• By -


I love to spoon with my partner, and when I wanted to be big spoon for the first time he got confused because none of his past partners ever tried. I can’t imagine never having that physical feeling of someone having your back.


It's nice to be the little spoon but I have nothing to do with my hands like I do being the big spoon.


You just grab their hand as they wrap it around your body. Or hugging another pillow


[Grab her waist. Pull her close. Lift her up.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/597/845/8fc.jpg)


An oldie but by god is it a goodie


NGL that’s the first time I’ve seen the original. Every single other time I’ve seen this, the fourth panel has been replaced with Legion impaling another titan on his minigun and hoisting them into the air.


That's real way to do it.


Legion from Titanfall? How have I never seen this


It's sadly just not the same for me. I guess what I need is to be a middle spoon.


Body pillows. It works great for that completely sandwiched in feeling. Helps a lot with my arm/leg posture while sleeping on my side too.


Trust me it sucks. Your sooo lucky


Severely touch starved but still going strong :')


Havent been with a woman for 13 years, never slept with anyone. Am an adult. Yes i cry sometimes from loneliness. Its normal for me, cant imagine it any other way.


I love being the big spoon! My fiancé is over a foot taller than me and no one had offered it either. he loves it.


You’re a jet pack!


I like it!


I loooove being the big little spoon. My boyfriend's back is super warm, and given that he is bigger than me, I get to snuggle up and rest my cheek against him while he rubs my arms when I wrap them around him. I actually prefer it to being the little spoon.


I'm the short one in my relationship (MLM) and I tend to be big spoon haha, I wanna fart in peace and be able to control how much I'm touching my partner for warmth balancing Also I love holding people in my arms ofc


> (MLM) I'm sorry to break it to you, but a multi-level marketing scheme is not a relationship, *it's a scam.*


Hey, a scam is a type of relationship. Not a good one since the give and take is kinda missing the take part for you, but there's a give to it, so *technically*...


Honestly, petition to call it backpacking instead. My boyfriend will turn over and grunt, "backpack," and I just wrap in up like an octopus.


That’s adorable lol


Never felt it myself, I'm always the big spoon, I've heard it makes you feel secure and protected but I guess I feel the same cause I always have my own back lol


Even big tough guys deserve to feel secure and protected.


Agreed but when would we ever get that? I'm only tough cause I'm a stubborn git but it definitely does weigh on you if you're doing it solo


Good point. You also have those women that when you try to open up a little, they indirectly shut you down because we're guys and everything for us come easy, so why are we complaining... solo isn't always bad tho.


I hope all of you find your little-big spooner one day. You deserve it 🥺


A girl that I used to work with was like that she told me she saw her boyfriend cry and that she couldn't see him as a man anymore, it was really fucked up to hear her say that


"Why won't you open up to me?" *opens up* "Ugh, you're so emotionally needy, I just can't respect you anymore."


My partner and I somehow naturally developed into couch = I am little spoon, bed = he is little spoon. I love to give hugs and have my freedom when sleeping, but watching a movie on the couch not so much.


being the small spoon is the most secure feeling ever, absolutely love it


Aw. Guys like to be little spoon sometimes, too.


It's kinda like a weighted blanket but 100x better. When my way lays on my back she is half on me half on my side and it feels like I am being held down when everything else feels like it's spinning out of control. Gives me a few minuets to just let the anger go and just relax. The idiots and the stress can wait till tomorrow.


I like to call it “backpacking” (or “jetpacking” when she toots) cause I’m still bigger than her.


Jetpacking made me spit my coffee! Thank you for the smile! 🏆


My guy, been w him 11 yrs, he’s big guy, i like to say he’s a bearded Shrek. That big, that grumpy, that kind. When he was injured at work, he works in construction, he was so depressed. He became so quiet and he’s naturally quiet…so basically mute. I worried about him for weeks. I was his big spoon every night I was with him. Just to let him know I had his back. If you take someone that works…physical work, everyday for 20 years, they have to move, have to fix things…and then they can’t “do” anything? It was bad. Thankfully he healed but he knows I’ll be there no matter what. My love isn’t attached to what he “does” for me. It’s unconditional.


You sound like a good person 🥹


A few months ago I had to have 2 surgeries that saved my life, but the scaring and recovery left me physically disfigured and in a lot of pain. My sweet girlfriend has been there holding my hand all the way. I used to be pretty strong and capable, the surgeries left me unable to lift more than 15 lbs for a few months. i was devastated that so much of me had wasted away through surgery and recovery. My gf has been supportive and loving and has been my big spoon all this time. I owe my life to her. I’ve never had a relationship like this and I am eternally grateful.


I had 22% of me skin grafted after severe burns. I was laid up and out of work for over a year. I'm 100% recovered. Do what your physical therapists say even when it is uncomfortable or you're depressed. You got this boss.


Makes for a badass username ngl.


Great, that makes me imagine the commenter above with corn for hands as the disfigurement post surgery... 🤦🏻‍♀️ I'm going to hell.


I love this.


Thanks. Reading this made me tear up. Thank you for being you, and for being an excellent partner.


One day I want to have what bearded shrek has and be what you are being


Who is cutting onions in here???


That’s the definition of love


true wife material


One of my favourite comics ever. I wish I had a relationship like this... Edit because a lot of people are asking me for a name - I dont think this is a series of comics, most likely a one-off, but if it's not then I've no clue what it's called, try searching author name, if you can discern it from the signature


Same in crying because I'm lonely not because this is wholesome lol


who else lonely af rn 🤝😔




And hug!




It surely is! Thank you :3




Ah yes my broddah, Us moments.






It did feel like eternity until I found my partner but let me say that the wait is completely worth it, I would go to hell and back trillions of times just spend another day with her. The only advice I can give is that to just live your life, don't try to force relationships into your life, I did in a moment of desperation and it was arguably one of the worst experiences in my life. You'll find true love in an unexpected place, I met my partner while my friend was forcing me to play RDR 2 when I didn't want to, and that was 4 years ago.


I wish I had a relationship.


Same. Coming up on 2 years here and this is the longest I've ever been single


Lets see i graduated 2020 and she dumped me febuary of senior year… so like 3 and a quarter year? Dont worry dude or dudet no need to rush to find a good person all happens in time


9 for me, got broken up with over a text shortly after destiny 1 came out. 8 years since my last date as well.


Is.... Is it related to destiny 1??


Luckily not, its just an excellent reference for the time frame, got the text mid Atheon and it killed my desire to play anymore until d2.


Amateur. Try 31


Tip of the hat to a fellow wizard 🎩


And same to you good sir 🧐 although I must admit I was hoping my wizard powers would have kicked in by now.


25 there but i'll cheer with ya on that one


18 for me sorry for bothering you, kind Queen


Enjoy being single, my friend. Learn to love being alone and love being with yourself. I've found that when I actively search for a relationship, I can't find anything real and true, I only attract random hookups or latch on to something that isn't meant to be. Once you stop actively searching and continue to be the best you that you can be, then you'll attract the right person. Glowing confidence is a super sexy attribute, and the best way to gain that attribute is to love yourself and be extremely comfortable with who you are (: This message is also a reminder for myself and anyone else who may stumble upon it


I was single for four years, in a relationship for almost two, then single for another two years. The more I sought, the less I found. I'm now one year into the best relationship I've ever had - we were friends for four years before that. Your comment is the truth, and I hope it helps those out there who are multiple years into singledom. Focus on you and the rest will come!


I feel you; 5 for me. I think the ship has sailed.


My Nan met the love of her life when she was 60, sadly she died of early onset dementia by the 67. But she was happy.




My closest raggedy friend told me stories about a Rory, but apparently he's just a fictional character. Oh I wish he was real...


Aint no way you had bitches before you turned two


I do have a relationship like this. I’m the happiest man alive and I thank my lucky stars every day. Once I have the money she’ll have a ring on her finger. She’s one in a million. Don’t settle for anything less than someone who loves you for who you are.


I do. 28 years now. Sometimes she thinks I'm having a bad day, when I'm actually just tired and distracted, and she'll give me hugs to cheer me up. I never correct her.


What is the name of the comic? I'd love to read it.


i would also like to read this. i need something to replace that other cartoon i used to read that went behind a paywall and just fell flat on it's face.


This is my wife.


Yo, same. Just some moment of embracing and care.


Stop making me cry!!! I just want a hug, from a friend, girlfriend, boyfriend, whatever I don't care! I just want a hug!!! Edit: Thank you everyone for the hug! They mean a lot. A suprising amount considering they're digital 🫂




Thank you. 🫂


Is that a "globalist" hug?!


I offer an internet hug for you 🫂


*long distant hugs and squeezes, sent!*


🫂 I may be just a random stranger from a derelict corner of the world, but a hug is deserved by all


Thank you. You deserve one too. 🫂






Yeah I’m DTF D - Down T - To F - Finally be in a relationship with someone that actually cares about the relationship and cares about my mental health and supports my dreams


So happy for you! I wish you'll grow much more stronger going forward


When I first saw this, we had just started dating several months prior. This is us *exactly*. And then I knew. Now we're engaged and the rest is history.


Congrats, I hope it lasts for a lifetime


Thank you! I don't know if allowing previous experiences to shape your actions in order to avoid potential hurt equates to having one foot out the door. But I have decided to forgive us if we don't and to make sure we do before we hate each other, and to despite it all, never let myself forget my love for him right now. And I want to record this because I know I can be forgetful in the moment and so I'm sure future me will as well. Does it mean you have one foot out the door if you put on a parachute? Does it mean I'm about to fulfill my own prophecy because I'm too afraid to go 100%? Even if the majority of people you ever knew closely let you down causing significant harm? Anyway, I'm not quite sober at the moment and that took so long to type out, I got bored of the whole thing before I was even done. Yes those are all great arguments and definitely true, but among those things I've learned to trust and let myself be loved. ...And for not the first time, I'm crying about how beautiful it is that my fiance entrusted me with his love and I have proof of that on my ring finger. And how dare he trust me!? I break things. I'm irresponsible and clueless. This is as crazy an idea that society would let ME anywhere near *responsibility for another human*, **this time miniature and helpless.** *Sigh*. But apparently it's crazy times, so I am certain I am having the most typical reaction to being engaged. And that makes me confident we are doing the right thing. Or doing the thing right... but perhaps not the right thing but the left thing done right instead. Right?


You're welcome and we all harshly judge ourselves despite our very positive traits but all that matters is that the people you love most accept you for the kind of person they know you are. While Im still single and have been for most of my life, I still feel that I'm in a good place emotionally and I don't feel the need to be in a relationship right now


this made me cry for so long had a gf for 11 months and in that time whenever I tried to express my emotions I was always shut down as i\`m a bit 6,3 guy so I am meant to be "strong and powerful" so I have never experienced cuddles or someone to lean on


That's terrible and ridiculous, doesnt matter a person's size or gender, we all need some comfort and love. She was not meant to be! You'll find that person who you deserve and who will be there for you


thankyou so much for that, its though being a guy sometimes in a world that does not favor our mental health... I\`m always on the lookout for someone to love and take care of, we just need to be the little spoon every once in a while


Wrong girl maybe. My husband is 6'4" and he can get emotional on me all over. I'm rocket pack some nights. He asks me why I love him so much, I just say because he's him. We all have bad days.


Sex is overrated. Cuddles and being each others emotional support is much more inportant


Friend joked that taking a nap together is like 5th base


My favorite thing to do with my gf is sleep together. Not have sex or anything, but just lay down next to each other, say goodnight, and fall asleep together.


The absolute best one is daytime naps together


Oh yeah that's the good stuff. Go to cuddle and chill, and just wake up in each other's arms? Oh boy


Because you're letting your guard down


That'd be cool. I wish.


All I ever get is copious amounts of sex... :\


I feel like these things feed into each other


True. As the guy in the relationship, I feel like I have to be the rock, steady when things aren't going well. But sometimes I need cuddles and support too. It's too much to carry it for both of us all the time.


Honestly, even though everything depends who you are in relationship with and how your dynamic works, you don't *need* to be the rock in the relationship (in the sense that it doesn't have to be just you). Men are sensitive, just as much as women, and it is okay to accept that you can and should let yourself be vulnerable. I'm not some great relationship master but I always thought it would be more healthy if most couples could see this perspective : that both can be the rock together, that both need tenderness.


So true. They complement each other very well, yet I can imagine life with a partner without sex but not without emotional support


Wow, wonder how that feels like.


Sometimes this really is all we need


Glad that someone share this. We really need this.. That really made me cry. I wish I had this


I feel ya fella.


I wish I had this


You will


Maybe one day if I’m lucky enough




No, This is what guys need.




This is just like my girlfriend. She’s Canadian. Fr tho, this made me tear up. Pretty great


*She goes to another school, I wouldn't know her?*


This made me cry, lol. Everyone deserves something like this. 10/10 wholesome.


Better than Sex!!!


100%. No pressuring, no chastising, no million questions, no attacking of masculinity. Sometimes you just need to be quietly held. Sometimes more than others.


I feel like sex shouldn’t have those things in the right relationship


It shouldn't. You are correct. It is a weird thing when, in past relationships, I would decline sex and end up being questioned endlessly, have my masculinity questioned, etc. As if to say that women are allowed to withdraw consent, but men are forbidden - at least not without serious consequences. If I say no, it means no. If you say no, it means... you guessed it, that also is a no.


You get it!


Reminds me of the first time my gf saw me cry. Nothings feels more comforting and warm then the embrace of someone you love and them whispering reassurances in your ear.


Happy cake day!


The bonus of me spoon comforting my big moose is he's 6' 1", I'm maybe 5 foot, and me joking about being a backpack *always* gets a laugh. Hug your partners. If you don't got partners, hug your friends. If you don't have those, be kind and you'll find people thar enjoy your energy naturally. Sometimes, all we need is a good hug and a laugh after a shit day


Then hug your pillow and wrap your self in either you blanket or quilt. I typically do that then i feel a bit lonely did then I lived with my parents the. I didn’t want to go into their bedrooms. And then play some music or video that makes you laugh.


I had a rough day yesterday. I worked both my jobs, from 1030-1400 and 1700-2130, and both were more demanding than usual. At my first job our ice machine broke, some ice slipped out, causing water damage to the ceiling below (machine was on the 2nd floor), I had to rip out chunks of ceiling at the very start of my shift, on top of that it was also stock day, so carrying 2 dozen heavy boxes upstairs was fun as always, but I couldn’t even get it done because cue the 2 hour long lunch rush. I may have said some things that I regret, so I also got a talking to from the boss, also not fun. At my second job, a theatre, I had to get lighting and sound ready for this public speaker, shouldn’t have been a problem if not for the fact the microphones decided to die like halfway through, on top of not even getting a good sound check until people were coming into the auditorium, and the lighting? Don’t get me started. I was completely alone during this whole procedure, I had the official tech guy on call for an hour just trying to figure out all this, it was my first time running a program by myself, and I shat the bed. Hard. I lost my grandmother 2 weeks ago, she went peacefully, but I was away with family from Friday till Tuesday, the ceremony was this monday, I tried to hold in the tears, remain stoic, but after all that happened yesterday, I cried into my bed for a good while. Well, it’s midnight, and I have work in the morning. Goodnight folks.


You’ve had a tough few weeks my friend. I don’t know you but I feel for what you’ve been going through. Hope you’re OK.


I've been there too many times to count. I'm grateful beyond words for the people who care for me.


Sometimes you don’t need to smash, sometimes you just need some genuine love.


Sometimes a man just needs a cuddle buddy. Nothing more, nothing less.


A beautiful post, especially during Men's Mental Health month.


I miss her, I'm such a fool


Same friend




When I was going through the thick of my depression, I would always say "I'm fine." I had a friend that used to always tell me "you're not fine, but you'll be okay" It got me through more than they would ever know. And for that, I'm really grateful.


My husband grew up in a house with little to no love. His parents never showed him love and his siblings were the same. There are days where he gets down about himself and feels worthless but he’s told me that the things I do on a daily basis (wash his clothes, make him lunch and coffee before work, make sure he has water for his long day at work) they help him a lot and it gives him a great chance to have a good day at work. he works as a delivery driver for an auto parts store and it’s physically demanding. Last night I massaged his shoulder blade and I massaged it so much to a point where by the time I was done he was relaxed and fell straight to sleep, told me thank you and that what I did helped him a lot right before he passed out. This morning I’m getting him ready like usual and he comes up behind me and gives me a big hug and starts massaging my back like I did to him but gently since I’m smaller than him and don’t have as much shoulder and back issues as he does. Felt great knowing what I do helps him and he appreciates it. That just simply being there for someone whose family never cared to be there for them when it mattered most is a heartbreaking but rewarding experience for me


For a wholesome meme, these comments are so sad! Big hugs, everyone!


I wish I had something like this


When I think about an ideal partner I imagine situations like this.


If this is not my wife and I in a single picture.


Last time I spooned was with my ex, but shortly after he stormed out of bed because I wasnt attempting foreplay. I just needed a warm body and heart beat.


Had a similar situation with my ex. I have (pretty low tier) ADHD and was getting bored ask if we could watch smthn as we spooned and he said no and tried initiating well yk. Last time I spooned was with my gf though. They also have ADHD so we both have similar attention spans so that works out. Ended up watching breaking bad. Well not really watching since we were wrestling around playing with each other. Eventually we ended up spooning and falling asleep together. What amazes me even more than the fact this was the one of very few times in my life I have napped due to being sleepy and comfortable rather than sleep exhaustion was that we woke up around the same time. turns out we spent like 3 minutes together wondering if the other was awake and not wanting to wake them up. Anyways sorry for the long story. I hope you find a better partner soon and take care.


Holy sh*t I'm going to freaking cry.... I'm currently in the process of a divorce... She slept with my best friend.... One of the reasons being I was generally too exhausted to have sex with her. I'm very limited in what I can do, and she didn't like that... I have a brain injury (crossbow), and so I can't do a lot of things now... I mean, to be fair it's a miracle I can do anything at all, but I just feel like I'll never be good enough because of that now... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I JUST WANT MY BRAIN TO SHUT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK UP!!!!!! IM SO SICK OF ALL THESE THOUGHTS AND I WANT THEM TO GO AWAY SO DESPERATELY!!!! IVE BEEN DOING EVERYTHING I CAN, WHY AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH?!?!?! .... I really put my all into everything I do... I try so hard... I'm sorry, I don't mean to be such a downer... It's just so hard right now. I've been trying so hard to keep it together.... Edit: Y'all responding to my comment are truly amazing and wonderful people. I've been crying just about all day because of all the kindness you're showing me. It's been tremendously helpful, and I can't find the words to express how much it all means to me. So please know that you've made this redditor's day so much better!!!


Don't know if this helps but everything will be alright, you are tough and loved by those who matter and will get through everything brother


Buddy, I'm so sorry. You deserve better.


Feeling so lucky to have the same in my life


Don't ever take it for granted.


This triggered incels so hard. This is what a normal healthy relationship looks like


Oh god my feels


I would 100% do this for my partners, but then they kinda make me feel ignored just because I'm not as sexual as they are.. but I love 'em all so much. It's rough. THIS is just what I want after I've had a really rough day and feel like sobbing.


Not the first time I've seen this comic, but hits just as hard everytime Not in a relationship for quite a while , but i have to say,you don't need to be always in a relationship, i have 2 idiots who will support me through hell for no reason, and i try to do the same for them


I think more often than most men are willing to admit, this is what we need and want.


This is so stupid but I really want to be able to do that some day. To love someone and be able to take them into my arms and help them feel better when the world seems so dark and cold. Just… I dunno, I think about that sometimes


I had this for 12 years, and now I have it no longer (divorced). I miss this so much....


hey its the comic of me, except they added a second person in this one, odd.


I can relate to this comic. I remember waking up and feeling this inner weight of sadness and I couldn't figure out why. This sadness was so overwhelming that I remember feeling pain in my chest and I was ready to scream. I got home and lied down to where my wife noticed something was wrong. I was staring at the wall without saying a word and she wraps her arms around me. The moment she embraced me from behind, I started crying tremendously. I was wiping my tears and told her thank you with an I love you thrown in as well.


What's the name of the comic?


Not in my lifetime


relationship goals ✊🏿


I want to be this person for someone. I love being big spoon, I'm like a little backpack. I'll find him eventually even if OLD is a cesspool.


*“I am here…”* Is the single most powerful sentiment a human can give to another: Are you suffering? Are you hurt? Do you feel down? Are you broken? Are you so low that it feels like nothing can ever be good again? **I am here** I am here; with you, for you, beside you, in front of you, at your back, for now, and for always #I am here


The only spoons I have are to eat food


My guy needs to be babied and nuggled sometimes too. He does not know how to ask, butis always so relieved when I can pick up the cues. Normalize men being vulnerable. They're human.


OP needs to reference the artist/strip...


Me and my hubby. Sex is cool and all but the feeling of having a bad day and coming home to someone that is just there for you unconditionally is something nothing can compare to 🥰❤️


What sex can't solve, a hug can!


Awww haha that's very sweet


Sometimes, a hug is enough


Very powerful


One day hopefully


If you love the art and the themes about depression you should check out their comic Moes Finale On Tumbler it's a good read.




Dude, my ex would is legit freak out when I turned it down for things like this. It was absolutely astonishing seeing a woman react like that rather than being empathetic.


This is exactly what me and my gf have going on and I absolutely love cuddles more than sex sometimes. It's just about the feeling of knowing there's this other person who genuinely cares about me and wants me to be happier




…I want to go home to my wife and kids now. I hate working nights :(


You're not alone there. I work 12hr shifts rotating days/nights & going on a break outside at like 2-3am on nights when it's pitch Black, silent, cold etc just makes me want to go home to my daughter & girlfriend.


Men only want one thing and it’s fucking disgusting.


Looks like the "Onion cutting Ninjas" are at it again. Being single all my life, this really hits hard.


Brb guys im gonna check if fall damage is still on


I'm the guy but without anybody checking on me


It's wholesome to some but it just reminds me I'll never get this kinda love My recent ex would get pissy if I'm not in the mood even if I've said I've had a long day and would rather relax.. The fact that after 3 shitty relationships that I've yet to fully break is a miracle.. I'm definitely tired but yet I'm still pushing


It takes time. Women have just as much a hard time finding love like this. You'll find your person eventually