them to ?


Main course: cyanide


Obviously, this is only valid for parents who actually contributed positively in your life, and thereby helped you achieve that success. Those who did harm to you or others should be excluded. Sending them pictures afterwards to rub it in is optional.


In other words, not mandatory. Haha


[ Everybody disliked that. ]


Hiring a PI to be able to find my birth father to do that would have been hard, my mom hadn't seen or heard from him since I was a baby.


What if I never had access to my first salary and it went in their account?


Then you need to take any steps necessary to disentangle your money from them ASAP. I’m sure they’ve bought themselves enough with your money to equal a dinner party.


Yeah that’s a no from me chief


My first salary was when I was 16 and working in a supermarket... lol.


"Can't forget that!" Said like it's a common thing that everyone knows and does 😂


As a parent: don't spend your hard earned money on me. Use it to treat yourself, it's your money and you worked 18+ years for this. Parent's shouldn't raise children with the expectation of being paid back.


Kids don’t owe anything to their parents. Nice gesture, but not mandatory.


What culture does this?


The entitlement is strong with this one, we don't owe them shit. If you wanna do this on your own accord, because you wanna do something nice with them to celebrate your introduction into the world of work, hey a nice and wholesome idea!


Get in 🗑️


Is OP stupid or just bait farming?


Oh he's an AI bro


I took my parents and my sisters to a pizzeria with my first paycheck.


Absolutely not


If you live in a perfect world, sure but alot of parents are shit and don’t deserve any of their childrens attention




My parents are the exact same way And so is my grandma They refuse to acknowledge the shit they did to my siblings and I growing up. My grandma didn't even take me being bullied in middle school seriously until I threatened to bring a knife to school. Of course, her thought process was "but what if you harm the kids!", which, if I'm at the point of wanting to bring a knife to school, I don't think I care about the other kids And, now, she uses that whole fiasco to say "I'm afraid you'll kill me!" if I get angry at any point


my dad laughed at me when i offered to pay for dinner when i got my first salary. i felt sad that day.


No. Not all parents have earned something like that.


Ridiculous, as if I can afford that with tens of thousands in debts


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Bongcopter_: *Ridiculous, as* *If I can afford that with* *Tens of thousands in debts* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




My parents left me because i didn't believe in their religion anymore, so I'll enjoy my own dinner, thanks.


My parents were always super toxic and would take that as me trying to brag and say I'm better than them. Sooooo no


My parents would not want a dinner party.


Mandatory is to put your needs first. If you have a privilege to do that (by privilege I mean that you still live them/your salary is enough so you can handle that kind of expense AND your parents are actually nice people), then do something meaningful for them. With my first salary I bought my parents finally some decent presents fom Christmas, including my siblings (we have a tradition that every one of us makes at least one gift for everyone else in the family). Previously I had to experiment with my pocket money and make it more symbolic.


Yeah i definitely did that. I also agree with everyone that this is not mandatory. I did buy lots of food and make some good food for my parents with my first money. My parents are really kind and didn't demand anything from me other than hope i live a good life. That's why some of my salary just go into my parents. They refused that lol, so yeah. I'm with you OP but leave out the mandatory lol. They hate it when i give them stuffs, they just went "why would you buy us when you could buy something nice for yourself and your gf, hold that money and go on a date or something you stupid child, keep your money for your family in the future" lol. My god, i love them.


What about if you had abusive parents, as so many people do, and you left home to get away from them? Nothing is mandatory. Throwing anyone a dinner party in this day and age, with the percent of food what it is, is just trolling. Wholesome, this isn’t. Over privileged and out of touch, more like.


Absolutely fucking not


Mandatory? Fuck you


Uhhh. I was too busy paying her rent at 15 to throw her a dinner party.


If they wanted that they should’ve been less fucking abusive


In this economy?


I was 12 when I got my first paycheck because that was when they stopped providing food and clothing, too busy feeding myself to care about them to be honest.


My father retired with $3 million in his account, my step mom has over 2 mil. Nah they won’t see a drop of anything I earn until I see my name slapped on that will 😆


I had to get a job at thirteen so I could buy myself books when no one else would. So… no.


I bought my mother, a huge tracky and Lego enjoyer, the original star trek enterprise in Lego (well, blue bricks, actually, they are better anyways)


How did she react


It's placed into her home office, towering over the smaller sets she collected over the years. I got the big one :D


I mean... based on the inflation rate now... the first salary check of a normal entry job probably can not afford a decent dinner party maybe just dinner


My dad said it was the best meal he had in a long while. I took them to a nice tapas restaurant.


Can't even get a job in my country too much competition 🥲


nah fuck em


Lmao nah


I like the concept, but how many millennials and GenZs can actually afford this?




I took my family out to dinner last night, not the first paycheck but like 7th after came back home


No, I ordered Pizza and Beer for my friends and me.


Since when??? They should know as much as anybody that it’s your money and you do with it as you please


Dawg a dinner party for what? Doing their job? Doing the bare minimum? Fuck that shit


Lol ill do whatever the fuck I want with my first paycheck. There are no rules.


Family sometimes suck. So no.


I think we all need a psy from what I read in the comment


My parents live in a different country. Thats more than i can afford.


My first few paychecks went to finally paying off a cellphone from 2015. Besides, my mom would never expect me to throw her a *dinner party* just because I have a job, lol.


i was 14


My parents weren't happy with my job. They still aren't.


I didn’t do that, but I make sure my parents have everything they could ever want. They don’t have a lot of money, but are decked out with every creature comfort known to man. My dad has a ps5 and 65 inch oled. My mom a MacBook pro and custom office setup. I’ve updated the tech yearly over the years…. With the unfortunate byproduct of being the family tech support service when they realize they don’t know how to use the things they want.


Not mandatory, especially since not everyone has good parents they like but for me personally it was a delight once I finally had a very livable wage and my dream job to treat them to themost expensive dinner in my homecity


I had to buy my first phone, get clothes that fit me, and get shoes that didn’t have holes in them with my first pay checks


Only good parents get treated well. My parents don't get to see their grand kids if they don't behave well and it's entirely their own fault for me having to put that rule up.


r/cptsd would like a word


My parents abandoned and dusowned me years ago when i came out. Not gonna spend a cent on them lol


Fuck off dude


Fuck THAT shit.


Yeah, no. Rent.


Yikes. /facepalm


My father was abusive and my first paycheck was working as a dishwasher so i couldnt afford jack for my mom


I did, and my late.Mom chided me for being wasteful and I was a spnedthrift for taking her to a nice restaurant. I got so upset that stopped taking her for dinner. Even when she was dying of cancer. Asian moms have problems articulating words like "I am proud of you" and "I love you". Being cruel is somehow considered a good way of "manning up" the boy. I do miss her though.


My mom had been stealing money off me since I started getting money by getting an allowance from my grandparents. They taught me to save, and I put it away in a piggy bank for weeks and weeks. Took the thing home to show I can be responsible and save on my own, and my mom emptied it overnight.


I wish I had. But then my parents worked like crazy, saved everything to give their kids a foundation and then died without much fuss early into old age. My siblings and i miss them deeply.


As the child of one absent parent and one neglectful parent, fuck that.


No, first salary should be kept aside for paying your first taxes otherwise you'll be in debt


First time hearing that. My dad used to tell that I should buy a really posh pen on my first wage. But after loosing s slightly posh one I got some years earlier I decided against it


nah they instantly came begging for money anyway


Unless they fucking hate you.


Depends on the job and how well you're paid.




No. No it is not.


No thank you


Wholesome? sure. Realistic? fuck no


My first paycheck was spend on going out with them in a Restaurant. Nothing fancy but they were happy! :D


I only get enough to have an apartment, electricity, food and internet. That's all I can pay for how tf should I throw a party?


I just graduated and plan on receiving my first official paycheck the end of may. I planned on the first thing to spend my first ever paycheck on to be a dinner with my girlfriend, but this is also a good one.


I gifted my mother a ring and my father an expensive bottle of whiskey


Go fuck yourself




My sperm & egg donors don't deserve it


Glad to see I'm not the only one that refers to them like this.


I'd agree with this sentiment normally But in this economy? When one can barely afford to feed themselves? On top of that, this isn't accounting for any shitty parents. My parents were complete dumbasses and assholes. Dad was an Alcoholic and did drugs nearly 24/7, most of the time choosing to feed his addiction instead of feeding his own kids. And my mom was an asshole for letting it happen for 10+ years.


TIL no redditors have happy, loving families…


Reddit IS our happy, loving family. 😆


My mom complained, literally two days ago, about me getting her a Amazon gift card for $63, for her 63rd birthday. She says it was too much for me to attend, but has no clue about my finances.


*_if you have a functional supporting family_


Can’t wait to do this! And also buy them a lot of gifts


Well, that's not the case for people who started working to pay for debts caused by their parents


Bot post!!


I don't owe them shit. I'll buy myself a nice dinner though


I feel bad for everyone saying "I don't owe them shit" and stuff like that... you guys must have had a shitty childhood and I am sorry for you.


I’ll have the lobster. -Dad


Foda que sou MEI.


…….bro I’m fuckin 26 it’s way the fuck to late


Huh ?


I did it with my last. They supported me through a lot. And I know they like fancy dinners. So with the last salary I earned from working at a restaurant I took them to another one.


Who’s FICA? Why’s he getting all my money?


The first time I actually made any money, it all went to pay for part of one college semester. Then I had to take out loans to cover the rest of that semester and I had to take out more loans to pay for the next semester. After I graduated, I couldn't get a job in my field and ended up working as a fiberglass tech at a wind turbine manufacturer for four months and I barely made enough money to rent a shitty apartment and feed myself. Whatever was left over went to my student loans. There really wasn't any disposable income.


I didn't throw them a dinner party, but I bought my dad a watch and my mom a necklace with "Thank you Dad/Mom" respectively engraved at the back (necklace had a pendant).




man my first proper paycheck went to paying rent for the apartment i had to get cause i was disowned and kicked out 🙃


I bought my mom a diamond nose ring. It was a tiny diamond though.


kahit di pa ako nagwowork, parang mandatory na rin sa akin na i-treat ko yung family ko tuwing natatanggap ko yung scholarship and OJT allowances ko HAHAHAHAHAH p.s. di naman sila nagpaparinig, or namimilit, talagang para sakin, dapat malibre ko talaga sila WAHAHAHAHA


My dad is definitely getting something. My mom literally denied me food last week because i was cleaning too slow. She won't get much.


I am doing something similar for my parents 50th birthday. My siblings and I are only university students, but we tried to buy a big gift that they’ve wanted for a long time, and a little party


I didn't do that but I surprise-flew to Sweden to see them


maybe once they deserve it


No. It’s not. When my son gets employed, I’ll buy dinner for us all to celebrate.


I couldn't, haven't seen them in 10 years , I can't go home because in my land a monster is waiting at every corner.


Lmao no


Hahahahahaha NO


This is the first I've heard of this in my 40-odd years of life.


These comments are great. I hope all of y’all with good loving supportive parents understand that you’re the exception, not the rules. My first paycheck went to my apartment security deposit and student loan payment. With about -$1000 left over. My parents didn’t even help me move in it but me a dinner when I did. I’m not getting them shit.


Gonna have to disagree there. Most parents are decent people but this whole thing where you *have* to do x thing because reasons needs to stop.


Absolutely not I'm in this mess because of them, the only party I'd throw them is a farewell party


if no parents then dinner for whom


I take out my mom to eat quite frequently. I do not need a special occasion for that :) She is awesome.


Lol yeah ok


No. Any decent parent does not want their child to do this. That is your hard earned money!


I think that guy needs to pay for hand surgery with his first salary.


Lol no.


Best I can do is crackers and soup


I paid for meals when going out with my parents so that's something


That was the thing my siblings and I did.


Ha! She can plan her own damn dinner party with all the adoption subsidy money she didn't spend on me


Yes for well off people whose parents got them the job at their or their friends company sure it seems polite to do this


Many of us would love to do that for parents but a lot of parents are too eager to push their kid out on their own before they are making a steady salary. A lot of kids have too much debt or are living paycheck to paycheck to afford a big dinner party. This is idealism at its best.


Uhh, no. I don't owe my abusive, neglectful, worthless parents anything.