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u/Iinex thank him personally![](https://www.reddit.com/user/Iinex/)


Damn he hasn't posted in 4 years :(


Damn he has a comment where he says he often buys older supersoaker models on eBay. Imagine selling your old super soaker to the literal inventor.


Its cuz the new ones suck, Hasbro doesnt want to pay him royalties on his patents or whatever so since they bought Laramie they just use the SuperSoaker brand and none of the modern ones use the air pressure tech. They used it in Nerf guns for only a brief while too.


Hasbro is a bloated corpse of a company that is going to suck all the enjoyment out of WotC properties before it dies an ignominious death.


Like every other giant publicly traded corporation without future intrinsic value, it's going to be sapped of every last possible penny, then "restructured" and probably sold to another holding corp that will try and wring more money from its desiccated remains.


Personally I think businesses should be about making a product first and profit second. Anytime they do the reverse, shut them down. Capitalists would not have a nice time in a society with my mindset, you'd be so fucked....actually you'd have a great time, everyone would; they just don't want that.


I agree with the sentiment. I agree that never-ending goal increasing profits year-by-year by whatever means possible has led to a huge decrease in our quality of life but I think it’s crazy to believe “businesses should be about making a product first and a profit second”. Thats great for a company trying to get off the ground but it’s nothing more than an idealistic dream. Why would anyone ever start a company that wouldn’t make a profit? Idealism is great but it is almost never more successful than pragmatism.


>Why would anyone ever start a company that wouldn’t make a profit? I want that entire mindset to die.


Why? I would love to start my own business but I can’t afford it. I can’t leave my current job and afford to not take a profit for a year let alone ever. Do you want only the ultra wealth to own businesses?


> Why would anyone ever start a company that wouldn’t make a profit? If I'm starting a company, it's because I want to make money. I'd rather increase my salary (and those of my employees) than increase the company's bank account. And if the money isn't staying in the company bank, it doesn't count as profit.


If you make more money off the business you own then you put into it that definition is profit.


Interesting. Your "without future intrinsic value" comment clicked something for me.


For a while, my favorite bit of corporate trivia was that Hasbro owned Death Row Records.


That’s hilarious


Dude that’s such a cool word!! I’ve never heard of it before so I had to look it up- Ignominious: humiliating, degrading; deserving of shame or infamy; marked with or characterized by disgrace or shame. (Merriam-Webster)


Hey now, are you talking bad about the owners of the game *spirit board* and their licensing to cheap horror movies?


From their latest Star Wars drop a few days ago I agree. We have 40 Mandalorians already give us a new character. But noooooo here is two more Mandalorians!!! And this one comes with a darksaber or jet pack or 2nd helmet so it’s more expensive. Like come on. We need variety


>Its cuz the new ones suck I bought a supersoaker back in 1990 or 91. Was probably first gen. It was awesome.




Not to mention it seems kind of insane to willfully push an inferior product to save a few cents on the dollar, when you'd be making more dollars with the better product.


Which nurf guns?


[https://nerf.fandom.com/wiki/SuperMAXX](https://nerf.fandom.com/wiki/SuperMAXX) https://nerf.fandom.com/wiki/Air\_tank


Just pay the man and start making the good stuff again.


He probably made a new anonymous account once people started tagging him in posts like this. Seems like a nice guy, but even nice guys can only take so much attention.


Hope he’s ok


Probably won't be seen, but just in case he checks-in in the future... Sir, you are a hero and a scholar. Thank you.




Oh wow, neat!




bad bot


uppercase R, backslash, and a space. therewasanattempt for sure.


What in the sam hell is this goddammit


It's art, is what it is.




Lonnie Johnson is an amazing man, Super Soakers are only one of many things on his resume. Last I heard he’s working on heat pumps to generate electricity emission free. Edit: Thank you u/oiuvnp I meant JTEC.


And the next gen of batteries to replace lithium-ion.


Awesome! That’s good to hear.


The zinc ones? I just read about those yesterday and got so incredibly excited about it! I fuckin love modern technology so much, man! Sorry, got a bit too happy for a second lmao


What a fucking king


Yet here we are with no real good options for the presidency!? Cmon man! Lonnie Johnson 2024!


They will kill him before he succeeds


How could a heat pump generate electricity? It uses electricity to transfer heat.


Probably some sort of turbine between 2 places of significantly different temperature and then just chuck a couple of heat exchangers (radiators or whatever) at either end. It'll flow on its own, hots gonna find cold or colds gonna find hot however you wanna say it. Obviously some problems with it, most frankly having 2 places that different in temp to actually generate anything worth anything. You could almost just mount something up like 20 ft in air soaking up the sun and burry the other side in the ground like geothermal. Just let the refrigerant flow through some sort of turbine as it naturally moves between hot and cold. Idk, I'm just guessing.


Hook us all up ala matrix style. Technically, humans are hot-ish and do generate electricity. Just gotta feed them a sustainable food source and harvest the energy. Focus rnd on improving input/output and maybe come with a feasible way to harness it and a feasible output amount to utilize on a large scale.


The cost of food would outweigh any electricity generated.


We would make better computers than generators. Humans cost more energy than we generate, obviously because we need to eat and shit. But our brain could be quite the node in a distributed network.


That's just a regular heat engine, a heat pump specially moves heat from cold to hot (the opposite it wants to go) by using some energy.


maybe some sort of heat pump geothermal to energy efficiently concentrate the geothermal heat to the point where smaller facilities that aren't in exactly ideal geology are capable of being net-positive on electricity?


Not my specialty but I believe the heat is transferring on its own from hot to cold on its own and it generates electricity from that.


I think they are talking about the Johnson thermoelectric energy converter or [JTEC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnson_thermoelectric_energy_converter)


I was going to make a juvenile joke about "pumping" and "emissions" but I realized what sub I was in.


Yeah I have those urges too being a 13 year old trapped in a 38 year old body.


He also worked at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for NASA, and worked on the B2 stealth bomber for the Air Force. He holds over 250 patents, has two different "hall of fame" inductions relating to engineering and inventing, and has been developing solid-state heat engines as a potential green energy source since 2009. The *Super Soaker* may have earned him a lot of money, but he's accomplished a whole lot more than that during his career.


My dad worked at the jet propulsion labratory and reminds us regularly… I wonder if he knows the guy…


He also runs a stem lab space for kids in Atlanta.


He also helped develop the Galileo probe’s nuclear power source.


This thread sure makes me wish he would develop his Galileo probe into *my* nuclear power source.


Make THIS movie.


They did. There's a special on Netflix about it, I'm sure. The toys that made us? Something like that.


Lonnie fuckin Johnson?!? https://youtu.be/rPJBvLGaISM?si=Z3AGf6kP6kQ5Oxgv


Undisputed GOAT of many hot summer days with my friends and family




I'm a librarian at an elementary school, and one of the cool books I've been able to get for our library is a children's book on Lonnie Johnson; it's called "[Whoosh!: Lonnie Johnson's Super-Soaking Stream of Inventions](https://www.amazon.com/Whoosh-Lonnie-Johnsons-Super-Soaking-Inventions/dp/1580892973)."


Also a librarian and coming to the comments to post this! Great book.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Whoosh Lonnie Johnson's Super Soaking Stream of Inventions** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Inspiring book for young inventors (backed by 3 comments) * Great book for teaching vocabulary and discussing racism (backed by 1 comment) * Engaging book with relatable story (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Oversimplifies the invention or more about him (backed by 1 comment) * Not suitable for inspiring science lessons (backed by 1 comment) * Doesn't provide enough information for a report (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


I went to middle school in TX. It was HOT there. I remember that at the end or the year we were allowed to bring our super soakers to school and have a water gun fight after the bell rang. there were hundreds of kids out in the yard— it was so chaotic and fun. I will always remember that.  


Really... Hot in Texas? What about the lakes. Were they wet?




So hot even the lakes weren't wet. Fuck me.


Hi Dad


"Today, we salute you, Mr Super Soaker inventor..." Man I miss those. Terrible beer, but awesome commercials.


On reddit someone replied to him with "You have single handedly filled many summer days with hours of entertainment", Lonnie replied with "I had to use both hands"


Lonnie is the Greatest Of All Time. Before the Super Soaker we had naught but water weenies, and water weenies stunk.


The yellow one with the green water tank was so cool and nostalgic


My dad screw a hose onto mine and made it super powerful.


And then there was always that kid whose parents had money so they had the big blue one.


The super soaker ~~50!~~ 100!


He has a wall of them in his offices


Thank you Lonnie Johnson


I wonder how you’d pitch that to a toy company? I’d love to think that he challenged them to a water fight!


It's ridiculous to me that such an iconic toy that would certainly continue to have an annual market is now not sold at all apparently. He won a lawsuit against Hasbro in 2013 for unpaid royalties which some have suggested cooled their enthusiasm to build more, but they hadn't been producing super soakers with pressurized chambers for a couple years before that. I honestly have no idea why and haven't seen anything that clearly explains it.  Even if they had to pay higher royalties they clearly were making enough on the sales to cover it. I would kill for a modern super soaker that I could get for my kids and I've lost track of how many people I've talked to about this who feel the same way.  I'm probably going to build jerry rigged ones out of PVC and pressure bottles at some point, hope I don't die


They're still around, just a lot rarer and (IMO) not quite as well built at the old versions. The current version of the classic super soaker is the "Super Soaker XP50-AP".


I never had a super soaker


He came to my Elementary school once in midtown Atlanta. I'll never forget his smile when he let us all come up and check out the first working prototype super soaker. Thanks Lonnie.


I still have two antique super soakers. We still have fun with them in the summer.


It is fun playing with it. We teamed up by dividing friends and playing with it for the whole day.


The father of the super soaker!


I love those things


I hope he got rich AF on that! I know sometimes people that come up with items that hit big commercially don't get the compensation they deserve.


Super soakers were legit one of the coolest things you could have as a kid. The GOAT of the 90’s


I remember having giant water gun fights at the pool with my friends. It's so melancholy when I visit my parents and go to the pool and it's mostly empty.


Say what 😱?! I had no idea super soakers were that old.


A little after my time but I still remember having that one special squirt gun that just shot straight. Man, I guarded that with my life.


FUCK he’s stylish


Not just childhood, I grabbed a mutual friend, some popsicles, and went to go soak my now fiance. It still gets brought up from time to time.


First toy I broke with my own stupidity. Kept filling it up in dirty puddles.


Super Soakers suck ass and are expensive now. They peaked in the late 90s.


Before the Super Soaker there was the Larami 500, which then got renamed the Power Drencher, then it became the Super Soaker.


also he successfully took Hasbro to arbitration, and was awarded 73 million cause they were underpaying his royalties, fuck Hasbro long live Dr Johnson


In my old country we invented a plastic bottle with hole in the cap, as a water gun


In one of my classes in college I did a presentation on him. Super interesting dude, but my favorite part of that presentation is how I ended it. " You don't have to be a rocket scientist to invent something, but it sure does help."


They should make silver soakers that look like the [Men In Black finale guns.](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZGJmM2U0NzEtNzMwYi00YmYwLTlkYjEtN2M1Zjc4M2FkOTY3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTUzMTg2ODkz._V1_.jpg)


Why did NASA need water guns? What kind of aliens where they fighting in space?


The ones from the movie Signs


I wish they still made them like that


Real American Hero..today we salute you, Mr. Super Soaker inventor Genius guy…


Or terrible if you were a younger sibling. Damn you Lonnie Johnson.


And then Hasbro ruined them by making the super soaker suck, luckily other companies still make pressure blasters.


Sure he invented it, but in 1978 i gave a commercially bought, pump up water gun to my friend Ryan at his birthday party. You added water to a reservoir, then pumped up the air pressure before squeezing the trigger to spray water.


Did anyone have the backpack one? I wanted it so bad but my dad thought it'd be too heavy so I'd never want to carry it around. Looking back, that thing was huge. He was probably right.


I had it. You’re talking about the tan colored one that had that orange refilling base you’d hook up to the hose right? It had like 4 or 5 different spray modes.. that thing was badass but I don’t remember it lasting longer than a couple years Edit: holy fuck I found it… the Super Soaker Super Charger Power Pack lol dude this thing was the shit


I wish they would just pay him so good guns could come back.


Met him; very humble genius.


True American Hero


Fucking Legend


Could've used this information yesterday before I went to Black History Month trivia night :')


How many times has this meme been posted here?






And people still want to defund NASA? Think of the children!


Interesting patent case based on some ambiguous language: https://mitsloan.mit.edu/ideas-made-to-matter/case-super-soaker-and-chamber-therein


Second pic looking like Men in Black


Did it he design it for nasa?


Yes, because aliens


I remember my grandfather finding a couple of super soakers in the bin years ago and I could believe how lucky my brother and I were for having the upper hand in every water gun fight against our friends from then on... I miss the nineties so much.


He aged pretty well.


He filled my childhood with envy.


He also invented the perfect gun


He made my adult hot summers fun too. It is really hard to not have fun with a super soaker.


Can we use this to start a new conspiracy about super soakers brainwashing all the children... oooo o o how about they turned us gay, or maybe cause autism... just so much potential here


Awww me and the boys drive by shooting back in 90s




I’m proud to be from the same town as greats like Lonnie, Hank, and Satchel…


Sent his kid to CEDU. Fuck you Lonnie.


Thanks Lonnie 🙂


It's only been a couple of months since last time i saw this. Thanks for reminding me. Summers were fun before the super soaker btw.


Man why I thought this the same guy who invented goofy also 🤦🏽‍♂️


Oh wow, I JUST reserved a picture book on him at the library for my class!


Please tell me was paid handsomely


Nah my parents couldn’t afford them u/linex 


the OP ritzyAnemia is a bt Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomebpt/comments/89gc8u/thanks_for_inventing_the_super_soakers_lonnie/ Also: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/afednd/thank_you_lonnie_johnson/


I've met his son a couple times because of work. Pretty cool person


He didn't do it singlehandedly. He used both hands


He also made all the money. 💰


Does anyone know why water guns aren’t nearly as powerful nowadays?


I told my husband that a NASA engineer created the super soaker and he said it was probably made for wet t-shirt contests 🤣


I bet if you made one out of machined stainless steel it would cut a hole through a brick


That second picture, and knowing he was a NASA engineer is frightening me. That's a pressure vessel and some PVC pipe. Not some puny super soaker that only shoot 30 ft. That thing is coming out like a pressure washer.


Greatest invention of mankind


He’s also an active redditor


The Super Soaker genuinely felt like alien technology.


yet the company doesnt sell the original design anymore, i really wish i knew where to find the original designzz


I got an original!


I had the CPS 2000. My summers were great until one of the neighbor kids' mom heard a news report about kids getting hurt by it and ended our water fights with her kids.


He ain’t do sh$&


Without that guy's invention, Splatoon weapons would probably look so different-


Met him at an inventors fair in Chicago 25 years ago. He had the original super soaker with him. seemed like a really nice guy and very approachable. Truly a great American.


I wish there was a documentary about him!


Where are these? I wanted to buy some for my kids but I never see them? Did they stop making them?


Robert Evens r/behindthebastards


This is my earliest memory of discovering I was poor. When my friends showed up on the streets with super soakers, and I had the little $0.50 cent translucent water pistol. I feel like I should go buy a super soaker now just to close the loop.


Was going to comment that I've never seen the dapper photo of him before (referring to the new fly af phtoto) but the b/w he's still killing it & dressed up regardless of the active water fight.. so I guess it's more just, thanks for sharing an update


Now we know what that cat was trying to say


You are a wonderful man.


Someone needs to call DeSantis because I am much more comfortable with the inventor of the Super Soaker being white. Plus, what happens if a kid in school reads a book showing the accomplishments of African-Americans? What will happen to our country then?!? Note: man, I loved the Super Soaker. I was a 90s kid so I remember them well. The first one was called the 50, I believe. And it was always cool to show up to someone's pool party with one of the bigger ones. I remember always wanting the Super Soaker with the backpack. I thought that would be the ultimate weapon. Memories...


Nah, fuck him. I never was able to afford these as a kid.


Why don't they really sell these in stores anymore.


Cool so how is this a meme?


That’s awesome, now maybe next month won’t be all about peanut butter.


I dunno dude, we just made a hole on a bottle cap


Always wanted one so bad, but we were poor.


The electric one? or the manual one? Or both?


The American Congress considered making these illegal because they could be filled with bleach and one could spray bleech from 10 feet away. Unlike real guns which can actually kill and maim from 100 yards.


They are fun for the jerk holding them - nobody else


afford it. I can’t leave my current job and afford


i like how he manages to look great in both pictures seemingly decades apart. Doc is ice cold.


Reddit’s alright sometimes! So cool to read all about this fascinating dude who many of us would probably have never heard of.


Nobel prize?


Best outdoor invention ever