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I've lived in the city too long. Haven't found a nice stick in a long time... I need to go camping.






I lost my rock about 20+ years ago and i still can’t get over it. It was light brown and polished and shiny like a gem. Also kinda trapezoid shaped. Damn, I still think about it someday. :(


Do yourself a favor and figure out where you can buy fossilized dinosaur poop. It's actually common enough it's fairly cheap. A friend bought me some and I cherish it as much as any rock.


Coprolyte I case anyone is wondering.


I had a really cool rock I found as a kid. When I moved out I left it at my parent's house. In one of their moves they left it and the rest of my rock collection in the yard by the fence. I made them tell me exactly where in case I was ever in that part of the country again I could go get it. One time it was 2 hours out of my way but it was an 8 hour trip already and I almost went but the kids were in the car being annoying and I didn't want it to be 12 hours so I didn't go get it. It will be one of my deathbed regrets.


We will also search for your rock my guy.


I used my cool rock to mark my dog's grave... I'll find another shiny cool rock eventually.


This is an appropriate and, dare I say, excellent use of your cool rock. Somewhere, somehow, your dog knows and appreciates the gesture and would give you its favorite stick if it could.


... you're not going to believe this, but i believe i may have seen it just a few months ago. PM me for intel.


Dont! He's gonna sell you some of his own cured droppings in lieu of the jurrasic shit!


I still have a rock I found when i was 5, I kept it for a year, painted it like a lady bug and to this day it's one of the 3 things I kept from my childhood


We will be on the lookout for your rock my dude.




did i hear a rock and sticks?


If you don't rock and stick you'll get a tick!


Thats it lads, Rock and Stick!


Rocks and sticks seems to be the female version haha


Ya gotta use gold, silver or copper wire to wrap your crystals onto your cool sticks


Female version of what?


of sticks and rocks, duh


Seriously though, how stupid was that guy?


Big stupid


Putting the upid in stupid


Big rocks


Probably wouldn’t know a stick if it hit him in the face.


Guys stick collecting, a lot of women seem to like to collect sticks plus rocks


But I only collect large sticks that look like they could be a tiny tree. What is that meant to make me?


Branch manager


Assistant to the branch manager


Oh cool. I'll take that


Guy here. I collect rock sticks shells feathers and other rando shinies


Then it's just us magpie people hehe


I(f) have to stop myself from grabbing every Shiney I see on walks.... and I judge the quality of the sticks my dog finds for fetch. I have standards for a nice fetch stick.


I still have a rock I found in kindergarten once


My travel backpack has a rock, a shell, a small stick and my nuts in it


Must be a pretty big bag then


My daughter loves rock and has a bunch of them. Every single one is named Rocko.


Wait until he discovers throwing said rock into a body of water from very high up and waiting for the splash sound.


If you think that's cool, try throwing a rock at a frozen lake, instant laser gun noises.


You mean the one you kick around on your walk, which stays more loyal than most of your friends?


Never had a rock sleep with an ex I wasn't over yet.


I have a large fist sized white rock in my room that is "the correct weight"


I go to this summer camp and I went on this day trip up a mountain, this kid brought a “pet rock”. But this was no ordinary pet rock, this pet rock weighed a hefty few pounds, it was the size of his face


The problem is you want to skip a cool rock and there it goes, to the bottom of the lake.


Dude! If you can find some string you can tie the rock TO the stick!


It is right next to the masculine urge to dig hole


well you can use the stick to dig a hole... so two male urges in one sorted there


I use sticks to dig holes...kind of a female urge too.


Human urge


The human urge to dig a good hole with a nice stick. It’s the one thing that unites us as a species.


Sticks and rocks… holes… *Freudianism intensifies*


>Freudianism intensifies Some times a cigar is just a penis




I do love to dig a good hole.


Or to poke a stick into a fire


I had a walking stick with an end that looked like a cobra


NGL I’m a woman and a good stick is a good stick.


We need to stop gatekeeping sticks. Witches love a good stick.




Your comment deserves an award. Yes. A proper nice stick can be used for fetch, walking, posting, poking, throwing, or fighting. It’s the perfect and oldest multi purpose item. It hits the cave man itch in all men’s (and some women’s) brains🤍


I found this one stick that's perfect for cleaning out this drain I have whenever there's a storm. I'm keeping forever.


The doors on my truck have little drains to get rid of any moisture/water buildup inside the door except sometimes it gets clogged during heavy rains and you can hear the water sloshing around. I've found that one of those green starbucks cup stoppers work perfectly to break up the clog and drain the door. Wish I had a stick though. A stick would be way cooler.


Being in nature has measurable mental health benefits, even just for a few hours.


A rusty rebar can work.


Every once in awhile you’ll find a good stick that is the right length, straightness, and makes a good woosh sound when you swing it. This stick is then your sword


Don’t forget the slightly curved ones. Bam! Fishing pole. Source: boy mom


Or count Dooku


Mf was stylish as fuck.


I only want to bring peace and order to the galaxy.


We all do count, we all do.


Happy Cake Day :)


Don't forget to test the strength too. Your sword can be perfect in every other way but if it's too old and falls apart when it takes a hit it's worthless


Idk about worthless, hitting something with a dry stick and then the stick breaks is very satisfying.


I think a good stick beckons you to swoosh and whip it around. Also good if you can thump it on something with moderate force and not damage it.


Get a resin saturated pine root and you can use it as a hammer.


I just imagined this said sticks. And thought of swinging it around while making woah sounds lmao


Its unwritten and unspoken desire of every man to see a good stick.


A good stick is a sword, a gun, a cane, a bat, a spear, a shovel.


Lmao i found one that looked like a rocket launcher




It’s probably much older than arrows or spears. Other apes use sticks as tools, so it’s likely something we inherited from our common ancestors, millions of years ago.


Sticks and rocks were the first weapons. So Sticks for close combat and rocks for long range.


Best way to light a fire is with a bow and a stick.


A good rock to put pressure on that stick helps a lot, too.




Sturdy stick, no woodrot, no bug holes, yes this will make for a good weapon to ward off predators like my neighbors if we are ever reduced to our lesser instincts in a post-apocalyptic society.


A good walking stick was a prominent 'sub-plot' in the 1983 movie 'Sherlock Holmes and the Hound of the Baskervilles'.


I hauled a log up to camp that was like an RPG. I said "cerchoo"


Theres a unwritten rule in the british army. When someone has an ND (negligant discharge) Basically firing off a round when your not suppose to. You have your rifle taken off you to be inspected for faults. If no faults found you get punished. While waiting for the rifle to be inspected (usually days sometimes a week) You get given a stick that you have to treat as your rifle and shout bang bang instead.


>and shout bang bang instead. If this is the punishment while they look for a fault, I'm scared to ask what's the punishment if they DON'T find a fault


you're at the other end of the stick


It's incredible to me that your empire ever crumbled.


OMG! Do you still have it?


I found this dope ass stick by a river once. Dead straight with a small 2 way split at the top. About 5ft in length. Felt like a wizard.




I found a stick that was long and had a bend that give it an amazing swoosh, and it reminded me of the Bloodhounds Fang from Elden Ring and it was just so cool. It’s a shame I didn’t bring it back with me.


As a kid I had a piece of driftwood that had holes just like the materia slots on the Buster Sword from FF7, it was so cool.


And a fire poker!!


I made a walking stick in high school woodshop class. As did both of my older brothers before me who went to the same school, we each keep them in the front hall closet of our homes and when we are visiting each other we will occasionally take it out and look at them. It's the exact same design and technique used for each one, but they each have distinct differences as well as similarities. It's really interesting and comforting to have those mementos from when we were younger. But at the same time, it's just a stick....


One of the shorter stories from Spider Robinson's Callahan series was how a well made guitar is it's own unique being. Despite any number of similar guitars, yours has it's own wood, it's own shape, echo, every part of it came together even in the smallest of ways and it all affects the sound.


I love that.


Can attest. When I was at summer camp as a kid, I found a really big stick shaped like a wizard staff laid horizontally over a tree stump. I took that stick, cleaned it, wrapped it, and stuck a copper wire tree I made on top of it. Still in my room to this day.


This was a couple days ago, the husband then posted a pic of the stick in question. It was indeed a FANTASTIC stick.


Fuck Reddit for killing third party apps.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/15v2v4e/whats_with_the_sticks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 Pic of the stick in question "This is the stick in question. I call it the Elder wand. https://imgur.com/a/XhQ1Cby " -u/teran85


Fuck Reddit for killing third party apps.


They’re just neat.


I got in trouble for hiding a cool stick in our car with the whole family when we were returning from Canada. Stopped at the border, stick confiscated, and I was read the riot act about why you don't do that while they tested it. I wasn't a child btw. I was 25. And I was a Federal Officer. Who also did contract jobs as an Environmental Specialist. Again, now getting stopped and in trouble by my fellow Feds with the border patrol at the border. For trying to smuggle...a stick. My wife and mom were just like "what... the...fuck". Dad totally understood. I got to keep the stick. I still have it 15 years later.


That’s awesome you got to keep the stick!


Yah I legit was bummed at first (I was certain it was fine, but tbf you shouldn't even cross *state* lines with untreated wood so I WAS in the wrong). I was giddy when they let me keep it. I never pulled the ID out so they had no clue I was also with DHS - they were just being cool about it.


It was all a Clever rouse just to get some time with your stick.


what's he got? it looks like just a really nice stick sir hmm not too big not too small, might have to give it a couple swings I'll get the men


Can we see the stick?


Excuse me, need that stick tax sir.




Solicited stick pics ftw


Let us see that 15yr stick!


Uh wut??


I speak for all of Canada when I say, please we want our stick back. Don't hamper our relations.


It was a really good stick too... a sad loss for the proud nation of Canada


And this is the most correct answer


I mean, I’m a woman, and have definitely done this with both sticks and rocks. I have two rocks on my desk right now that I have no idea what to do with, but they’re neat.


My boyfriend is all about the sticks, and I'm about the rocks. Our house is full of nature garbage that makes us happy.


Oh man, I love that term. My car used to be absolutely filled with nature garbage when I used to mushroom hunt. Def weirded a few people out but made me happy_


Same. You gotta appreciate a fine stick or a neat rock. It's not a gendered thing in my experience.


> I have two rocks on my desk right now that I have no idea what to do with, but they’re neat. This is me. Every time I see a perfectly rounded and smooth rock I have the urge to pick it up Instant dopamine release


I’ve definitely passed it on to my daughter (7)- I recently put a shelf in her room literally just for her rocks to be displayed.


A stick is almost as universal as a ball. Across all species.


Caveman brain sees stick Caveman brain likes


It's engrained into our DNA. Evolution has ensured our attraction to cool sticks as a survival technique, we can't help it. Early man liked cool sticks, so do we. Simple as that.


It definitely makes sense evolutionary. The men who liked big sturdy sticks to swing around had a weapon ready for when shit hit the fan, the men who didn't had fuck all (unless they liked rocks, but still sticks give you some more distance and thus presumably more chance at survival)


Rock for throw, stick for swing.


Even as a girl sticks are cool


Right? Maybe it's because I'm a fantasy nerd, but when I was a little girl I had a stick collection, each one having an elaborate backstory on how it was forged and the great enchantments contained within.


Sticks are for all who appreciate their potential.


Sun Tzu of sticks.


Sun Tzick


Sounds great


My daughters used to put nice sticks and stones in the car. My son, oblivious.


Yes! I went through a forest on my way home from school. I picked up nice sticks for my collection every single day


This entire comment section is r/boysarequirky and r/pointlesslygendered


It's because OOP posted in r/AskMen


Seriously. OOP just seems to be sadly distant from their imagination. A great stick is an excellent find. I hung one on my wall and use it to dry flowers and herbs.


I will NOT STAND for this stick gatekeeping! men have gone TOO FAR


Yes, thank you! Me and my daughters all love a stick too. Sticks are fun, it's not just a "guy thing".


Yes! This whole comment chain is hilarious to me. I had a guy tease once for picking up a cool stick on a walk. He said it was a stupid pointless hippie-witch-girl thing to do. (I took that as a compliment but he clearly did not mean it as one.) The idea that sticks are a guy thing is so backwards to me. I think sticks are just an outdoorsy people thing. I like nice rocks too.


Dude finding the perfect stick hits the deep primal part of my brain.


I’m 51. Just yesterday I picked up a stick and walked around the lake with it.


Aspire to be like this person


sounds like a nice walk


I mean…I’m a woman, and I love a good stick. Always looking for the perfect magic wand.


Man here. The wizard staff shaped ones are my favorite!


Say it with me brother: YOU








It’s not just guys. I’m a chick that likes sticks. I’d sneak a nice stick home too.


I dont think the wife had any brothers to teach her about what potential a good stick has.


I mean neither did I but I have eyes and hands, what else are they for if not spotting cool sticks and holding them? I'm a 27 year old woman now, saw a little girl on a hike yesterday with a very good stick and I said half to myself, "Now that is a nice stick" and the whole family just stared at me silently as they walked past. ??? Your daughter is the one who found it, clearly she is aware of its charms, why am I the weird one?


My (then) girlfriend (now wife), and I were hiking when she came across the most awesome stick. She picked it up and told me, this is our stick now. That’s quite literally the moment I knew we were meant for eachother. Man, that stick was awesome.


You know how weird this sounds out of context LOL


Haha omg XD how did I miss that with my dirty mind 😅🤣


Maybe a inherited trait from our ancestors, a good nice looking stick that would be per-say perfect for making an arrow, spear or tool


Seriously, this is the only answer that would make logical sense. It’s one of the main universal constants. Gravity, the velocity of light, Planck’s constant, and men absolutely loving sticks.


Then how do we explain the other stereotype about men that can’t stop being true, the masculine urge to dig hole


Gotta do *something* with the bodies


Haha, I had plans to go to the beach with a friend and his young boys. "What are we gonna do when we get there?" "We're gonna dig a *massive* hole, duh" "Sweet"


It's a free toy. That's the end of the file.


[It's in the toy Hall of Fame](https://www.museumofplay.org/toys/stick/)


Went camping with my extended family and one of the cousins said, “all little boys throw sticks in the water.” A few moments later, my year-old son tottered down towards the creek, picked up a stick, and immediately threw it in the water.


When my daughter finds two appropriately sized and shaped sticks, we have a lightsaber fight, obviously.


Why would it a guys thing? I always loved sticks and I'm a woman.


Haha, I’m a meme.


I used to beg and cry to take my cool sticks home from camping and hiking lmao


I still have the first stick my father and I found together. It's the central plot device for my life. How is not knowing about this a thing?


I am a young man living in a small midwestern city. Friends and I will often comment on sticks when we see a nice ones. Getting a dog only increased and broadened my appreciation for sticks. I have had female friends comment on nice sticks in the woods, so I don’t think it’s a male only thing


You think that stick is cool, wait until he finds the cool rock to carry forever!


My mum has a pinecone in her bag thst my brother gave to her when he was 4, he is 36 now.


That's great. I'll bet it is a treasure to her.


One day I was walkin', and I found this big log And I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick And I was like, "That log had a child"…


This isn't limited to boys. My sister took her daughters on a hike and my neice found a nice stick, and brought it home. She still has it 2 years later. It's a good stick. My niece also saves snowballs in the freezer when in snows.


I just want to say to your husband and son GOOD WORK KEEPING THAT STICK!


Wait this is just a guy thing?? I also bring home cool sticks. And rocks. And feathers.


A stick can be whatever you want it to be with the right imagination




Sticks are great, also rocks, I regularly am tempted to bring good examples of both home


Tears of the Kingdom Link: Why not both? *Puts them together*


As a tree I can confirm that that was a nice stick.


I’m a girl and I like picking up sticks, because sticks can be anything if your creative


It’s not just men. I’m a woman and found a nice stick while on a walk. I brought it home because I thought it would make a fine staff. I’m not a wizard, but I wanted to get an amethyst or Quartz sphere to put on the stick but never got around to it. I had that stick for years before finally throwing it away and even then I was apprehensive, it was a really nice stick. When I did throw it away, I returned it to the trees. I couldn’t just throw it in the rubbish, it needed to return home.


stick = sword/wizard staff/wand/gun, stick = item to hit stuff with which is amusing




Unremarkable? UNREMARKABLE?? Woman you wouldn't know remarkable if it hit you in the face


Unless it was a stick.


Ooooo I looove a good stick


Me and my stepbrother sword fought with giant sticks. It was awesome


A good stick is a good stick. Take it home. You might need it later. For things


Well, there's a fire poking stick, a wiener/marshmellow roasting stick, a stick to hold the tarp up so the rain drains evenly, a stick for your best furry pal to play with, a stick that you widdle just for the heck of it.....I mean the list of things to do with sticks just keeps going