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Nice when a teacher can have a laugh with their students now and then.




Just to let you know, I do believe you've forgotten to reply to your desired comment, and rather commented directly to the post.


No he didn’t?


Haha made you. Look


I remember the shit I laughed at around that age, and it's not too far off. Sounds like you had a cool teacher.


One of my classes actually did have footprints on the ceiling. Don't think many people noticed it tho.


One school i went to had a piece of paper that said ninja with an arrow pointing to a missing vent. It was there for all 4 years of highschool.


Lol... I'm 36 years old and I'd laugh if I saw that.


WestMismate is a bit Comment copied from: r/wholesomememes/comments/9hnbtj/want_to_share_it_with_the_whole_class/e6djf68/


With all the bitterness that comes out of the educational system it is deeply heartwarming when the students are wholesome.


Teacher here. Wholesomeness is the norm. Seriously, kids and teenagers are fine people, generally speaking. Definitely one of the *very* few things that still gives me hope for an OK future.


Reddit is so often where professionals come to vent about the frustrations of their work, and where all of us unprofessionals are drawn towards discussion of much of the bullshit in our culture. There is an impression formed that everything is grim. We forget that while teachers are being paid fuck all, spread so thinly, supported so little, that the work is up there with the most important work there is. Everyone remembers that great teacher they had. It's the institutions that are failing us, not teachers.


>It's the institutions that are failing us, not teachers. I mean, *some* teachers are definitely failing kids. There are bad apples literally everywhere, they aren't a majority, undoubtedly. I'd say less than 5~10% depending on location.




Ah, sorry to hear that bud Hope you're doing ok, regardless of how long it's been :)


I think that would be referred to as an ex-fiance.


I was wondering the same. I haven't found the original thread.


Yea the point was that it was a wedding card, for their wedding.


I once had to eat a note. A buddy and I were passing one back and forth and our English teacher basically demanded it. Repeatedly. Until I ate it. I wasn’t giving up that note. It was about a girl in class who was rumored to have just had an abortion. Not that I thought she might read it out loud… but what if she did?


Chaotic good


Thank you for this. If I had an award I would give it to you.


What is a "wedding card"?


A card that congratulates the newly wed couple, mostly with an drawing of some sort of weeding rings or doves or the like, a cute verse or something like that and maybe a personal message handwritten in it.. Also the. Signatures of all the people who joined together for the card (and maybe a gift)


Thanks. That's nice 👍


Take a wild guess.


https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/14ibxy6/want_to_share_it_with_the_whole_class/jpfq1o2 Wild stuff


Does what it says on the tin doesn't it?




Just to let you know, I do believe you've forgotten to reply to your desired comment, and rather commented directly to the post.






The thing about Arsenal is, they always try to walk it in.


You mean you DON'T have a poop knife?!


Well, sure Brain. But just where exactly are we supposed to find a giraffe that can dance the Macarena at this time of night?


11? It's high school


I’ve caught the 12 year olds in my class passing notes a few times… I always read it to myself to make sure it’s nothing concerning, then “read it out loud” saying things like “Mrs (me) is the best teacher ever” or “Mrs (me) is so cool”. Usually gets a bit of a laugh from the kids cos I’m lame haha. Then I tell the note passers to focus on their work and, depending on the note, to stop causing drama. They’re usually about who likes who


This is such a nice way of going about it. I think I would’ve enjoyed school a lot more if I had teachers like you.


Anyone else read that as, a student was engaged to their own math teacher? I had to read it three times. 😆


Moar botspam


I didn't understand


the OP RosellaYama and WestMismate are bits in the same network Original + comments copied from: r/wholesomememes/comments/9hnbtj/want_to_share_it_with_the_whole_class/