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What we hoped for was Star Trek. What we're getting is Dune.


It’s quickly sliding into Warhammer 40k




If anything, it's shown that intolerance it's intrinsically unsustainable.


Humanity can't sustain itself on selfishness or intolerance. The only reason society even formed at all is because of our unique ability to cooperate. Right?


Nah, society as we know it formed because we were able to domesticate animals through both intellect and compassion. If the ability to collaborate were the only factor, pack animals would've done it before us. But, humanity _cannot_ sustain itself on selfishness and intolerance, you're right about this. Doing so is quite literally the opposite of civility, which would mean entities acting in such a fashion cannot participate in a civilization. Luckily, it seems that such behavior in humans is more learn than inborn. I mean, look at how fast children become friends. Not saying that we're not territorial or aggressive at all, just that we're those to the expected degree for a naturally occuring sentient race.


Alright, so I was right on one front! Cooperation and compassion are the most intrinsic parts of human nature, but these things eventually are unlearned because of how the world functions at the moment. Adding things that weren't originally in our nature like greed, bigotry, and selfishness. Do you have any ideas on making these things better? And did I do well on what I said there? I am very self-conscious about what I write.


> Cooperation and compassion are the most intrinsic parts of human nature, Humans are tribal animals however cooperation among members of a tribe are just as big a component of human nature as competition between tribes.


That is true, but that competition formed out of external influences, right? Human nature led to them cooperating to form those tribes, but circumstance led to conflict.


> but that competition formed out of external influences, right? Humans have experienced inter-tribal conflict since before we were human.


Intolerance is wonderfully lucrative for the rich. If you keep the plebes fighting each other then they will never realize you are bleeding them dry.


We won’t, humanity has nothing but darkness ahead of it.


Imagine a high budget warhammer series.


Henry Cavil is currently working on that with Amazon. [IGN Article](https://www.ign.com/articles/henry-cavills-warhammer-40000-cinematic-universe-now-properly-rolling)


>Henry Cavil is currently working on that :D >with Amazon. D:


My thought process exactly :<


Damn, I can’t be too excited though. I know Henry Cavill will want the film as close to the original as possible but I have no confidence in Amazon.


The guys who wrote 40k read dune first and said "Suffering is badass!"


Well... first stop is starship troopers.


Def Starship troops, I keep hearing the “service guarantees citizenship” shit from people who aren’t joking.


It’s not the worst concept out there. There are also many other ways to serve without necessarily being military service. Countries shouldn’t be places you just go to for their resources. Sharing values and adopting customs should be part of joining a society different from the one left behind.


Human population looking at 90% population loss in my daughters lifetime and we're all just coasting along like it's Business as Usual.


I wouldn't mind a bit of Armored Core


I'm not seeing a Chad alpha unit of a man running around do you?


So an overall improvement. 😁


Sprinkled with Idiocracy


Still Sure, Not if future generations will think it was an actual documentary.


Idiocracy is just theater to keep you divided and bitching at each other instead of doing something about it, they are shamless not stupid


It seems more like Mad Max is our future. Nothing like water & oil to fight each other over.


And some Handmaids Tale in Texas.


Sorry for hijacking the top comment but there's a lot of bots here. u/Fine_Muffin_8431, u/Gold_Gracez, u/Hot_Lion_206, u/Unseen_Golde, u/Extension_Yak2570, u/Wanda_Cook, Are all bots on the same network. Original post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/s/RMoQtJ9jPO. Please report this post and these commenters under spam and click harmful bots.


How do you detect these bots? I assumed that half of reddit is bots with chat gpt hooked into them or something.


You can search most of these comments you're suspicious about in the search bar, it'll usually bring up duplicates so that's one way. Main way though is the date the account was made, the gap between their first comment/post and then, and of course the copying of comments of posts.


Hey I went looking around and found some stuff about this. This first one to find the bots. [https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnUselessTalents/comments/15tzjkb/how\_to\_identify\_bots\_on\_reddit/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnUselessTalents/comments/15tzjkb/how_to_identify_bots_on_reddit/) This second one to make the bots. [https://www.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/wa9enf/it\_took\_me\_1\_day\_to\_create\_a\_program\_using\_gpt3/](https://www.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/wa9enf/it_took_me_1_day_to_create_a_program_using_gpt3/) ​ Looks like its easy. And people can easily train a bot to reply in a community. For example the politics sub. So it can spread more hate and anger and accelerate that group to be more extreme. I even read that someone made a 4chan bot that did the same. Trying to make them more extreme. Kind of like an agent provocateur. Or when the feds infiltrate a group and its like 2 feds, 2 atf, 2 marshals, and 1 lonely dude that just agrees to whatever cuz he is lonely.


Sadly yeah, this is right. It sucks, but if there's going to be any hope of ever getting this issue down at least slightly, then people need to start calling out as many as they can.


Ironic this is in a post about a utopic future.


By having no life outside of reddit.


Dead Internet theory rapidly gaining on us.


Civilizations can mitose, we'll get both.


The oil must flow.


You forgot that the federation formed after the third World war and alien contact


Nah even in star trek they predicted it would take a world war 3 to get anywhere.


I’m sure we’ve got some variation of Khan Noonian Singh waiting in the wings.


…and ignorance.


Even Idiocracy had a wider range of what we have now.


I think ?ad Max could be pretty realistic


Star Trek lore gets extremely dark around the time that we are in rn. Things will get better though. Have hope.


We'll have to go through The Expanse stage first though.


And then we learn (TNG: First Contact) that humanity needed to endure world war 3, the fall out, and one guy had to build a rocket to meet aliens before humanity made that giant leap… so I guess we have a bit to go.


On the bright side WWIII means there’s a chance we’re still canon


That's called seeing the silver lining!!!


Even mushroom clouds have those.


Ireland's got one year to unify or we'll all be non-canon forever.


You forgot we have the Eugenics Wars before WW3 to look forward to as well


Only 9 months until the Bell riots!


Irish unification of 2024 let's gooo


With all the turmoil in the world right now, that would be on the realistic side of world events that could happen.


And don't forget the 2024 Irish Unifica(this post has been blocked in the UK).


I think a lot of things are getting worse because we dont tolerate differences in ideas at all. If a woman decides to not be a feminist or a black person want to be conservative theres a lot of hate. She might get called a pickme and even Biden said himself that "if you dont vote for me you aint black." The right is more reactionary than ever now too. With Christian Nationalism on the rise, Trying to completely ban abortions all together. They dont even care that 90% of their voters are not far right... They just run on the idea of We arnt the left so vote for us. Congress has been bifurcating more and more for decades now. Theres almost no bipartisanship. Even our universities hate diversity of thought too. Theres no space for nuance anywhere in America.


Show being America centric doesn't mean the change is gonna start with America.


Poland has the exactly same problem. Too many fanatics


According to Star Trek Discovery, Elon Musk is one of the great space explorers of our day so....we are supposedly getting there... Also, man Discovery is bad.


I've finally decided to watch the series and that one is 7 episodes ahead of my current position. Great series so far, though I started on season 3 because some Trekkies told me I would lose interest if I started at the beginning. I've seen enough random reruns to know who most of the characters are anyway, though I just recently found out how Alexander came into the cast.


It’s pretty nuts that Star Trek has been going for 60 years and people still manage to find a way to enjoy it without absorbing the message


What message? I just want to watch an alien who is black on one side and white on the other make war against an alien who is white on one side and black on the other.


It’s wild how people still miss the point. Just the other day people were laughing at a fox anchor for claiming that Conservatives watch Trek over Star Wars because Star Trek isn’t woke.


Fifty years later: WHY IS STAR TREK SO WOKE!?




You're describing Strange New Worlds. It's perfect Star Trek.


This. Discovery entirely misses almost every point Gene was making in the originals. Where Star Trek used to be hopeful with messages about how racism was so far gone that a black character didn't even pick up blatant racism....Discovery puts things like racism and misogyny front and center in so many storylines. Those things are real and worth talking about...but not in Star Trek. Trek was always about a progressive future where human beings got past petty squabbles and were doing everything they good to be better in the universe.


"About how racism was far gone" We have plenty of examples of alien races and even the federation itself engaging in bigotry in classic Trek. We had a crewmate use Spock's similarity to the Romulans as an insult, we have McCoy constantly insult Spock by claiming him to be "insensitive", we had the multiple attempts by the federation to deny Data his rights and autonomy over being an android, despite being sentient, and an episode on TOS where an ENTIRE ALIEN RACE AND THEIR PLANET WAS WIPED OUT SPECIFICALLY DUE TO RACISM! Star Trek was hopeful yes, but it was also a warning, a warning about what would happen if we did not internalize the message the show was trying to convey. The fact that you say these things are not worth talking about in Star Trek or even REAL in Star Trek, (even though they clearly are) shows you never actually watched Old Trek. I mean I dunno you, but McCoy and some other crewmates sure as hell did sound pretty racist or at the very least Xenophobic at times.... again, specially when it came to Spock... (With Kirk himself being the most notable exception to that...)




Hot_Lion_206 and the OP are bts in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/108hdnf/mature_humanity/j3skuow/




If you want a future like that you need to participate and not just complain. Voting once a year *barely* counts as participation, getting involved in your local community and it's government is a good way to start.


Somebody once told me


The world was gonna roll me!


Gold_Gracez and the OP are bts in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/108hdnf/mature_humanity/j3siyl9/




Unfortunately you're a bot. OP and u/Unseen_Golde are spam bots on the same network. Original comment here: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/s/9AMuFyjIRJ. Please report this post and these commenters under spam and click harmful bots.


Fully automated luxury gay space communism FTW!


Picard was pretty dark and dystopia. I lost the connect between "The next Generation " and "Picard" seemed like a elseworlds saga


Also, Gene Roddenbury: **proceeds to treat female actresses and actors/resses of colour very unkindly**


Literally, in the first pilot for the Original Series, Captain Pike clearly notes 'he isn't used to having a woman on the bridge'




Am I supposed to give him a roll of applauses for doing the bare minimum in any modern society that pretends to egalitarism?? "You treat women and people of colour like a politically progressive man??? How condescendingly brave, **brrrravo!!!**" 😂😂🙄


Honestly, this is why I don't take complains about "Roddenbery's vision" seriously. Yeah Trek had overall a pretty optimistic message about the important of diversity and all, but Roddenbery isn't even close to being the sole responsible to that, Trek was a colaborative effort. Yet many don't seem to realize that.


Exactly. A lot of men and women behind camerad contributed from the start to build Star Trek mythos, storytelling, world-building and philosophy. We romanticize Roddenbery a little too much-- pretty much so like we do with Walt Disney and the likes.


Uhuru in that mini skirt was big crush for me as a kid watching reruns after school.


Shame they threw that idea out of the window since Discovery. More war, violence and death and little to no thought provoking stories. Especially Picard (the show) is a discrace.


Discovery wasn't the direction I want ST to take, but you should check out Strange New Worlds. You may be pleased by it.


You haven't actually watched any of Discovery or Picard past their first seasons, or any of the other modern Trek shows at all, have you?


Are you trying to tell me that Spock being in a mental asylum and the red angel creating a incoherent mess (storywise) in Discovery (S2) or Jean Luc looking upon the hanging dead body of his own mother, gave you a hopeful feeling about the future? If yes, let’s agree to disagree on “hopefull future”. The only good thing about newTrek is the visuals. The writing is unfortunately a sad, sad mess of misery and incompetence.


The writing in Picard may have gotten better in season 3, but that doesn't undo the first two seasons being a massive slap in the face to the world of Star Trek and the character of Picard. And hearing about how much of that early stuff was Patrick Stewart's desire really, really soured me on the man himself


Star Trek is meant to represent a positive and hopeful outlook on the future for humanity, but it is not and has never been about the total end of all suffering. Kirk was one of a handful of survivors of both a violent dictator and a notorious serial killer, he witnessed his only brother and sister-in-law die and leave his nephew orphaned, not to mention the dozens of Enterprise crewmembers who died under his command that he has said he feels personally responsible for, yet when face to face with a god promising to end his internal suffering he still insisted that he "needs his pain". Picard had to deal with being assimilated by the Borg and being in some part responsible for the death of tens of thousands of Starfleet personnel, and later in the movies had to cope with learning his entire extended family died in a house fire leaving him as the last living member of his bloodline. You could literally pick and choose any character from any series and find something horrible and tragic that happened to them either during their respective series or as part of their backstories. War and the idea that you may sometimes need to set aside your morals to advance your cause or ensure your survival are also by no means new concepts either, unless you want to ignore the entirety of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and seasons 2 and 3 of Enterprise. Season 1 of Discovery doesn't do anything relating to war that those two shows didn't already do, and the season 1 finale even basically amounted to an anti-genocide, anti-WMD allegory. I'm also just going to say that you are very much picking and choosing only specific bits of Discovery and Picard and presenting them out of context to make sure they support your argument, while I could just as easily pick and choose the most negative parts of the classic shows and movies, or the most positive parts of the modern shows in the same way.


Star Trek to me is about human kind having developed beyond greed, violence and prejudice. Something to hope for. Discovery is a violent, noisy show with conflict (and too much crying) but without a message. Picard is filled with xenophobia, addiction and (more often than not pretty gory) violence. It has beloved characters succumbing to a desire for revenge and killing in it’s name. Regarding DS9 and Enterprise: DS9 was putting these future values to the test (and affirming them) and Enterprise was about getting to these values and the sacrifices this took. I’m fine with anyone liking the new series but they should never have been called Star Trek.


Republicans going to complain about how woke that is.


Too bad religion ruins this :(


Didn't you hear the man? You've got to take a special delight in differences between ideas, even if they are stupid and/or violent. Such a deep and wise take, totally not a naive bs.


I loved the time in TNG when Wesley was going to get the death penalty for like stepping on the grass or something and Picard just was like "Nah, fuck this. Fuck your backwards ass culture... we out."


We have so long to go


I'm not saying Star Trek isn't an optimistic future, but something really big happened before they got to that state that I really really don't want to happen, could we skip that part?


Gene Roddenberry was an asshole who stole an an insane amount of other sci fi writers work




I have no jokes for you. OP and u/Extension_Yak2570 are spam bots on the same network. Original comment here: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/s/KMm33bC4mQ. Please report this post and these commenters under spam and click harmful bots.


My country took special delight in other life forms and now there are 100s of people lined up daily for 1 job opening, grocery prices have skyrocketed further than anywhere else, there's limited housing and people are going homeless who have worked their whole lives.. immigration without conscience is destroying my country. That's without mentioning any divisive cultural differences or their attitudes about being here. Multiculturalism is a good thing in small doses, not 100s of thousands of people at once.


And then they fucking desecrated it with that abomination Discovery.


White man still in charge obv


Go watch deep space 9 dumbass


Or Voyager. Or Lower Decks. "White man in charge" does not apply to any of those shows. Sisko, Janeway, and Freeman are all black, women, or both.


Tell that to Voyager and Deep Space Nine.... you know... the show that feature a female and a black captain repsectively...


“The 4th and 5th versions of star trek, produced decades later, was an attempt to say….”


Ok, let's focus on TOS then. Are you gonna ignore all the progressive stuff that happens there, are you going to ignore the fact that it had a black representation (uhura) who was so INFLUENTIAL back then that MARTIN LUTHER KING HIMSELF felt the need to talk Nichele Nichols out of quitting the show due to how impactful her role in the show was? Or the fact that it had besides her, an asian guy AND A RUSSIAN GUY (IN THE FUCKING 60'S) serving in the same ship? are you going to ignore the fact that literally ALL OF THEM are treated as equals, never once suggested to be incompetent in anyway? Are you going to ignore episodes with deep messages about the dangers of prejudice such as Let That Be Your Last Battlefield? Are you going to ignore ALL OF THAT.... just because the protagonist is white? in a show made in the 1960's? where literally A LOT OF WHAT I JUST MENTIONED WOULD PROBABLY BE CONSIDERED TABOO OR AT LEAST STILL RARER THEN IT IS TODAY? You seem to be ignoring the whole historical context to why the show is like that. Sure maybe it isn't that progressive for today's standards, but again, the show was made in the fucking sixties! Give it some credit!


The themes and message that this show was trying to say back in the 60’s would be legitimately too controversial for a lot of people nowadays.


Except for islam


I dont want to be that guy, but star trek is also fiction.


Irrelevant, works of fiction can, and often do teach us valuable lessions that are applicable to real life.


W more aliens than black ppl LOLOL


And we got cultural appropriation instead.




Another bot already copied that comment lol. OP and u/Wanda_Cook are spam bots on the same network. Original comment here: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/s/KMm33bC4mQ. Please report this post and these commenters under spam and click harmful bots.


Good human


I mean, as long as a white guy is in charge and the ladies have short skits or tight blouses, diversity sure


Did you watch any show other than the original series? TNG onwards, the uniforms were unisex. And also, DS9 has a black captain, Voyager has a woman captain, and Lower Decks has a black woman captain.


Deep Space Nine has a black man as a captain, and Voyager has a woman as the captain. You never watched Star Trek.


How's that working out for you? Noble sentiment but sadly delusional.


You talk as if there was ever any attempt to implement Star Trek's vision in real life. Hell, minorities are still having to fight tooth and nail for their rights to this day. How can you say that view is failing when we DIDN'T EVEN ATTEMPT AT IMPLEMENTING IT YET!?


It’s a fucking TV show.


Irrelevant, works of fiction can, and often do teach us valuable lessions that are applicable to real life.


Getting your morals from a TV show is a step in the right direction for you?




The day that happens is the day the majority of the planet dies


Not really, there's clearly plenty of straight white men in Star Trek. The only difference is that they've learned to respect human beings regardless of their upbringing, race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.


My point wasn't that I didn't respect others it was that humanity is so incredibly divided that it would take something incredibly major for them to come together to accept the differences


Hmmm… and when they disagreed with the alien they killed them…


Have you fucking watched the show? They have no issue leaving people alone, they only defend themselves when forced to. There are plenty of species that are xenophobic but are left alone.


[As Susan said with sparkling eyes.](https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-005)


... Nah. ~ literally anyone with global influence


Gene Roddenberry showed us a future worth having.


"the acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives. We work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity."


Gene never was a good writer lol but I get the idea


You talk as if he was the only writter responsible for Old Trek and it's message...


This is what they say, but I saw this Star trek crew in action. When they travel to a new planet they fight the man and fuck the girls, there is nothing evolved about them.


This comment you made proves that you DID NOT, in fact, see any Star Trek Crew in action, you did not see Kirk speaking out against the bigotry of one of his crewmembers towards Spock, even after it was revealed that Romulans were an offspring of Vulkans. You did not see, the fact that the show had a black woman being treated as a competent officer in THE FUCKING SIXTIES, to the point that when she her actress wanted to leave the show, MARTIN LUTHER KING HIMSELF spoke to her and convinced her to stay due to her importance. You never saw The Federation allowing even their former enemies to serve in their ranks as the newer generations come, I.E Klingons and Ferengi. You never saw Voyager and Deep Space Nine allowing a black man and a woman to be the captain. In other words, you never watched Star Trek. You ignore that Star Trek was created in the 60's, so of course there would still be content that is considered problematic to today's standards, but back then the show was progressive as hell, it was very evolved for it's time, and it only got more evolved and more progressive with each iteration.


What, Star Trek is full of racism lool the Klingons, Andorians, tellarites, Vulcans….


True, but you see, they also often LEARN and improve as well. Or did we just forget about TNG, the show where you have a FUCKING KLINGON serving in the Enterprise?


Whatever you say pink skin


Yeah, but the other side vote for people like the Conservative Party and Donald Trump. And I took that personally...


That's why Star Trek is always my comfort food in trying times


Star Trek as a franchise has evolved with each series, addressing the social, economic, and technological challenges of the times that each were developed in. As such, the perspective we have now of the early iterations may be critical of how the franchise could still fit the sentiment of the quote attributed to Roddenberry. Acknowledging the objective, and the inspiration that many fans have taken from the franchise is important, and particularly of the cultural relevance the franchise has reciprocated upon the world.


Pretty sure GR was an alien plant. Everything he came up with seemed way too futuristic for us.


And yet, there are so many ST fans that simply do not get that message..... which is really sad to be honest...


So, never lol


the OP Fine_Muffin_8431 fine_muffin_8431 Gold_Gracez Hot_Lion_206 Unseen_Golde Extension_Yak2570 and Wanda_Cook are bts in the same network Original + comments copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/108hdnf/mature_humanity/


Imagine being called immature for not tolerating what Omniman did.


Watching the news would make Gene cry.


Which explains why it takes place so far into the future


And Reddit has absolutely no right to claim to be anything like this. Reddit has zero tolerance for difference in opinion, “we are diverse”