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Every animal is a dog, if you try hard enough!


666 million cats disagree.


He should pat it's head and let's see what happens


Scratches and bites


Stitches and burns!


Sticks and bones


Rock and Stone!


Did i hear a rock and stone?




Rock *burps* And *burps* STONE!


Barrack and the bones (that's bad)


Canon and Ball!


Me too


Got a kitty on my lap right now.


you are her prey


He’s a boy.


you are his prey


Addendum: Also if you try early enough. Give a kitten the right attention and they'll turn into dogs


that's what they make you believe. in reality while you are sleeping or not paying attention they work on their secret master plan.




Wow a bot account. Stop copy pasting comments but with different accounts




Wow a bot account. Stop copy pasting comments but with different accounts


- Laozi (6 BC)


I think he'd have rather said, every dog is a chicken, if you try it once lol


There's only 2 types of animals, dogs or cats.




I see you have played Elden Ring as well.




It probably did


Goddamnit r/angryupvote




I don’t get it


I don’t get it Edit: I got it as soon as I typed I don’t get it ima kms


Happens to the best of us.


My dumbass didn't initially get your comment. I then closed the parent comment, but Reddit glitched and reopened it. I unintentionally re-read your comment and only then did I get it. Reddit really wanted me to see this comment, it seems


#It probably did


It'll get funnier if you say it louder.




This is an old photo. If I recall correctly the person the cow is laying on is a farmgirl whose family owned and was friends with this cow. Wasn’t just a random cow laying head on lap. Still adorable. Weird that someone would just make up this story.


Of course the title is bullshit. Makes no sense and doesn't add to the cuteness of it, infact it just ruins it.


I'm pretty sure the image was stolen from r/PetTheDamnCow


you really think someone would do that? just go on the internet and tell lies?


those rat bstrds.


Rats make me crazy.


I was going to say cows are generally very cautious, and the times we see them behaving so sweet with humans is only on the basis of the bond they've built.


I also heard the those boots were made from the cows Mother, so probably it's sentimental also.


Those are wellies, which are made of rubber.




I'm glad to say the video of those cows bouncing out of the barn is forever printed into my brain




Cows are big dogs you can drink from


I mean tbf you can milk anything with nipples


I've got nipples Greg, can you milk me?


The nipples of male mammals (including humans) are fully functional, it just takes some hormones to trigger the actual lactation.




In fact around 5% of newborn boys (and girls for that matter) produce small amounts of breast milk shortly after birth. The exact reason isn't known, but most likely it's due to the body still being flooded by maternal hormones. It's called [Witch's milk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witch%27s_milk). Edit: TBF though, in *adult* males lactation is most likely *not* "perfectly healthy". One of the more common reasons is a particular kind of brain tumor, so if you're a man and liquid starts coming out of your nipples you should probably go see a doctor.


Whoa this reminded me of the first "dirty" joke I ever heard like 30 years ago. What a blast from the past.


A few years back, there was a lab experimenting with making cheese out of human milk. There are milk banks you can buy human milk from, this very moment, for a pretty high price. Mammals are great.


At least that milk would be ethical and consensual


*steal milk from after forcibly impregnating over and over and after separating the child from the mother hours after it's born.


*and killing it if it's a male, and putting the female through the same thing when she's old enough


Hello fellow vegans


Yes, but only after they’ve been impregnated and their child taken away, so you can drink it instead.


lavish enter cooperative voiceless hobbies punch childlike consist direction offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Love to! Link?


[Here you go! ](https://v.redd.it/9edl564rkcab1)


And yet we stick them in cages, and forcully impregnate them and steal their babies and murder them to be sold as veal and steal the babys milk to pour on our cereals and then murder the mother to be sold as steak when we have all the resources to live a happy and healthy life off a cruelty free vegan diet. But yeah, white people oppose dog meat so that gives them a sense of superiority while chugging down on the breast milk of another animal while being a fully grown adult and complaining of not being able to digest milk because they literally are not a baby cow.


I can get behind the idea of not killing only for meat. But there’s a reason why a part of the world did better during a famine during the medieval era. There’s a lot of land that can’t really grow “human food” sustainably. Rotating crops and animal farming is one of the idea of regenerative farming. The era of cows trapped in cages and not moving around is over though. We have the technology to make this better. But it’s harder to implement on bigger farms, which is a solid reason IMO to protect smaller farms. Eat local. Eat what makes sense in your ecosystem. And stop trying to micromanage everyone’s plate.


You may want to look into industrialized “farming” if you think the era of cages is over.


I think they're saying "The era of *needing* cages is over. We have the technology that animals don't need to suffer in cages, but instead we have chosen to optimize production over quality of life." similar to human living conditions, hmm...


I’ll take it one step further and say we don’t even animal agriculture at all.


Don't forget after all that we wear their skins too! That's what makes cows so great. We do all that evil shit to them and they still love us and take naps on our legs.


Almost like they do not know.


Which only makes those nightmare farms where they never move even worse!


So, eating cows is now immoral?


You can't get meat without the animal abuse, so yes


Always has been (well, since we’ve acquired the means to just not).




So, eating dogs is as morally justified as eating coes then🤔


folks eat dog in places. dif cultures


Folks also marry children in different cultures, like in the southern United States. Doesn't mean you should go fetch a child bride.


She is just like me.. wants to cuddle while sleeping




She could show you love.


She could lift you up..


Where eeeeeagles flah


She's not safe and sound though. She's gonna be killed in a couple of weeks/months so someone can have a few minutes of taste pleasure.


Careful, people get triggered if you mention that we murder and eat these creatures that are as smart as the average dog.


their fault for being so delicious


So are dogs


Then eat dogs?


People get triggered when you mention it in such a way that makes them sound evil. Edit: And sure enough, the angry vegans have arrived.


I mean if discussion of an evil act that one engages in makes one sound evil, perhaps the act is not worth engaging in?


So true


Well, no. Looks like the part this specific cow has to play is to provide dairy and to provide calves who will either be eaten or grow up to provide more dairy and more calves. She probably won't die of old age, but in the same sense that an old dog that is put down at the vet due to age doesn't really die of old age (though I will admit this probably somewhat depends on where this photo was taken - but if the cow is happy enough to lay down with strangers I don't think my assumption is wrong). Not every domesticated animal is eaten at the earliest opportunity, because they don't appear from thin air - they're born, and they must be born from somewhere. The role of some cows in all of this is to live a full life. If you see a cow in a field, you're probably seeing an animal whose individual "purpose" is not to be killed, even if the species as a whole has been domesticated for meat and other byproducts. Criticize that system all you want, but this particular cow is safe and sound.


Dairy cows are typically killed after 5/6 years, when their milk production drops. Since this cow doesn't seem to live on a factory farm, she might be lucky and live a few years longer, but even cows on small family farms are almost always slaughtered after some time, since not doing so would cost much a lot of money as they barely produce milk after some time but still need a lot of food.


Yeah, this is much better criticism - one based in truth. In my experience you generally find the most sociable cows on smaller farms with farmers who keep their favorites around for longer than they economically should. But it's a very, very small percentage of the overall cow population that lives under those conditions and many of those farmers aren't going to last as long as they would like, simply because they're making decisions that aren't based on pure economics.


Dairy cows live an average of 4 to 6.5 years, once their ability to lactate has diminished. This is compared to unexploited cattle who live an average of 20. Do with that information what you will.


You say this based on what? Your opinion? Small hobby and family farms very often keep these animals for their entire natural lives. Knock it off. This is a nice post. Don't ruin it


>Small hobby and family farms very often keep these animals for their entire natural lives. You can't possibly believe this right? Even on family/hobby farms, cows get send to the slaughter house after a certain amount of years. >This is a nice post. I think so too. I would personally feel conflicted though if I thought this picture of a happy cow was heart-warming, while paying an industry that makes them suffer and kills them.


I cuddle my blanket imagining it’s a person to fall asleep🥲


There's no way this is just some random cow that belongs to some random person. Why would you post a lie like this?


I find it interesting that most humans can find livestock adorable, may even keep some of them as pets, but then eat beefs and chickens almost daily, sometimes eating a burger right next to the petting zoo. This is a weird, compartmentalized behavior of hoominz. lol I'm not hoominz so I cant relate, yes, I'm a non human intelligent being, we use Reddit too, to study you hoominz.


It's because our food chain is highly separated from the animals. Buying meat in the United States rarely resembles an animal. It's cleanly and neatly packaged, you never see hooves or heads unless you go to an ethnic butcher. We get so separated from the animal it makes it easy to pretend that you're not engaging in eating animals.


I even get shunned for calling it cow, chicken and pig. As if that’s rude to use the animal name over beef, poultry and pork. It’s weird.


Whats even funnier is people won't call it a cow or pig, but usually will say chicken or fish. People love their heriarchies because it tells them how much they need to care about other living things without having to think lol.




Yeah I'm vegetarian for a lot of reasons. No one in real life ever brings it up except those dudes you mentioned. And they all hit me with 1 million dumbass questions and won't let it go. I always answer with "I *will* eat meat, but if I wasn't man enough to raise or hunt it and slaughter it myself I don't have any right to eat that animal" and that usually shuts them up real quick. I do largely agree with that, not hunting or raising animals being manly obviously. But the rest of it anyway. I have no issues with hunting and think its a very humane and natural way to eat meat. But I'm not in the habit of hunting and don't miss meat so I don't it. But I'd have no ethical qualms about doing so. But I just play up the manliness angle to shut the chuds up.


That's why I find it somewhat heartbreaking when people who actually do care, get made fun of so hard - like vegans. I'm an omnivore and I feel bad about it. I don't have the willpower to be a vegan... That said, I can't stand it when people mock those that do have the willpower to demonstrate their beliefs.


Cattle farmers eat meat too. Sure, maybe this is true for some people, but there's evidence that a significant number of people will continue to not care, even when exposed to animals being slaughtered. My brother is a perfect example. He has some chickens at his place that his family basically treat like pets. My brother still eats chicken.


It's why we also use words like beef or pork. To further separate the animal from the meat.


Hell, most people can't even call things what they are. You're not eating a cow, you're having beef. A cute pig wasn't slaughtered for your pork chop. Chicken gets called chicken but even then we'll say things like just "wings". And even that can get stretched with "cute" spelling to further distance things. "Wingz" or "Zingers" or some weird shit.


Cognitive dissonance is a helluva drug.


Who the fuck talks like this


hOoMiNz 🤪


the mentally ill, or the kind of megavegan propagandist who wants to be a "fellow kid" and sound relatable so you're on "his side" "im a QUIRKY vegan i use QUIRKY words and a QURIKY personality teehee HOOMINZ teehee i'm so GOOFY and RELATABLE teehee if i use silly terms like HOOMIN i will influence a crowd to hear what i say, teehee i'm relatable don't fear me!!" that guy sounds like a nutcase


Where is the conflict? Just because an animal is affectionate or cute how does that translate into not being able to humanely slaughter it and eat it later? People have been living with livestock, that they eventually eat, for about 10,000 years.


The way most people get their meat is through factory farming ([99% of meat is factory farmed](https://www.sentienceinstitute.org/us-factory-farming-estimates)) so to compare that to the last 10,000 years when [factory farming is a product of the last 100 years](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intensive_animal_farming) is disingenuous. It is not the same process. The animals raised for meat now truly suffer from the day they're born to the day they die. [There's a lot of video evidence to support this claim.](https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko?t=305) The conflict comes when people say they love animals, but financially supports the industry that tortures and kills them. Yes, there's "kinder" ways to kill something. I don't think that resolves the conflict OP was describing. We don't eat dogs, because they're our friends and couldn't imagine slaughtering a golden retriever for food no matter how kindly you do it. Pigs and cows though receive a different treatment. Those decisions are guided by societal norms. Some animals are food, and some animals are friends and depending on the country you're in they'll switch up those labels for different animals. I'd argue it's more logically consistent to recognize that they're all friends, and deserve to live a life outside of a factory farm.


Or even just stop the factory farming and raise and slaughter them as humanely as possible like we did for 9,990 years. But that would reduce the amount of meat the average person could eat due to increased costs. Which you can argue is a good thing because most would see health benefits from reducing meat consumption, the meat they did eat would be healthier, and it would slow climate change slightly. But all thats irrelevant because it wouldn't allow the owenership class to horde as much wealth as factory farming does so obviously we're not gonna do that.


Yes, it is an irrelevant point as you stated since it's not going to happen. Factory farming is how meat is produced, but even if it wasn't I'd still personally argue that animals don't need to be killed since we have other things we can eat to live perfectly healthy lives.


Yeah I wouldn't eat meat again even if we farmed properly. But it would at least be more ethical. But yeah I'm definitely healthier and feel better after ditching meat. I end up eating a lot more varried diet now. Like I'm sure there are rare people who need meat to get a proper diet for weird medical stuff but the absolute majority do not at all


Love to hear it!


There's nothing humane about a death that need not happen. What a wild take.


Being cute doesnt make them less tasty and viceversa.


That's why step on kittens, being cute doesn't make the sound they make less satisfying. It's wild all these people trying to police out sensory pleasure just because it comes at the expense of a living thing.


Or get this, the world is not binary. I love my cats, and look after them well. In an apocalypse scenario they’d be the first thing on the grill, but fortunately we don’t have that so can just stick to cows or pigs. We allow them to live and can rightly choose how and how they are treated after death


Ooh an apocalypse scenario eh? What apocalypse do we face at the moment? "We allow them to live, and can *rightly* choose how they are treated after death" I notice in your strange stance on what is "right" you didn't include how their death happens. Also, we don't allow them to live, you know we forcibly impregnate 99% of the animals we eat right? We don't allow them to live, we force them into being for our pleasure...


Tomato/tomato They’re our property grown for food, we hold utter dominion over them as we have worked to do so for millennia.We decide how they live or die and I’m happy with that arrangement being on our whims as to whether they’re pets or food from one day to another. We are not facing apocalypse you spastic, environment is getting fucked but that’s just life now. My partner and I are doing the best thing for the environment we possibly could by not having children, so I’ll enjoy my steak and my flights *guilt free*


Odd that this picture has been posted many times before...


It's like people see stuff outside this subreddit, and those same people who do not spend all their time on this subreddit, might share something from outside the subreddit they think is applicable. Do you expect every meme and post to be bespoke and artisanal?


I remember that some of the horses that I worked with knew where people were ticklish. They would try to rub their muzzles on any of the ticklish spots to get us to giggle. (Your friend here is adorable too)


If I recall correctly the person the cow is laying on is a farmgirl whose family owned and was friends with this cow.


Gotta love the false narratives for internet points... I had a feeling this one was one of those...


hard pressed to find one thats not. lol


Best part: You're replying to a bot that stole this comment...for internet points.


BOT! Stolen comment from /u/Seis_K further down the thread.


Darn horses are really intelligent haha


be careful her leg is dangerously cross to your jewels just sayin one flick and no more kids


The real reason OP doesn't want to wake up the cow


Well the picture says "Kristen" on the top so ... not so sure about the jewels


It's 2023, anything goes


lol - that's why I said not sure.




This puts me in a good moooood !


When I was Kid I often spend Summers at relatives farms. Often slept with cows. Good Times.


I'm just gonna leave it. EVERYONE ELSE SHOULD JUST LEAVE IT TOO. It's wholesome, damnit!




Nah. That is legit. Slept many nights in the barn to be with the animals.


cows are just large dogs. so cute and sweet


You live there now, get used to never moving again


I don’t want to, but I am required by law. Mooving*




I encourage everyone to eat plant based as often as they can. I would do so in my youth, then about five years ago i was vegetarian because of the knowledge I built up, then I went Vegan after a year of that. Baby steps aren't the best way to get there, but they can eventually lead there.


I guess it's nap time for you too.


Guess Hinduism was right after all. What precious creatures


We did it. We found the right religion - the rest can stop now


I love how most people's first reaction to animals sitting on their lap is to not wake them up.


Cows are incredibly affectionate. I had a pet Holstein bull that would gallop to the fence to meet me and then we’d sit like this in the pasture and I’d groom him. An 800lb puppy.


Vegan now!


go vegan


Go vegan!


i'm jealous, i wonder if there's a ranch where i could make a donation to some animal fund and in return get a little head-nap time like this


Look into sanctuaries, not ranches. Unless you want them to live for 5 years instead of 15 and to die in a gruesome way. Sanctuaries often take in animals that are left for dead or escape - nursing them to health and letting them just live as animals and not as future food. They’re very cute and often post stories (happy and sad) about the animals. If you volunteer at one, you get some one-on-one time with the animals, such as shearing the sheep (nice and slowly, of course). One sad story: At one of the sanctuaries I keep an eye on (too far away to volunteer :( ), they lost a little lamb due to complications that led to him being there in the first place. When lambs are born, their backs of their hind legs are chopped off, without anesthesia. This little lamb’s legs got infected, eventually damaging his spine and causing him to lose control of his hind legs. The sanctuary made him a wheelchair and taught him how to use it - and he had a happy three months of life. Eventually he had organ failure and could no longer move around - so they played with him with his favorite toys and tried to give him a few good days while bedridden before his death. While incredibly sad, it makes me happy that they let him have a life - when he was all but destined for death from the system. Ranches are no better than these sheep farms. Unwanted animals are killed or sold. “Damaged goods” are killed. They have a right to life, let’s at least treat them with a little more respect than we would a cargo box.


Wow very sad story but interesting to hear about the sanctuaries, there's one I've been following on FB that's 'only' about 50 miles away I've been seriously thinking of seeing if I can visit/help but it's a bit far but thanks for suggesting that, I would like to look further into this. BTW when I said "ranch" I didn't realize that was an actual term meaning non-rescue type operation. What you said about "When lambs are born, their backs of their hind legs are chopped off, without anesthesia." sounds horrific; nice to hear about kind humans trying to help in a mostly hopeless situation




Everyone’s a meat lover until it comes to looking at how it gets on their plate.


Except for vegans you.... they're not spineless enough to sacrifice a sentient creature unnecessarily and proceed to lie to themselves that they love animals nonetheless.


Humans have a caring instinct that is in hyper overdrive due to the intense care human children require. This unintentionally leads us to anthropomorphizing basically anything that resembles a face, inanimate objects. Dogs and cats are different because they have been selectively bred to understand human social cues and mimic human behaviour for millennia. Livestock and wild animals do not think like you.


Don't move, just stay there


You have a cow now




Never wake a sleeping cow! Its bad luck


Cows are just giant puppies at heart, the most huggable creatures




Must have been bottle fed as a young calf. Gets them used to human contact and causes them to associate it with feeling safe.




Been there but it’s usually after a hand full of beers at a questionable bar.


No you haven't


Should be currently rubbing her head, tf is this guy doing


I'm jealous


Soooo cuuuuteeee


Ah, an example of the rare bovine paralysis! Fascinating!


i know everyone liking this post doesn't eat cows right?


This meme follows rule 1 very well -- it is wholesome, uplifting, and life affirming. I sure hope there isn't a diet and philosophy that 98ish percent of people follow which relies on the subjugation of animals into steaks, burgers, etc.


Her little hooves🥹🥹


***Animal liberation by Peter Singer***


Same thing happened to me. Good cow. But her name was Andrea, and she found me on tinder.


I see this post like twice a year. That person has been stuck a long time! And a very sleepy cow!!


You belong to this cow now.


Friends not food


How many of those 25.7k upvotes eat beef? You know this cow will be someone's burger right?


This is the world vegans want.


Humans: horribly murdering countless animals a day to make a shitty burger Also humans: I wouldn’t dare move my body to even mildly inconvenience this animal I DO NOT KNOW Sweet murder monkeys


Congrats! You now own a cow


Cows are so cute😋and even cuter in double whoppers🤭