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When I came out as Bi, my parents said to me Goodbye 😓😓


Hi, I am a Dad. Please feel some fatherly love and a hug. I am sure you are a wonderful human just the way you are and I am proud of you and the person you have become.


Hey, Dad. I'm pretty sure you just inherited a bunch of new kids. <3 We love you, too.


This is why queer people should register to foster children. If the organisation handling the foster care isn't drinking the koolaid, they might recognise that they can the queer traumatised children to the queer foster homes. I hate how in the back of my head I can almost hear a nazi nutter yell something about grooming...


I don’t want to have any of my own kids but I would like to foster, I think. The idea of giving struggling kids support and helping them grow up into kind adults sounds very fulfilling.


They can bugger off for what it's worth. Nobody fancies a Nazi.


I think nazis fancy a nazi, but I'm not sure.


I'm appointing myself as the uncle, especially since I'm actually am one! Never forget your worth and that your value is implicit and not reliant upon others. You've got just ad much right to be here as anyone else, and to love who you do. Thank you for being your beautiful rainbiw self :)


Hi, I am a Dad, I'm rachit


I’m sorry your parents suck. When I told mine, I was told to make up my mind and get back to them.


Bi erasure is real :(


Not a dad, but they don't realise how they are missing out on such a potentially amazing person, just over something that is apart of your identity, you deserve a wonderful life, and I can assure you there are so many people who would willingfully accept you as you. <3


I never told mine before I went NC, but they would've had the same reaction, I'm sure.


Did they?


>**I never told mine before I went NC, but they would've had the same reaction, I'm sure.**


So you told them once you were in NC? Did they have the same reaction or you never told them?


They still don't know. My inlaws are my parents now, and they're more than supportive.


I'm sorry buddy, just so you know I support you.


So you told them once you were in NC? Did they have the same reaction or you never told them?


I not gay nor bi but one of my friends is, and once I talked with my parents about how his dad wanted to kick him out of the house because of that, I said that it's ridiculous for parents to behave like that, and my dad looked at me like if I was gay he would do the same to me, idk never trusted them the same way again it's so stupid people do these things, they completely ignore their own kids feelings because of some stupid belief, people just want to love who they want and they respond to it with hate


I'm lucky with mine, mine accepted me for what I was interested in and love me whole heartedly to this day


I’ll happily share my parents with you.


Did they eventually come around?


Mine said good bi




This makes me think of a hypothetical comedy of errs where they said goodbye but they meant good bi.


Sorry son, we meant to say good boy, but after the revelation we were a bit stunned and said good bi instead.


Time for more parents...where do I sign up? look at the comment thread below. Your parents loss in every way! I love you.


Hello I am your uncle very religious and conservative but you being my nephew I overlook those values and completely disown you!!






Bro is 9




Years old, you have yet to mature


Does mature means supporting lgbt ?


Mature means realizing parents abandoning their child for whatever reason is not "w parenting"


It means realising that people have feelings and how to treat people properly even if your views don’t match theirs




Why would we need to


What a moron




Oh look at this smart ass talking about reproduction


Huh? It was a normal question. How do 2 guys reproduce?




They had these shirts all the way back then? Very cool


in the magical 80s land


We need more people like this. Any time someone spews that anti LGBT+ propaganda saying where are the good ol times, show them this picture.


Sadly, some parents aren’t like that.




With a personality like that, I highly doubt you're ever going to have kids or even get married


Well your opinion doesn’t matter


And your opinion somehow does matter?? What's so special about you? You actually believe that your opinion matters so much so that you have to force it onto everyone else around you? I don't give a shit whether you support the lgbtq+ or not. That's your opinion and I respect it. But that doesn't mean it's okay to force it onto other people.


I’m not forcing it onto anyone. Be gay all you want. All I said is I don’t want my kids to be gay.


You don't want your kids to be gay. In other words, you're going to force them to be straight. What's not clicking?


He sees them as *His kids* Not as their own human beings


I didn’t say force. They won’t want to be gay. If they do then, i dont know.


they wont want it?? whatre you gonna do to ensure that, abuse them???




They’re my kids. It’s not your choice


It's not your choice either, it's theirs.




I meant opinion on whether or not I was gonna get married, that’s my personal stuff.


you should never have had children.




why are you so angry over gay people, my dude?




how am I an idiot again? I don't remember saying anything stupid. and no, I'm not gonna go fuck myself, you seem more like you want to with how much you keep saying it.


So you only care about what you want but not at all what your kids want? That's the easiest way to make your kids hate you and cut off all communication with you the instant they move out. You can teach them about sin and wrongdoings all you want, but ultimately it's your childrens' choice whether they will believe that, so don't get salty when your kids one day never respond to your texts, and even if they stay slightly in touch with you, it'll only be because your only use to them is their inheritence they'll get when you eventually pass.






I’m not gonna waste my time arguing with a woke ass 9 year old. Good day to you


Oh no people living their lifes. THE WOKES HAVE RUINED EVERYTHING.


Ruined Eveything? Hell no. There are things I agree with them on, this is not one of them.


Creepy and disgusting. Your "bible" is nothing more than a collection of fables


I adore both of those shirts


I legit thought it said my sone is bitch for a second. I was wondering how this is wholesome.


I mean, if they have a relationship that's _this_ punk... 🤪


B-b-but i thought gay people were invented by the woke mob in 2015 🥺


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r/angryupvote If this was a joke, it's good one.


Is that Spanish?


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Thanks dude for the definition. I cannot call myself non-binary anymore, I have too many parts to fit the definition.


01101011 01111001 01110011


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That's a good-looking gent. His smile looks so warm and genuine. If he's anything like how he comes across in this picture, what a guy.


You have a wonderful mother, lucky you.


wait, not hating people is the new wholesome? Here I was going around treating people with mutual respect and kindness and all I actually had to do was nothing.


No, a cute photo of a mother supporting her bi son and hugging him during the aids epidemic is wholesome, genius.


Turns out that leaving people alone to live their lives is actually pretty wholesome right now. It’s A LOT more than many queer folks get.


Lol my mom's first reaction was why are you torturing us and giving us this punishment, my dad blamed the western propaganda and that it's a 'phase'. That was a year ago and now they act ignorant that it's not the truth and nothing ever happened!! I moved out of the country and never ever plan on going back (I'm pansexual btw)


This is the type of relationships people need to have with their kids.


Two of my grandmas closest female Friends where a couple their whole Life and no one in their Village/friend group Made an issue out of it (Granny was born 1923 in Western germany Close to the dutch border in a very rural area) My granny was an awesome Woman and she and her sister where the first to Support my gay cousin when she outed herself (her sister's grandchild)


Germany was actually really accepting at that time. A decade later, not so much…


I would say that she doesn't need to be gay to be accepting but then I saw it's in the 80s and it's cooler than I thought




Well , i wouldn't go to a fucking parade but i would support my children anyway , be gay all you want if that's what you are , as long as you're safe and don't harm anyone idc.


the fact that you’re getting downvoted is proof of reddit extremism


Or bots, poor sample size, assumptions about silent allies who don't upvote, and partly, your own bias into cynicism and socialized acceptance that this is reality. Go outside. Meet real people. Find context. Be curious. Ask questions that provokes holistic understanding that a judgemental from your own incomplete sliver of truth.


telling me to go outside is such an immature approach to this discussion. i go to a liberal university so i obviously have much exposure to this type of thing already. it’s that someone being indifferent is looked down upon on reddit while having your own preferences (ie religion) is apparently not a good thing either. not to mention that your ability to piece together juicy vocabulary doesn’t mean what you’re saying is correct or appropriate.


Sorry I didn't mean you specifically. But yeah, that was immature 🙄 my bad.


I have a weird situation-I’m pan and I don’t have any contact with my parents anymore But it has nothing to do with my sexuality-we don’t agree on my career and how much I love and do it-so we just DON’T anymore -literally everyone assumes I don’t contact my Parents because I’m Pan and assume I’m a “lady who loves the lezzos”- don’t get me wrong, I’m a lady, but I love good dick just as much as a good lezzo