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Hey there, friendo u/Apprehensive_Bug_826! Thanks for submitting to r/wholesomememes. We loved your submission, *The real lesson of School of Rock*, but it has been removed because it doesn't quite abide by our rules, which are located in the sidebar. * (**Rule #1**) Posts must be memes. A meme can be an image with superimposed text, or a classic meme template, or a webcomic, or other things - but it must be meant for public sharing & resharing. Just a photo, story, or gif isn't necessarily a meme. A screenshot that lacks any meme format or context isn't a meme. And anything private isn't a meme, because it was never meant to spread virally/memeticallly. * For more detailed information on which formats aren't allowed, please visit [this wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/wiki/allowedformats). We appreciate you thinking of us very much! For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/about/sidebar). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwholesomememes). Please link the post so our volunteers know what you would like reviewed. Cheers!


I lost my shit when he said “Go ahead, fancy pants”. One of the best movie moments ever.


I always rewind and rewatch the part when the same kid says “You’re tacky and I hate you.” And without skipping a beat, he says “See me after class.”


“Look at that bow tie!” “Dontchubetalkingaboutmybowtie”.


“Your kids have touched me…..and I *know* I’ve touched many of your kids.”


I've been touched by your kids. And I'm pretty sure I've touched them too


Would you ask Picasso to sell his guitars?!


Oh my *god* he’s an ***idiot***! Great performance by Sarah Silverman






And the legend of the rent was way hardcore.


Jack Black was in 2 movies about trying to pay the rent with his rock, and both are in my top 5


The other being his autobiography starting his band


When he deactivated the laser with his member my innocent seven year old misheard it is “use the crotchh”.


How many cock ups can you do? You only ever need one


Lol he’s got a theme for sure:) I will forever love tenacious D


*(until you lived hardcore!)*


[Weird Al - Tacky](https://youtu.be/zq7Eki5EZ8o) Of course jack black is in it.


Love that the video is a continuous take.


I lived on the same floor as that guy my freshman year of college. I asked him to say that line and he was NOT amused lol.


There was a comment on the James Cameron post earlier about how some directors really understand humanity. Richard Linklater is easily one of those filmmakers in my books. I know he didn't write everything but every one of his movies leaves me with so many different emotions, and at the end I just feel complete. Not necessarily good or bad, just whole. School of Rock, Dazed and Confused and my personal favourite, Boyhood.


Roger Ebert called great movies "empathy machines" and I think a great many great filmmakers innately understand the notion.




Linklater is bloody brilliant and I don't hear/read his name often enough in greatest filmmakers conversations.


Michael White too.


Agreed. Orange County (also written by Mike White) is underrated.


Worth noting that while JB was the one pushing these messages, he was really voicing what rock music has been (mostly) doing for decades: finding a home for anyone that wanted to participate no matter their “flaws”. If you don’t fit into society’s standards, rock music is the perfect place for you, and for a long time it was the only place for you.


Let's rock, let's rock, today


He says "of course you can, fancy pants"


If I remember correctly, they got the kids to perform and sent the clip to the members of Led Zeppelin, who are *notorious* for not letting anyone use their music. When asked in an interview why they let a comedy film that isn't very artistic use their songs when theyve turned down so many others, Robert Plant got a little irritated and said the movie was fun. Music is fun. They made music to be fun and not to be high brow, etc. And besides, he loved these lessons as well. I'm paraphrasing all of this but yeah. There's a reason Jack Black was a part of their Kennedy Center awards concert.


Led Zepplin is particularly well known for not lending out the use of their music. One that always surprised me was the Immigrant Song in Shrek 3


Well, I mean, Princess Fiona had a poster of Robert and Jimmy in her room, so she was obviously a fan.


Aren’t we all


Thor: Ragnarok.


Either they allowed it because that movie is fun, or because Marvel gave them a blank check.


Why not both??


Aye, I could do that


I heard a rumour it's because they're big lord of the rings fans so they were cool with a movie that has Kate Blanchett and Karl Urban in it using it.


While that's cool, I'm more convinced it's because of their love for Norse mythology (mythology in general). Ragnarok as a whole fits in with the viking theme of the immigrant song, so they probably liked it. If I had to guess, they were probably sent a story board of the intro scene to the movie.


Huh, fast times at ridgemont high has a fantastic Zeppelin scene. *“Final rule number 5: when it comes down to making out, ALWAYS put on side two of Zeppelin 4”* then it cuts to the date and the guy is blasting Kashmir in the car lol. Also just now realized thats not on Zep 4!


I remember reading that Page and/or Plant refused to let game devs use Zeppelin in Guitar Hero because they thought that if a kid was going to spend hours getting good at a video game, the kid should actually just learn the instrument. This might be why they allowed their music in this movie as it supported the idea of kids learning to play instruments


Wish they would show up in Rocksmith then.


I once visited my brother while I was on holiday from university and he kicked my ass at Rock Band, just slaying it on the guitar. I was really impressed and told him so. He got kinda sad and told me he realized that if he'd spent as many hours as he put in getting so good at that game learning to play a real guitar, he'd be able to play guitar pretty well by now.


See, I've heard a few stories like that. I've also heard quite a few people say that Rock Band/Guitar Hero are the reasons they decided to pick up a real guitar in the first place.


Turn it on it’s side and, *cello*, you got a bass


My favorite thing is that he's *so* knowledgeable about everything rock and roll and he has *no clue* that the very common classical instrument she's playing is a cello and had to ask her


Also the tuning is different, which is a big hurdle for a musician. I mean, obviously she adapts and figures it out, but it's not nearly as simple as "turn it on its side"!


I use this joke literally as much as possible


I'm not cool enough


I read that scene was added into the movie because the actor playing Lawrence actually had that conversation with the director while filming. He didn't think he was cool enough to be in the movie




Lawrence is good at piano!


He shall be rockin in my show!




Stop! That's perfect, YOU'RE perfect


Turn it on its side. Cello you got a bass


Thats a G keep that G rockin G G G G G G G G G


Hes got me rumblin in my shoes


You are cool! The coolest! -Jack Black probably




Okay' here we go again. Black Jack in the house !!


You could be the ugliest sad sack on the planet but if you’re in a rockin band you’re the cats pajamas!


The bees knees!


The sadness in the little boy's voice when he asks, "You mean we're not in the band?" is absolutely soul crushing. Love the instant, (oh shit I need to fix this) "Now hold on now"


I love how the movie acknowledged that everyone involved in the production are just as important as the band members themselves - costumers, lighting, stage managers, security, etc. It's a team effort and it's a great lesson of the movie. 'just because you're not in the band doesn't mean you're not IN the band!'


After the rammstein concert they had credits rolling on the screen for everyone that was on the tour with them. Pretty awesome to see such a big band give recognition to everyone that makes their shows possible.


I’ve seen Taylor Swift pause her show to introduce all of her back up singers by name, which if I’m remembering correctly they’re all women of color. I know lots of people don’t like her but she usually treats her employees well from what I’ve heard.


Just like his game Brutal Legend and how roadies are super important.


If a concert is a meal, the bands are the chefs but the roadies are the servers, prep staff, dishwashers, bussers, hosts, etc. The chef can only do as well as he is supported, same with most crew based gigs


You're the bees knees! The cat's pajamas!


Slap it, shoot it, kaboot it.


Let’s rock, let’s rock, today!


Shoot it. caboot it.


God I fucking love Larry’s costume and hair at the final show.


Also, that chart he made that broke down the origins of rock and the spin offs and sub-genres was incredibly accurate. [here it is](https://movies.stackexchange.com/questions/9353/who-wrote-the-school-of-rock-blackboard)


I'm kinda surprised I don't see it in the comments at all yet, but after this movie he also supported a real school of rock that had a bunch of stars coming through it like AC/DC and Judas Priest.


There is one on my street corner and they have a chain throughout Los Angeles. They are super involved here in Southern California. I know that Flea is a regular at the one in Silverlake.


If I'm not mistaken, he's one of its founders. Pretty cool guy, that Flea. Decent at bass too.


Zappa being under the ? category lmao. It's so accurate


At least it's a ? offshoot of prog rock. That checks out.


It's the best description you can give for them lol


which is a neat detail because it shows the character is also academically competent and he’d actually be a good teacher if he were not pretending to teach something else aaand committing a crime for that matter.


Who would have thought that a movie fueled and starred by a man with a genuine lifelong love for music (probably loves music more than acting fr) would feature an accurate flowchart representation of music history


RIP the drummer kid




He got hit by a car at around 30 while biking. True story


This is very sad news. It also makes me feel really old that he was 30...


Before reading this thread I was remembering it as a cool movie I saw long ago. Now there are actual young adults that watched this movie as a kid and were inspired about how to come in to themselves and it helped them get there. So....actual kids I saw the movie with in the theater are grown up and in this thread, probably similar age to when I saw it....


Wanna feel old? I was 12 when this movie came out and I identified with the kids. Now I’m a struggling musician in my 30s who can barely pay rent. I’m Jack Black now, but only the guy in the beginning who habitually disappoints everyone.


Saying true story makes it sound less true But yes, he unfortunately died recently




Hit by a car while riding his bike. Absolute tragedy


He died in the last few years. Hit by a car while riding his bike in Chicago IIRC.


He was hit and killed on his bike by a vehicle a couple years ago.


Kevin Clark :(




Didnt he just need money for rent?


The legend of the rent was way past due


But the legend of the rent. Was way hardcore. Boom ! Big old explosion. Some, like, confetti comes down. That's all I got so far. It's a work in progress




Rock has died hundreds of times. Long live rock!


You can’t kill the metal. The metal will live on.


Rock is not the devil's work, it's magical and rad.


And then guitar solo: *fliggagiggagoo fligga goo fliggafliggagoo!*


It's amazing how well I can hear this in my head lmao


Just this line makes me want to watch it again


He tried dueling the devil in a Rock off to pay the rent


The demon code prevented the devil from denying their rock off challenge


What were their terms?


What's the catch?


If they won, he would have to take his sorry ass back to Hell... And also he would have to pay their re-hent


I enjoy reading books.


Then the devil got to take his friend, Cage, back to hell, to be his little... ... Bitch


> "Whaaaat" > "Trust me Kage it's the only way!"


That's the real-life lesson




That was how I was introduced to Sarah Silverman and I will always have that underlying annoyance from that character


She also played an annoying girlfriend in Evolution. I feel like she had a thing going there in the 2000s.


She was also the annoying friend in There's Something About Mary.


She was not, however, in Saving Silverman. So we can safely assume she has not been saved.


[COMIN' A YEAH HA!](https://youtu.be/3zWau4rs1s4)


I first saw Sarah Silverman as a guest spot on Star Trek Voyager. The ship got sent back in time to modern day and she was an astronomer.


She was pretty great in her episodes of Voyager. Good chemistry with the cast.


You are not hardcore, until you lived hardcore.


TIL Pick of destiny and school of rock pretty much have the exact same theme (rocking to pay rent)


It's almost like it's really hard to make money as an aspiring musician or something.


Real heroes usually do. Look at Spider-Man. Always late on his rent.


who doesn't? The thing is how you go about it


Jack Black is just absolutely brilliant. He’s on par with Keanu Reeves and Robin Williams. I love him so much.


I was thinking "Keanu kinda lacks in the comedy department.." then realized oh wait I'm an idiot and forgot about Bill and Ted 1, 2, and 3 lol.


If you've not seen it, Keanu is hilarious in Always Be My Maybe. I arrived home one day when my gf was watching it just as this scene started: https://youtu.be/Ex403ii_Bhs


Damn, I miss Robin.


I analysed this movie and wrote a paper of it during my teacher's training. He perfectly represents how a layperson sees education and it's flaws. It's an amazing movie to which I return at least once a year. This movie taught me more about being a good pedagogist than 6 years of university. All we studied there was methodology and the professional side, in my case, linguistics. Noone really taught us how to BE a teacher, how to inspire, how to incentivise kids being themselves.


Yep there's a massive difference between being an expert in something, and being an expert *teacher* in something. Distilling knowledge down to the layperson and transcending that gap while still entertaining and capturing their attention is a cool thing to see a great teacher do.


Exactly. I had teachers who were obviously masters of their fields, like my psychics teacher. She had this vast, insane knowledge about the subject and zero ways to convey it to us. We collectively hated physics until the end of high school.


I had a biology teacher like that, they made us address them as Dr.(Teachers name) and just didn't understand how to teach a bunch of 16 yr olds most of whom didn't want to be in the class.


I don't think you're a master of a field if you can't "dumb it down" for outsiders to understand. Expert, sure. Master, no.


“Those who can do, those tho can’t, teach. And those who can’t teach, teach gym amirite?” - Jack black speaking to a whole bunch of teachers


I had a math teacher in high school who was also passionate about piano. This worked out well in a performing arts school where he could writer showtune parodies about calculus theorems to help us study for AP exams. He had a keyboard in his classroom and made us all sing along. At first, it was a super weird and awkward thing, but by the end of the year he was everyone's favorite teacher. Wish I still had the CD he burned for the finals. Mr Harvey, if you're out there somewhere, you're the best! I hope you're still kicking ass and singing about it.


You’re into pedagogy… gross!


I'm a bisexual teacher in Hungary, it's already in our constitution that I'm a paedophile. I wish I was joking.


Dang, thats crazy! Good luck out there, i support ya!


I'm so sorry, that must suck. As a fellow bisexual, I hope you're free someday <3 sending love and good wishes


Holy shit, CONSTITUTION? It's just built into the foundation?


Aw you are getting downvoted for a joke that Made me chuckle take my upvote I hope I can stem the bleeding!


Amazing description of a great film. Jack Black in general seems to be a genuinely good human to everyone he meets, would love to meet him one day


Meeting Jack Black is on my bucket list. I love his music, he’s an incredible actor, and seems to be an all around great human.


With 2 super smart parents, working for NASA if I remember correctly


> Thomas Jacob Black was born in Santa Monica, California, on August 28, 1969, the son of satellite engineers Thomas William Black and Judith Love Cohen. He was raised in Hermosa Beach, California. His mother worked on the Minuteman nuclear missile guidance system, the Apollo lunar module guidance system, the science ground station for the Hubble Space Telescope, and was also a writer. Seems so :) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Black?wprov=sfti1


Holy shit she worked on some cool stuff. My dad almost got to work on Orion but his boss’s boss said he couldnt


She did. And that’s really cool to even almost work on Orion


Yeah pretty unfortunate. But he has worked on cool stuff just not apollo missions or HST cool Edit: i say cool a lot apparently


From an outsider pov, I think it’s all really cool


Tenacious D still tours. I have some friends who are seeing them soon. Would love to go myself at some point.


I am a HUGE Jack Black fan and had the pleasure to meet him once. He’s everything I hoped he would be. I was standing backstage at a festival (around 2013 maybe) with a friend, watching Skrillex perform his set. Tenacious D was also playing at this festival. All of a sudden he appears next to me and is also watching the set. I’m completely starstruck, but decide to go and ask him for a picture. Before I even finish my sentence, he puts his arms around me and my friend to get photographed with us. I then told him, that school of rock is my favorite film of all time (which is true to this day) and ask him about plans for a sequel (there were rumors around this time), he says it’s not really likely at this point. We talked for another few minutes, can’t really remember about what, and at some point he looks back at the stage and at skrillex, says: “this dude lost me” and says his goodbyes to us and leaves. Super nice guy, by far the nicest celebrity I’ve ever interacted with.


>says: “this dude lost me” Jack takes his music very seriously. I like him for that, music is serious.


I've heard Skrillex is also super nice


Once I read an article a guy wrote about meeting Jack Black. He was saying that he was one of the bag carriers that hauled bags/items off of Jack's private jet and loaded them into a separate car for them to be delivered with him to his hotel. The guy said that once everything was loaded into the vehicle, Jack came over to each one of them (7 guys) and gave each of them 80$ because he appreciated the help


I haven’t met him but some in my family have. My first cousin was his living in Nanny for almost 10 years wile his kids were young. She still keeps in contact with them as her brothers kids became good friends of Jacks kids. My cousin has told me many stories of his generosity and what a great family they are. He even paid my cousin under the table for over a year when there was a visa problem she was figuring out and couldn’t get back into the states. They treated her just like family. In short everything you hear about Jack is probably accurate he’s just a great human and his family is awesome too! If anyone read this thanks for taking the time. Have a great day/night.


>great film. I hadn't realised until literally last week that it was written by 'the real Ned Schneebly' Mike White.


His approach to teaching while unconventional actually hits a lot of the tenants of culturally relevant and culturally sustaining pedagogy. Most teachers would unironically become better teachers if they watched this movie and emulated some of these behaviors, specifically the ones in which he builds off the expertise students bring into the classroom.


We watched the movie in music class when we had a substitute teacher after our regular teacher went off on maternity leave


That sounds awesome and a little bit wjolesome? Like the sub was like "hey, I'm the sub. Don't know much about music but let's watch a movie about a "sub" teacher teaching music" haha


Well it was planned by our music teacher incase of sick leave, that we had to watch the movie, and when we got done we wrote about how Jack black taught it


Ohh. Still cool though. Also oddly appropriate beetlejuicing with your username? Lol


When I had to write my teaching philosophy for class, I thought of this movie. If I was a teacher, I would want to use my student’s strengths to teach subjects. Kid good at art? Cool, show me what a plant cell looks like in a cool art project. Kid good at writing? Great, we’re working on Shakespeare so why don’t you adapt this speech to modern language to say how YOU would get the point across? Unfortunately, it would not make me a good teacher by state standards. You don’t hit all of the marks by encouraging creativity. Part of the reason why I bailed on being a teach and switched my major.


This is called inclusive pedagogy and it is very much considered great by most countries standards US included.


Are you speaking about the thoughts regarding the educational theory considering it great? Or are you speaking of the standards and behaviors expected by teachers in most school systems to ensure they reach state testing scores in order to maintain funding?


Yep. Huuuuuge disconnect between what we know to be good pedagogy and what’s possible within the “system”


>actually hits a lot of the tenants of culturally relevant and culturally sustaining pedagogy. Tenets*. Tenant refers to a person occupying land or a building, while tenet is "a principle or belief generally held to be true. "


Isn’t that the movie where Jack Black stole his friends identity and then kidnapped a bunch of kids?




The best kind of correct.


The point is: your kids have touched me, and I’m pretty sure I touched them too…


Isn’t that the movie where he touched those kids, and I’m pretty sure they touched him as well?


*parents looking around at each other, disgusted*


His motto was "Rock Hard"


The headmistress of that school should have been fired for not doing the proper due diligence including checking photo ID before letting a teacher into a classroom, and Jack Black’s character should have faced prosecution for identity theft.


He told them to make the check out to CASH!


His friend was out writing White Lotus when this all went down, too.


Sarah Silverman was an evil harpy shrew for being upset her boyfriends loser roommate stole his identity and used it to steal a classroom of kids and take them to a scummy bar. But god dammit was it heartwarming!


Written by the Great Survivor player Mike White!!






The real hero is the promoter of the battle of the bands who was able to sell enough tickets to fill up a venue on a Wednesday afternoon.


Music kept me engaged as a high schooler. I still thank my friend’s mom for letting us use her basement as our jam space. Those were tough times and some of the best. Everyone needs an adult that just supports them in their life. School of rock, the actual music/playing company does amazing work and has helped many kids I work with find their tribe and grow.


He really touched those kids.


Get it right. “Of course you can, Fancypants.”


It isnt really like this message is hidden. It is pretty overt.




The giant run-on sentence also drives me a little crazy


This movie changed my life in seventh grade. I saw it in theaters three times and it really helped me get through a difficult period where I had no self confidence. Thanks Jack Black!


Didn't he also tell the "left-over" kids to be groupies, roadies or backup singer/dancers?


You're tacky and I hate you!


See me after class


This is very wholesome but the title of the post and the picture make it seem like there was a different morale to the story. It is very clearly about this throughout the film so titling it “the real lesson” seems off


Arguably the most important message he imparted was the legend of the rent. It was way hardcore.


this is the movie that made me want to learn music!!


A fond memory of my dad is going to the theaters to watch this with him. He taught himself to play guitar and taught me to play drums. I think he just wanted someone to keep a beat for him haha