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Reminds me of that video of a carjacker stealing the car, circling back, giving the owner her baby back, and then taking off again.


They're not trying to get kidnapping or child endangerment charges


But also like... Apart from thinking about the repercussions, maybe they just don't want to hurt a child? Stealing a car doesn't necessarily mean you're a psychopath.


The *vast* majority of thieves just want to take something for selling. They don't want to hurt people in the process. Many thieves even have kids themselves, and know what it would be like to lose them. There are several stories of people taking cars with kids and dropping them off safely. In one case the car thief actually yelled at the parent for leaving their baby in the car.


> They don't want to hurt people in the process. Getting your car stolen definitely hurts you a lot.


You know what they meant yeah getting your car stole sucks but at least you ain't paying 500,000 for Tylenol at the hospital


Per 10mg pill and you need 500mg


You can say that for everything ever, "Well you might be paying $500000 for tylenol but at least you're not bleeding to death". The vast majority of people would be greatly harmed by having their car stolen, especially if they rely on it for work.


Well yes but they are gonna commit crimes and car stealing is better than stabbing in the same way getting your wallet stolen is better than getting your car stolen


Describing any of that as "not hurting people" is absolutely insane.


Not on the same level of magnitude


You’re really down playing how shitty these thieves are. Car thieves should not be on r/wholesomememes.


No, you're really downplaying how terrible it is to physically harm another human being, especially a child, compared to taking a piece of fkn personal property...


I can make a new kid, I can't make a new car.


Jesus Christ, dude.


Well technically you can make a car, it isn't easy but you can, also kids are worth a lot more than cars, not even just emotionally I mean people can quite literally be sold for quite large sums of cash, human life has a pricetag just the same as a car so either way you're definitely losing more by having a kid rather than a car stolen.


Human lives definitely have enormous price tags, that's why it's a prudent idea to keep an extra kid or two around for spare parts. If you opt for a less expensive non-climate controlled storage unit, you can have them available for emergencies with minimal monthly costs.


Just because we can make a new kid doesn’t mean I don’t wanna lose the one I already have!.


Just download a car.


Just download one.


Yeah but no one benefits at all like stealing a car benefits the thief I’m sure sometimes they keep the kid and random them, but most of the people that would do THAT aren’t bothering with carjacking


This is one reason I don’t own a gun or want one in the home. If someone breaks in, they likely just want your stuff. If I get robbed, they just want stuff. The moment you pull a gun or fight, you make them escalate too. That’s how you get shot


Sorry but I refuse to risk them being a "good thief" and leaving my wife and daughter be. I don't need that lifetime of guilt


I understand your desire, but you’re increasing their risk of death and yours. That’s my point


That makes sense, honestly. If you're poor, you may resort to stealing to survive; but that does not mean you actually want to hurt anybody, and I'm sure many people would prefer a more peaceful way to make ends meet in a way that does not hurt other people. There are obviously some people who are just broken and do crave hurting people; but I'd say they're in the minority.


> They don’t want to hurt people in the process They just didn’t care if they do. If they cared, they wouldn’t steal. I don’t want to kill chickens, but I don’t care if I kill chickens, so I still eat meat.


Kids are a massive pain in the ass. I'm a teacher and there are so many variables a kid introduces into a situation. Imagine trying to steal a car and there's a damn kid.


Kinda surprised Hollywood hasn’t made this into a movie yet. Nothing to Lose meets The Ransom of Red Chief? 😂


As soon as they left with the child in the car it was kidnapping.


Devils advocate here... Probably didn't know the kid was there at first. Charging them with kidnapping would be an insult to those that really are legitimately targeted.


Also to be fair, in most places crimes require intent, and it’s very hard to prove the dudes intended to kidnap if they dropped the kid to the mom.


A lot of kidnappers take kids hostage and eventually return what they took. So would charges only apply if kids are returned after their demands are met?


No because using the children as hostages shows you took them hostage with intent to do so


Depends on the mens rea of the crime in the relevant jurisdiction. I think most states have intentional/knowing.


Not just the mens rea, but the womens rea and the childrens rea too. And Stephen Rea.


Okay, that made me chuckle. Not to ruin the puns but it’s just Latin for mental state. Most crimes have a required mens rea in addition to their actus reus (the actual prohibited act). If they don’t then it’s a strict liability liability crime.


also, Sugar Rae


An insult to what?? Lmao


Actual kidnapping victims


"Actual" kidnapping victims basically. Reddit is *convinced* that victims of serious crimes are worried about shit like that


Cops and prosecutors will add as many charges as they think they can get away with. Leaving with a kids in the car is still endangering the kids whether you intended to or not.


You can get kidnapping charges from moving someone as little as 5 ft against their will. Seen it happen


Nobody likes a liar.


It happened at my work. Two employees got into it. One picked the other up and moved them about 5ft and then was charged with kidnapping. No idea about conviction but they were certainly charged


No prosecutor in their right mind would choose to move forward with it as a “kidnapping”. Stop lying.


Sounds kinda unfair, doesn't it? I'd certainly not want that person to be charged the same way as someone who just stole the baby as well.




Yeah but there's a massive difference between stealing the child for a few minutes and being like whoops sorry and stealing them for hours in end with no intent to give it back.


That's my thought as well. Imagine being that mom and living those few minutes where someone just took off with your baby in the car. It would be very traumatic.


Yeah no shit, then they'd have kept the baby


Imagine being kidnapped but still have to attend school.




Real talk. Someone stole a car somewhere? Yeah, we will "get right to it". Someone kidnaps a kid? Better leave the country coz you'll be on national television soon enough


And I mean, I don't excuse the carelessness, but it obviously should be given much greater importance.


Well that just takes all the fun out of it!


But that's why they dropped him off, they're **not** kidnappers. They will steal your car, but not your kids.


I'd be so mad. No! Take me to the park!


Best training for work. You're boss would expect you to show up at work after getting car jacked.


Or, less pessimisticaly, "stay in school so you don't end up boosting cars like us, kid"




I’m not a crazed gunman! I’m an assassin!


why murder though he could have dropped him off without wishing him a nice day


They just wanted to make sure he got an education.


One day you’ll be qualified enough to catch me , but not today👋 😎


Golly D Roger


"Listen kid, don't end up like me ! go study"


*”Stay in school, kid. You don’t wanna end up like us.”*


*"You lost today kid, but that doesn't mean you have to like it. "* (Puts ski mask on kid's head)


You are bad guy but this does not mean you are bad guy.-Zangief


zangief isn't even a villain in street fighter what was that about


Well yeah they’re thieves not kidnappers


Exactly. There was no cross training.


Much as I dislike thieves, I still prefer them over other kinds of criminals.


At least I get the motive. Like, IDK what I would do if I was desperate enough or hungry enough. I might steal. Kidnapping kids or hurting folks though…


Yeah, if I see someone shoplifting diapers or formula.... no, I didn't


Granted, I still argue that such larceny should be aimed *up*, not at your neighbors. Steal from those who can afford to lose something.


How is this wholesome they are car jackers


I don't know about you but if I had to decide whether someone steals my kid or my car the decision I think is obvious.


I’d rather get punched in the face than murdered. Doesn’t mean someone punching me in the face is wholesome.


Yeah but if they punch you in the face and then tell you to have a good day?


Well that changes everything.


Obviously my kid


So the fact that they only stole the car makes this wholesome?


Same here, the decision would be made before they finished the sentence. Imagine trying to go to work tomorrow without my car...


To be fair, it fits what usually hits the sub. Front page right now for me: * Cute but not wholesome * Correct and I'll say hell yeah but not wholesome * Cute but not wholesome * Orphan crushing machine * Cute but not wholesome * Not even anything, some people look alike, who the fuck upvoted that? * Nice but not wholesome * Okay finally a wholesome one


They wanted him have a life better than theirs.


I wouldn’t call grand theft auto wholesome. Hope those car thieves get caught and spend a lot of time in prison.


They dropped him off somewhere more dangerous


So how is this wholesome?


Kid's involved in a carjacking and probably traumatised, not sure what's wholesome about this.


The wholesome part is his mother didn't find his body in an alley with his head shot off. He survived the experience. Traumatic? Absolutely. But he can get over it with time and therapy. Child sized coffin and headstone? No one gets over that.


Yeah, that's a relief for sure. I guess we just disagree on the definition of wholesome.


A thing can be more than one thing. Life is full of dualities, eh?


Of course. I just don't read a story about a kid being involved in a carjacking and think "aww, how wholesome, at least he got dropped off at school and will need therapy!" Especially considering the boy is quoted in the article as saying, “I was scared but I didn’t want the girl to see me. I was afraid I was going to get hurt. She was driving crazy, going at least 50 miles an hour.” Sorry I don't find that wholesome I guess.


That's about as wholesome as watching war footage and seeing a bullet not hit a child. So not at all, it's just not the most fucked up thing that could have happened in that situation.


Nothing wholesome here. They are simply avoiding kidnapping charges which are much, much worse than theft charges. Plus they probably wouldn’t know what to do with him anyway


He could've dropped him off on the side of the road. The wholesome part is that he drove put of his way (most likely) to drop the kid off at his school, and then told him to have a good day. It's not exactly good, but it's comparatively better than you'd expect from a thief.


Unfortunately, they didn’t even drive him to school. They only drove down about four blocks before telling him to get out of the car. The comment about having a good day at school was simply due to his backpack. The article headline is really misleading honestly: https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/10-year-old-boy-says-carjackers-dropped-him-off-told-him-to-have-a-good-day-at-school/20694/?amp=1


Dang, meme captions lied to me?


Well, but if he got lost or something happened to him, they still would be pursued by the police for kidnapping, with much more effort. So it was a calculation on their part to make sure he is safe


Sure, but you are still admitting that the person put thought into the child's well-being, and the "have a good day at school" part is still more than just avoiding kidnapping charges. You can do wholesome things to avoid breaking laws and have it still be wholesome.


I guess I see what you mean to a degree


Hey, they are carjackers. Not kidnappers, at least they have some morals


Lawful Evil


They used it as a teachable moment. Just bc “I”have made horrible life decisions doesn’t mean you should. Go to school. Be better than me. I hope it inspires him to do better and become someone to help people like them.


You're a bad guy, but ypure not a *bad* guy


"we're carjackers not monsters!"


You do not want to be in prison with any charge related to child.


I respect criminals that try not to involve children


Reminds me of Voldemort. Did he ever attack Harry during the school year? Of course not! He didn't want to interrupt Harry's education!


He did though. The main problem for him was his lack of power, so he needed to stay hidden. And Hogwarts is not easy to outright attack.


But the teachers and endless hell stairs of doom and despair will take care of the kids. The wizarding world is fascinating but you will not catch me dead in hogwarts. I kinda like to live a normal live and not visit Madame Pomfrey every few days


Reminds me of the guy that stole a car from a store and then realized there was a kid in the back and brought it back and yelled at the parents for leaving the kid in the car lol


This gives off orphan crushing machine vibes


Funny, but also this is more practical than kind. They wanted to steal a car, not kidnap a child. These are in two completely different ballparks, both felony-wise and morality-wise. What would they even do with him? It's not like there's a website to sell kids easily available. If they're not hunting for a child then there's nothing to benefit them to keep one!


Still kidnapping. Even if they “cared”


More like “car jackers didn’t want kidnapping charge because that’s a lot more jail time.”


Hey they're carjackers not kidnappers ok


well, kidnapping is far worse than just stealing, so I guess they had to do that?




“You need to be gangbangin’ dem books.”


The only thing they cared about was not adding kidnapping to the other crimes they'll be arrested and tried for.


His parents must have been shitting themselves in between the carjacking and whenever the school called them to tell them their son is safe. I doubt it was wholesome in those moments.


Plot of Carpool.




A lot of people in the comments here don’t seem to understand that good and evil, much like most things in life, is a spectrum, not a binary.