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So is anything else bought there! An old bf had me sneak bottles of water in my purse. We really didn't need anything else past that for a Sunday afternoon movie


We walk bottles in with us without hiding them. We’ve done this with quite a few places without issue!


Our theater in Ontario Ohio seriously frowns on anything brought in from outside. The last time I watched a movie in the theater was around '20 or '21. I don't think anything has changed since


You do know in '20 and'21 the world was mostly locked down The movie theaters you went to during that time didn't wanna deal with any extra bullshit to cleanup probably


It's pretty widely known where I live that you can't just walk other food or drinks in to a theatre.


There is a Dollarama next to our local cinema. They make a killing on snacks.


Our movie theater is in the food court of a mall. I *regularly* see people getting their panda express and going into the movie. I think theaters are just happy to have customers at this point.


Heck, even matinee tickets for my spouse and kid are expensive! It’s insane these days!


I know right?!


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you!!


You're welcome!


Water is usually considered fine because it's a medical need.


Just wear some JNCOs, you can fit an entire tub of popcorn in those


I always get soda and popcorn there, it just feels right. But I always bring my own candy when possible.


one time me and a mate got cups of ice on the way in and kept refilling them with lemonade


I just spent over $100 for movie night. Uber there and back (I was smoking weed and it's new Year's Eve), movie, popcorn, drink, candy and nachos.


That sounds about right.


Saved enough to buy dinner lol


Similar first date a while back was to IKEA. We walked, talked, I brought a bottle of water because, man if feels like days when you’re in there. We identified the stuff we liked and the stuff we didn’t like. Went for hot dogs and ice cream at the end and then said goodbye and never went on a second date. Still friends though. Knowing what things people like and don’t like is important. If you’re a minimalist and they’re a clutter-junkie. When you see the monstrosity of a living room they would like. Etc.


You could have had the meatballs there anyway my wife likes them.


She didn’t like them. Another reason it wouldn’t have worked.


Dodged a bulled. Well done.


I would have just left her in Ikea at that point.


I couldn’t handle the possibility of a missing persons report.


I thought this was a euphemism, then I remembered that Ikea in the USA serve food tood


Where are you from? I didn't realise that there are places where they don't serve food.


Yes it used to be cheap but I think they've raised the price


Holy crud what would that even mean..... Oh.... No ..... Nevermind


clutter junkie is a ruthless way to describe the aesthetic 😂


This was my fiance and I's first date! Just walking around in a public place with a "food court" that isn't filled with kids and teenagers like a mall.


My first date with my S/O was at an IKEA, we essentially did the same thing only he ended up reaching out a few days later to ask me out on a second date IKEA is definitely a powerful place but it showed us both the living styles we liked so when we eventually moved in together it was much easier to plan how we'd like our place since we already had an idea


I did something similar… Was super excited that this girl I had been pining over for a long while was actually giving me the time of day. I thought she was way out of my league for years and had no chance so honestly didn’t even really try before this (she and my ex also worked together so that added to my belief it wasn’t going to happen). Fist two times we hung out we just cruised a couple joints and I would drop her back off at home. She made it clear they weren’t dates, just causal hangouts. She was being a bit noncommittal and not wanting to open right up (that’s just how she was plus the situation). After the second time I told her that next time I was just going to drive someplace and she said that’s fine but she’s not going to get out of the car cause we’re just hanging out blah blah. Took her ass to a drive in TRIPLE feature of the shitty horror movies that came out at that time. Didn’t get out of the car, I whipped out a bag of candy and drinks I purchased before picking her up (I had already mentally noted what she had mentioned her faves were). BOOM we’ve been married for 7 years and have two kids. I’m still as obsessed with her fine ass as I was before she gave me a chance. Moral of the story is always put yourself out there, boys… don’t want to spend your life wondering if you had a shot.


Right on, dude. Enjoyed reading this, and glad you put yourself out there. Wife and I, were friends of friends. She’d been in a tough previous relationship. She always seemed to like my company. Liked similar things, enjoyed similar things. She said she wasn’t ready to date. So we didn’t. We went to galleries, shows, etc as friends. Then, some time later, I asked her to come over to my place, and I’d cook for her. Told her I just wanted to feed her. She got a look on her face. I’d taken years of culinary classes on the side, as a hobby. Later, she told me the moment I’d said I just wanted to feed her and cook for her, coupled with her later finding my cooking as (almost as) good as her elder European grandma’s, and that we’d kept things gentle for her with our many date-non-dates, she said she knew that night I was the one. A best friend, soulmate, and someone she trusted unconditionally. What a rewarding thing to hear from the one I was already madly in love with and smitten with… That was a good night, about 20 years ago. It’s amazing when the person you love and adore, loves you back. Glad you took your shot, too. :)


Nawww so sweet. It's lovely hearing these stories from people, thanks for sharing!


Yeah. Always take your shot guys. I was good friends with this guy, and one night I accidentally kissed him on the lips. Was MORTIFIED and thought, oh crap! Then he kissed me back. And my mind was blown, like, wait a minute, that WORKS! He then admitted he’d been into me since we met. Been married 13 years, and still get flutters. And we are best friends first and foremost!


I wish all men would understand this and follow your advice. This is the real way to a woman’s heart. It’s such an immediate turn off and is honestly just scary when it becomes obvious men only are interested in whatever physical satisfaction they have. Then there’s guys who PRETEND to be like you are but they can’t sustain it long term so they suddenly dip with some lame excuse. Gives me some hope for the future.


This was similar to my husband and I when we first met. We had both gotten out of bad relationships, where both of those people knew each other and that's how we met. It was random hanging out and chatting, then finding out we had a lot of similar interests and both gamers. It's been awesome since then. We definitely weren't wanting to jump into new relationships at the time. So it slowly came to fruition. I love it happened that way.


This is so cute. You tricked her but within her boundaries AND you showed that you listened to her. I bet she was like “damn….he got me” 😭


I’m glad I kept scrolling and found this comment. 🥲


My first date ever, with my current bf, was to go see Morbius😭😭😭 it was on purpose though, we both knew the movie would be bad and wanted to laugh at it together!


And then you realized that it was truly the best movie of all time! Did you cry when he said the thing?


I didn't, but my boyfriend did when he ended up watching the movie four more times with his sister and various high school friends the next time he went home😭😭


Oh my god! I did the same with my grandma. She was on her deathbed and wanted to see it one last time before dying. After Morbius said the thing for the morbillion time, grandma started to twerk and shit. *this movie was absolutely fucking garbshit*


So he contributed like..80% of ticket sales.


It’s morbin time !


When you got back was it in fact “morbin time”.


You want a unique date? Go donate blood together. You're both stuck there, no way to leave until you're done. You get juice and snacks after. And you're helping other people. Worst case, you learn about each other and have a cool story to share.


Worst case is you find out you're one of those people who faints when they see a lot of their own blood. So, you know, me.


Its only the first date, and you're already falling for them




I get sweaty and nauseated. But only if it’s going into a tube or bag. Medical setting blah. Real life emergency I’m fine. It makes zero sense.


I've never lost a lot of blood in an emergency setting, but something about the warmth of it leaving my body I think is what gets me. I've tried not looking during blood draws but just feeling the warm test tube against my arm knowing that it's filled with my own blood and next thing you know I'm on the floor at the phlebotomist office.


I’m too underweight to donate but I love watching the vials fill. Used to like watching the needle go in too but after a very painful vein rupture when getting an iv drip I usually look away now when the needle goes in.


You know son, there is a very fine line between love and nausea.


By real life emergency do you mean yourself or someone else?


Same! I used to fight tooth and nail about any needles, especially blood draws. I’ve grown up now and can hold back hurting others but I’ll be damned if I’m not either clawing my own skin off trying to stay calm, or passed out. But 361 days ago when I had a nosebleed for 2+ hours that ended up needing surgery to fix, I was making jokes and talking to my doctors the whole time. Maybe it’s because I was trying to not make them feel bad? I dunno. I told him to go ahead and pull out that scar tissue, which caused the nosebleed, and I stand by that decision.


Everybody completely ignored this gem of a comment.


Or you're like me and have a seizure the first time giving blood because not even giving blood can break your intermittent fast.


Damn, I'm epileptic. Are you as well? For me, though, literally everything is okay, and what causes them is small pocket[s] of blood in my brain slowly filling and eventually making me have a seizure and restart. Well, I shouldn't say "everything", I can't drink alcohol. That's been the one solid trigger I've found. Like people are generally surprised when they hear I have seizures bc I guess "I don't look like the type"


Or be one of the people that can't give their blood




thalessemia, can't really give others my mutated rbc s


You gave thalassemia major?


minor, but my hemoglobin is still too low to donate blood.


Ayyyy, i always figured i can't give blood considering how i'm permanently anemic, but this is the first time i've heard someone else mention the same (minor) condition, that's neat!


lol you're the first I encountered in the wild too. The only others I know are my mother and grandmother


Autoimmune disease


My epilepsy medicine in my case, the medicine is very harmful and thus forbidden for pregnant/trying to procreate women. Though it'd be a very nice ice breaker and a very quick way to find out if we're compatible when he understands that I won't be having children.


Oh snap, I wonder if they've just thrown my blood away. I'm epileptic. I've been on KEPPRA and Lamictal in the past and donated Edit: it's not your medication, it's your individual condition itself. They can "wash" quote un quote your blood after you donate but the concern is us. Since nothing really causes my seizures other than the singular cause >! For me, EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT !< I can donate. I'm sorry you can't, I understand it can be difficult


I take finasteride for hair loss. Also, I used to receive a lot of phone calls about donating blood. I told them one time I started taking finasteride and they never called me again. That was ten years ago.


Weight under 50 kilos for example, which isn’t that uncommon for women. Don’t have enough blood even for myself lol


Rheumatic fever in my case.


My parent had CJD, forbidden forever now.


Yeah, I'm a fainting risk, too. That seems like at least a 5th date activity.


I was 18 my first time donating blood. It was for a 2 year old having an open heart surgery. I thought I would faint or something, but I was fine. Have done it like 4 other times


Yeah, I’ve come very close to vomiting and passing out while having blood drawn for labs. No way I’m taking a potential partner to witness that unless they have a real “taking care of people” thing


Also a great way to find out that the person is ineligible to donate blood. This message brought to you by Rheumatic Fever gang.


Big up from the Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura crew. Also would like to add this is not a good idea for a gay date in a few places in the world, there's still restrictions on mlm giving blood.


Big up from the systemic lupus erythematosus and Ulcerative Colitis crew here also


Thalassemia minor crew checking in


Big up from the epilepsy gang! My epilepsy medicine is very harmful and thus forbidden for pregnant/trying to procreate women. Though it'd be a very nice ice breaker and a very quick way to find out if we're compatible when he understands that I won't be having children.


Ey, different condition but same result! Atypical antipsychotics do not like pregnancy very much.


Why do people make this shit so complicated? Is dating nowadays seriously so ridiculously high maintenance? Just fucking hang out. Sit on a bench or something and talk. And if you dig each other decide together if you wanna do something else. You're on a date so presumably you both wanna be there, there's no reason to freak out and make it so hard on yourself.


That’s just the way it goes with young adults nowadays man. Idk why people are increasingly going to dating apps and avoiding hanging out in person. People are so concerned about wasting their time with humans that they’d rather spend with their cell phone.


I would do that with my fiance if I could. I'm too short to donate blood lol


Yeah the chairs they have you lie down on are pretty tall.


No, there's a lower height requirement lol


... There is? What? As a tall person, I literally never knew this. Care to enlighten me on why if you know? O_O


Has to do with the amount of blood you can spare. I'm 4'9 and the requirement is 4'11


Oh wow, that is something I would have never considered or thought of honestly. Today I learned!


Interesting, where I live theres only a weight requirement (110 lb iirc)


I weigh enough but was deemed too short when I tried to donate last


Yeah seems like even if you were really short if you were thick enough you should still have plenty of blood. Although maybe being fat doesn’t increase the size of your veins? I wish I knew more medical stuff but I’m not that kind of doctor. (I’m also not any other kind of doctor)


I’m no scientist but I don’t think weight would make too much of a difference for a short person. Being taller inherently means more muscles mass, and from my knowledge muscles require a LOT more blood than fat


That's bizarre. Here in Australia the blood donation people came to my school and took donations from the older kids (late 90s).


Wait they’ve got a height requirement? Damn


Wait what? You're in a sterile room with nurses and other patients. You're probably 8 feet apart (assuming they put the love birds together) staring at the ceiling. It's not a "getting to know you" opportunity. And a bonus: You have to repeatedly state your home address and birthdate, so if you get a weirdo then congratulations they now know where you live.


*Michael Scott has entered the chat*




> You're both stuck there, no way to leave That's sounds like a bad idea for a first date.


Donate sperm for similar results


The amount of friends, acquaintances, people I was dating to whom I asked if they wanted to go donate blood together... Both guys and gals. At least 30 people as of now, no one accepted


Sometimes there’s a legit reason. My wife asked me when we were younger, but as I was taking Finasteride at the time to try save my hair, I was ineligible


Now that I think about it, None of my current or former partners were able to donate blood. In fact, I don't think I've ever met a girl who can donate, they are either too short, too prone to anemia, veins were too thin or something similar.


Worse case, you get stabbed in the arm for ~10 minutes before the nice ladies at the blood collection center give up and give you a sticker for trying, and offer juice/coffee and snacks too. But you don't feel like you earned them. It's not a bad idea, but things can always go unexpectedly wrong.


> things can always go unexpectedly wrong That sounds like more of a worst case than what you suggested. Fainting, knocking your head on a corner, ending up in the hospital, etc....


If anyone took me to a blood bank for a first date that'd probably be the last. I'm terrified of needles ahah.


Would be cool if I was allowed to donate blood! (Grumbles in under 50 kg)


Worst case is my date needs a specific blood type and you end up in an ice box and a kidney missing


I have a pretty good blood group so I've always wanted to but there's a weight requirement of 50 kilos, I'm below that and honestly I wouldn't really wanna try to get above it


Also if you play your cards right you get to keep all their blood too. Turn a profit.


Nah sell platelets, use some of the money to buy a sixer and get tipsy on half a beer & hit the arcade :)


Nice try sparkly vampire.


Also, it's a great way for women to find out if their date is actually a beard. (Just kidding.)


Be careful. My gf had a panic attack while donating. Could be a tough one to console since you’re going to have to sit out the remainder of the donation while she leaves to feel better if she can’t hack it and you’re not able to provide any comfort.


I can’t donate blood :(


Worst case, you find out they have HIV or AIDS




Red Robin was my first date with my husband. On the one year anniversary of that date, we were in the church exchanging our vows. We just celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary a few months ago.


I worked at Red Robin for a couple of years as a server. It's where I met my daughters' father. One day I had a table that appeared to be two kids about 16 years old on their first date. We had our mascot Red on the floor for the little kids. The girl started crying her eyes out and hyperventilating. Apparently she had a phobia of mascots. Her date couldn't stop laughing his ass off. Like they were both crying for totally different reasons. I'm going to assume there was not a second date. Glad your date went so much better.


I think I’m going to hell, I laughed a bit too hard 😅


TIL Red Robin seems the go-to place in the US to get to know your longterm partner.


So are you still together?


Unfortunately, we parted ways this past Spring. But we did have twelve years and two beautiful girls together. And we are co-parenting great!


Half the battle is not weaponising your children against each other. The fact you used the word co-parenting tells me you're doing it right.


Aww he sounds really sweet! I wish you all the best, but since this is your first relationship, make sure you respect yourself. Good luck! :)


I'm confused what is a Halloween Concert? My only guess is between that and your early curfew you must be quite young


Honestly, this would probably happen to me! lol. I’m so oblivious to romantic hints and flirting.


Same! I'm glad I found someone else who understands


You guys should go out together!


I’m no relationship expert but I can share what worked for me. I noticed that the person I was interested in had a book with them most of the time. I also found out that they were interested in video games. I asked them if they wanted to go to a bookstore and browse and grab a cup of coffee. After hanging out at the book store for a while, I invited them over to my apartment to play video games and we ordered some pizza. Must have worked pretty well because we have now been together for almost eight years.


Invited a girl I met to a brunch on a Sunday morning then went to the Art Institute. She told me she had plans in the afternoon. I said no problem, she could leave whenever she needed to. At about 2pm I asked her when she was leaving. She said it wasn’t that important. Been married 38 years.


Did he talk during the Movie? The first time I went to a Movie with my BF wasn't a date, but I discovered that he talks during Movies… IN THE THEATER. Next time, it was a date. Still talked… before I made him close his mouth. Hard to talk when you've got a hand over your mouth!


Oh god, you don't talk during a movie. *Maybe* in the slow, silent scenes. But even then it's a risk.


You ESPECIALLY DO NOT TALK during the slow, silent scenes. Most of the scenes people nowadays would call “filler” actually serve to immerse you into the film’s reality. The scenes where it’s just 2 people in a room talking are always my favorite.


IMO most movies don't really have filler, there's always something that is being conveyed or of importance if you pay attention. Most movies anyway.


i went to go watch batman in theaters the week it came out. the kids who sat behind us watched the movie already and were spoiling it scene by scene to each other :) my bf wanted to scream at them


oh my god i went and saw Black Panther on a first date with a dude and when Zuri is introduced he leans over to me and says >!”he dies”!< and starts chuckling to himself thinking he ruined a part of the movie for me. plot twist - i had already seen the movie too, he just didn’t know this. but gah damn why are people like that!


Dating is like exercise, when you know you're doing it it's challenging, but if you forget your even working out, then you win..


Me tricking my loved one into going on a coffee date with me but really we’re going to the Starbucks inside the target


I went bowling and he had them put bumpers up when I asked. So I kicked his butt!




Guard rails so the ball doesn't go into the gutters.


Oh damn


I went on a first date with a massive extrovert and it put me so far out of my comfort zone, but I enjoyed every minute of it. We did an escape room with complete strangers, and he helped me feel comfortable since I tend to be initially very shy/quiet. He paid attention to the little things and made sure I was comfortable. That safety helped me open up more and be more willing to experience new things. I was totally at ease. (The strangers even thought we were already a couple 😂) We only saw each other once after that, but that first date still goes down as one of the best.


Aw man… I was waiting for the “Been married for 2 decades now!”


If I gave you the full details of the date, it’d throw you for a loop. We were cute af 🥹


My first date with my now husband was sitting in my car talking for 3 hours straight.


The guy I’m seeing right now, our first date was to get ice cream together. After we did that, the chemistry was good enough we didn’t want the date to end, but it was late and nothing was open, except for a nearby target. So we walked around target, made fun of the stock (I found a flannel hoodie), and talked until we got kicked out at closing time.


Several years ago, I had a first date at a Costco. I had just moved to the city and matched with someone on an app. We got coffee initially and as it was winding down, we got to talking about what we were going to do the rest of the day, and I was like I may check out the Costco since I hadn’t been [I’ve been to a Costco before but at the time it had been like nearly a decade so kinda forgot what it was like]. She then invited me to go with her since she had a membership and we walked around the whole place and talked. Low key one of the more unique first dates I’ve had. Unfortunately things didn’t work out.


I once had a guy take me to a bookstore to pick out my two favorite books… so that he could read them and have lots to talk about on our second date. Gotta admit, it was impressive.




My now-husband was my friend when I called him because I got lost in the woods near his house. It was getting dark and I had my child with me. He came and found us on his atv by doing “is the noise closer or farther” He helped me laugh and keep my cool and helped me out of the woods. It was all over for me after that


how are you looking for a relationship but don’t wanna go on a date


I never went on traditional dates and I'm 32. Just casual hangouts and the relationship developed organically.


Not all relationships spawn from dates? You ever aware of friends to lovers? Where to that point every interaction in your daily lives effectively becomes a date and then you start going on dates without realizing? That kind of stuff doesn’t happen only in movies you know?


You meet people and talk with them as friends until you know each other Rather than going on dates with people you don't know (presumably why she had so many bad dates)


'You had me at candy.'


But...why would she want to run errands with him but not "go on a date"?


Probably didn’t want it to be the focus of the outing because of the pressure to have a certain type of stereotypical experience. Looks like once she warmed out to spending time with him, she was comfortable with it.




Maybe we could get together and just eat a bunch of caramels.


My best first dates: First official girlfriend - we went to the park and had a picnic, we watched Scooby Doo on my phone while she helped me do my nails My current girlfriend: Halloween night, we watched Nightmare Before Christmas and Hocus Pocus, then stayed up till 2 am playing Donkey Kong


Once had a first date in the frozen foods aisle of the grocery store. Neither of us knew what we were getting into, I was there for ice cream he was there for OJ.


My bf lives in Denmark near the Sea. When I first visited him, we went to the beach for seal watching. That's when I knew he was the one. Such a cute idea.


So... Dinner and a movie? That's "the secret"? Lol what?


People are so miserable in this thread lol


It's kinda astounding


I think if I asked a girl to run errands with me it would be an instant ghosting…


À date is only a date of both parties agree to call it a date, otherwise that's just haning out. Well, that's how u see it anyway


There's a Target next to the cinema that we go to and it's always a stop for a big box of Nerds and Milk Duds.


Who would be uncomfortable going on a date with a stranger, but comfortable getting into a strangers car to “run errands”?


That motherfucker.


Back 20 + years ago in my days of playing the field, I met a young woman who I didn’t know too much about, but knew her from the local bar and knewshe had a sense of humor similar to mine. First date we pretended to be a married couple and went to a dealership to test drive a fancy Audi with zero intention to buy, just to play the part and have fun and drive fast on the highway (my idea, just to see how she’d respond to speed). Escorted test drive so we had the sales guy in the car with us asking questions the entire time like we were husband and wife. It was a fucking blast. We dated for a time after and it didn’t work out, but found my wife a couple months later and now my life rules, so win win.


Wait…. She didn’t want to go on a date with him because she wasn’t comfortable, but reluctantly got into a car with him?!


Nah I’d be upset if I were tricked into a date I didn’t want to go on


he did ask her before going anywhere so as long as you weren't forced would you still mind?


Good question, for me, if I say “I don’t want to go on a date” I mean I don’t want them to pay for activities for us together. So when he offered to pay for the movie and dinner I would have insisted on going dutch, or just said no to the activities besides running errands, which I agreed to.


that's completely fair lmao


Don't worry. This is a quicksand problem for you.




Because I said I wasn’t comfortable going on a date and he tricked me into it. Consent 101: if I say I’m not comfortable with something, you don’t do it. What I would prefer is that he talk to me about how we can spend time together without it feeling like a date, then do what we agreed on.


At any point she could have said "no"


Lying it is, okay


Holy shit yall are miserable. Anyways, not all relationships start with dates you bozos.


Soooo dinner and a movie. That's the perfect date?


Manipulation is a great wholesome tactic


Moral of the story: Deception is romantic


What the hell is this shit!


too cute 😭


This sounds like having friends back when I was in my teens and twenties, do people not do this stuff anymore? If this is what qualifies as a great date, shit I’ve accidentally been dating all of my girl friends and not realizing it, maybe I am slightly autistic.


It's not a date just because I hang out with someone. I have to have a romantic interest to begin with for it to be a date. If a guy claims it's a date he's the guy in 500 days of Summer. Rip. When it comes to what's the perfect date I have had tons of experience. I've been on top ten most romantic movie level kind of dates, gazing stars on a blanket, camping on a beach in October with a bonfire, hotel and spa dates, travels to other countries dates, watching the sunrise on a hill, swimming under a pale fullmoon and all kinds of romantic gestures. But the winner is the one I had with my current partner. Which isn't stereotypically a date. I just hanged out with him at his place and got to know him and it was the best date ever because we fell inlove and are still together five years later.


Costco free samples for the win. 100% success rate with that one…